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Two years earlier... I was so pissed off that I hadn't stopped grumbling since my friend and her hot boyfriend left almost an hour ago. I still hadn't found the error that the control freak had mentioned in the physical report to Anabel. BenĂ­cio has always been a huge unknown for my mood. I admired him for his intelligence, frmness and seriousness, the self-confdence overfowed from the man, who was also sexy and engaging. His physical characteristics were an important factor to be considered, that was a fact. His beauty was compared to a Greek god, imposing, symmetrical, with all the attributes favorable to the desire of whoever looked at it, at least those that were visible to the eyes. Would it be too much for me to ask Anabel if she had ever seen her brother naked? He would be. Defnitely. On the other hand, the feelings he aroused in me was irritation. That damn rift between us, the veiled confict, the need to provoke and be provoked. We could never leave any meeting, no matter how informal, without a sarcastic nudge. After I joined the company I had learned to control myself, but it was still difcult to stay on track. He was the president and I was the intern. He was my best friend's brother, which made every thought I had about him - involuntary, by the way - a crime in the "best friends forever" code. I don't even want to think what Anabel would do if she knew that I dream of licking every inch of BenĂ­cio's skin. - It ended? - I jumped in my chair when I looked at the door. - What a fright! - I said, placing my hand on my chest and looking at the image of BenĂ­cio lined up and serious, close to the landmark. - She must be too distracted. Perhaps this is the reason for errors in the documents. - That damn sarcastic tone that always irritated me. - I've been reviewing this damn report for an hour and there is no discrepancy. - I got up with the stack of paper in my hands and threw it on the table, exasperated. - If you were more professional, Maria EugĂȘnia, you would have paid attention to the details, but instead you prefer to throw a tantrum over an identifed error. I closed our distance in three steps, I stopped so close to him that I felt the heat emanate from his body and, unfortunately, that wonderful smell of his very expensive cologne, mixed with his particular essence invaded my sense of smell. It was rubbish to be attracted to the man who had the gift of destroying the line of balance that I tried to cultivate at all costs when he was around. - I. No.

Chapter 1 More confused

it was his most notable characteristic, which never made me think about the softness I found now. It was a pleasant surprise. BenĂ­cio took some time, I think out of astonishment, before he took any action. His hands

circled my waist and our bodies came together completely with the pull he gave. I moaned and he mumbled something that I didn't understand, but I didn't have time to pay attention as his tongue invaded my mouth demanding attention. We were a slippery tangle of desire, consuming ourselves in each intertwine, sucking as

much as we could from the madness we were experiencing. It was so good. At the same time that I felt my body awaken and my mind numb, a balm settled in my chest, as if something that was missing had finally.

found its place. A mix of despair and warmth at the same time. Which helped to make me even more confused. His hand went down to my ass, a frm squeeze and I was pushed to the table, where BenĂ­cio broke

the kiss to place me on it, sitting. His eyes stared into mine, I felt clumsy and I saw in his iris the same misty

lust that kept reason away from actions. It was a path of no return, I knew it, yet I threw myself into it without.

any reservations. -Call Bel and let her know you're going out with your friends - he determined so vehemently that I couldn't argue. He reached for my cell phone that was on my desk and handed it to me. His

eyes didn't have their usual clarity. They were dark, like ink, flled with a shrewd energy. - Hello. - Friend. I'm.

leaving the company now, I'm going to a little bar with some friends - I deliberately lied with my eyes fxed on

BenĂ­cio. - Ah... Okay. Is everything okay? Did everything go well with BenĂ­cio? - Yes. It did. I need to hang up.

Bel - I ended the call due to lack of words. I wasn't used to lying, especially to my best friend and, on top of that, it was difcult for me to think anything beyond the devouring gaze of my boss, her brother. BenĂ­cio took.

out the cell phone he was holding, the back of his hand passed over my cheek and I felt my skin heat up under his touch. - You awakened something inappropriate, Maria EugĂȘnia. - MagĂȘ. I hate my name. - Should not. It

suits you. - It's old-fashioned. - It's imposing. We looked at each other for too long, BenĂ­cio scanned my face.

with so much attention, his thumb hovered over my lips and he bit his. - I want to taste you. For today. Today

only, Maria EugĂȘnia. I don't think for two seconds about the answer. - Okay. Just for today. I answered the second longest phone call of my exhausting day. It was the head of the tax department making.

excuses for the discrepant error in the reports presented a few days ago. I was the type of man who could

understand everything: particular difculties, technological limitations, lack of qualifed personnel, or any other argument that justifed the failures, but incompetence irritated me. It was as clear as day that Mr.

