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The Wild Night With a Red Flag

The Wild Night With a Red Flag



My heart felt heavy. I feel sadness, pain and frustration. I thought he only wanted me? He promised to wait for me but why? why he was kissing another guy and looked at him like he's the most precious thing in the world? What a j*rk! I thought he was different from his brother but in my perception right now he's the worst. I consumed a bottle of wine which is beyond my limitation. I don't care anymore. I just want to feel numb. I just want to forget. I want to escape from this kind of pain. I looked around, dim lights with the wild beat of music. People's been dancing and gr*nding their bodies to their content. Some are on the corner making out without inhibitions. I laughed, should I dance too? and gr*nd my body like they did? making out with some stranger? Can I forget that? My eyes darted at the man who had been staring at me. His hazel eyes are piercing through my systems. His jaw was clenching. He wears the same suit earlier, it looks perfect to his body but not to the tattoo that covered half of his neck. I didn't know how I came to him with my drunken state. I scanned his face, I felt like a fool looking up at his height. He's undeniably handsome, every detail of his face was made perfectly. I don't know how many minutes we stared at each other. He didn't say a word, he just kept on staring at me. I laughed. My heart is broken and this man in front of me is the best choice to distract myself from the pain I felt. I guess he knows how to make me forget just for tonight. He's an expert btw, it's not a bad idea. Without further ado, I grabbed his neck and brought his lips to mine. He stilled and didn't move. I bit his lower lip to give myself an opening and slid my tongue inside his mouth to tease him. He still didn't move so I grabbed his thing down there and I felt him go rigid and sighed. He pulled away from my kiss and looked at me with hunger. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked strongly and angrily. I chuckled and it turns to laugh. "Wait, are you crying?" I felt his thumb wiping the liquid from my eyes. I shook my head. Tf with me? I cried? I laughed again. "Are you drunk dummy?" I shook my head. "No.. nonono, just tipsy." I smiled at him and reached his nape to kiss him again. I pouted when he didn't respond. WTF? I know he likes it too. "Why are you not kissing me back? Kiss me too!" I'm like a child complaining. "Dmn man! Don't start a fire will yah? I'll take you home." he whispered near my ear that sent a tingling sensation in my stomach. I mo*ned and in no time I squeezed his ar*. He gro*ned and owned my lips. He devoured it hungrily like he was gonna swallow me whole. The heat inside me rose. I like this feeling, I want some of this. I follow how his tongue moves. Blazing a burning fire between the two of us. His kisses became slow and gentle as he lifted me up with both my legs on his waist, my arms on his nape and my head on his shoulder. He started walking and whispered.. "You'll regret asking for it dummy."

Chapter 1 my grandfather's business

Chapter 1


"You sure you won't come back here?" I sniggered at Aries, my business partner here in Thailand and also my best friend. He grew up in Philippines but migrated here 5 years ago.

"It's too much to never come back haha, I'm always welcome in Thailand." I slid some of my business papers on the folder then piled it before putting it in my suitcase.

He also helped me in packing important things. I didn't bring a lot of clothes, I still had a lot of stuff at grandpa's house.

"What I mean is, you're really gonna settle down in the Philippines for good?" I nodded without hesitation.

My decision is complete. I'm also ready on ruling my grandfather's business. I'm the only grandchild so the company will actually go to me. I will no longer run away from the responsibility that has been waiting for me for a long time.

"Grandpa is sick." I stated referring my grandfather. I know that he's in good health, it's just one of his old alibis for me to come back. I know he just misses me.

"You know he's lying." Aries left a brow then shrugged.

"Yeah. But.." I smiled remembering my first love's handsome face when he confessed his feelings for me 3 years ago.

"Tsk. That Cloud Morrone again." Aries rolled his eyes and locked my luggage.

"You got me. I also miss gramps that's why." I snickered and stood up with my suitcase.

"I felt pity for you Kai." He shook his head and walked out of my penthouse first.

"Whatever. You're just bitter man. Since you've never been in love." I said and followed him. I locked the door and handed him the keys.

