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The All Lies

The All Lies



"I'm sorry..." I said, a lone tear escaped. "You have all the time in the world to tell me the truth. B-but...what did you do, Mikael? Y-you...you fooled me... Damn... you made me believe.. . " he didn't finish his words because he laughed lifelessly. even though...his cheeks were full of tears. His eyes are read as a sign of his crying. "C-Crimson... " I called his name as I tried to hug him but... "Don't touch me! You really want to hurt me! I believed, a-I even thought that...I was crazy a-and... Fuck! You just hurt me, you just hurt me me! Let's break up. I'm done with you," he said, he made sure that he's serious. I ran after him and I called his name but he just ignored me. I feel heavy in my heart. "P-please... Crim. Don't leave... Don't l-leave me, please! I... I-I c-can e-explain. Y-yeah, I c-can explain e-everything just don't leave me! Baby... " I hurt him, what can I do? I lied to him. I lied... I l-lied. T-he has turned his back on me. He left me! no...please... I even chased his car to stop him but I was late. He's too fast. I just cried and knelt on the floor. I'm sorry, baby... I'm so sorry. "Let's meet up, please..." "I'm waiting, baby." "Please... Give me just a few minutes..." "Crim? Come please. I'm waiting." I threw my cellphone down on the bench without Crimson even replying to me. "Bullshit!" I screamed and pulled out my own hair even though it was short. I am fucking useless! After he found out everything about me, he immediately forgot that we were together. I removed my necktie from my neck and just threw it away. The pain... The pain pain. He is all I have. He was the only person who appreciated me. I was made to feel love but... Will it suddenly disappear? In just a flash? Is that all? Then...she and Morry will get married right away? His ex-girlfriend after their engagement party earlier. Fuck... I'm tired... I'm fucking tired... I stepped closer to the end of the bridge. I want to end my life, now... I'm tired, eh. I'm so tired. Throughout my life I have always fought but I have always lost. I never laughed because of my complicated life. I've been through a lot in life. Trial but I never give up but now? I give up...I'm tired. How can I fight, the only man I love so much is gone? He is no longer mine. We can't anymore. I want to rest...now I feel more tired. I took a deep breath as I stared at the dark deep sea. If I die...will the weight be removed from my chest? It hurts? Should I try to end my life? I'm Eng. Mikael S. Brilliantes, in love with my soft CEO Crimson Del Labiba. And this is my story...full of fucking lies that lead me to death. "Brother..." "Dream? Why are you here?" I asked my twin brother and I got up. I rubbed my eyes and felt sleepy. My head is also heavy which is a sign that I got drunk last night. What happened? "Who is it, babe?" "Morry?" I uttered his name in shock when I looked at him. My lips parted when I saw... What... W-did something happen to us? "Shit!" I grabbed my clothes that were scattered on the floor and quickly dressed. "Brother... Mikael." "What about h-him?" "Have you talked?" my twin asked me calmly and his jaw was still dark. I stilled, when I remembered Mikael. I quickly picked up my phone that was also scattered on the floor. I opened it right away and saw his 72 missed calls and 21 messages. "Baby, I'm still waiopp on nbbnn" I frowned when I couldn't understand his last messages and it was 2 am in the morning! don't tell me... "Where is Mikael?" "He's gone... Mikael is gone, brother," Drim answered me straight forward. I dropped my phone. "What do you mean?" "Car accident, brother and dead on arrival." I literally dropped my body on the floor with my heart throbbing in pain.

Chapter 1 Crimson

Chapter 1


"I want this, baby."

I glanced at my girlfriend. Morry Tsumaga, she's a model. We've been in a relationship for almost three years.

He showed me the signature bag he chose, it's a color red. Well, everything that Morry buys is all signature and will be loved.

We are in ArtPri's boutique today. This is only the 5th floor, the color of the boutique structure is orange, yellow and brown. Many customers shop for clothes here and are still rich kids.

"Okay," I said. In his joy he kissed me on the lips even though many people would see.

"Thank you, babe! You're the best! I love you, babe," she said while smiling from ear to ear.

I caressed her cheek and smiled. "Anything for you, babe," I said.

"I'll just look at the others, ah?" he promised with a smile, I just nodded.

Drimson, my twin brother hates her. He thought that Morry is a gold digger, because all his things are spent with my money. All the stuff he has is mine.

There is no case against me because I only give what my girlfriend wants. Well, I love her.

Is our relationship perfect? I can say that, but of course we are both busy in our works.

It's been four years since Dad turned over his position to me as a CEO. Since then, even though I was still studying in college, I became the COO of our company.

Del Labiba Real Estate Company. We build, housing projects, villages, condominiums, buildings and such.

Drim is an architect, he inherited the firm he runs now from his grandfather. My late grandfather was an architect, my twin inherited from Lolo so Lolo was very happy because Drim inherited from him.

I belong to Dad, all sides of Daddy are really businessman.

My mind came back to reality when I looked at a woman who didn't seem to know what necktie to choose.

He was holding two neckties of different colors. Dark gray and blue.

She's tall, her skin is fair. He was only in side view and not far from where I was standing.

I could clearly see his long and pointed nose and his long, slimy eyelashes.

Her hair, well it's short. He was wearing a yellow long sleeve and black slacks. She's so damn attractive.

I don't know who made me approach the girl. One thing is for sure that he is in front of me.

"Choose the blue," I said and I felt that she was surprised because of my sudden presence.

He looked up at me and my heart is going crazy, I mean, my heart skipped a beat.

She's beautiful, no-- that word is not enough to describe her looks. I have seen many beautiful female models. My girlfriend is beautiful too. But this one looks strange.

It's like a goddess, I'm sure many agencies have offered her to be a model.