Mendes was trying to deceive me with lame excuses that only proved his incapacity. I was already aware of

their peculiar routine. He showed up at the company when it suited him, the call, for example, was due to the

fact that he was out of the city of Rio de Janeiro during the week. I am the owner of the company and I never take vacations or rest. I had hired a frm specialized in tax documents in SĂŁo Paulo, without anyone knowing, I

removed the requested information for a preview, the result would arrive in the next few days. - Mendes, I

don't want excuses. You should have submitted all documents in a timely manner, this did not happen. I gave

you structure, staff and very generous deadlines. Get the damn job done. - But BenĂ­cio, you need to understand that... - I don't have to understand anything. If you know the amounts to be paid monthly, you can

organize the cash outfow with the purchasing and fnance department. Simple. You have until the end of the

week. -But it's only two days until then. - TIC Tac. The clock never stops, Mendes. I ended the call without even saying goodbye. The man thought that my young age was synonymous with stupidity, that's right. I

checked my watch, lunch had already passed a couple of hours ago and I was hungry. I opened the desk.

drawer and took out my wallet, picked up the cell phone I had just dismissed and headed outside. - Giulia, I'm

going to eat something outside, I'll be back in thirty minutes - I said, looking at the time. - Yes sir. Your next meeting is in forty-fve minutes. The room is under preparation. - Have they all been confrmed? - Yes sir.

There are nine in total. - Excellent. And Anabel? - You are already aware of the meeting. - Ok. I followed the

path to the elevator, faced the corridor that led to the meeting room and the old BIM controller department, it seemed like years had passed. The department took a turn after all the confusion with MaurĂ­cio and his need

to harm my sister's current fancé. Despite all the chaos and losses at the time, I cannot regret what happened. With the intention of protecting her then boyfriend, Tiago, Anabel came up with a scheme and

caught the whole plot orchestrated by her ex-boyfriend and we were able to fre the fakers. My sister fnally let the administrative streak in our family come to the surface, took the reins and joined me and Leon, our.

partner, in solving problems. I ignored the fact that that hallway also reminded me of the place where I had the most memorable experience of my life. At least, the beginning of it. The blonde with fowing hair, a slenderbody and curves in the right places, owner of an extremely difcult temperament and who had the gift of

making my mood fuctuate more than anything else I've

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Other books by carmen esparanola

The Billionaire’s Proposal

The Billionaire’s Proposal



life of deprivation. This is how I lived most of my existence. Everything was always missing. Food, clothes, money. There was also a lack of affection, family and love. A life without any relatives around. A childhood and adolescence in an orphanage. And growing up in a place like this is not easy. Waiting for parents who never showed up, seeing other kids having better luck than mine. And the more I grew, the more distant the dream of adoption became, the more distant any possibility became for me. Over time, the expectation of waiting passed. Over time, seeing other children get a new start didn't hurt me as much. I arrived at that place already far from the age that families were looking for. Rebel, undisciplined and this only made my situation even more difficult. I soon entered adolescence and I couldn't be more difficult, more indomitable. I didn't like those who worked there, the other orphans, or myself. Orphan. The word reminds me of everything, it reminds me that I have no one in the world. Perhaps I never had a father, perhaps my progenitor never knew of my existence. Brothers, fortunately the irresponsible woman who brought me into the world did not have the opportunity to give birth, as she died of an overdose even though she had a hungry child crying while taking drugs. Flashes of that night insist on occupying my mind. They remind me how weak she was, how incapable she was of fighting for us. To fight for a better life for myself. Even a life for yourself. And it shaped the wild child I was, the indomitable adult I am. I know I wasn't and I'm not the best person in the world, but there's something I can be proud of: being astute. I discovered very early on that I didn't want a life of so many deprivations. Discovering that I could use my intelligence, outside of the average, to achieve better expectations for my future. And it was in a lecture, among many that were given to institutionalized people, that I discovered that the type of life I would lead would depend on me. I discovered that I didn't want anything like what I had, that I wanted to build a victorious future. “Focus on your potential.” I heard this phrase, I understood what she meant. I repeated it in my mind over and over again. I realized that I didn't have any choice about my past and present, but if it were up to me, my future would be very different from everything I had experienced up until that moment. Potentiality. Mathematics. Numbers. A facility capable of leaving all teachers astounded. Able to make me stand out in the economics course. Among contemporary students, among perhaps all those who passed through there. After turning 18 we were invited to discover the world outside those walls, we were forced to be on our own. I was already in my first semester of college when I came of age. I was already able to attract attention with my grades. And before he even had to walk through the doors of the orphanage for the last time, he already had a mentor. Antînio realized that perhaps taking me to work with him would bring many advantages, even if he tried to make me think it was because he had a good heart, that he wanted to help me. I pretended to believe him because he needed an income, he needed money if he didn't want to end up on the street, under the viaduct. But he didn't just want that. I didn't want much. I wanted the world. I knew I had the potential to do this, but to do so I needed to seize any possibility that came my way. So I was hired to work at his financial consultancy company and I was happy to work in a medium-sized company, owned by a prominent academic professor, well sought after in the financial market