"People who are in love are pathetic. They are willing to become deaf, blind and numb. They are willing to sacrifice and do everything." he tsked.

"You only say that because you never know how good it feels. You've got a point though, but being in love felt good. You'll gonna feel it someday and you will understand." I smiled at him.

"Tsked. I'd rather not."

We took the elevator and landed on the first floor. We went straight to the parking area and immediately got into his sports car. He drove fast to the airport and helped me with the baggages even though I only brought two.

"Take care Aries."

"You too Kai." he smiled halfly then waved his goodbye.

I beamed.

20 minutes later, I found myself on the passenger seat of the airplane near the window. I took a peek at the clouds and smiled a little.

It will take hours for me to set foot on my homeland. But my mind already calculated what will happen next.

I will definitely do the right thing that I should 3 years ago. And days from now, I see myself with Cloud Morrone going on dates and happy together. I giggled at my imagination.

I got out of the taxi and paid the driver. Gramps doesn't know that I'll be coming back, it's my surprise for him.

When I entered the gate, I signaled Mang Alfred to be quiet. It smiled and nodded.

I walked towards the main door and reached the doorknob.. when suddenly someone opened it causing me to fall on his chest. Damn hard.

"Careful." he said in a masculine voice. I immediately looked up and stepped back.

That dirty man! Handsome face with perfect body built. He is always attractive but not to me. I don't like this man. He's a dirty bastard with tattoos on half of his neck and both his arms. Piercings on his ears and to the left side of his lower lip brows. I cringed. Not to mention him using a vape or sometimes cigarettes. He also slept with various women every night. What a disgusting creature.

I ignored him and bumped his shoulder for me to get in.

"How rude. You didn't even say 'thank you' and yet you bumped my shoulder on purpose." he pulled my arm causing our distance to decrease. "Still in love with me honey?" he teased.

"F*ck off!" I shouted on his face that made him smirk.

He's always been like this. He is the villain of my life. The villain in my love story back in high school and even college. He always slandered me to my former stagemates and even to my suitors. I don't know why he's doing that, it's a good thing he stopped confessing to me.

"I've been longing to see you again Zen.." he smiled widely and tightened his grip. I was shocked when he pulled me closer to him and he kissed my cheek before whispering..

" Welcome back dummy."


"I've been longing to see you again Zen.." he smiled widely and tightened his grip. I was shocked when he pulled me closer to him and he kissed my cheek before whispering

"..welcome back dummy."

and he left me there fuming mad. That b*stard! Thunder Morrone dmn you to hell!. How dare he? Thanks to him and I'm tired from the flight but he can't really come out without blood in his mouth.

"Is that really you Kai?" I turned around and saw grandpa who was a little surprised at my arrival.

"The one and only." I smiled. I hugged grandpa and he hugged me back. "Hmm I miss my gramps." my affection

"You never said you'll come back." it opened after the hug.

"It won't be a surprise if I tell you gramps." grandpa laughed.

"You silly guy hahaha. Come on let me take you to your room so you can rest, oh, how about you eat first?"

Grandpa and I are close enough like best of friends. Because grandpa is not very old-fashioned and he also gets along with my jokes.

"I prefer to rest." I smiled tiredly. "Hmm, what did that a*shole do in our place?" I pointed to that shameless man.

I cringed as I suddenly remembered his lips touching my cheeks. It sent shivers down my spine, ew. Just how dirty could those lips be? I winced.

"Ah, you mean T?" I nodded. T is Thunder's nickname. "Haha that sly man, I didn't mention it to you before because I know you won't be interested." There was a smile on his face as grandpa shook his head.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"He became my business partner a few months ago. He runs our business because I have confidence in him. You know what, he's really good in--" I rolled my eyeballs making my grandpa chuckled and didn't proceed to talk about the man i hate.

"I don't care what he's good at, because for me he's still the dirty villain that I despise." I said.

