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PROLOGUE: I'm now looking at a handsome man lying next to me. He sleeps soundly. He is like an angel in my eyes, but if you really get to know him, his attitude is the opposite. "Andrew..." I said his name while my tears fell one by one. "Are you ready, Rhyme?" I looked behind me, I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "You don't have to do this, rhyme. Even if you give your eyes to him, nothing will change. Remember the only woman he loves is -" I immediately stood up from where I was going to sit before he could continue what he had to say. her. "I know that... I'm not the type to just give my eye away. Ian, please talk even now, don't make me worry about that. Let me do it to the man I love. Even that he can't reciprocate the love I give," I bent down and gently stroked my stomach and turned to Andrew. The man I love will never reciprocate my love. "Rhyme, are you that desperate for that man? Rhyme, please talk. As your cousin, I advise you not to give him your eyes. Especially when you bring your child to that man." He preached to me. It's painful to accept. But yes, I'm desperate when it comes to the man I love. In my desperation, even if I knew I was going to harm my future child, I would do it anyway. I will give my eyes to Andrew. "Ian, I'm not going to change my mind. Go ahead, Ian. I...let's continue with the operation. I'm ready." Ma stuttering said My tears continue to fall, trying to wipe them away, but every time I wipe my tears, new ones come out again. "Oh gosh, rhyme! You're pregnant! Don't you even think about the child in your womb!? If we continue this, I'm sure your child's life will be in danger, and then I'll see you again, rhyme. Rich As for the village's family, they can also find a donor!" I'm almost deaf from his yelling at me. Instead of being angry with him, I am angry with myself. I'm so selfish and heartless, because even though I have eyes, I'm still blind for the man I love. "I've made up my mind, Ian. And even if they're rich, the man I love hasn't seen you for almost a few months. Please talk, Ian. Don't just be a dad and do your job." Ian looked at me with anger in his eyes. "I love you as my cousin, Rhyme. But your love for that man is really too much, that even if you know that you will destroy your child, you will still allow the operation. Take care of your life, Rhyme. That's your decision . But I hope you don't feel guilty about what you do." It coldly says that you will still be filled with anger and sadness. A nurse approached him and whispered something to him before looking at me intently. "Get ready, Rhyme. The operation is about to begin. Get ready to kill your own offspring." He said and turned to the man who was fast asleep behind me before storming out of this room. I can't blame Ian. What he said is right. If I make a decision, I may kill the child in my womb. But what can I do? I love Andrew. What is the use of my eyes? If I always hurt myself because of my love for Andrew. If I go blind because I gave my eyes to the man I love, it's not bad. Because even if I love him, I won't see the events that will hurt my heart. To see him happy in the company of others, To see him staring at me, To always push me away and To see him cry when you are out of his sight. "I love you Andrew." I said it almost in a whisper and was accompanied by my tears as I looked at Andrew who had closed his eyes not far away. The man I love the most. Ian didn't stop whining, obviously not wanting to continue with the operation. But he can't do anything. My decision is complete. I thought about the child in my womb. He was not born with a decision, but he was never able to experience life in the world. Forgive mommy, baby. I love your dad so much that I did this to destroy him. Forgive me, my child. I even heard a nurse say to my cousin, Ian, who never stopped cursing before I was engulfed in darkness. "The donor is now asleep, please Doctor, Ian. Let's proceed with the operation." goodbye My child. I really love your daddy.



"I love you, Andrew..."

I opened my eyes because of the woman in my dream. I sighed and sat on my bed. It's been 3 years since I started dreaming about a woman who kept saying she loved me. But I don't even know who she is.

"Andrew, hon. Are you okay?" I look at the woman beside me. My wife, Charybell.

I leaned my head on her shoulder and sighed.

"You dream about that woman again?" She asked. She grabbed my hands and gently kissed them. I nodded.

"She keeps showing in my dreams, Wife. I don't know why this is happening to me, But every time I hear her saying how much she loves me. My heart is aching as if....I'm losing her. " I confess.

She clenched her right hand in madness, as always.

"Don't mind that woman in your dreams, Hon. As I said, she is the woman who keeps chasing, clinging and seducing you even though she knows that you are already married to me," she paused and held my cheeks.

"Always remember, hon. That woman who said she loves you, Are the woman who killed our unborn child." I felt the madness crowing to my heart again.

