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The Rich CEO Buy Me

The Rich CEO Buy Me

Catherine Oriel


"Next, this is Achiena Liv Bautista, 21 years of age. Never been touched. Start on 500,000" the old woman announced today at the bar. I have no choice because my father forced me to do it. I almost cried now in front of me while watching the people who are now staring at my body that looks like I'm naked. "500 thousand" shouted the old man with a cigarette. Jusko, guide me. "600,000" a fat man, next to a yellow woman who is now currently holding the man's leg. "1 million" shouted a thin man. The crowd was silent. "1 million once, 1 million twice, 1 million... "10 million" shouted a man in a dark corner. Like a dark corner, he is as dark as his aura. 10 𝖲33 millions! "10 million once, 10 million twice, 10 million sold to Mr. Hawton" "Goodluck" 𝗒𝗒𝗎𝗒𝗌𝗌 𝖻r𝗈𝗈𝗄𝗄𝗄 "Follow me" the man commanded in a deep voice. "faster!" he added so I hurried to walk. Is it easy to walk, because the legs are big!

Chapter 1 The house

Chapter 1

"What's your name again?" asked the baritone voice that was now currently driving. The depth of the voice!

"Ashiena Liv Beautista ho." my answer. I didn't hear his response so I just kept quiet. A few more hours of driving we stumbled upon a large gate that was now in front of us. We also have a long way to go. It opened on its own when we were close to it.

He got out of the car so I got out. I just followed him until we entered the house. Its place is big, wide and really a mansion. The interior of the house is very spacious. Maybe I'll get lost here just in case. I stopped walking when what I was following stopped. I bumped into him from behind so I quickly retreated in case he did it to me. The man is handsome yes, but his aura seems dangerous and not for nothing.

"Sally." he shouted, sure enough when I saw an old woman who was now approaching us.

"Guide her." The man said to the old woman as he left. I was left here with the girl. Sally? No respect. He didn't even "inherit".

"Come on." Aling Sally rudely ordered me so I just followed.

"This is your room, don't be artistic, just clean it." He promised. is it a room It's like a warehouse! But it's okay, maybe it's okay.

"Go ahead." I promise.

"If you need anything, just call me." which sally definitely came out. So naughty!

The room is messy but very spacious. I started cleaning. I first removed the tables and the things inside them. Next, I removed the dirt from the ceiling with a broom. I got a map, I was able to find it easily because it was close to my room where it was. There is a bed here in the warehouse but it is still dirty. I already cleaned it in the room. After I removed all the dirt inside, I made sure to clean the things I took out. It took me a few hours to clean. It's good that I managed it even though I'm not comfortable in what I'm wearing now. The room is neat and clean. It's nice to see because it's wide, but it's still lacking in use. I was about to lie down to rest when someone suddenly knocked and entered my room.

"You're good and you know how to clean, Señorito calls you. Push it and you might get angry." It promised and definitely left.

I quickly went outside my room to go to it but... I don't know! Where! I looked around the house, I almost fainted because of its size and breadth. I really can't find it! I stopped looking when a door suddenly opened and it spat out a man whose name I don't remember, walking to buy it.

"Come in, you're so slow." He said in a cold voice. I followed and entered his room. Btw, it's 12 at night.

"Why did you call me?" I will ask.

" You'll be my slave. " he promised. He is now changing his clothes. So I turned my back on him now because his height was just clothes. It's okay for me to be his slave. Assistant like that, that's okay, he also costs me five million, so I'll just be his assistant.

" Assistant huh?" I will make sure.

"S*x slave." He said cause I was dumbfounded. S*x slave? The h*ck? Will I be his s*x buddy? No! Virgin nail. Never been touched!


"No buts, I already bought you. You are mine." he promised. Yes indeed. He bought me and I have to obey him. But, what.. why is it a s*x slave!

"What is it..

"No more complaining, just follow me!" He said he was a little angry.

"Okay." That's all I said.

"Let's start." He said making sure that he slowly approached me, while he was getting closer I was moving away from him until I was lying on his bed.

"Be a good girl." Omg Liv

"Be a good girl." OMG Liv. He is getting closer to me. Wait a minute! It's sudden. I can not do it!