"Yeah². Why do you need to hate him that much? T maybe a bad guy in your point of view but he actually has a good heart. Don't focus too much on what you see Kai." Grandpa had a long wait as he took me to my room.

"Gramps, do you feel guilty about me?" I pouted. Grandpa just laughed.

"What do you think? Hahaha. Oh hey, get inside your room take a rest. I'll just prepare food for you to wake up." we stopped at the door of my room.

"Thank you gramps!" I said and immediately entered the room.

"And Kai, you should be ready." its suffix. I immediately peeked outside again. Ready for what?

"Yes? What for?" I asked with a frown.

"You'll see each other more often." gramps gave me a teasing look.

I only sighed then turned back and walked towards my bed. I immersed myself

2 days later

I parked the car at the parking area of ​​the venue where the celebration is held. It's already 8pm and I'm pretty sure I'm late. I really intended to be late because I'm easily sleepy, I even wanted to join the after party.

I wasn't really invited, only grandpa was sent the invitation card and not me. But grandpa doesn't like parties, he doesn't like to attend celebrations either, especially if it's only at work. He always sent me to be his representative.

I handed the card to the receptionist before entering the venue. I was greeted by different kinds of businessmen and even businesswomen that I didn't even know but looked familiar to me. Maybe I have seen them on the events grandpa sent me as his successor back then.

I don't know but I'm not really comfortable with those fake and forced smiles. It's better not to get involved with those kind of people.

I was walking towards a table when suddenly someone walked up to me. I glared at whoever the person is. "Hey! please, not that k*ller eye" he acted scared.

I was immediately relieved to meet the man. It's Virgo! "Oh sorry. Don't be so surprised." I sniggered, even then he really didn't like my k*ller eye.

Virgo just laughed. "How have you been? It's been what? 3 years?" he asked.

We sat at the table in the corner. Mr. Morrone, Cloud's father has his speech on the stage about how he had ruled it during his time upto now where Cloud his son ruled it. In short, he tells about the journey of the company. Many people attended the celebration, businessmen with their daughters and sons and there were also company employees.

"Yes, 3 years. 3 years but nothing much happened to my life." I frown.

He smiled halfly, I don't know if he was mocking or hiding something. "Really?, nothing like having a girlfriend?" I shook my head. "How about girlfriend? flings?" He was still curious so I laughed while shaking my head.

"How are you?" I wonder. Last time I checked he's still can't move on from his husband, I just don't know now.

It took a long time before he answered. I was about to change the topic when he chuckled and said. "Fully healed."

I didn't dig deeper especially and I know it hurt him a lot. We're not that close but he's still a friend. He is Thunder and Cloud's best friend.

After Morrone's father's speech ended, the emcee announced the next speaker and that is the second son Cloud Morrone.

I can't take my eyes off him, I've been magnetized. He's still as attractive as before.

"---Kaizen? are you listening? hey!" I immediately turned to the person in front of me. It's no other than Knight Hattchet, standing by Virgo's side. They both looked at me badly.

I ignored them and they just pouted. Virgo said goodbye to get some bottles of wine. Drink a lot. Since the alcohol tolerance is high.

Knight sat next to me then walked. I'm used to them, I'm comfortable with them.

They treated me as their friend even though I had no contribution in their lives. They may be silly and sly but they are very mature and reliable.

Virgo Caesar Romonov is gay, but I don't think Knight is one as well. Because it has no interest in men.

"Someone's missing you so much Kai, you just don't know." He whispered that made my heart beat faster.

Is it Cloud? Who else? My heart is thumping so loud when I hear someone fake a cough. And when I glanced at their direction, it's Thunder with his unreadable face expression. He sat down on the seat in front of me.

"Get your hands off him Knight, someone's grumpy." Virgo laughed at her friend after placing the wine on the decorated table in front of the four of us.

Knight immediately adjusted his seat, I don't know who this someone is. But I have a strong hunch it's Cloud. I smiled out of nowhere. Wait for me until the after party of this celebration Cloud, we will be together..

To Be Continued...

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