Right, the woman who keeps showing up in my dreams. Who keep saying how much she loves me, are the woman who killed our unborn child.

She might sound so sweet in my dreams, but in reality she's an evil woman.

"Your right, let's just go back to sleep, wife." I suggest and lay back in the bed when she suddenly pulls her arms closer to her.

"No, hon. It's already dawn. Let's not go to sleep again." she seductively whispered in my ears and licked it.

"Let's just do something interesting." She kissed my lips and locked me in her arms. I hug her back and close my eyes feeling the warmth she gave as she slowly took my clothes off.

I close my eyes and feel the warmth inside of my wife.

I know that the moment I close my eyes, I will meet the woman in my dreams again. Which is kinda weird, I should imagine my wife, not the woman who killed our unborn child!

"Look at me, hon." My wife commands while slowly thr*sting her self on top of me.

My eyesight is getting blurred. Here I go again, I imagine that woman again instead of my wife. Damn that woman.

I hold my wife's waist and do the move.

"Andrew..." she mumbled my name.

When suddenly my mind showed me the woman in my dreams.

"Rhyme.." I suddenly muttered.

"H-hon?" My wife looked at me worriedly.

I shake my head and lay her in the bed.

"Hon? Are you okay...?" She asked while wearing her clothes.

"Let's just do it someday, Wife." I answered and stood up.

"But why?" Based on her voice, she sounds irritated. I didn't answer her and just went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I look at my self in the mirror.

"Rhyme." I whispered.

Who really are you rhyme? Why do you keep showing up in my dreams? Who really are you in my life? I should be mad at you for killing my unborn child.

"D*mn you woman, You're already dead but why do you keep showing in my head." I punched the wall in irritation. There's a lot of questions in my mind that no one can answer.

knock knock

"Hon, Are you done? I made a breakfast, let's go let's eat. We still have a flight later on." I heard my wife say before leaving again.

I sighed one more time before wearing the clothes my wife prepared and went to the kitchen to eat.

I sat down in front of her and started to eat.

"How long will we stay in the Philippines, hon?"

She asked in the middle of our breakfast.

"Maybe a month or two." I replied and sip some coffee.

Still bitter as always. "You still didn't make the coffee I usually drink, wife." I said and put the cup on the table.

She slowly chewed her food before answering. "W-well..." she didn't finish her words when suddenly my phone rang.

It's an unknown number. I hesitated to answer the call at first but my curiosity got the better of me so I stood up and went to the balcony to answer the unknown caller.

Hello?" I started and put the phone in my ears.

"dada? is that you dada?" My heart pounded when I heard the voice of a little boy.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" I asked.

"Dada! It's me adam! dada I miss you- ate give the phone back!" The little boy shouted.

I'm thinking of hanging up the call when I suddenly heard a familiar voice. "Adam Rhythm, How many times did I remind you not to call some ramdom numbers and called them your father!?"

"But sister, I'm sure that's my dada!" The little boy fired back.

"One more time, Rhythm. If you do this again I will definitely ground you to not use your phone!"

And then the call suddenly ended. I touch my chess when I feel my heart beating so fast. It's so fast to the point that I feel like I was being chased!

Her voice.... She reminds me of the woman I saw in my dreams.

"Hon?" I look at my wife who is now holding a suitcase.

"Let's go hon, It's already 7. We will be late in the flight." She said and pulled my arms.


We're now inside the plane. My wife as usual puts a headphones in her ears while doing her skin care routine. While me. I was still thinking about the woman who I guess is the sister of the young boy who called me his father earlier.

I wonder why that young boy called me his father.

I smiled when I remembered what the young boy called me.


I feel butterflies in my stomach. My heart is pounding so fast. My mind kept thinking about the word 'Dada'.

Is this how a father feels when there child calls them 'Dada'? It's so good, I wish I could still hear that young boy's voice longer.

Speaking of the young boy... His sister? His sister's voice sounds familiar. Who is she? I can't get her voice out in my mind. Her voice kept echoing in my ears.

I want to see her. To hug her. And to kiss her.

I look at my wife who is still doing her skin care routine.

I shook my head and sighed. I shouldn't be thinking something like this. I already have a wife.

Charybell is my wife! So why do I keep fantasizing the woman in my dreams? D-mn that woman!

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