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His Possession By force

His Possession By force

Fave. Muller


BLURB Ā  "You will learn to obey me Daphne!, I'm your husband, now part your legs for me or I will do it myself and when I do you will not like it... you know me" , Derek warned softly, but the firmness in his voice wasn't soft at all. Ā  He caught her with her hair and slammed her right into the wall behind her, she yelled and groaned in pain, falling into the bed, this time all her strength and stubbornness gone immediately the pain shot all over her body. Ā  "Don't do this please.. you know it's a mistake, let's just get divorce, we can't stay married... we hate each other! I hate you!" She screamed at him, hoping it would have any effect but it didn't. Ā  "You opened your legs so easily in the hotel and even begged me not to stop... what's the problem now... slut!". Ā  The last sentence hit her harder than it used to, he always called her that but tonight with her whole body exposed and displayed to him, it almost sounded like the truth. Ā  Daphne fought against the marriage. But her effort seemed to backfire when she found out she was to marry the most wealthy, influential and arrogant man in the whole of Georgia, much wealthier than her father. Ā  How will she survive again after finding herself in the same fate and spot, which scared her childhood and took her elder sister away? Will she ever find her elder sister and find the love and comfort she so desires ?



With every step that got her closer to her father's office, her frown deepened and her heart got heavier, the thought of seeing him again, turned her stomach upside down at once.

Daphne had tried to stay away from him, his dear wife; her step mother and other daughter; her step sister, can have him all to themselves, right now she doesn't want to breathe in the same air with him.

It was very shocking to her, after successfully avoiding him for two weeks since he came home, he had called her into his office today and ordered that she come immediately,again Daphne grumbled underneath her breath and increased her pace.

As much as she hates her father with every fibre in her bone, she would like to hear what he has to say, maybe it's about her elder sisters' disappearance.

Daphne was the apple of her fathers' eye when she was much younger, her father seemed to be the most heroic person to her and he loved her so much, she was his youngest daughter and princess.

She would never have thought that their relationship could be so strained and filled with fights and distaste as it is now. The death of her mother was the beginning of all the bad memories. Their family of four, was filled with love and peace, up until cancer took her mother away, she was just eight years old and knew nothing about life or betrayal. Without wasting time, her father got married to another woman; after two years. He didn't ask for consent from Daphne or her elder sister, he just brought her home one day.

The woman came with her own daughter, who was nine at the time, a year older than Daphne. Since that day onward it has been one battle to another. The new woman torturing and maltreating them, life was so tough and every day it got worse, the most painful aspect was their father feigning ignorance and just pretending like he's not aware of what was happening in his house. At that time he was always on one business trip or the other, hardly staying at home. Whenever he came home after several months, Daphne and her sister; Sonia would try to tell him about their delima with their step mother.

But because of his business growth and status, he chose to ignore them and even asked them to endure!. The thought stopped Daphne on her tracks at once, she was almost on the long tiled corridor leading to his office and she thought about turning back. But she took a deep breath and continued to his office , seeing his face would not kill her now. She would only get angry and she could manage that very much, she had survived all these years of torture from her stepmother and step sister.

Their toture wasn't the most painful aspect, of course they took away her happy childhood and every material things that belonged to her but her father siding with them, ignoring his own kids was the most painful and disgraceful for daphne.

Even when her elder sister; Sonia went missing at the age of eighteen, he still didn't put down his business to look for her, after a few days of searching he gave up and went back to his work, like nothing happened!.. Which father in his right senses does that to his own daughter? Fresh Tears were threatening to fall from Daphne's eyes as the thought of her long lost sister crept into her mind again.

She always thinks about her everyday, wondering how she's coping and if she's still alive, she wouldn't blame Sonia too much. Probably she couldn't bear the frustration and pain anymore.

It's unheard of, when another woman comes into your home and life to control your things and properties, turning you into a slave and miserable person.

Maybe Sonia Heart couldn't take it and she chose the easiest part, it's not like they could fight Louisa during those times, Sonia was only thirteen and she was eight when the woman came into their lives.

