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Tales Of The Heart

Tales Of The Heart

Dane Lee


Serena Montana is a career woman who's working as a signed writer for a big publishing company in Brisbane, Australia. She received a great news from her Boss that her manuscript was handpicked by a famous production company, and they will have a television adaptation of her novel. Since 50% of the scenes from the novel is back in Walnut Creek, a small countryside area where she grew up, she needs to go back their and relieve the past with her first love, Paolo. Can she successfully finish her work without leaving her heart in Walnut Creek?

Chapter 1 Happy Heart

Sydney, Australia.

Caldwell Publishing Office.

"Mornin', Serena!"

Serena looked up from her laptop and to greet her colleague back. She curiously frowned when she saw Nicky smiling from ear to ear, and there's something about her that seems a bit... Weird.

"Morning, Nicky. Wait, what's with that smile?" Serena asks, while observing her bestfriend-slash-co-worker.

Nicky averted her blue eyes away from Serena's gaze while acting so strange.

"Tell me... Is there something that I need to know?" Serena did a follow-up question.

Nicky bit her lip, and it was obvious that she is hiding something.

"Well, you see---!" Nicky wasn't able to finish her sentence when they heard a familiar voice behind them.

"I believe we're still in the middle of working hours, and I expect you to focus on your work, Miss Hughman." it was the CEO of Caldwell Publishing, Mrs. Rosie Caldwell.

Nicky's face became red like a steamed crab after they heard their Boss. Serena took the opportunity to cover up for her friend.

"Nicky was just asking for some opinions regarding her article, Boss. I apologize for the inconvenience." she made up an excuse to save her friend.

Serena saw Nicky who's giving her a secret smile, while looking relieved.

"Alright then. You should concentrate on your work. We have lots of things to do today." Boss Caldwell reminded them.

"Yes, Boss." Serena and Nicky said in unison.

Both of them went back to work, but Serena is planning to have a talk with Nicky later on.

She will have a talk with her bestfriend later. It's obvious that Nicky got some juicy news for her, and she wants to know more about it.

After a few moments, Serena suddenly received a call from the CEO's office.

"Hello, Boss?"

"Come to my office as soon as possible, Miss Montana. I need to talk to you about something important." Mrs. Caldwelll said it all in one breath, and Serena knew that it was something serious since her boss called her by her last name.

Their Boss is known for being close to her employees, and she calls them on a first name basis. However, if there's something wrong, their old Boss calls them by their surnames...

"Yes, Boss..." responded, while feeling nervous.

Serena closed her laptop and took out her pen and paper to write down all of their Boss's agenda for that closed meeting.

She's also thinking that maybe she did something wrong on her manuscript and the Boss will just reject it or she will ask for revision... There are many things that is going on her mind while she's making her way towards the CEO's Office.

After a few minutes, she is now standing by the door of the CEO's Office. Serena took a deep, calming breath, then afterwards, she knocked at the door twice.

"Come in." she heard Mrs.Caldwell's voice.

"Well, this is it." Serena whispered to herself.

She opens the door and enters the room.

She saw Mrs. Caldwell looking at her with a serious expression on her face.

"Please take a seat. I want you to calm down and listen to me carefully." the old woman seriously stated.

Serena's heart started beating faster after she heard her Boss' remark. She has this feeling that she's going to be fired. She just feels sad to leave the company because she loves working here, and she treats everyone like a family member...

“Miss Montana?”

Serena's train of thoughts stopped in a halt when she heard Mrs. Caldwell's voice again.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry..." Serena apologized. She took a seat as her legs trembles with extreme nervousness.

"Let's start with the meeting, then. Miss Montana, how long have you been working with us?" Mrs. Caldwell began.

"A-Almost six years now, Boss..." Serena answered, while stuttering.

Mrs. Caldwell leans back on her swivel chair, as she seriously stares at Serena.

"Hmm...That's right. You were still a fresh College graduate when you started working here." the old woman can still remember the old times.

"Y-yes, Boss." replied again.

"And do you really think that you have gained lots of experience in those six years of working with us?" Mrs. Caldwell questioned her again.

"I believe that I still have many things to learn, Mrs. Caldwell. I still have a long way to go." Serena enunciated.

"Well, I'm a little disappointed to hear that you're not that confident with your skills. But I have to tell you this big news..." Mrs. Caldwell faltered on her words.

Serena held her breath in suspense while waiting for her Boss to speak again.

"I'm going to be fired. I'm going to be fired. I'm going to be fired..."

"Unfortunately, you'll be doing lots of overtime work starting next week since you are going to be Assistant to the President!" Mrs. Caldwell happily announced, as her lips breaks out into a wide smile.

Serena instantly froze on her seat once she heard Mrs. Caldwell. She clearly heard what she said, but she still couldn't believe it.

"I-I apologize, Boss, but I don't understand..."

"Well, Nicky told me that you won't believe it a first, and she's definitely right. But you heard it. right, Serena. You are now promoted as an Assistant to the CEO!" Mrs. Caldwell announced again.

Serena's eyes widened in utter shock, and it took her a few seconds before she regains her composure.

"B-But why me? How about Nicky?"

"Nicky will be the Head of our Department. It means that all of the manuscripts and works will be assessed by her, and she'll do the approving process. So both of you are going to be promoted. Because of your talents, skills and dedication to the company, you deserve this promotion." Mrs. Caldwell happily explained.

"I can't believe this is happening to me!" Serena stated, while feeling overwhelmed with the news.

Mrs. Caldwell smiled at her.

"Then better believe it, dear."

"Thank you very much for trusting me, Mrs. Caldwell.

"But the good news doesn't end here, Serena, so you better brace yourself." Mrs. Caldwell spoke again.

Serena curiously frowned, as she waited for her Boss to speak again.

"The big bosses from a certain TV Network actually had a chance to read your script. And they wanted to turn your manuscript into a film project!"

Serena was at loss of words because she feels like she's floating in the air!

"I... I really don't know what to say, Mrs. Caldwell. This is just like a dream come true to me!"

"You deserved it. So, you should be ready tomorrow at the ABZ TV Network Building for our meeting, okay?" the old woman informs her.

When she heard the name of that television network, one person suddenly came into her mind.

"Mrs. Caldwell, does Liam Beckett has got something to do with this film project?" she suddenly asks her Boss.

Mrs. Caldwell shook her head as an answer.

"No, of course not. It's the President of the company's idea, not him."

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