My Bilionaire

My Bilionaire



billionaire heir who is also the owner of her heart, but destiny has already decided that they need to continue that love story, and when they are face to face again, the long-dormant feeling returns to the surface with all its overwhelming force. A Contract with a Billionaire will tell the story of Bárbara Alves, a tourism professional who has just won an award, and Brian Hamilton Smith, a billionaire CEO at the head of a family business, in a reunion years after separating. Attention. This story is derived from the novel CEO's: The Dispute. So, wait to see a little more of Carolina and Samuel. Get ready to laugh and be moved by the beautiful story of these two. A thousand kisses and a great read. Carla Arine It was too perfect to be real. He was all cute, shy, and knew how to make a wonderful dinner... he had to have a flaw. I'm glad I found out in time, it would have been worse if we had made a public commitment or perhaps a marriage. Yes. Only Carol knew, and fuck if that other foreigner had knowledge. — It’s here, lady — the Uber driver tells me. I open the car door and head straight to my house. Today had everything to be a memorable night. It was Carolina's final test against Samuel, and it would clearly be tense. We still don't know who the next CEO will be, but the most surprising revelation of all had already happened and I still couldn't believe it: that Brian Smith, Samuel Wilson and his uncle, Oscar Wilson, came to Brazil with the most sordid plan of all. I can't deny that I was also enchanted by foreigners, but my best friend really fell in love, even with all the madness of hating and loving her biggest opponent. But now we know why this is all. A bid. They used the lucky foreigner's power of seduction to win over my friend and were celebrating the result, taking her out of the running. What they didn't expect was that Carol would put on a show in a jump. — Fuck them! — I exclaimed, in the bathroom looking at my white face in the mirror. My eyes are already red from trying so hard to avoid the tears that want to flow. Crap! Who would have thought the night would end like this? When I left, I was sure I would spend the night in Brian's arms, in a motel or in his apartment. I had even chosen some sexy lingerie, but now, just thinking about the unfortunate thing, I want to... argh. I go back to the room and grab one of the two beers I brought from the event from my bag, trying to console myself for having fallen in love with the wrong guy. I can not believe. Another liar to my list of disappointments. Again I go to sleep alone reflecting on my mistakes. Unemployed and with a Tourism college tuition that costs almost a kidney to pay

CEO perfect love

CEO perfect love



impulsive. She had her plan mapped out, it was so simple: Finish college and get rid of her toxic father, Judge Carter. Everyone looked at her and saw her as daddy's princess. They just couldn't imagine what she had to go through to be the perfect daughter he so longed for. Everything was going well, even him. Aaron Seed. Since the day their destinies crossed, she imagined that everything would fall apart around her, she just didn't know if in a good or bad way. Aaron Seed After the death of his mother, he is forced, due to circumstances, to go live with Hanry, his father. Because he can no longer handle Aaron's rebellions, Hanry sends him to the Seed University dorm. Everything was going well, until the day he bumped into a girl. But she wasn't just any girl, she was totally different from the others. The intensity of her eyes attracted him, as he knew the darkness in them, and this only made him more curious to know who she was. However, unlike the others, the mysterious girl clearly said that she didn't want to have a relationship with anyone, especially someone like him. This only gave him reason to want to make her life a living hell, showing that, like the others, she was not immune to him. Something unexpected happens amid provocations, intimidation, discoveries and sexual tension. Aaron and Cadence find themselves completely lost in a feeling neither of them have ever had. Love. "Living life has never been so tempting and scary at the same time." Toxic Bad Boys Bad Boy Cruel Series - book I The other books in the series are completely independent, although some characters may appear throughout the stories. There will be a total of 4 books. Attention! This is a bully romance, you will find an enemies to lovers, and a relationship that is not healthy. It can cause discomfort for some people, as they approach them through provocation and intimidation. As the name suggests, there will be bullying. The author does not support this type of behavior. "IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS TYPE OF ROMANCE, DON'T READ IT!" WE WILL ALSO HAVE TRIGGER OF: Drug addiction, scenes of physical abuse, profanity, descriptive sex, dubious attitudes, illicit and legal drugs, bullying, psychological aggression, toxic parental relationship, maternal and paternal abandonment, relationships that may appear abusive and that can cause triggers. Work intended for people over 18 years of age. Welcome! This book will be a little different from the previous ones, I ask that everyone who reads it, keep an open mind to understand that everything that happens is not tolerable. We will have some themes that may become triggers for some, and that is why I ask you to read the NOTICE that was left. Again, DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE. This will be my first Bully Romance and I hope to meet the expectations of all of you readers. I just have to thank you, for all your strength and motivation, and that's why I dedicate this book to you, my reader who always follows my growth, and to you who were interested in the story

