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Millionaire Bad Boy

Millionaire Bad Boy

carmen esparanola


full of cars on both sides, at the leaving I hear the loud sound coming from inside the house, the most impressive I have ever seen. I walked along a stone path and saw several teenagers outside. Only Bella could make me leave the house at midnight to pick her up from this party. Today marks a week since we came to live with our aunt Flora, and in just one week my scatterbrained sister has already arranged a party to go to. Actually, it's not a surprise. Bella is super excited, she can make friends faster than anyone, she loves a party, I, on the other hand, like a good series, a movie or a good drama. I entered the house, not a house, a mansion, Some people stare at me and I pretend not to see, but I know they are watching me. I looked down and realized that I was wearing dark jeans, a Naruto-themed blouse and a black all-star. My hair is down, and I honestly don't understand why there are so many looks. Where is Bella, I thought? I found a beautiful brunette girl next to the sofa, she is alone so I approached her. “Hi.” She turns, raising an eyebrow. —Bella? What happened to her clothes? I took a deep breath. — My name is Ella, I'm her twin sister, do you know where she is? The girl looked at me with interest. - Our! You two are identical. - I know. — She was in the pool just now. - Thank you very much. I passed by the room, saw an open glass door, and several teenagers shouting non-stop. I walked through the door and saw a huge pool, colorful balls foating on top. I'm walking, but being careful not to get too close to the edge. I stopped for a moment and observed the place, trying to fnd my sister. I'm surprised when I feel a hand holding my waist tightly, I can't absorb what's happening. I see a boy looking at me face to face and I smell a strong smell of alcohol. —Did you change your clothes? — He watches me. I open my mouth to respond, but he continues. — I confess that I thought it was funny. — I raised an eyebrow, I opened my mouth again to resolve the misunderstanding, but he simply kissed me. I tried to let go, but with one hand he held my waist, bringing me as close to his body as possible, with the other hand he held the back of my neck, intensifying the kiss. - What's going on here? — I hear my sister's voice and only then can I let go. The boy watches me for a moment, with a twinkle in his eye, and smiles when he sees my sister staring at us with hatred. — Are there two of you? — He points at the two of us and smiles once again. At this point we are already an attraction, as several people are watching us. My breathing is irregular, I can't believe my frst kiss was like that! I clenched my hands into fsts in hatred, watching the tattooed boy. I got angrier when he looked me up and down like he was comparing me to my twin sister. I take a step towards him, I squeeze my hand even tighter.

Chapter 1 Silence to our roon

looks at me. — Are you crazy girl? — He shakes his head. - Who do you think you are? “I'm sorry, Aaron, she's my sister. Bella speaks and lowers her head, embarrassed. — You should teach your pet politeness. I opened.

my mouth to respond, but my sister grabbed my hand, taking me out of the asshole's feld of vision. I turned my head just as a red-haired girl approached him. My sister takes me away from the party and takes me towards the entrance of the house, where I parked the car. — Are you crazy? What possessed you to keep.

hitting people? Mainly on the owner of the house. — Spare me, Bella, he kissed me, that asshole kissed me.

She held her head in disgust. — You don't know what you've gotten yourself into, I'll talk to him later not to do anything. I ignored her and went around the car, opened the door and got in, and when I was putting on my seat belt my sister got in. She had an angry look on her face the entire time. When we arrived, I parked the car

in front of Aunt Flora's house. I sighed and left. She doesn't say anything. We entered and climbed the stairs in silence to our room. She takes off her heels and throws them in any corner, I roll my eyes. — You're going to

look like that, aren't you? She stops trying to unzip her extremely tight black dress and looks at me. — You have to think about things before you do them. — And who said I didn't think, oh... how I thought, but I wanted.

to break that idiot's teeth. I still don't know why you're angry. She approaches and says: — You don't know what you've gotten yourself into, pray he leaves it alone. — Oh, okay, what could he do, anyway?! — I sincerely

hope you don't fnd out. — Let's leave it there. Changing the subject, you should be thanking me and not angry.

