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"TODAY is our fourth anniversary. Then... T-Then... Are you just playing with me? Tell me, Jai. Do you really love me?" I asked him while I was crying. It feels like my chest is being stabbed with a sharp blade and it seems non-stop, so I feel more pain in my heart. "I love you, Miamor. I love you, so much, baby..." "But you can leave me just like that and marry your best friend?! Or are you just lying? That you don't really love me and that Jillian is exactly who you want to be with and not me!" I screamed and my tears started falling down my cheeks. My chest is just getting tighter and it seems I'm having trouble breathing again. Feels like a big hand is squeezing my heart. "I love you, Miamor but I want to help Jillian. She needs--" "You don't love me, Jai! I never felt that love! You give it to others and not to me! So, you can hurt me like this! You are only doing this because of your best friend! So, that you and Jillian can be free!" I said, it's roaring. He just shook his head at me and I could see tears also falling from his eyes and he even bit his lower lip. His fist was tight so his veins came out there. "I'm sorry..." What he said made me even more sad. Four years. We've been in a relationship for 4 years and I admit to myself, I never felt the love he says. Cause he always thinks of Jillian. I knew that girl had a space in his heart, because otherwise... If he really loves me he will choose me, and he will leave Jillian, not me... "I regret giving myself to you. I regret knowing you and wasting my time just to love you. What a coward you are!" "SENATOR Ferrara?" It seems like I woke up from a deep slumber of my past when I heard my secretary's voice and a faint shaking on my shoulder. I sat down and fixed my glasses. I was still breathing before I turned my back on her. "Are we here yet?" I asked, no emotion and she just nodded at me. We just got back from Manila because I had an urgent meeting in Singapore with Dad but he came back here earlier. The door on my side opened and I unbuckled my seatbelt and slowly got out of the car. As usual, we are visiting the patients who were victims of the fire last week. Well, it's in my heart to help my fellow Filipino, but the citizens won't believe because they will say that we are just showing off. Who wouldn't, if you're in the world of politics? De Cervantes Hospital, I know the owner of this hospital. A close friend. I shrugged when I remembered my referring friend. I have five bodyguards with me and my secretary Red Michigan. Others bring relief goods. The ward of the fire victims is on the second floor so, we took the elevator. I took off my glasses and gave this to my secretary. The elevator opened, a sign that we are already on the second floor. I was about ready to go out when I saw a doctor standing across from me. It's like he's waiting for the elevator to open too. The guy is tall and has a big body. He is slightly bent over while reading what is on the paper he is holding right now. One hand was stuck in his pants pocket. He was wearing glasses too. But his build is familiar to me. I just don't know why my heart reacted so fast. I got out of the elevator completely and accidentally broke his shoulder. "Damn it," I heard him curse and my eyebrows just rose up. I rolled my eyes. For the second time around, I got pulled over again when I stepped on something. I took it and checked the ID. Only to make my heart beat faster when I read the name of the owner. Dr. Jaickel San Amero. Neurologist Doctor. I faced him, "This is yours?" I asked him with no emotion written on my face. He stopped and looked at me. I can't see him in shock because he has no emotion either. I stepped closer to him and he didn't even avoid my gaze. I don't know if he recognizes me yet or not. "You drop this, Dr. American," I casually said and handed him his ID. He quickly snatched it from me without interrupting staring at me. No word I turned my back on him then walked straight on. After so fvcking years... Our paths crossed again, Jai. What a luck. I'm Miamor Ferrara, I'm Senator and medicine inventor. That man is my ex-boyfriend. The world is really small for us. I smirked

Chapter 1 1


"WHERE the hell are you, boy?!" I asked my boyfriend from the other line in a loud voice. I held my phone tightly and I looked inside their classroom. I can't find him!

He told me he was gonna pick me up earlier and we were going somewhere, and I'm too excited for that! I also waited at the waiting shed where I often spend time there for him to pick me up and this is not a first time he has done it. Because he has done this to me several times, ha! That man has never aged!

I've been waiting for him for over an hour and I've been trying to call him but he's not answering his phone. I don't know if he meant it! Just now he also answered the call where I went to him in their department. This is his 6th year in college, he's a medical student. While me, I'm taking my two years of medicine too.

