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Dear crush

Britney is obsessed with her ever adorable But arrogant celebrity crush, Archie, by fate she finds herself in his house and is determined to win his heart by all means until his evil fiance shows up.

Chapter 1 No pressure

Eleven years ago - Britney had always been distant from her mom,it had always been her dad,they ate together,sang together and even played together,he was her role model,her best friend,she loved acting and he believed in her dreams

"Dad,I can't do it" eleven year old Britney giggled

"Ofcourse you can Brit,just close your eyes and do you "he said

Closing her eyes and heaving a sigh of relief,eleven year old Britney began her monologue ,She did it excellently well and her dad's support for her dreams made their bond even stronger.

Her dad became very sick one-day and was bedridden for two years and eventually died leaving his wife and two kids, Britney and her five years old brother, Phil.

The present -

"This dark and cruel world you've built is constantly draining me,I can't take it anymore,set me free!" Britney hollowed in the dark

"You must be enjoying it aren't you,my pain must excite you,I'm hurting inside, I'm dying..."

She gasps as her room door opens and the light comes on

"Britney"Mrs Love, Britney's mom stood hands at akimbo in front of her room door

"What have I said about acting in the dark and scaring some of us?"

"It's my room mom and I do as I please"she murmured.

"What did you say?"the expression on Britney's mom's face changed

"Nothing ma'am,what do you want?"Britney asked

"We need to talk"she replied

"Okay I'm all hears"

"Not here,this place looks like it hasn't been occupied in months

Britney turns to look at her well scattered room,clothes everywhere on the floor and posters of her celebrity crush "Archie".

Her mom picks up a poster of Archie " i thought I told you to thrash this?"

"Mom.. leave Archie alone,will you?" Tries to snatch the poster away from her hands but she dodges.

"Meet me in my room if you want this back"

Britney sighs.

"I love you very much Britney and i want the best for you, we're not so close and I can never replace your father even in a thousand years to come but I mean well for you " Britney's mom said touching her shoulder as they sat together in her room

"Mom, why are you saying all this?of course I know you love me,dad and I had a special bond but I don't neglect the fact that you are my mom,I love you so much"Britney replied

"Then listen to to me and do my bidding, be responsible, get a job, settle down and leave this phase you are in right now"

" I have a job mom"

"You call that a job,you call acting a job?get something better doing,leave this lies you tell yourself and open up to new people "

Britney removes her mom's hands from her shoulder

"I have somewhere to be right now"gets up

"But we're not done talking" "I am mom, sorry but I chose acting, it's what I love doing and I won't stop" takes a step forward then stops "I'm going over to Celine's place right now,might not come back tonight,don't wait up for me"picks up the poster of Archie and walks out quietly


"I was literally going to suffocate in that room with her bringing that topic up"Britney said sipping her coffee

"I can tell"Celine replied

Celine is Britney's childhood friend and the only person after her dad she could open up to

"Like,why can't she leave me alone, I love acting,it's what emotionally connects me to my dad,must I get married,not everyone gets married these days you know"sips her coffee again

"Take it easy on yourself "Celine says patting her back "you know what?why don't we go out,you know like to somewhere nice and cool.. and have fun,to clear your head and who knows meet cute guys"winks at her

"I don't have the time for pretty boys right now"

"Well I do" Britney gasps" you have a boyfriend...you silly girl"

"Come-on...let's just go,it's going to be fun,not like this though" pointing at Britney's outfit"let's see if I have something cute for you in my wardrobe"giving her a sly smirk, Britney smirks back mischievously

The two girls walk into the club looking dashing and hot,all eyes are on them

"Ouu, we lit"Celine says winking at some cute guys

"Let's go wild tonight!"Britney exclaims "woo!"they both exclaim amidst the loud music

"Not so fast"a voice echoed from behind them,they turn only to find Simon, Celine's boyfriend

"What are you doing here?"Celine thundered

"Should be asking you that question,you promised to stop partying,why this?"

"You,said I should stop,I never agreed to that,are you following me around now?"

"Urm"Britney gulped" if you'd excuse me"she said sneaking past them as they argued ,she goes to sit alone at the bar sipping wine

"Hi" a tall cute guy said sitting beside her"sorry to disturb,just saw a pretty damsel that's meant for the heavens and I couldn't let her slip away from my sight

"Quit it play boy,thoses words don't work on me"she replied backing him

"I'm..I'm sorry, didn't mean to come off as a play boy"he stammered " can we start all over?I'm Jacob "

Britney reluctantly turns to face him " I'm Britney "he extends his hands for a handshake,she accepts


"Uh.. yeah, I'm alone"

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Ha, you already are and it's a public place,so yeah sure"

"Thank you"

The night was a hot one , Britney had sips and sips of alcohol with Jacob and they danced through the night,Celine had gone home unannounced with Simon as he won't stop pestering her about being responsible and accepting his proposal to marry her.

Britney ended up in Jacob's place and they made out.

She sneeked out of his place at the early hours of the morning face red in embarrassment,back home looking all rough and rumpled,her mom was sitting on the couch

"Good morning mum"she mumbled rushing into her room and into the shower to wash off everything.

Her mom just shook her head clinging to the photo frame of her late husband,Britney's dad.

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