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secretly loved CEO

secretly loved CEO

carmen esparanola


the two of us, as he was very cunning. And he played dirty. After he proposed to Lara, I decided to leave Brazil, it wouldn't do me any good to see the woman I secretly loved marrying another man. Destroyed, I decided it was better this way. I lived in Los Angeles and had a small photography studio, it was the profession I loved, I was passionate about art, during these years living here, I made a fortune. But, in Brazil, my father had a construction company, which Fernando ran, but I found out from my mother that it was already on the verge of bankruptcy. As soon as I was notified about her death, I returned to Brazil immediately, since our mother only had the two of us, and now she only had me. When I found out about her death, my heart hurt, I felt her loss, it was a piece of me that was gone forever, I called the family lawyer, informed him about what happened, and asked for help. I wanted to know more about the accident, although, knowing Fernando, he must have run the light. We were twins, but so different from each other, not only in appearance, but in personality as well. Fernando was blond, and I was dark-skinned, but we had the same blue eye color. As our family members said, one was the spitting image of his father; another, from the mother. Since our first anniversary, competitiveness began between us and most of it was on his part, Fernando cried over everything and, of course, that meant he got everything he wanted. He was smart and got away with everything he messed up when we were teenagers. And, when we reached adulthood, he was considered by people close to him as the evil twin, when our father passed away, he left him as president of the construction company, because Fernando, from a young age, was involved in the family business and was engaged to the woman he was with. I was in love, of course he knew, I had opened my heart to our mother, and he certainly listened. Fernando was like that, he wanted everything I wanted, when he couldn't get it, he took the force. Despite everything, Lara fell in love with him. And somehow I accepted it, but something inside me never accepted it. I admitted that I lost and accepted my defeat. I looked at the storm that would soon hit. After a few words from the priest, I felt my mother's hand squeeze mine as she sobbed quietly, I raised my gaze and saw Lara with moistened eyes, her expression was closed, after looking at me, she lowered her head, she was alone in a corner. Her slender body in a black dress, her pale hands holding her rosary, the engagement ring on her finger did not go unnoticed; She and Fernando already lived together before they even got married, I looked at her and remembered the first time I saw her. It was the birthday of a mutual friend we had, in the middle of the party, we were introduced; While talking, I asked her out, but she told me she already had a boyfriend; at the same time, Fernando arrived at the party. I'm sure she was embarrassed, because he showed it off, wanting to show me that once again he was the winner. After the coffin was lowered into the grave, we said goodbye, my mother got in the car and I said goodbye to her. I looked around looking for Lara, I saw her walking slowly with her cell phone in her hand, I walked quickly and caught up with her. She noticed me approaching and stopped, looking at me. — Lara, hi! — I saluted, stopping in front of her.

Chapter 1 When he dropped

euphoria took possession of my chest and I became restless, not knowing what to do. The rain was getting heavier and I decided to offer to take her to her house. I took off my glasses, putting them in my suit pocket. I looked at Lara, who was shaking from the cold. — If you allow me, I can take her to your house, a storm will soon hit, and finding a taxi will be difficult — I said, since I know she doesn't drive, but I'm not sure about that either, I suspect she must have come from taxi. We walked to my car and the whole time she didn't say anything. I didn't say it either.

I think she prefers it this way, to be quiet with her thoughts. Since she just lost her fiancé, she must be grieving the loss. Indignation took over me, I was angry, but I wouldn't let fury enter my being, I'm not used to feeling these sensations, but Lara was my weak point. I opened my car door, and she got into the vehicle; When closing the door, I noticed that her wrist had a small purple mark, I wanted to question her right away. However, my mind reminded me that none of that concerned me, but I still didn't accept it. I turned the corner obeying the voice of the GPS and continued entering the street; As she turned the next corner, Lara's voice sounded saying that the house she lived in was next. I agreed, stopping in front, parking the car next to the sidewalk. I got out of the car and opened the door for her, and she got out, even though she didn't invite me in, I followed behind her, activating the car alarm. Lara stopped in front of the door, opened her bag and took the bunch of keys from inside, putting them in the lock, turning them. The door opened and she looked at me for the first time since we left the cemetery. Her eyes were downcast, she forced a smile before saying, “Want to come in?” — She entered without waiting for my answer. My eyes followed her walking around the slightly messy room, running her hand over the furniture, I couldn't say anything, I just watched her airily in her thoughts. She entered a hallway and opened the door and closed it immediately. I didn't sit down, I waited for her return, I thought she would take a shower. Then I heard a loud, uncontrolled laugh, right after a cry as loud as the laugh was. Desperate, I ran to the room knocking on the door, calling her name. She told me not to go in, she wanted to be alone. However, hearing her cry caused me a lot of pain. I opened the door slowly, I put half my body inside, watching Lara lying on the bed, the sheets were thrown on the floor and the pillows too. Her gaze roved in my direction. Suddenly her expression changed, giving way to a frown. I threatened to get closer to her, but she screamed. — Don't come any closer, go away, I hate your family, my life has turned into hell since I met you — she lamented, getting up from the bed, then pointed for me to leave. - Do you need something? I can help you, I know you're alone, and your parents live in another city — I said, waiting for her response, but she only gave a bitter laugh. And with that act I knew that that sweet young woman full of dreams no longer existed. — I feel relieved by his death, just knowing that I won't see him again, my heart shakes inside my chest, beating in resignation. Her brother was the devil himself, I'm sure he's with him now, burning in hell. I want you to go away! She — she ordered, walking past me, opening the bedroom door. I completely understand the way she is acting towards me, she is just letting it all out, I don't blame her, on the contrary, I agree with her in everything. I left her room. Before, I left my card with my cell phone number on the table. If she needs something, she can call me. I felt bad about everything I heard and punched the steering wheel hard. As much as she must have endured with Fernando, she has reason to freak out a little. I started the car, getting out, however, her words wouldn't leave my head. CHAPTER 2 Lara Barcelos I opened my eyes quickly when I heard knocks on the door, they became louder and I was startled, getting up slightly from the bed. I put my hobby over my shirt and still didn't have the courage to go check the door. The knocks were now strong kicks, my blood froze inside my veins. With shaking hands, I opened the bedroom door, walking slowly to find out who was in such a hurry to scare me so much. Memories flooded my mind, reminding me of how Fernando would knock on the door when he arrived home late and drunk. Small shivers ran through my body just remembering those painful moments I spent with him. I put my hand on the doorknob and asked before opening it. - Who is it? — I asked in a low, trembling voice. Was it Frederico? But he wouldn't do all this suspense just to scare me. When he dropped me off at home yesterday, he seemed so worried about me. Was he as mean as his brother? I don't doubt anything, they are twins, and they say that twins are so equal in their attitudes. As soon as I opened the door, I was dragged back with such force and violence that I screamed as I felt the grip on my neck tighten, my vision blurred as tears fell from my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. - Who are you? — My voice came out squeaky, as the grip had tightened around my neck, I felt the lack of air, and I finally started breathing again when I was thrown to the ground so aggressively, I felt so much pain in my wrist and I remembered why he is sore and purple. On the night of the accident, Fernando came home drunk and saw my bags packed, I would leave, I would live on the street if necessary, but I would never accept being his prisoner and going through the humiliations he subjected me to, he squeezed my wrist , pulling me into the room, then came back with the suitcases, throwing them on the bed, saying that

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