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Prophecies That Bind Us

Prophecies That Bind Us



Khloe Shelby is an eighteen year old high school student in a mixed school of vampires, werewolves, witches, and humans. Khloe is a human being that was brought up to be prim and proper in the midst of beasts. Prince Edmund Daggers—the vampire prince—is a wayward crown prince who goes rampaging on any warm neck and has been sent to Thornhill Academy to prove that he is now a changed person and can coexist with other creatures, humans specifically. This all goes down the drain when he comes in contact with fiery, proper, and stubborn Khloe Shelby. She irks him to the point that he is forced to go back to his old ways and make her bend to her knees. Khloe is not one to back down from a challenge and Edmund is her biggest challenge yet. But in this tale, Khloe is but a prey and Edmund is the predator. He is ready to hunt her down but will face trials and consequences along the way because not everything is as they seem.

Chapter 1 One


"I think this whole 'the Prince is a changed person' thing is a facade. It's all part of their whole evil bloodsuckers' plot. I bet he's coming here to spy on other creatures. How can someone go from sucking dry ten people in a row to visiting orphanages and donating money? It's faked, I can bet on it." Hailey rambles in annoyance about the arrival of the vampire Prince.

What she doesn't know is that Max and I couldn't care less about this mysterious vampire Prince. I have better—worse—things to worry about.

"Hailey, I think you need to let this go. You're not the only wolf that doesn't like the sound of Prince Edmund coming to our school, but you're going to have to deal with it. It's the way things are," Max places a hand on Hailey's shoulder, using his soothing voice but she pries his fingers off her shoulder, frowning.

"All I'm trying to say is that this is a bad idea and sooner or later, everyone is going to regret having the killer Prince on school grounds." Hailey raises her hand midair to make a point, causing Max and I to roll our eyes.

"If you don't like the guy, then avoid him. It's as easy as that." I clap to emphasize my words, Hailey lets out a groan and then sighs heavily.

"Okay, fine. I have to get to class. See you two later," she uses two fingers to mock salute Max and I before she walks away.

I turn to face Max and he uses his hand as a fake gun to blow out his brain. I chuckle a bit, then slap his forearm playfully.

"Stop that, she was just worried," I defend Hailey and he rolls his eyes.

"More like crazy," he mutters and I snort, shaking my head.

"I'll see you later? I don't want to be late for class." He's already walking away before I get a chance to say anything.

I sigh now that I'm left alone before I slam my locker shut as I start to make my way to Supernatural History class. I'm just five steps in when I feel a being hovering by my side.

I don't attempt to make a sound because I already know who it is.

"Long time, no see, Khloe with a K." Derrick Haynes—the future alpha of the wolf pack in Thornhill—whispers and I force a nod.

"Hope you've been good?" he asks me but to onlookers, it might seem like he's not even talking to me at all with how casual his face is and how small he opens his mouth to speak.

"I've been good," the words come out of my mouth remotely and Derrick chuckles a bit.

"Stay good, then." I feel him grope one of my ass cheeks through my skirt but before I'm able to say anything, he vanishes into the crowd in the busy hallway.

I feel anger rising inside of me but I'm not able to act on it, so I push it down. I get to class and take a seat in the middle row. The teacher comes in a few seconds later and dives head first into the history of the first born witches.

I place my book on my desk so that I can take notes. I'm about to open the book when I see that the middle part of the binders and a chunk of the leaves from the left corner center of the book is burnt. Like freshly burnt, the burn dips to the middle of my book, front and back.

I blink my eyes, I look again and the book is still burnt. Exactly the part where I was holding it seconds ago.

What the heck? What is going on? Books don't just burn randomly. My mind must be playing incredible tricks on me, is it just trying to get me to not tell anyone that today is my eighteenth birthday? Yeah, that must be it. It's way more logical than any other theory.

The first half of classes go by with strange things happening to and around me. At Math class, the winds were so strong that they snagged the teacher's marker right off her hand then straight outside the window.

And then in Art class, the potted plants used to decorate the studio started to sprout flowers and I was the only one to notice. It was all so weird. By lunchtime, I'm heavily creeped out.

When I go get food, I see that there's a long line for the vampires' blood bag meals. A shiver runs down my spine as I think of Humans cheerfully donating their blood for creatures to drink from.

The food tray that I'm holding in my hands gets cold and I raise it above my head to check what's underneath it. I see that there's a gathering of frost where my hands are. It frightens me to the point that I let out a yelp of shock and drop the tray immediately.

The tray lands on the ground two seconds later than it's supposed to and that's when I look up to see what caused the delay. My chips and dip are splattered on the hair of a stranger with chocolate milk dripping down from the stranger's hair.

Oh no.

It's like time stills in that moment. The stranger uses his hand to pack the food contents on his hair and fling them to the ground before he uses a handkerchief that he pulled out from his pocket to wipe off his face.

Double oh no.

It's not a stranger. It's the Crown Prince of Thornhill, Edmund Daggers, and he has fury written all over his expression. I feel like digging a hole right in the middle of the cafeteria to hide inside.

The Prince grinds his teeth in anger as he takes me in; a five foot five human with nothing to write about but hair whiter than snow. I feel like he's gotten more angry after he scrutinizes me with his gaze.

"Believe me, I am sorry for launching my food tray on you. It wasn't on purpose, I was checking something and it slipped from my grasp. I didn't know that you were in front of me, I promise. Forgive me." I lie, hoping that he accepts my heavily worded apology and moves on.

But unfortunately for me, my apology is thrown back at me my face when he says;

"Get on your knees, and give me a more sincere apology."

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