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First Love With My Boss

First Love With My Boss



"Is this really okay with you son?" My mother asked me. "Yes mom. Don't worry about me. I will do everything for our company" I said. "I'm so sorry my dear, I can't do anything but look and observe. It's my illness's fault, why am I paralyzed" My father said. "Dad, don't blame yourself for your illness, okay? Because no one is to blame. Our company's shares have gone down so it has to be done" I said. "The files of your Arrange marriage with Mr. Steel Mr. Cohen are ready" My assistant said. "Thank you. I'm leaving mom, dad" I said. This is the hardest thing that has ever happened in my entire life. I can't leave the house and move to another house because I don't want to leave my parents. This is for my Daddy's Company. To return the shares and Organization to our Company, I will do everything. "You're on board" Said the old man in front of me. I didn't realize that I was on the opposite side of the Black Van. I first looked at my Assistant and hugged him. "I'll miss you Lusha. You'll be here at home until I pick you up again. Watch over Mommy and daddy, just call me when there's a problem, okay?" I said while my tears were falling. "Yes madame. Your wish is still my command" My assistant said. "Thank you. I need to go now. Call me when there's a problem, okay?" I said. "Okay ma'am" She said. I got into the van and sat opposite the window. While we were going to my new house, I was thinking about steel's face. We were still young the last time we met, that's why he forgot his face. Soon we are here at Bahay este mansion. It's too big. I first put on black glasses because my eyes were red because I was crying so much. A woman walked in front of me and motioned for me to go inside. She's a maid here, but she seems nice. "Welcome mr. cohen Chua V. Gal dellaƱo" Their maids said. "It looks like you're tired from the trip, so I'll take the things you brought" said the woman who motioned for me to come in. "Thank you. May I know where the Bathroom is?" I asked first before letting him go. "It's over there. Near the May kitchen" Said the kind maid. "Thank you again. What's your name?" I asked again. "Sheena. I will be your maid until you are here ma'am" She said. "Ahh is that so. Thank you sheena" I said and went to the Bathroom While I was going to Bathroom, I was looking at the paintings, pictures and things around. How big is this Mansion? The pain in the eyes of all silver items. I have also been to Bathroom When I opened the door I was amazed because of the size of their Bathroom I admit to you that our mansion is smaller than this one. I immediately washed and cleaned myself. I left as soon as I finished. "Ma'am, Mr. Steel is calling you upstairs" Sheena said. It's a shame that he waited for me after doing Bathroom. "Ahh ok. can you come with me?" I asked. "If you deserve it ma'am" She said. He is really kind. It's good and I agree with him. We walked to the 3rd Floor of this mansion. When the Many Steps step on the Stairs. "Please open that door ma'am. Sir is inside" She said. "Ahh ok. thank you sheena" I said and opened the door. When I opened the door, I immediately saw steel looking at the window. Does he know that I'm here? I sat on the couch and looked at him. I was about to speak if he came first. "It's good that you arrived. I don't want to be kept waiting for a long time" Steel said. "Ahh, I'm sorry because I went to the cr that's why it took me so long." I said. "I don't care. I'm just here to tell you the rules of our arrange marriage" He said while looking at me seriously. Rules are still needed. I don't care about the rules because I don't love him (Don't you?) Abay eywan. "Sure" I said. "Okay, First rule is not to know what we are going to do" He said. I nodded my head in agreement. "Second, We'll just be sweet in front of our employers and our company, okay?" He said. I just nodded too. The rules are easy. Does he really dislike Arrange marriage? "And lastly, I can't go on dates with other people because our love isn't real. Do you understand?" He said. The last one was terrible, yes I had a crush on him but why was I hurt by what he said at the end? Wouldn't it hurt if I could do that to him . "Sure. If that's what you want, the rules aren't just focused on you, are they?" I said. He nodded "I can leave right because you have nothing more to say?" I said. He nodded again. I left that room and went downstairs. I asked Sheena to help me carry my stuff because my room is on the 4th floor. I still can't forget that earlier. I feel really hurt when I worry. "Ma'am, are you all right?" Sheena asked me. "You have tears, ma'am," she said. What tears? I felt my cheek and there were tears. But why? why am i crying Does my heart love steel this much? "Ahh it's nothing" I said while wiping my tears.

Chapter 1 Our Company

Chapte 1

Hi! My name is Cohen Chua V. Gal dellaƱo and I am 22 years old. I am just the son of a Company Owner of Gal DellaƱo. In recent months, the organization and endorser of our company has decreased. I don't know why.

