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abandoned wife

abandoned wife



"When will I be back, Jov? Govan and I are already at the airport. Why... Why did you change your mind? Do you want to leave me here?" I asked my husband from the other line. I looked at our son whom I am carrying now. This is the day I've been waiting for. The day we'll return to the Philippines, and I've tried convincing Joavani several times to bring us back. I was so happy when he told me that. That we can finally go home with our child. But he called because he wanted... Only Govan, only Govan to go back, not me. "Just follow what I said, Gotchelle... Govan will come home first. Don't worry, I'll still set a schedule for when you'll come back," he said, and I let out a sigh. "I've waited for this day for months, Jov..." I said, and tears welled up immediately. My chest tightened, and it felt hard to breathe. "Please... When I choose a day to bring you home, I'll be the one to pick you up, Gotchelle..." "Why are you doing this to me, Joavani? I thought... I thought everything was over for you? After you... had our child undergo a DNA test and found out that you... you're really his Dad and not someone else--" "We're only talking now, Gotchelle. So don't let us fight because of that. Yes, all that is no longer with me. I understand, and I know the truth. Just please, follow me," he pleaded. I sighed again and caressed my son's face. "Don't you wonder, Joavani? Why I only sent you the DNA test results of our child? Why until now you still don't know what Govan looks like?" I asked with a smile, and tears started to fall. My chest tightened, and I felt the pain. "Gotchelle..." "He's just like you, exactly like you, Joavani. No doubt... he's your son. That's why I didn't send you his photos because I want... I want you to meet him as your son without any doubts... Jov... Okay, I'll follow what you said. Just... just take good care of our child while... while I'm not here, okay? I love him so much, Jov. I love our child so much," I said and kissed Govan's head wholeheartedly before handing him over to his babysitter. "Gotchelle?" "When they arrive, call me immediately, Joavani. Go on..." I said and ended the call. "Ma'am, are you sure you won't come with us?" my son's babysitter asked with concern. I shook my head. "I hurt my husband so much before, and I didn't appreciate him just because... I wanted someone else. But he's not hard to love, so I'll follow what he wants. His orders for me. Just please, take care of my child, okay?" I said, and she nodded. Govan extended his hand as if he didn't want me to go, and when I held it, he gripped it tightly. "Mam-ma..." "See you when I see you, my son. Mommy loves you, always," I said with teary eyes as they started walking away, and it felt like a heavy stone was pressing on my chest. My tears fell like rain due to the continuous dripping. I waved to him even though he tried to look away and was already crying. This is what Joavani wants, what my husband wants, so I'll follow. I still hope that someday I'll leave this country, but it didn't happen. Because when he called me and said he would pick me up, I refused. How will I go back home? How will I face him when... I'm useless? Because when I was about to go home from the airport, I didn't expect that an accident was waiting for me, causing me to become disabled. I can't walk anymore, so if I go home to my family, I'll just be a burden to them. So, I chose to stay here... for several years. Yes, it lasted that long. I often tell Joavani that I'll come home next month, but it just passes without me fulfilling it. Because I deliberately avoid continuing... He won't need a wife in a wheelchair anymore.

Chapter 1 1


I was already EARLY organizing my things because we have a seminar to attend tomorrow so we are leaving today. I am still an employee now in my father's own company. It is our family history to start in a low position and need to be trained.

We are not the ones in charge right away because the newbies can't because the company can make mistakes or collapse if we don't have pride in being able to handle our family business.

Eigenmann and I are the only two siblings and we are exactly what our parents expect. Especially for me because I am the eldest son but we are two heirs. My brother will be my partner in the company.

He's still in high school as of now, so he can't work with me yet and I also know that he will also start in a lower position, according to our family's custom. Our academics are more important.

"Are you leaving, son? Are you ready?” Mom asked me. When I looked back at him, he was barely peeking out the window.

"Yes, Ma," I answered and went to my closet to get my underwear.

I only brought a traveling bag and only a few clothes because our seminar was only for three days. It's only there in Cebu, so the trip is long.

"Son, when you get home we will schedule the Lordez family," said my mother and I stopped what I was doing. I took a deep breath.