Just like my friends, Art and Shin. The agency's wish did not happen because we threw away their calling cards. Besides, they were rejected.

He was still blinking from the shock. She cleared her throat and raised the blue necktie she was holding.

"You think so?" she said, her voice was cold and even her face was emotionless.

She is really amazingly beautiful. The way he stares seems to be judging you. It seems that even your personality is fully explored by him.

My hair stood up at the thought.

"Blue is your favorite color," she said and she even managed to look at me from head to toe.

Hmm, I wore my blue suit and she's right. fortune teller

"Lil brother, have you chosen a gift for Kuya Markus yet?" asked a man who looked a bit like him.

He was only a few inches taller than her.

W-Wait... Lil brother? What?

I parted my lips and looked at what I thought was a woman. Anyone would think she was a woman.


Freak! Michael? He really is a man! I don't know why I felt disappointed knowing that she's--he's a boy.

Shit! I'm attractive to a boy! It's a bad thing, right? I have never been attracted to a man. But she is really too old to be a woman.

"Oh? I know you," said the newcomer suddenly.

She is already dating someone named Mikael.

"CEO Crimson Del Labiba, right?" he asked me.

I smiled. "Yes and you?" I asked back to him.

"I am Engineer Miko S. Brilliantes, business partner."

I remember. The Brilliantes' Firm is one of our business partners.

"Yeah, nice to see you here, Engineer Miko," I said with a smile and we both shook hands.

Their family is known to be the richest and one of the most famous firms of engineers. Everyone in their family is probably an engineer and as far as I'm concerned... I looked at the person next to him.

There are no women in the Brilliantes family and if there were, that would not be acceptable. They have a weird belief. So it's also impossible that the woman in front of me is now.

"Oh! This is my little brother, Engineer Mikael S. Brilliantes, the youngest."

"Hi," he greeted me sparingly and didn't even smile.

He held out his hand which I quickly accepted. As quickly as I accepted it, I also immediately let it go.

It seemed like electricity passed through his hand towards me, so I was even more terrified. I feel like I'm sweating and add to that the speed with which my heart beats.

"Babe! There you are!" Morry hugged my neck as the two men turned to him.

"Oh, the showbiz people are right. The famous model Morry Tsumaga is your girlfriend," commented the engineer.

"Wait! Engineer Mikael!" I was surprised when Morry suddenly hugged Engineer Mikael.

My jaw tensed when he kissed her cheek. The engineer was taller than her, probably a man. Ts

I felt irritated. But why do I feel that my girlfriend is the one I'm jealous of? Instead of this engineer? Crazy.

I'm crazy for thinking of that.

"Let's go, babe," I begged my girlfriend and I breathed a sigh of relief when she let go of her embrace.

A man, a woman also chases him. Ts

"It's nice to see you, again, engineers. We'll be first," I let them know and smiled lightly.

"Alright, same here."

Before we left the ArtPri's boutique, I glanced at Engineer Mikael who was also looking at me. I was suddenly embarrassed.

I hope you become a girl so I don't have to suffer like this anymore. Thank you


My eyes just followed their distant figure. My heartbeat is back to normal. Because I felt like it was about to come out of my chest. Weird.

That CEO is handsome, he has thick eyebrows, a sharp nose, and his lips are as red as apples. And why am I describing him now?

I was shocked when my older brother hugged me. brother Miko I frowned when I looked at him.

I hate his smile, it's turning into a smirk. I rolled my eyes when I realized what he was thinking.

"Crush that, right?" he asked and patted me on the shoulder.

Here's my weird heartbeat again and it's like I've been doused with cold water. My cheeks suddenly became hot. Does he know what he's talking about?

"W-Who?" I stammered.

Did he see my gaze on that CEO? I felt nervous.

"Morry, she's beautiful, isn't she? You have a crush on that model, right? And you know each other," he replied.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank you and that's all he noticed.

"No way. And I don't even know her," I said. I'm serious though. I didn't really know that Morry and I was also surprised when he suddenly hugged me and kissed me on the cheek earlier.

"Pretend I don't know," said my brother. "Let's go," he added then put his arm around me again.

I know Crimson Del Labiba, I see him in our company and he and Grandpa are business partners.

"Happy birthday, Brother Markus," I greeted my older brother. As usual, no expression, written on his face.

He is Grandpa's oldest grandson. We are 15 of his grandchildren and all boys.

He just nodded and took my gift for him from my hand. He's strict, expressionless and silent type of man.

I bowed down when he simply placed my gift on their table. I smiled bitterly.

We are six siblings. brother Markus is the eldest, followed by my Brother twins, Mergus and Markin. Next is Brother Michael, then Brother ​Miko. I am the youngest in the family.

Of all my older brothers, only KrotherMiko is close to me. I only felt love as a brother to him.

Maybe because our ages are not too far apart. He is only two months older and we almost grew up together. He is my companion and sympathizer in life.

I feel unwanted, honestly speaking. That's because, I'm just daddy's illegitimate child, but that's just a secret. They don't want our family's name to be tarnished. So that most people don't suspect, Kuya Miko and I's birth certificates show that we are twins. That was not a problem for them because Kuya Miko and I look alike.

I am living with them for 25 years, feeling unwanted and my life is complicated. Full of lies and fakes.

I am Engineer Mikael S. Brilliantes, wanna know my secret?

I'm a girl, unwanted child. I gave up all my dreams. I dressed like a man, I pretended that I'm a boy because who knows?

It is bad luck in the family to have a granddaughter named Brilliantes. And if they know about my gender?

God knows, they will reject me.

And this is me...

A man in everyone's eyes but to myself, I am a woman.

My situation is difficult because I am adapting to the right which for me is just a wrong way.

To Be Continued...

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