after all I came to look for you, right? She fnally manages to get the zipper down and takes off her dress. —

The one who should be thanking me is you. She points her fnger in my direction and I roll my eyes at this gesture. - Serious? — Ok, Ella, I'm not going to say anything else, I'm dying of a headache, the only thing I want.

is to sleep. She ignores me and lies down making sure her back is to me. I sighed laying down. Bella wasn't like that, but after her mom died she's completely different, I wish everything would go back to the way it was before. But I know it's impossible. Chapter 02 I woke up at seven in the morning. Today is Sunday, my last day off. Classes start tomorrow. New school, new city, and the only thing that is old is my desire to fnish my final year quickly and be able to go to a good college. Bella continues to sleep, which is no surprise. My aunt too.

She has a cafe in the city center, but today she wouldn't go until later. I stayed in the room for a while, bundled up, as the weather is cold and I'm not a big fan of the cold. I hear a noise coming from above. I looked up and saw my sister coming down the stairs. She is all dressed up, with black jeans, a red coat and low boots. —

Where are you going at a time like this? She rolls her eyes and takes a scarf, putting it on. — You're not my mother, don't act like you are. I am amazed at your aggressiveness. - I know that. — My voice is low. — Then don't act like you don't know. Tell Aunt Flora that I won't be able to stay at the cafe today. My head starts to

hurt. — It's your turn, I stayed all week. She smiles mockingly. — Great, you're used to it, aren't you, and I have many more important things than spending my entire Sunday serving people. I got up and she was already

walking out the door. “You can't do this,” I say loudly, with hatred. She turns and smiles. — Or you can tell the truth. That I can't stand that coffee, you know, I don't care about that. — You know I'm not going to tell her that.

— My voice comes out rougher than I thought. - Yeah, I know. And my sister leaves. I stared at the door in disbelief that she did that. I go up to our room, and I want to scream in frustration, but I control myself. Later I decided to get ready to go to work. I grabbed jeans and a white t-shirt, a thick brown coat and fnally a black

cap. I left a note for my aunt letting her know that I will open the cafe today and leave. I'm walking along the stone sidewalk. The city is not big, but very beautiful. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a period flm, as the city has preserved many of its old houses. The center is full of them. Here in this city, everything revolves around the

company Stone, a huge company that has its headquarters here. More than half of the jobs come from it, theother half come from tourists. Every year there is a regional festival that lasts an entire month. The city gets

crowded, which is great for our aunt. I hear a loud motorcycle noise and see three motorcycles speeding through the central square. I rolled my eyes at that scene. I walked a little further and stopped in front of the

old mansion that is now my aunt's cafe, the facade isn't much, but when you enter, that's when the magic happens. The property is entirely made of dark wood. I open the two doors letting the wind in, followed by the

old wooden windows. But it looks like those old taverns, I smile, because everything old I fnd fascinating. I started cleaning the tables and after a while the employees started to arrive. — Hi, Ella. — Nicole says, tying

her hair in a bun. — I thought it would be your sister coming today. “She can't come,” I lie. — Ok, anything call me, I'll start preparing things. She goes into the kitchen, and after a while I smell cake, coffee and cinnamon.

I'm going behind the counter. Nicole spends all her time putting things in place, there are cakes, sweets of all favors and sizes, savory pies that just look at make my mouth water. [1] She hands me trays full of macarons.

of all colors. I place them in the window that faces the street, as well as various cakes and sweets. At 10am the store is already full, my aunt and three other employees arrive, which gives me a bit of a break. I sat down at the table and enjoyed a delicious homemade chocolate and cinnamon cappuccino. I closed my eyes and felt the sweet smell invade my senses. I'm almost done when I see a person wearing a red coat enter. I got up and saw Bella, but what surprised me most was her hair. Then I faced her. — What did you do with your hair?

She holds onto the now incredibly short strand. What was waist-length blonde hair is now an incredibly black.

bob, I still can't believe what my eyes are seeing. - Did you like it? She says going to the counter where my aunt

is. I'm going after her. - Why? She watches me. — I think you know

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