Since my dad's accident, the needs of our company have decreased as well as the shares. Dad and Other Employers plan to find a way to meet the needs of our company. Other employers have also lost their jobs because our company's income has decreased, which is why dad decided to ask his friend Tito Cezar for help. Tito cezar is also the owner of the Company. The name of their company is Company of Siera. Fortunately, Tito Cezar agreed to help our company but on one condition. And this condition is none other than Steel and I's Arrange marriage. They said that they can only help us and get half the shares of their company if they have a connection with us and this connection will connect to the shares of their company and our company.

And the only solution to the problem is to arrange a marriage for me and steel, uncle cezar's daughter. At first I didn't want to agree because I didn't want an arranged marriage but in the end I thought that our company is more important now. That's why I decided to agree to arrange marriage with steel. And this is our arranged marriage. We will also separate but in 2 years. when our company recovers, I will break up with Steel because that's what he and daddy talked about.

"Maam, what you are using is okay" Sheena said.

"Alright. Thanks for everything sheena" I said.

"This is our job, so don't say thank you" She said.

"You are a good maid. I have only seen a maid like you" I said.

"Oh ma'am, thank you very much. You know you are the only man who looks like a woman" She said.

Really? I look like a girl even though I'm a boy? I'm not straight so I'll look like a girl. I also have a feminine body, so I look more like a woman.

"I'm sorry I might be late. Bye." I said and informed sheena.

I went to the parking lot of the mansion to get into steel's car. Because his daddy ordered that we always enter their company together. When I got to the parking lot I immediately saw steel. He used to be grumpy, his face was scary as if he was about to eat. He didn't know what I was going to do.

"Are you just now?" He asked me without expression on his face.

"Ahh, I'm sorry it won't happen again. It took me a while to take care of my things" I said.

"Come in" He said. and he got into his car.

Won't He help me open the door? Isn't he a gentleman? Oh yes, in front of many people we will be sweet. There's no one here in the parking lot that's why he's not sweet.

I was riding in steel's car and now we are going to their company. Because I need to work with him there for at least 3 months so that everyone knows that Steel and I are married. And don't tell everyone that we arranged marriage or two companies will collapse. so you should be careful with your words when talking to other people.

"Are we still far?" I asked Steel but he didn't answer my question. I was just like the wind passing through him. You're delusional Cohen, steel won't ignore you, get used to it.

"Sorry" I said and looked at the car mirror. I'm thinking about what Mommy and daddy are doing right now. They're always on my mind, so last night I didn't sleep well because I was thinking about them. I have to train myself.

Hey, we finally went to their company. It turns out that their company is far away from our company, about 30 minutes before Steel drove.

"Good morning Sir. Steel" Said the Man. Maybe that's his assistant.

"Is she your wife, sir?" He asked Steel.

"Yes" Steel said without expression.

Suddenly the man looked at me and greeted me.

"Good morning Ma'am" He greeted me.

"Thank you! and Good morning too!" I said and smiled.

"Let's go" Steel said.

We walked to the Elevator lobby. The 77th floor is Steel's Office, which is why it needs an elevator.

"Are you Steel's assistant?" I asked the Man with us now.

"Yes ma'am. why?" He said.

"Ahh nothing" I said. I immediately missed Lusha.

We boarded the Elevator and steel pressed the 77th Floor. While the elevator was going up to Steel's Office, his Assistant and I talked.

"Is your sir always like that?" I whispered to the person I was talking to.

"Yes ma'am. He's always quiet. He only speaks sometimes when he's talking to his dad." He said but it was just a whisper.

"He's cold sir" I said.

"Yes. but we are used to it." He said.

My partner and I were laughing when Steel looked at us.

"Please be quiet. Your noise is irritating" He said.

We kept our mouths shut because steel might eat us alive because his look was scary earlier.

We got to the 77th floor and exited the Elevator. While we were walking, I couldn't help but look at the employers and they all laughed when they saw me. Maybe they're talking about how beautiful I am Echosera)

"Good morning son" Uncle Cesar immediately greeted us. "Good morning Cohen" Tito Cesar added.

"Good morning too" I said.

Steel didn't even say anything. Is he that cold? It's annoying that he needs fire to speak.

"This is your office too Cohen" Uncle Caesar said. "Is it okay or do you want me to move you to another office?" He added.

"Ahh no uncle. I'm okay here" I said and smiled.

"So I can leave you two. See you on lunch okay?" Uncle Cesar said.

Steel and I nodded and we were left with two. His assistant is in the Employers office, so there are only two of us here. I sat in my chair and looked at the paper in front of me, it was all about their company, I looked at steel and he was signing something. The paper is thick so he might finish it later.

