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The Mafia Prince's Redemption

The Mafia Prince's Redemption

Dane Lee


Clarisse Marshall is a pretty and simple convenience store employee. She works hard for the money, and she has a pure and gentle heart, and she is more than willing to help anyone, and Michele Montserrat is just one of them. She saved Michele Montserrat's life, and as a result, the man fell inlove with her, fast and hard. Michele is a sweet, warm, kind and a gentle man, however, there's only one problem. He is the future "Godfather" of an organized mafia group which is called the "La Famiglia" which deals with drugs and weapons. Would she be able to set herself free from Michele's romantic pursuit towards her?

Chapter 1 Sweet Meets Spicy

Clarisse smiled at the customer after giving her the change for her purchased item.

"Thank you for coming by at Everyday Convenience Store, please come back again!" she said goodbye to the customer, with a smile.

When the lady customer finally left the store, Clarisse went to one of the shelves which is full of packed pastries. She checked the expiration date one by one and she started to put some breads on her plastic bag when she sees that it will expire three days from now. Clarisse suddenly stood up when she heard the door opens, which means that another customer walked in at their convenience store. She stood up, walk towards the cashier counter, and greeted the customer with a big smile.

"Welcome to Everyday Convenience St----!" Clarissa wasn't able to finish what she was about to say when the man suddenly collapses infront of her.

She was too shocked to move at first, but she was able to recover from her shock after a few seconds. She quickly went towards the man who was half-conscious.

"Sir, are you alright?" she asks the man.

The man just groaned in return, while his eyes are tightly closed.

Clarissa stared at the stranger. His face was white as a sheet. He is also sweating a lot, and he is shaking uncontrollably. Her eyes roamed around his body, as she tries her best to search for any clues about this man. She then saw a gold colored ID bracelet. She softly gasped when she found our that it was a medical ID bracelet, which has some important information, such as his medical condition. She found out that the man has a condition called hypoglycemia. She also read certain names of medicine, his allergies, and his emergency contact as well. As she is a fan of medical television dramas, she somehow knew about the first aid for hypoglycemia. She quickly went to the nearest candy shelf, got one big piece of candy, unwraps it, and places it inside the stranger's mouth. Afterwards, she started calling the ambulance.

"Hello, I would like to request an ambulance. There is a customer at our convenience store who suddenly collapsed, and based on his bracelet, he is suffering from hypoglycemia. Let me tell you our address..."

After Clarisse finished talking with the emergency operator, she quickly called the emergency contact that was engraved on the man's bracelet. She was able to talk to a man with a deep and scary voice, and she gave him the address of the convenience store. After making all the necessary calls, she puts back her attention again to the stranger. She heaved a sigh of relief when the she noticed that there's color on his face again, he's not that sweating as before, and his shaking movements finally stopped. It means that the candy somehow helped the man. The only thing that they need to do is to wait for the ambulance to come and to wait for his emergency contact to arrive as well.

Clarisse saw the stranger open his eyes, and he was saying something that she wasn't able to understand. She moved closer to the man as she tries to understand what he was saying.

"T-Thank you..." the man said in a whisper.

"You don't need to worry, Sir. The ambulance is coming soon. I've already called your emergency contact as well." Clarisse tries to reassure the stranger.

The man was about to say something more, but he wasn't able to do so because the paramedics already arrived, and everything just went so fast. The man was put in a stretcher, and at the same time, another man, who's about the same age just the the patient, suddenly followed behind the stretcher. Clarisse heaved a sigh of relief as she watches the ambulance car drive away. She pretty sure that the stranger is going to be alright. She then decided to go back to work and assist the customers who are now entering the convenience store...


Few days have passed since the incident. Clarisse is doing her job at the convenience store without encountering any problems. And just like what she usually do, she is now busy collecting all the food that are going to be expired three days from now. She plans to collect them all, as she is planning to being it to Sunshine Homes. It's an orphanage where she grew up. She's going to give all the food to the children there... She suddenly stops moving when he heard a serious, baritone voice behind her.

"Excuse me, Miss. Are you Clarisse Marshall?"

Clarisse wheeled around to see who was talking to her. She saw a certain man who's wearing sunglasses, and he is frowning at her. She can also see a medium-sized dragon tattoo on his neck, and he is wearing a dark suit at the middle of summer. She thought that this man looks weird, but he is still a customer.

"Yes, sir. How can I help you?" Clarisse politely asks the man.

Man: "My Boss is inviting you to have dinner with him this evening. He'll be extremely pleased if you say "yes."

Clarisse's eyes met in a frown after she heard this stranger who's standing infront of her. She doesn't have any idea what he's talking about. Who is this man's Boss? And why does he wants to have dinner with her?

"I'm sorry, there must be a misunderstanding here. I don't know who you are, and I don't know who's your Boss is." Clarisse stated.

"I'm sorry for the late introductions. I'm Johnny Croone, and my Boss' name is Michele Montserrat. You saved my Boss' life few days ago when he was suffering from a severe hypoglycemia." the man gallantly introduces himself.

Clarisse finally remembers the man that she helped few days ago. She can still clearly remember how bad his condition was, but good thing the ambulance just came on time. He can also remember the man standing before him, because she was the emergency person of the patient.

"Oh, right! I can still remember him! How is he now? Is he alright?" she finally remembers.

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