Life with the CEO

Life with the CEO



Everyone looked at her and saw her as daddy's princess. They just couldn't imagine what she had to go through to be the perfect daughter he so longed for. Everything was going well, even him. Aaron Seed. Since the day their destinies crossed, she imagined that everything would fall apart around her, she just didn't know if in a good or bad way. Aaron Seed After the death of his mother, he is forced, due to circumstances, to go live with Hanry, his father. Because he can no longer handle Aaron's rebellions, Hanry sends him to the Seed University dorm. Everything was going well, until the day he bumped into a girl. But she wasn't just any girl, she was totally different from the others. The intensity of her eyes attracted him, as he knew the darkness in them, and this only made him more curious to know who she was. However, unlike the others, the mysterious girl clearly said that she didn't want to have a relationship with anyone, especially someone like him. This only gave him reason to want to make her life a living hell, showing that, like the others, she was not immune to him. Something unexpected happens amid provocations, intimidation, discoveries and sexual tension. Aaron and Cadence find themselves completely lost in a feeling neither of them have ever had. Love. "Living life has never been so tempting and scary at the same time." Toxic Bad Boys Bad Boy Cruel Series - book I The other books in the series are completely independent, although some characters may appear throughout the stories. There will be a total of 4 books. Attention! This is a bully romance, you will find an enemies to lovers, and a relationship that is not healthy. It can cause discomfort for some people, as they approach them through provocation and intimidation. As the name suggests, there will be bullying. The author does not support this type of behavior. "IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS TYPE OF ROMANCE, DON'T READ IT!" WE WILL ALSO HAVE TRIGGER OF: Drug addiction, scenes of physical abuse, profanity, descriptive sex, dubious attitudes, illicit and legal drugs, bullying, psychological aggression, toxic parental relationship, maternal and paternal abandonment, relationships that may appear abusive and that can cause triggers. Work intended for people over 18 years of age. Welcome! This book will be a little different from the previous ones, I ask that everyone who reads it, keep an open mind to understand that everything that happens is not tolerable. We will have some themes that may become triggers for some, and that is why I ask you to read the NOTICE that was left. Again, DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE. This will be my first Bully Romance and I hope to meet the expectations of all of you readers. I just have to thank you, for all your strength and motivation, and that's why I dedicate this book to you, my reader who always follows my growth, and to you who were interested in the story. Welcome if this is your first contact with any of my work! We will learn the story of Aaron Seed and Cadence Archeron.