"Don't look" He said.

Why? did he see me looking at him? I don't even want to look at him, it's embarrassing.

"A-ahh sorry" I said and looked away from him.

While I was reading the paper, someone suddenly entered my office with steel. Doesn't he know how to knock? I don't want someone who doesn't knock and just walks into my office.

When I looked at the entrance, it was a woman. I was surprised when he looked at me badly and tortured me. Maybe he thought I was afraid of him Hmph! I kicked him, I calmed myself down and read again. I can't help but look at both of them and steel, I don't know who he is but it seems like he's not an employer here because he's wearing a dress.

I just read again and focused on the paper while reading. When I heard a Sound, I immediately looked at steel and the woman who looked like a Shrimp. (That's just jealousy.) I saw what they were doing and I couldn't look again because my two eyes saw that they were kissing. Does he want to hurt me? Or does he just want to trip me up? It's annoying to be kissing here in the office. I just looked away and read again. I just let them do what they want.

"Wait steel ugh don't be there. Wait a minute ugh what the hell steel I said just wait there's someone oh" I heard the woman who looked like a shrimp say.

"I don't care" I heard Steel say.

The woman stood up and went in front of me.

"Hey! Don't you see anything? Romantic moments to oh so can you leave" The woman said. I want to fuck this girl who looks like a shrimp.

"You don't know me? Steel's girlfriend is Twirly, so can you leave?" He said again.

He couldn't stop himself and I stood in front of him.

"Hey! Don't you see anything? Romantic moments to oh so can you leave" The woman said. I want to fuck this girl who looks like a shrimp.

"You don't know me? Steel's girlfriend is Twirly, so can you leave?" He said again.

He couldn't stop himself and I stood in front of him.

"Sorry, but if you're going to let me go, why don't you be the first. This is my office and don't divorce me because you're not pretty" I said and still had my arms crossed.

"You are brave" She said.

He just saw his hand raised and slapped me.

/Plack (Slap sound)

I was about to slap him when Steel stood up and grabbed my hand.

"Try to hurt the person I love. I'm the one you can fight against" He said.

I was hurt by what he said that's why I cried.

"Are you like that steel? You have a bad attitude" I said as I cried a lot.

"Leave because. Loser!!" The one who looks like a shrimp said.

He didn't know what to do so I just went out.

I was hurt too much by what he did to me. Even though there were many people around, I didn't care and I just cried and cried while running. I'm like crazy. I climbed the stairs to the top while crying. I was panting but I continued climbing. Until I felt something in my head. I sat down for a while to rest. My dizziness got worse so I lay down and completely lost consciousness.

I felt that I had a blanket and was lying on a soft pillow. I immediately opened my eyes and saw Heaven. Am I in heaven? How did that happen? Wait am I dead? Don't!! hopefully not yet. I Hope not yet !!

I immediately woke up and saw that I was on the rooftop of the building. But why am I here now? It's like I'm on the 84th floor. I heard footsteps so I looked behind me. And I saw the man in a suit and holding medicine, I don't know him but why is he here? Could he be the reason why I came here?

"You're awake. Drink this," said the man I didn't know.

To Be Continued....

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Other books by Lovlyarah

The Forced Marriege

The Forced Marriege



"Dad what?! Hell no!ā€ā€š I shouted at Dad. How could I not?! He wants me to get married! Like hell?! No way! ā€œHeianā€š you need to do this. It's for your business" he forced me. "Your Business Dadā€š not mine"ā€š I growled at him "It will soon be yours. You need to manage it while there is still time"ā€š he insists "Dad at this age you want me to get married?! And the worse is your business partner's son?! No way in hell would I accept that! I'm studying Dad!", I complained to him "Sonā€š please do this. I can manage your company while you study"ā€š he offered "Dad we don't need this bullsh*t marriage to run up our business!"ā€š I insisted. That's why I don't want to be a business manager. It's my business, but it's Dad's decision to follow "I didn't ask Mr. Villarreal to help me. He was the only one who offered it to me"ā€š he explained "Even! I do not want. Whatever you do Dad I won't allow it!ā€ā€š I whined. I don't want to have a burden to my life! And who the f*ck is that Villarreal's son? "No! Whether you want it or not, you will marry Mr. Villarreal's son. That's final! We'll take care of the paperwork for your wedding!", Dad growled "And..."ā€š he followed and I immediately looked at him "You will both live in the same house. Mr. Villarreal will take care of itā€ā€š said Dad which immediately surprised me "What?!" I shouted at Dad. Are we even at home together? "That's final Heian"ā€š he answered turning his back and leaving. I would have said more to stop Dad but I'm sureā€š he will never change his mind. I sat at the sofa to calm myself. Whatever I doā€š Dad's decision will always be final. I closed my eyes slowly. I can't do anything but accept that. Wellā€š we're only getting married on paper. I would rather die than marry him for real..

