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The art of remembering

The art of remembering



In the aftermath of a life-altering accident, Sky wakes up with no memory of a mysterious woman she's inexplicably drawn to paint. With her hands seemingly guided by a force beyond her understanding, Sky's artwork captivates those around her. But when a high-profile figure shares one of her paintings, thrusting her into the spotlight, Sky's world turns upside down. As she grapples with newfound fame and questions about her identity, Sky must confront her past and the enigmatic connection to the woman in her paintings. Amidst chaos and uncertainty, she discovers that sometimes, the greatest mysteries lie within ourselves.

Chapter 1 1

"You're here... again?" she said. I felt him step closer from behind me.

"That girl, again? You've been painting her since the day you woke up. Who is she?" she asked while standing at my back.

I lowered the paint brush I was holding while not taking my eyes off the painting in front of me that I had made myself.

"Who is she?" She asked again. He held me by both shoulders.

That's also the question I want to ask


Who is she?

Who are you?

It's been a month since I woke up from that accident. The car I was driving crashed causing me to be in a coma for six months... and unable to walk. The doctor said that there is still a chance that I will be able to walk again if I do therapy.

And it's been a month since I drew this girl's picture. I don't know her and I've never seen her before.

My hands seem to have a life of their own. Every time I hold a pencil, it will move and draw the face of a woman I have never seen in my entire life.

The doctor said that maybe I had seen or known this woman before the accident and I just forgot. But... I'm really sure that I never saw her before.

When I woke up I remembered everything before the accident... every single one of it. I still remember what the last thing I ate was the last thing I said before I got in my car and drove off.

Again, I look at the portrait that I painted.

Who are you?

"Maybe she's your guardian angel that saves your life." she said.

My guardian angel?

Maybe.. yes.

"C'mon, it's time for your therapy."

I nodded.

I placed the paint brush I was holding on the table.

My mom started to push my wheelchair. But before we could leave completely, we caught a glimpse of the painting again.

If you really are my guardian angel, thank you for saving my life.



Suddenly I woke up from a loud scream outside my room. I quickly got up and got off the bed.

"F*ck!" I snorted as I fell on the bed, one of my feet breaking on the blanket.

"Skyyyyyyyyyy..." again when I heard Yuki's loud cry and the opening of my bedroom door.

"Hey... are you on the floor? You actually have a bed on the floor and you decided to sleep. Your trip is also strong." he said then laughed.

I opened my eyes and looked at it evilly.

I stood up from the floor.

"What the h*ll is your problem? Is your voice reaching the corner? Is your scream loud?" I asked him annoyed.

I sat on the edge of my bed and fixed my messy hair.

"Girllll... It's already afternoon." She said. I look at her standing in front of me while smiling.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to bed.

"Hey! Don't say you're going to sleep again?" He pulled my hand to wake me up.

"Arghhh!! Can you just go out and let me sleep?" I complained while burying my face in the pillow.

"Get up because of that. I want to show you something. This is the reason why I scream so loud. C'mon, Sky." He said while not stopping pulling my hand with shaking.

"Arghh! F*ck! Stop it!" I got up with my eyes closed.

"When that's not important I'll really hit you." I said to him annoyed.

"You're so br*tal. I promise you'll be surprised when you see this. Here look at this."

"I can't see it."

"W*nga! Open your eyes so you can see."

Oh! I forgot. I have my eyes closed.

I opened my eyes and looked at whatever he wanted to show me.

"So? What's so important with this picture?" I said against him at the same time.

"Oh no! You can fight back!" I just smiled at him and intended to lie down when he held my hand again.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Look carefully.. Open your eyes wide so you can see." Banging if the cell phone was taken from his hand while touching it.

I looked carefully at the picture he was talking about.

It's a picture of a girl.

My forehead suddenly wrinkled while looking at the picture.

"What can you say?" Yuki asked.

I took my eyes off his cellphone screen and focused on him.

"Hmm.. she looks familiar." I said.

"W*nga! What's familiar?" He said and hit me.

"Eh, the face is familiar to me, do I know who that is? Go away... you just disturbed my sleep." I said kicking him off my bed.

"G*ga! Hey, you're the one in the picture." he said and hit me in the face with a pillow.

"How can I be that?" I asked back. I took a pillow next to me and hit him too.

This girl is pissing me off! Maybe he thought I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.

"Look at that picture carefully." Yuki.

"Why are you forcing me? What if it's me? Is it a big deal?" I said and caught the pillow he was about to throw at me.

"It's a big deal. Do you know who posted this picture of you?"

"Who?" I asked back.

"The one and only son of the president of the Philippines." He said seriously.

I looked at him.

He looked at me with a serious face.

I suddenly laughed.

"C'mon... Stop it. Stop pranking me. Those pranks of yours won't work for me anymore." I said.

"I'm d*ad serious this time." I looked at his face for a few seconds.


She's fucking serious!

Again if he grabbed the cell phone in his hand and looked at the picture again.

I stared at it carefully. I almost stuck my face on his cellphone screen.

"What the h*ll!? How did he get my picture? And I don't remember having this picture?" I said.

"Read the caption." She said.

I looked at the caption and frowned.

"It's too long.. I'm too lazy to read." I said.

"Just read the first sentence, you idiot!"

"Hey! That's a lot." He just scolded me.

I looked back at the screen and read the first sentence.

"My guardian angel who saved my life from death?" I'm reading.

I glanced at Yuki when I heard him laugh.

"What's funny?"

"Well, he called you his guardian angel but you're not!" He said laughing. "You're not an angel... you look like an angel. That's the correct word. But you're ahahahahahaha... dev----. Yeah, I think I should just close my mouth."

"Tsk! Why the h*ll he posted this? I don't know him." I said.

"Well, if you just read it, you will know. And since you are too lazy to read, let me summarize it for you. You should be thankful, I love you this much." She said and smiled at me.

Oh! I hate that smile!

"To make it short. Six months ago he had an accident... the whole Philippines knows it because he's the son of the president... except maybe you because you have your own world and don't know what's happening around you. Let me phrase it 'does not care'."

I rolled my eyes.

"Continue... He was in a coma for six months.. poor him. When he woke up he started to draw a picture and that's you. He said that he never saw you or knew you. It's like his hands have a life of their own and every time he draws your face what he does. He posted that picture to know if you really exist in this world." He laughed at the last thing he said.

"Tsk! This guy is full of drama. Well, I don't f*cking care. Maybe I just look like the girl drawn.. painted or whatever, I don't care." I said nonsense.

I really don't care.

Just like Yuki said, I don't care about what's happening around me. And I'm not his guardian angel or an angel.

I'm not worth it to be called...

Maybe I'll accept it if he calls me a demon. Because that was how everyone described me.

Damn it!

Why do I call my self a d*mon?


Because of my past!

Previously it was drawn all over my body, my personality. I used to try to run away, but now I'm being chased more and more.

"Whether it's you or just what you look like... social media is full of you. There are a lot of likes and shares. And the comments... ghad! You're a celebrity now, you're on the news." Yuki said while laughing.


I fell down on my bed and looked at the ceiling of my room.

"Maybe we should hire some bodyguards from now on." Yuki said and laughed.

Oh shit!

Now she's fucking teasing me!

I reached for the pillow that was on my side and threw it hard at him.

"Get the hell out of here!"

"As you wish my celebrity friend. Just don't forget about me, okay?" He said laughing.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.


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