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The Uncovered Secret

The Uncovered Secret



Alice Rowland, a 22 years old young lady was caught up in a web of responsibilities and challenges when she was left with no option than to leave school, and pick up a job as a caregiver in a billionaire's family house just to raise money to take care of her family's challenge She lost her father mysteriously and her mother who couldn't bear the mysterious death of her husband plunged into drinking and gambling, which led to their family going totally bankrupt hence Alice's drop out from school, and taking up a job at the McPherson's family estate to be able to play the role of the family's bread winner. When slice began working at the McPherson's family estate, it all seemed like she has found a bed of roses as she could now take care of the responsibilities at home, until the McPherson's son, and only heir to the family's multi billion dollars company returned from his military service abroad. Everything changed for Alice as her once upon a time journey to paradise led to a secret which would later uncover another world, and a new chapter, in her life. Can Alice escape the venom bite of a vengeful billionaire? Or would love prevail, in the place of war?

Chapter 1 Carson's Return

"Alice, help; mom is lying cold still on the floor!".

The shout from my younger sister had jolted me out of my bed, and I raced down the staircase ,and through the front door to the yard where I met my mother lying lifeless on the floor. My younger sister Rose, was kenning beside her trying to resuscitate her.

"What happened to her? "

"I don't know, I came outside and met her like this".

I tried to find out if my mother was still alive, or dead now, as I pressed my ear on her chest to check her pulse. Thankfully, she was still breathing, but I could feel how hard she was trying to stay alive.

"She's still alive, quickly, let us take her to the hospital".

"There is no more money left Alice. Mom took all the money you kept in the bedroom drawer this morning to the bar. I am sure she fainted as a result of her excess intake of alcohol". Rose said, looking so unhappy with pity in her eyes.

"What?! Mom took all the money in the drawer? I asked, rather confused.

Rose nodded her head in affirmation, and that was when I perceived the strong stench of alcohol coming from my mother's breathing.

And then she let out a sneeze, and a long disheartening cough.

"Help me, let us take her inside the house"

We took my mother inside and I began to recall the events that led to the situation we are in right now.

My parents had been the best parents anyone could wish for. My father, was a hardworking man; although not very rich, but comfortable enough, and was taking good care of me and my siblings until the day he was murdered. That was when our life changed.

My father’s boss at his place of work had claimed that my father had been stealing the company's funds and so had seized all our assets, throwing my family into abject poverty.

My mother had resorted to drinking, getting drunk everyday, and gambling; as a result of that, and out of depression.

One day, she borrowed money from a loan shark to gamble and didn't win as usual. And the loan company started demanding for their money, which she couldn't pay, and they threatened to take me away as a collateral if my mother fail to pay up the loan amount when next the return.

"What are we going to do now Alice, I don't want them to take you away from me?" Rose had cried that day.

"Don't worry Rose, nobody is going to take me away to anywhere. I am going to work, earn the money and pay the loan, okay?".

"But how will you do that, nobody will be willing to hire a school drop out".

"I know that Rose, that is why I will not look for a white collar job. There are some caregiver jobs around town, I will just have to look for one and apply".

That night, my sister and I did not sleep. We took all night to search the internet and all online news gig in search of any caregivers job we could find. Luckily, we found one.

At the McPherson's family estate.

The MacPherson's ; we gathered, were a very powerful family. They are also very wealthy and well-connected in both the political government and the military. The MacPherson's has a huge family of five girls and a son, and with their nephews and cousins visiting now and then that made the family a very large one.

I had arrived the McPherson's family estate that morning, after gathering all requirement I needed to locate the address online, equipped with my application letter and in my best attire and best behaviour.

I was really prepared, and was looking very good both in my appearance and behaviour, so it didn't take a stress for my application to be granted.

"The McPherson's is a no nonsense family, you must be prompt in all your activities and must never forget the scheduled time for any assignment given to you".

"Breakfast must be ready before 7am,lunch must be prompt too and dinner is served by 7pm. Do not let any member of the McPherson's to. Come down to the dining and met an empty table".

"Today is a special day in the McPherson's family; their only son. Is coming home from California after many years of service in the British military. So therefore, you must be fast in your duty and come out to the runway in the yard with other maids to await his arrival by 4pm".

The chief maid servant had been downloading me with all the 'do's and 'don't's in the McPherson's family.

When she finally took me to the maid servants quarters, I saw quiet a dozen of maids in their neat and nice coloured uniform. She gave me mine uniform as well and without much time I mingled among them as we do all the numerous chores in the house.

"Alice, hurry up with your chores and report at the estate yard immediately, Mr Carson's arrival has just been announced and you are among the maids to welcome him at the entrance of the estate". Chief maid servant Kim said to me.

"Okay ma'am".

When I arrived the estate yard, I met other maid servants and the butlers already there. We were made to line up in unison as the giant estate gate opened and a brand new limousine car drove in. As soon as the car stopped a gentlemen in a dark suit slights from the front passenger's seat and hurriedly opened the back door of the limousine with a military salute, and another gentleman; handsome and expensively dressed stepped out.

He stood for a while, adjusted his blazer suits as he glanced round the compound without much as noticing us as we lined up. He looked 28 to me, tall handsome young man of about 6" feet tall, HR has a deep blue eyes with a light brown hair, and a well built body.

He is Mr Carson McPherson, the only son, and the last child of Sir Patrick McPherson of the McPherson's Group of Companies. And the heir apparent to the conglomerate group.

"Welcome back home Mr carson".

We all chorused, as he walked majestically into the big mansion of the McPherson's family without as much as say a word in reply.

I got caught up in my stare after him, as my eyes followed every of his majestic footsteps and strides as he goes in,; led by his body guard who opened the door for him.

"Alice, what are you staring at!? Come over here immediately and help with the luggage!".

Chief maid servant Kim's voice brought me back to reality, as I startled at the tone of her voice and hurried to the trunk of the car where the other maid servants and the butlers were already bringing out the many luggage Mr Carson came back with.

"You better have a good reason for this clumsiness or be sorry for yourself!".

Chief maidservant Kim said to me, as she strolls behind us as each of us went inside with a luggage each in hand.


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