My Boyfriend Cheated

My Boyfriend Cheated



I'm holding the small white pregnancy test in my left hand now and it's hidden behind my back. It's my boyfriend James and I's 5th Anniversary, and because of the result of our having sex every day, it paid off. At first I didn't expect it and I was even surprised. Because all my life I thought that only women could carry a human, but I was very surprised when I went to check up and complained why I always felt nauseous and vomited because I was 3 weeks pregnant. Then when the cake was ready, it was engraved on the top and said 'Happy 5th Anniversary dear', I planned to surprise James. I always do it so maybe I'm used to it. James will definitely be surprised when he finds out that he is going to be a father, this surprise is great I know he will be surprised and he will be happy. While lighting the candle, I looked at the clock attached to the wall, probably James will be home soon. As I counted down in my mind, I was surprised when the door opened and what came out was a man and a woman kissing, both of their hands holding the sensitive parts of their bodies. I didn't notice the wine bottle dropping on the floor causing it to make a loud noise. The two stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I can see the shock in James' eyes. The woman, whom I recognize as a good friend, is also confused. Because of the pain I feel in my heart, he didn't notice the blood dripping from my leg. "Archi, what are you doing here?" James came to me and kissed my cheek. He stopped for a moment when I stepped back and extinguished the candle coming from the cake, they both looked at what I did. "Did I surprise you two?" I calmly approached Jeremiah, my best friend who happens to be a snake. "Archi" Jeremiah said with a smile. He was about to say something when he suddenly threw the cake in his face. "Your face is thick, Jeremiah, after I trusted you, this is what you will repay me for?!" shouted and slapped his face covered with cake icing. "Archi I'm hurting!" "You must be hurt!!!" "Archi, that's right, it's my fault" James said to me, he was holding my hand but I immediately took it back from him and I slapped him too. "Let me explain Archi" Jeremiah said crying as he wiped his face "James loves me and not you!" he shouted. Well, you still have the right to yell at me. "I don't believe you, you snake!" I was about to punch him when James held me tightly. "True, why don't you ask your jowa who is good?!" Jeremiah shouted back at me. I looked at James, he avoided looking at me. It hurts, but I need to know the truth. "Really, isn't it James?" I'm tired from crying. He didn't say a word. "Why don't you just tell the truth James so that all this is over, so that we can both be happy!" Jeremiah said angrily. "Is it true?" me again "Is it true that Jeremiah is the one you love James?, Answer me, is it true?!" It nodded. I do not know what to do. My knees are shaking. I had to tell James everything so he wouldn't leave me. I can't live without him. "I'm pregnant James, even if it's just our child" I begged. I saw the shock in both of their eyes. James shook his head, as if I was just lying. I showed the pregnancy test I was holding that I had been hiding for a while. They couldn't believe it. "even to the future child---" I stopped begging when I saw and felt the red blood running down my thigh. I held my mouth "oh my god!!" I said nicking, not knowing what to do. I saw James approaching me and picked me up, he also yelled "Call an ambulance Jeremiah!!!!" it shouted. Before I even felt the pain, I slowly closed my eyes and passed out.

