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PROLOGUE "GOOD morning," I greeted the woman at the information desk. "Good morning, ma'am," she greeted me back and smiled. "Which floor is Dr. de Cervantes on?" I politely asked him and he frowned. "5th floor, ma'am. Who are they?" If earlier there was a smile on his lips. Now he was frowning and looking...angry? But why? "I'm Arthea Primero-de Cervantes. I'm his wife," I answered with a smile and I seemed proud to tell him that I was the wife of Dr. de Cervantes. "I'm not joking with you," he said without emotion and I was the one who was very upset. "Me either, I'm not joking around, Miss. I just want to know where my husband's office floor is," I said firmly and there was no emotion in my voice. If he can say he's not joking with me, do I look like I'm joking with him too? Not really, huh? I just want to know which floor my husband's office is on! Oh! It's on the 5th floor! He says. I was about to leave the girl when she stopped me. "Dr. de Cervantes came out earlier, with his wife, miss," he said and really emphasized the word wife. And because of what he said, it seemed like a needle was stuck in my chest. Did I hear it right? Or did I just hear wrong? what? My wife is with her husband? Seriously? Well, I'm still here. Who is that husband? "W-who?" I stuttered to ask the woman. "Jillian de Cervantes," he still smiled at me. Huh? Jillian? Jillian de Cervantes? When did de Cervantes change his surname? And what? J-Jillian? Jillian Ramirez-Are you American? Oh yeah! Jillian, Jillian is his first love. The first woman my husband loved. Levin's first love. I held my chest when I felt it hurt more. Without my own I walked back and I didn't even realize that my tears were flowing abundantly from my eyes. I was at the exit of the hospital when I saw my husband...and that woman was with him. "Thank you for the treat, babe," I heard Jillian say and I stopped walking. "No problem, babe," my husband said with a smile. He was completely different when he was with Jillian. With this woman Lervin was having fun. They were already walking towards my direction and it was like I was nailed to where I was standing. I started to walk and I did. But I lost my balance and fell. I can feel the pain in my chin and I must have a wound in that part. It's funny, I can't stand it. I couldn't move my body. "Miss, are you okay?" asked the man in front of me. Do I look okay in this situation? That's what I would have answered that man. But I couldn't even make my voice out. This is not the first time this has happened to me. I often lose my balance and often cannot speak. Why is it? Is there something wrong with me? H-Am I not normal anymore? "Stand up, stupid." My impending tears began to flow when I heard his cold voice. My husband... #Someday,I'llBeGone

Chapter 1 closeness

I swallowed at the closeness of his face to mine. He is not heavy because one of his hands rests on the bed and he has balance there.

His eyes dropped to my lips and I saw him swallow. His Adams apple went up and down and he planted a warm kiss on my lips.

I closed my eyes when I felt the touch of his soft lips on my forehead.

"Good morning, again, baby."

He left on top of me and carefully pulled me to get up.

"The breakfast is ready," he said.

We went out of the room hand in hand and he took me to the balcony.

My lips parted when I saw the surroundings.

"Oh my God!" that was the word that came out of my lips.

The view is beautiful even if you only see tall trees. Very beautiful.

There is only a table for two on the balcony and our breakfast is already ready there.

The breeze is cool and your blue sky is so beautiful.

"Where are we?" I asked still amazed.

He chuckled, and he pulled me closer to the table so I could sit down.

"We are at Bradd's Pick Hotel, wife. Formerly known as Sukhavati Inn, one of the cheapest type hotels in Baguio City," he answered.

The hotel is yellow in color and very beautiful. Each has its own balcony but it is connected.

"Let's eat, baby? We'll go for a walk after this."

"T-Thank you..."

"No problem. You're my wife. You deserve all of this."

Even if it's just a lie, can I bite? Just ride him?

I know it's only for a while. It's only a momentary pleasure, but can I borrow it?

Can I borrow this time? Although this is not true for Lervin. Even if it's just a trick of his. I want to forget reality for now. I want to be happy for a while.

I was startled when I felt the touch of his warm hand caressing my cheek.

"You're spacing out, baby."

"Can I make a request?"

"Yes, baby?"

"Can we forget reality for now, Lervin? Can you give me this chance? To be happy with you? Can you forget Jillian for now and think that I'm the one you love? Loving each other us?" I asked him sadly and his expression disappeared.

His eyes became dark and his breathing became heavy.

I held his hand tightly. Tears have flowed down my cheeks.

"Please... C-Can you give me what I want, baby? Can I steal your heart for a while? A-After this...I won't ask for more. I-I'll let you m-be with him. Just now, just now Lervin. Give it to me," I begged him as if beating my chest hard.

It hurts. It's very painful. It hurts you to ask him. Which he can't seem to give yet.

"I-I can't be hurt, Lervin. I love you, I love you so much and I can lend you to others. Even if it hurts. Even though I know it m-hurts. I-I'll give...I'll give everything just to be happy you," I said and started sobbing.

He brought my head to his chest and hugged me. I just closed my eyes.

"Ssh... Stop crying, baby. In this place, at this time it's just the two of us in this world. Just the two of us..."

I was crying because of what he said. K-Even though there is pain, there is also a part of my heart that is happy, I am happy with what was said even if it is not true.

"T-Thank you. Thank you."

I felt his lips on my temple.


Chapter 21.2

AFTER we ate breakfast with Lervin, we happily toured Baguio City.

We went to Bamboo Eco Park, Botanical Garden Wright Park, and The Mansion.

It was close to the hotel we were staying at and for a moment I forgot reality.

For a moment I forgot the pain, the pain I feel that he is also causing it.

I became happy. It's like we're newlyweds and on our honeymoon. I'm okay, I'm okay with this. I am content with borrowed time.

We stayed three days at Bradd's Pick Hotel and now we are on our way again.

We are not going back to Manila yet and as for school. Oh, he excused me from my class. He also took a leave from his job.

And here in Baguio no snake bothered us.

"Lay-odan Farm," I read on the wooden sign.

Lervin stopped his car here. Lervin got down and circled around me. He opened the front seat door and extended his hand to me, which I immediately accepted.

We walk hand in hand. He was carrying his traveling bag that contained our things. And since we didn't expect this vacation, we also bought our things.

Our trip from Baguio City is almost 4 hours.

"Careful baby," said Lervin.

We're only walking on dirt and it's a bit slippery even though the ground is dry.

You now have a piece of wood that you can hold down.

It's not a mountain you're going to climb because you're going to come down. I have no idea what's down there. But I'm excited.

After a few minutes we saw a house. Is it a house or what?

"Welcome to Lay-odan Farm, baby."

"Lay-odan Farm is located in Mogao, Balili, Manyakan, Benguet. This is almost 3 hectares of land consists of pristine uphill forestry, family-owned house, a function hall, a small cafe, livestocks pen, section of vegetating plants and flowers and a grand view of Sodpac Falls. This is the most amazing place, I have ever seen," he added.

"Where did you find this place?"

"On the internet, baby. Come on."

Oh, my God. This place is really beautiful and I cry because of my husband's effort just to find this place.

It's crying to the point that I can't let him go anymore. But what can I do?

Nothing. I asked him too much.

"We can spend our one night here, baby."

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