CEO single

CEO single



ENEMIES TO LOVERS – AGE GAP (10 YEARS) – FORCED COEXISTENCE – PCD REPRESENTATIVITY – HOT SCENES “She didn’t represent anything he wanted, but she was everything he obsessively desired.” Michael Swartz is the richest banker in the country. A handsome, seductive, intelligent and well-connected man. At 33 years old, he has immeasurable wealth, high prestige and numerous women. Until a twist hits him like a wind hitting a house of cards. Counting on the help of the only woman who seems immune to his charm, Michael will need to adapt to the new reality or, otherwise, succumb to it. "My Arrogant Banker" is an intense adult romance, with explicit hot scenes. Indicative rating: 18 years old. PROLOGUE - "A Small Final Affront" MICHAEL SWARTZ The pungent smell of candles mixed with the cloying perfume of flowers grew more unpleasant by the minute. It was almost unbearable, and I couldn't wait to leave. But it had a good side. In the background, a soft voice filled the room, chanting "Insensatez" to my complete delight. I had handpicked the soundtrack for the wake. He hated Bossa Nova because he considered the style "too popular". That was the fun... That room playing only Tom Jobim, João Gilberto and Toquinho was a small final affront. Oh, why were you so weak? So heartless? Ah, my heart, whoever has never loved Does not deserve to be loved — My condolences. — Thank you — I replied for the hundredth time. Or thousandth? I lost count of how many times the simple dialogue was repeated that gray afternoon, with one variation or another. - My feelings. - Thanks. — Your father was a good man. Worthy. Exemplary. - Thanks. My mother had left many years before, causing everyone to come directly to me to offer condolences. The eldest son of the late banker Abraão Swartz. The luxurious coffin hovered like a tourist attraction in the adjacent hall, with hundreds of crestfallen people passing by it, amid prayers, laments and tears. And me? I didn't feel anything. Absolutely nothing. A huge emptiness ravaged my chest as I tried to search my memory for any memory that would live up to the "good", "worthy" and "exemplary" praise. —Thirty-three years, the age of Christ. What's it like to be the richest and youngest banker in the country? — Gabriel stopped next to me, an almost imperceptible smile on my twin's lips. Like me, Gab didn't care about the family's Judaism. “I haven't stopped to think about it yet,” I replied, smoothing my black suit, expelling any imaginary dust from the expensive fabric. — How not? Damn, Michael... Now that the old man is finally dead, the Swartz Bank is in his hands,” he whispered, nudging me with his elbow. Like me, Gab didn't give a damn about the dead man in the next room. Unlike us, our cousins ​​were tearful on one of the leather sofas, heads down, looking genuinely saddened by my father's death. I wouldn't judge them. The other Swartz did not receive the same "warm" attention that Abraham gave his children. In fact, few people knew about the cruel treatment given to Gab and, in particular, to me, throughout my childhood and adolescence. The firstborn. How I hated the word... "The old man is finally dead." Gabriel's sentence resonated like an echo, pulling me out of that pit of indifference and torpor, spreading waves of heat through my insides. Slow and sneaky like venomous snakes. — Cheer up... — insisted Gab. — Besides the position and the money, there’s one more reason to celebrate, brother

CEO staunch

CEO staunch



serving as an escape valve from this world that has become increasingly crazy. I'm currently writing the Born into the Mafia series, but there are several other stories running around in my head. Stay up to date with the latest news by following me on Instagram: @lunaoliveiraautora Kisses! Important notices! A Babysitter for the Cowboy Triplets is a unique book, a light cliché romance, in which, unlike my Mafia Born series books, the main characters are not involved in any illicit activities. The dramas that you will find in the plot will be linked to a nanny going crazy in order to control three nine-year-old boys, whose mission in life is to scare away all the nannies who approached them, all caused by a complex of maternal emotional abandonment. It's a romantic comedy, very fun, with breathtaking hot scenes. It has erotic content, therefore, it is recommended for people over eighteen years of age. The secondary characters, Jonh and Emily, will get their own book in the future, but I don't have a date for that release yet, as there are still other stories that will be written first. You will see a little bit of Lucrécia, Nando and Natasha from the book Minha Mexicana, because although this book is not part of the mafia universe that I created, all my characters, good citizens or not, live in the same universe in general, meeting between books, occasionally. That's it, I hope you enjoy reading and fall in love with my cowboy. Kisses! Synopsis Clara Mancini is Brazilian, the youngest of ten siblings, and a veterinary medicine student. She gets an exchange scholarship to study in Austin, Texas, and moves there. During the summer holidays, needing a temporary job to pay her bills, she ends up offering to be a nanny for three little pests, children of the cowboy, owner of Fazenda Olhos D'ågua. Sam Mackenzie needed a nanny to take care of his three sons, Jason, Jacob and Joshua, and when the agency's last nanny runs out of his farm after the boys stuck gum in her hair, Clara presents herself as the solution. of your problems, at least during the summer holidays. The triplets don't make it easy for Clara, but what they didn't expect is that at the trick school they studied, Clara had already been expelled for knowing too much. Between one prank and another, in this delicious romantic comedy, Clara wins not only the hearts of the triplets, but also the heart of the cowboy

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