Heartrob Is My Secret Husband

Heartrob Is My Secret Husband



"Oh, finally you're awake!" Kinse greeted me when I got to the dining table. I just woke up and I'm still very sleepy because I stayed up late last night reviewing our major subject. Today is our final examination for the first semester, so we really need to study. "Sit down and eat, I cook some bacon, eggs and your favorite fried rice with a lot of garlic." Kinse gently moved the chair so I could sit properly. "Thank you." I was a little shy to speak to him. "No probs, you're always welcome." I didn't do anything else when he himself spooned the food on my plate. I know that even if I stop him, he will still prepare me. "Good luck with your exam later." he said while still putting fried rice on my plate. "Thanks, I hope it passes." I jokingly answered. "That passed, you're smart. I passed even without studying. Hahaha!" We both laughed at what he said. After Kinse gave me food, he also sat on the other side of the table, in front of me. We both started eating while talking. "By the way, it's Reiss's birthday today and it's also our anniversary. We'll celebrate it at the beach resort that was bequeathed to him. Reiss said he'll invite you to--" I didn't let Kinse finish speaking, I answered immediately. "Oh, I can't come with you, I have to study for our 2nd day examination. Just enjoy yourself and Reiss, stay strong to both of you and please just say Happy Birthday. I'm sorry I didn't buy him a present, I was too busy at school yesterday I haven't been to the mall to buy him." He swallowed what he was eating before answering, "You don't need to buy her gifts. Reiss doesn't like gifts." he said with a smile on his lips. "Too bad you can't be with me." I thought he would force me to come, luckily he didn't. Actually, today is our last exam since our other minor subjects this semester took the exam first. I could have come along, but I still chose to decline their offer because I knew I would only be hurt there. "Thank you for everything, Caisen. I will never get tired of thanking you for the good things you did for me and Reiss." Fifteen gently look at me. It was obvious in his eyes that he was happy and very grateful to me. My chest ached. I'm hurting. I want to cry, but I can't because Kinse is still in front of me. "It's nothing, I just did the right thing." my mouth just blurted out at what he said. Even before my tears completely fell I spoke again. "Let's eat, let's play here in the morning. I'm still late, I might not be able to pass the exam. I really blame you Kinse, you're talking." I joke to cover the pain I feel now. Fifteen giggled while trying to finish his breakfast. "Sorry." he answered briefly and continued to eat again, so did I. He is Kinse Demarco, the heartthrob at the university I attend. Many students admire him especially whenever he plays volleyball. Because they say Kinse is more handsome when he is inside the court. And I'm Caisen Quintero. Just a normal student and not noticed by most. You are wondering, why I share a house with a Fifteen Demarco? Well, because we are married. It was a forced marriage done by our parents. But it's not the same as what you hear that because of business why we both got married. This is what his grandfather and my grandfather agreed upon. Their reason? Just a long story. Kinse is kind and obedient to his parents and what they command him, he obeys even against his will. We have the same attitude, that's why even though we don't want this marriage, we still agree. Before the two of us got together, Kinse already had a girlfriend. He is Reiss Perkins. Kinse loves Reiss very much because he is very kind and understanding. So when we were about to get married, Kinse was very depressed because Reiss broke up with her only for Kinse to follow her parents' wishes. But because I'm kind, I made a way to not destroy their relationship. I helped them meet and be together every day without Kinse's parents knowing. I myself explained to Reiss that we did not want this marriage and that Kinse really wanted to marry him. Reiss understood this so he and Kinse reconciled again. I created a 4 rules between me and Kinse. First, we're going to continue this marriage and just pretend we're happily living together in the same house when our parents come to visit us. Second, I will let him and Reiss see each other every day but every time he comes home he will buy me marshmallows. Hahahaha! Third, we will keep our marriage secret from others, except our friends. Lastly, the rule I made that only I know. "Never fall in love with Kinse DeMarco." I will never fall for Kinse even though she is kind and sweet to me sometimes. I don't think Kinse will love me as a real wife. I know it's unlikely to happen, because he already has Reiss who loves him and besides that we're both boys. It's unlikely that will happen because Kinse is straight. I made that rule because I thought I could stop myself from falling for him, but I didn't. Because I real

Possessive And Cold Husband

Possessive And Cold Husband



There's only one rule in this house. | don't touch something that isn't yours Maids and guards quickly came to my direction as they heard a loud smash, that I'm responsible with. I looked at the vase that I accidentally knocked over the worst thing is the vase I broke is my mother-in-law's favorite souvenir that she got it from Italy. I ignore the bleeding from my hand, focusing on the vase that I shattered, panic is written all over my face, sh*t. "Sir, your hand" one of the maids utter with a worried face, there is no one here because they are all at work, just me and the maids and guards here. "Theā€¦ the vase-" manang cala cut me off. "Let's treat your wound first" he said, I know she's only worried about me but... When suddenly the door slang open, my mother-in-law spat there, I could see the anger on her face. He immediately approached me and held me by the arm, even though it hurt more because of my wound, but I ignored it because of fear. "I'm sorryā€¦" I said while holding my arm, I could feel his nail digging into my arm. "Don't you know how valuable that vase isā€¦ how st*pid of you!! " She said that made me shiver, she dragged me to a room and threw me there. "You're rotten there... useless trash" I heard the door make a sound, she locked me in. I grabbed both of my knees and hugged myself, the only thing I could do was cry when I was treated like this. "Momā€¦ dadā€¦ where are you, I need you" my voice echoed as I said those words. Even though they are no longer in my life and their destination is in the afterlife, I can feel their presence by my side. "I want to go with you there, please I don't want to be here anymore" I said, like I'm crazy here talking to myself. "Iho..." that's what I heard from outside the room, it opened causing me to immediately wipe the tears that were coming out of my eyes.

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