And now that Daphne had gotten older, a grown up twenty three years old, lived in the house with the two enemies; step mother and sister, for a whole ten years without her sister, fifteen years with her sister. She can now fight to some extent and fend for herself, her father chose this moment to come home and make it up to her?, to hell with making it up, the last time he tried to talk to her, he was all teary and sad.

Asking for understanding and forgiveness. Daphne pushed past the big wooden and glossy door of his office, he was there standing by the window, his hands in his black pants and his back to her.

"Have your sit Daphne" he told her without giving her a glance, she didn't want to see his face as well, Hoping he would say whatever he needed to say and get it done immediately.

"Don't bother about me, you sent for me.... What is it about?" Daphne responded dryly, her voice cold and stiff. He tuned to look at her, his eyes staring deeply into hers, she noticed that he looks tired and guilty Recently but she quickly brushed it off, it's none of her business, his sweet wife and step daughter can always keep him company. Right now, she's more focused on escaping his life and house, college will be over soon and she would get her degree, she can use that to get a good job. Her plan is logical and realistic Enough, just few more months and she would be through with school.

"I think you need to sit down for this news Daphne .... It's ... it's very important" her father stated, moving slowly away from the window to his chair, she noticed how he limped on his right knee unconsciously, even as he moved.

The leg was probably giving him issues again, she thought inwardly, genuine concern beginning to cloud her anger, but still she kept her ground, and looked at him with no emotion in her face, she won't sit in his office.

He got the message and shrugged slowly, "no problem, I will be out with it now .... There's this arrangement that has been done even before your birth.... Eheeee it's about now we take the step" he started, taking a brief pause to watch her reaction.

Daphne's heart resumed slamming in her chest very fast, this wasn't the discussion she was expecting at all, she thought he called her in to apologise and ask for understanding as usual, or maybe he heard from Sonia.

"Your marriage ... that's what I meant Daphne" he added, still searching her face. At first his sentence didn't sink in because it didn't make any sense to her, then she opened her mouth as it struck home " what marriage?" Daphne asked and yelled at the same time.

She burst into a fit of rage at once, her father must be joking, he has ignored her all these years and now he just wants to marry her off?

"Why don't you go and marry your dear daughter Karen to the marriage, she's a year older, she's also a woman"

Daphne responded, shining her eyes and straining her soft voice for more effect.

At times like this she hates that her voice is very soft and low, she wants to brawl at him and even scratch his face. Her father smiled sadly before he spoke again, "it's not possible Daphne, you are to get married into the kishon family, or else they would kill me ... you can't understand but ... you will in time .... I ... I feel you must know this", her father blurted out his gibberish again.

Daphne didn't know how it happened but she burst into a long and loud laughter, holding onto a cushion for support. Her head was working round and round right now, she felt dizzy at once.

The news was annoying and unbelievable as well, but it's proof to be true, her father would never joke about things like this!, she brought out her phone to see the latest online and it was a picture of Who she was to get married to and the news of his upcoming marriage with her.

Her name didn't appear on the news but she knew it was her, according to what her father just said, flinging her phone to the floor she snapped and lost her last control at once. Screaming at her father to go to jail or die if he so wished, she didn't care and she would never get married to that family. Everyone knows who DEREK KISHON is, the main definition of arrogant and a bully.

Even worse than her father, her father isn't half as wealthy or influential as the Kishon's are and still, he treated her the way he did, taking his business over their own happiness?

Derek Kishon would surely be worse and unreasonable, her father watched her keenly as she threw her tantrum and Yelled all over in his office, he even tried to stop her when she walked out on him and his office.

"You would lose me if you don't agree to this marriage Daphne!" Her father shouted after her retreating form, in indignation. Trying to make her see reasons.

Without turning back at him she yelled back, extending her middle finger to him for more effect, "to hell with you.... Die if you want to, at least you've killed me over and over again when I was a kid.... I couldn't care less if I kill you now!"

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