"'Mom, is there really no other way? We are in the modern world and why do we still follow our family tradition? The arranged marriage?” I will ask.

We have already talked about this. Eigen and I must be married to one of their family friends. He said that it is necessary to follow what we have been used to since my great grandparents were born in this world and no one has yet broken that tradition.

Even though I told them that I have a boyfriend, they don't want to give me permission. They don't want me to be happy. Thank you

That's right, I have a boyfriend and Marjon and I have been in a relationship for a year. He is just my officemate and he is not like other rich men. Because his life is simple and he doesn't come from a rich family. He said he had nothing to be proud of. Only his love for me is what he can do.

He is also an employee of our company. It's an oil company, so we must really know something about operations.

"Son, you know our family tradition. It still needs to be followed,” he reminded and I sighed again. Follow what we are often used to, that's all.

"I understand, Mom. I know that you and Papa have already made up your mind. You always follow what you want. Eigen and I really don't do anything," I promised Mama in a thick voice. I don't want to be angry with them but I can't help it.

It's just sad because they don't care about our own happiness. Don't they know that arranged marriages are not really happy? The type where you don't even know the person you're going to marry and you don't even know if he's a good person.

Whether we can make our relationship work as a couple. Good luck is all I can say for myself.

"Son, it's not like that. My Papa and I love you, Eigen, your brother. All we want to happen is that we won't have to worry about the future of you two. We know the Lordez family, it's a good family so we feel safe in your bed when one of their children will be with you and you can take care of it, Gotchelle. I hope you can understand us, hija," he promised long before he left me in my room.

I took a deep breath again and just shook my head. What is my choice? But the only one who really agreed.


"I'm leaving, Mom, Dad," I said goodbye to my parents when I found them in the living room. They both have a day off from work today so they are actually at home.

"Be careful on your trip, son," Papa reminded me.

"Yes, Pa," I replied and walked out.

We will gather at the company because our service is there. I jumped in shock when Eigen's car suddenly rang.

He is only in his second year of college and he also took a business management course. He now has his own car and is really independent. There is also a condo but he preferred to come home to our house more often.

"Get on board, Sister. I'll drop you off," he presented to me and I didn't hesitate to get on board. Well, it was my brother who offered to drive me.

I also don't want to drive because we will be gone for three days. I don't want to leave my car with the company.

I put on my seatbelt and he took my luggage to move it to the backseat. Then he drove.

"I thought you weren't at home because you didn't come home last night," I said to him.

"We went out last night with my friends, Ate. It's like going to a bar, eh. So I just thought that we should sleep at Ejik's bar," he explained to me.

"Or maybe later that you have a girl that's why you didn't go home? That you chose to spend the night there at the bar?” I asked with raised eyebrows. I am literally accusing him. Because I know that he is not young anymore. He is young and has needs.

"Sister, eh. I'm working on something right now. I don't want to have a bad record with him. He was with us last night, he was also with his friends," he said.

"It should be. One of the things I taught you is not to flirt, especially if you just met her at the club house," I reminded him.

"Kuya Joavani is also there, Sister," he said, silencing me.

I already know that man. My marriage. I met him at his Mommy's birthday party. Our parents had planned for the two of us to meet.

Mommy was just saying earlier that she will schedule a family dinner together with them so that we can talk about our engagement party.

I get really nervous every time I think about that. What should I say to my boyfriend? Am I really going to break up with him? Even if I love him?

"You've been quiet, Sister." It wasn't long before we reached the company.

“Don't come down, Eigen. Leave if you're going somewhere else," I said to him to which he just nodded.

"Be careful, Sister," he said and handed me my traveling bag.

“Babe!” my boyfriend called me and I smiled sweetly at him. I waved at him and was about to approach him when someone pulled my elbow.

"What?!" I asked angrily and I struggled hard.

His arm just slid around my waist and the hair on my body stood up when he nuzzled into my neck.

"It's been a while, sweetheart," he said to me softly.

"J-Joavani?" I said his name in shock. I didn't expect to see him here and in front of Marjon.

God...wrong timing.

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