I'm done with my four years in college and I took a course in Political Science, according to what Dad wants me to do, because he knows what my future will be. I rolled my eyes.

He is like this most of the time. Nothing new, he is always followed and he's always right, right and right. I'm not complaining because I also have no choice but to be consistent with my father. ``Because I'm only his daughter and the pressure is on me. So I also do my best.

He also has no idea that I already have a boyfriend and God knows what he'll do if he finds out about Jaickel. I wouldn't let my dad do anything to that man I love the most, even if his behavior is annoying sometimes.

I didn't like my first course but I'm still lucky because he let me study again even for two years. That's the course I want too, to make and invent my own medicine. I would like to deal with medicine. But most of the time my dad is really the villain for the things I like!

"Meh, can we just go out next time, please?" instead that's what he asked me so my head started to heat up quickly. My fist is clenched because here he is again. Here he is again with his excuse.

"You made me wait for more than an hour and that's all you tell me?! Next time?! An excuse again?! Seriously, Jaickel?!" I asked him angrily. I heard him sigh as if he was stressed with me again.

I cringed when someone hit my shoulder and I couldn't stop myself from scolding the girl.

"Are you blind, Miss? You could see there's someone here, huh!" I asked the crouching woman and she was scared by my shouting. His shoulders shook quickly and he looked like he would cry in no time. With so many students who would do that to me, why is there a nerd like him?!

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't see you..." he stuttered and his voice was really shaking.

"Exactly!" I screamed and took a big step to leave that place.

But I wasn't even far enough to remember what I said to the girl. I tightly closed my eyes because of the irritation I feel at this time. I went back to my place earlier and the woman still hadn't left. I think I offended him too much. Bullshit, Miamor!

Needless to say, I gave him the burger and drinks I brought. While I was waiting earlier, I asked Dad's bodyguard to buy it and I actually left one with that man but it never came.

The woman almost didn't catch the white bag and looked at me in surprise. That's my peace offering because I yelled at him and I know someone saw us earlier. I embarrassed him. I even heard some people say 'stupid and clumsy.'

"I'm sorry if I yelled at you, okay? I'm just hot-headed and sadly you're the lucky one to face my--whatever," I said to him emotionlessly then I turned my back on him.

"Miss--" he continued.

"Don't bother," I said and left there completely.

I'm always like this. When I'm hot-headed I often yell at people who are close to me or even our maid in the mansion.

Daddy taught me to be calm and control my emotions, like when I'm angry or happy. I should be seen as modest but in such a way that people will be afraid of me at first glance. Is there someone so modest but his presence is intimidating?! Like nothing! Of course I did that, but often my true nature comes out.

I am not a villain or a villain in people's lives. I just like this, okay?

"Mih," I heard Jai say my name. I forgot that our call has not been disconnected.

"Mih, Mih your face! Don't show me your ugly face if you don't have a valid excuse today! I don't always understand you, you're a man!" I was still interested in him then I hung up on him. I was still panting because of the volume of my voice.

I was still stomping in the corridor while walking and almost screamed so my schoolmates avoided me when they saw me. Maybe scared of my fierce looks now.

My cellphone rang and I answered the call without looking to see who the caller was.

"What?!" I shouted back.

"What's with the loud voice, Miamor?" I caught my own breath when I heard Dad's voice. He is very calm and what you think is also very smart.

Father Mozer Ferrara, or I rather say Senator Ferrara. He's a strict father and he controls all the people around him, including me. There's no exception even though I'm his only daughter. So, we are like robots who only listen and obey him because he controls us all.

If you look at him, he seems to be wise, very responsible, considerate of others, but he is not. He only does things that he thinks will make his name better just because of his current position.

He is so thirsty for public attention for his next run as President of the country. He's capable, I mean... Dad is capable of managing the Philippines. Even though he is a strict person, I know he is not a corrupt senator. He doesn't care about the money and he's not after it. Because it's in our family and blood to enter the politics.

And also, Daddy comes from a rich family. They have businesses and all of that I will inherit and manage one day. Oh, don't I have 101 percent pressure!