"Wait!" I stopped while holding his hand. Wow, very delicate heheheheh. But wait. He doesn't want to be stopped. I'll cry all right.

"Don't move or I'll kill you right now." he promised me that he kept it. Will they kill me? Eh? He is getting closer and closer. I now have a cold or something. I really can not do it! I took the pillow next to me to make sure I hit him. I pushed him to run out.

"The he*k!! You b*tch!" I heard him shout before I left the room. I quickly went to my room to make sure the door was locked. I really can not do it! It's my first time. Then suddenly. I want the one who can be the first to marry me! Not him.her! He even tried to kill me. Grabiness.

I didn't hear any knocking on the door so I breathed a sigh of relief. I don't have anything with me so I can't change clothes. I kept thinking until sleep swallowed me up.

"mam!" shouted a child in front of me

how are you?" What are you doing?

"Mother, father and brother are waiting for us," he said. 𝘔ama?

"Where are your parents, hm?" I never asked you.

"𝘔ama naman " answered the boy happily.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"I'm the first one, why don't you wait until you grow up?" I'm sure you'll leave.

"mama!" I looked behind me and I saw the vehicle coming and the child was about to be run over.

"𝘔ama, wait for us brother." He finally said before taking a breath.

"Kill marry it!"

I woke up sweating. Hey, it's just a dream. You have children! But why is that, my stomach suddenly hurts, I don't know why but why do I feel like crying? Hey Liv! It's just a dream. I have so many dreams like that that I am married, that someone died, that someone is crying, I don't know.

I stopped thinking when I heard a sudden knock on the door. Alas!

" Open the door!" I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that it was Aling Sally. I got up and walked to the door to open it.

"I've been knocking here for a while now! Do you know what time it is? You haven't even locked your door. Why!" He yelled angrily at me. Have you been knocking? I didn't hear anything? Maybe it's because of the depth of my sleep. What time is it?

"It's ten o'clock! Here are the clothes Señorito gave you. Take them and go to the kitchen when you're done." He ordered and started walking away. Clothing? From whom? To that guy? Eh? I didn't think about it and started taking a shower, I just sped up the shower because the old woman might get angry again. The clothes that were given to me were just right and I was comfortable. After I changed I went to the kitchen. I know where the kitchen is because it's also near my bedroom. 1st floor only. I walked towards it but..... I found the Señorito doing something. I was thinking twice whether to continue or not because he might still be angry with me because of what happened last night.

I just continued but I walked slowly so as not to be noticed. He now turned his back on me. The kitchen is behind him. I slowly walked until...


I hit the trash can to get noticed. Sh*t. Damn!

I looked at Señorito who was now looking at me seriously. He almost killed me because of the sharp look he was giving me. I was about to leave before I fainted here but an arm stopped me.

"Do you think you can escape?" he whispered in my ear.

"S-sorry, you because of what, you because...

I didn't finish what I was going to say when I heard Aling Sally calling me so she let go of my arm, but before that, she whispered something.

"Face your consequences tonight."

Did you finish cleaning Señorito Liv's room?" asked the butler after I got off.

"Oh, it's over." I promise.

"That's all you're going to do, clean Señorito's room. By the way, there's another one. Did you see the room before yours? You have to watch over it, don't go in and don't let yourself in. Is that clear?" It promised. Is that my only job?

" It's clear. " Room? Oh The room next to my room. What's up with that? But I can't go in there. What can there be?

"Alright, it's almost dinner time. Wait for Flor to finish cooking and you'll be the one to deliver Señorito's food, when it's dinner and he's here at the mansion, he doesn't come down to eat, remember that."

"Alright ho." I just waited for Señorito to finish cooking.

" Livy, here. " Ate Flor said, carrying the food that I would deliver to Señorito. Livy? Liv sister Liv.

"Thank you, by the way it's Liv not Livy." I promised and followed it with a smile. I started to go upstairs to deliver Señorito's food.

"Look at it. You're careering your job. I'm telling you Livy, Lev..."

"Liv ho." I scolded.

To Be Continued...

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