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The Governor's Obsession

The Governor's Obsession



Prologue: KRIZZA'S POV I am forever running here in the vast forest. Tears and don't know where to go. My feet are all sore but I don't care because what's important to me is to get away from this impy-rn-ng place. "There he is!" I was immediately alarmed after spotting some of Jackson's men who were now trying to chase me. I ran even faster until suddenly I tripped. I screamed in pain when something stuck in my left thigh. I cried in pain as I tried to get hold of myself. Even if I wanted to run, I couldn't because of my current situation. D*mn! "Ahhh!" I screamed even louder as I tried to dislodge the wood that was now buried in my thigh. "We got her, boss." I was suddenly chilled after hearing the voice of one of Jackson's men. I slowly turned around and that's when I realized that they were already surrounding me. "He has a wound, we need to get him back to boss." One said and then lifted me into a bridal style. I tried to fight and get away, but what am I fighting against them? There are many of them and I am alone. I can feel the weakness of my body. I am tired of everything that is happening to me now. I just want to die. "Did you really think you could escape me, hm, Krizza?" The man said using his deep, cold voice. He, he is the man I hate so much. The man I thought would protect me, is actually the one who will make me experience a life like hell. I f*ck*ng hate him! "Time to face your punishment, Cara."

Chapter 1 KRIZZA'S POV

"Please welcome, our dearest Governor–Governor Jackson Salcedo!"

I was almost deafened by the loud shouts and screams of the people around me after their beloved and one of the respected governors went on stage.

He is Jackson Salcedo, one of the most handsome and well-known politicians in the country. Many women chase him and the rest of them just don't want to undress in front of him for him to notice.

"Sh*t, Gov's really a hottie!" The woman behind me screamed.

"You said it! When I actually get married, I will sing about it every night." Second, the other one giggled, like it was just stupid.

I was secretly tormented by what I was hearing and was about to walk away but, unexpectedly, Sir Jackson and I met each other's eyes and from here I saw the meeting of his eyebrows so I quickly turned around.

I'm sure he's angry again because I disobeyed him. He told me not to get out of the car, but here I am outside. Because I'm bored and another thing is that he still has my cell phone so I really don't have anything else to worry about.

"Hey, aren't you Jackson's personal assistant?"

I was currently walking back to Sir Jackson's parked car when suddenly, a stranger approached me. He's smiling at me and if you look at him, he looks kind so I smile back at him.

"Hi. Ah, yes I am the Gov's personal assistant. Why?"

"Nothing. I always see you with Jackson, but only now did I have the chance to approach you." He had a long hand on his neck. He looks a little bit shy. "By the way, I'm Ivan, Jackson's friend." He, then, extended his hand, obviously asking for a handshake. I immediately accepted that.

"I'm Krizza. Nice meeting you, Sir Ivan." I politely said. It looks like he and Sir Jackson are not too far apart in age.

He chuckled. "You're too formal. Just call me Ivan, don't call me Sir."



Sir Jackson suddenly appeared in front of us, much to my surprise. "Sir!"

He just glanced at me with no emotion and turned to face Ivan who was just scratching his forehead.

"I was just meeting your P.A-"

"Stay away from my girl before I sh*ot your freaking head." Sir promised coldly while pulling me.

We were already inside his car when I realized the last thing he said. I don't know but I was suddenly terrified.

The weird.


I simply glanced at Sir, but as usual his expression was blank again while looking directly at the road. He doesn't want us to be with anyone else in the car, so that's why he always drives even though he has a personal driver.

Sometimes I don't really understand the behavior of this boss of mine. He always tells me that he doesn't want to see me, but gets angry when I avoid him. There are also times when he threatens any man who tries to approach me – just like what he did to Ivan. I try to live with him and understand him but sometimes, its really hard. He's so possessive to the point that I forget what my real role is in his life.

Jia, who is his brother, told me that his older brother is like that to me and that only means one thing – his brother likes me. Tch. Sounds impossible, right? A handsome, hot, famous and rich governor will like a simpleton like me? Heist.

"Brother is in a bad mood again. What happened?" Jianna was immediately curious about me when Sir Jackson and I arrived at the mansion.

"He's always in a bad mood, so what's new?" I said and laughed softly. I, then, walked towards the kitchen to get something to eat. During the event that Sir attended earlier, I was really hungry, so now I deserve to eat a lot.

"Just remember, don't make your brother jealous because that's different from being jealous." It was a serious gesture from Jia who followed me to the kitchen area.

"Jealousy? Why would he be jealous, we don't have anything?" I'm confused. The people here at the mansion are really w-weird and one of them is Sir Jackson and his sister Jianna. What is being said is sometimes very impossible.

She smirked and shook her head. "In your three years here, you don't even really know your brother." He said last before he turned and left me here alone.

Suddenly, I lost my appetite so I decided to go up to my room, but before that I took my backpack that was left in the car and when I got it, I realized that it contained some of the papers that Sir had to sign, so I hurriedly went to his room to hand those papers to him.

I'm already outside his room and I'm still thinking if I should knock? Until now, I am still bothered by what Jia said to me - but then, I immediately remembered that I am STILL Sir and I have to do my job well for him. I will set aside everything that is in my mind and it is better to focus on work.

Yes, right. That's what I have to do.

First I took a deep breath and then knocked. I knocked for about three times but I didn't get a single response so I decided to turn the doorknob and it wasn't locked so I opened it slowly and the first thing that came to me was the silence. I roamed my eyes around but I didn't see Sir Jackson, maybe he is in his office room now.

I've decided to just leave these papers here in his room. I placed it neatly on the bedside table and was about to walk out – when suddenly I heard.. ugh*l? It sounds so sexy, d-mn.

"Ugh! You're so f*cking hot, Krizza. D-mn. I can't wait to own you!"

I was stunned at what I've just heard. Even if I don't see you, I'm not that innocent to not know what Sir is doing inside his bathroom.

But... Why did he mention my name? don't tell me...

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