God knows when my father wins as president I have to follow him, in his footsteps. It can't be because I'll be the one who gets upset.

My mother Mary Amor? My parents divorced for a long time, five years ago. Because Mommy doesn't want Dad's chaotic life. He prefers peace. He once made my daddy choose. If it wants a peaceful life with him or a chaotic life without him from our father?

Yeah, Mommy can afford to leave me and Dad only chose one. The chaotic life with me and Mommy not being in our lives. They are both funny, because instead of giving me attention and care they put themselves first. What a selfish parents they are, right? I was not hurt by the decision they chose. I can't blame them. We have the same decision in life and I accepted that part of them.

All that matters to me is that they both never looked for someone else. Mommy is in Paris at this time and there she runs her business, a big Fashion Show and a boutique. Yeah, my Mom is a fashion designer. She was still a young woman and that was her dream and she was very good at her job.

While my Dad, he hasn't married yet and I know the reason.

He still loves my mother. How did I know? Of course, I always catch him watching Mommy on TV news or something when there is an interview and all the magazines that have something to do with my Mommy and it is featured, Dad no'n has a collection. Her room, there are many pictures of Mommy. Often those are even stolen shots. He looks like a stalker but he's not a creepy. He just loves my Mom, too much.

And that's just what I admired about my dad. His true love for my mother but it wasn't enough for him to choose her.

We're on good terms with Mom. He often greets me and Daddy often asks me if Mommy called me. If he asks how is his life in politics. That's all and what most people know is that my parents are not divorced. Mommy was not at the important events but the media didn't doubt it. I'm fine with that though.

"I'm sorry, father. I'm just stressed with my activities," I answered in a modest voice and full of respect.

"Don't show that again if you are in a public place, my child. Did you finish your activities and class today?" When he asks about my classes I know what he's going to do.

"It was our last subject earlier. Why is that, father?" I asked him.

"Good. I will call your assistant and take you to the lunch meeting today. Ready yourself, okay?" I stopped. Lunch meeting. When he has a meeting like this, I'm never really absent. Even though I have class, Dad always excuses me just to go.

"Alright, Dad. But what about my outfit? I'm still wearing my white uniform," I said and looked at my white uniform. I even fixed a little mess at the end.

"You can drop by your mother's boutique. Don't take your time too much. I don't want to keep our meeting waiting, my child," he said calmly and my eyeballs rolled again.

Don't want to keep your meeting waiting, Dad? Excuse me? We are the ones waiting for them, duh!

"Yeah, sure father," I just said and he hung up his phone first. I sighed violently.

My class is only half-day when it's MWF, so my boyfriend and I actually thought about going out after our class, but we just put it off.

When I left the university, my bodyguard immediately became alert. There are only two of them because I don't want many people following me. They are both women according to my request.

Red got out of the driver's seat and opened the backseat door. Red, she's my assistant and a close friend of mine. We only met since we were both freshman in college.

I sat down and just dropped my leather backpack next to me.

I reached for my large duffel bag and intended to put my things in it. Especially in this situation. I feel comfortable changing my clothes here.

I took off my white shoes and while Red moved the car forward, I fixed myself.

I took off my uniform. There is no case against me even if I am only wearing undies. I have a shirt and shorts and Red is a girl, no malice.

Following behind us was a car belonging to my two bodyguards. Yes, we still have different cars.

The dress I wore was silver bodycon that was above my knee. I also wore my black stockings and my extra strap heel sandals that were only three inches high.

"Let's not stop by Mommy's boutique, Red," I said to my companion and he looked at me from his review mirror.

"Okay," he simply answered. Red personality is strong and always quiet and serious. I'm also quiet so we became close to each other.

I tied my hair in a high ponytail, so my jaw and cheeks got even more defined. I look like a cursed and evil person in my outfit.

My hair is past my shoulders and I dyed it light brown and I know that Dad doesn't want me to put anything in my hair.

I took my make-up kit. I only apply light lipstick on my face and pitch lipstick. Small earrings with a black diamond on it and a necklace.

And I'm Miamor Ferrara, 24 years old. I own the Amor Restaurant, an inventor someday and Dr. Jaickel Sanre Amero is my long time boyfriend.

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