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Claimed By The Alpha: Hazel's Retribution

Claimed By The Alpha: Hazel's Retribution



Book name on other platforms: CLAIMED BY THE ALPHA: CHOSEN BY THE MOON GODDESS. Synopsis: Sometimes all one wants is a peaceful life with healthy family members surrounding them. Even if there's no money, you’ll still be happy. But when evil strikes in the form of a ruthless father and a scheming step-sister, the balance is distorted when we least expect it. Revenge becomes the only option. Father promised to take care of mom’s hospital bills as long as I marry the man of his choosing, but he lied and sold me to a heartless mafia boss. When I was being tortured for a crime I knew nothing about, he allowed my mother to die a painful death. I finally had enough and decided to escape, or die running. But then, I meet my knight in shining armor, only to realize he is a creature I've only heard about in movies, books, or fairy tales. But unknown to me, I am everything like that creature and more. * * * “Finally found you, mate,” His beastly form took my breath away, and I thought I’d finally gone crazy. After everything I’ve been through, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to lose my mind. “I’m not who you think I am.” I yelled at him.“You’ve got the wrong girl” “And you've got the body I desire,” he said. *** How would I live when the mafia boss is on my tail, but my mate’s pack wouldn’t accept me either? If I stay in his pack, I may die without knowing who killed me, and if I leave, I would still die at the hands of the mafia don. When death was the only option I had, I chose to become their nightmare instead.

Chapter 1 Betrayal


My eyes squinted slightly as I typed away on the computer. I was damn exhausted from working too much lately. I even skipped lunch hours just to finish up with the task I was assigned.

I could feel my heart pace faster as I thought about the deadline, which was tomorrow. “There is no way I'm going to finish up and submit these documents to my boss before tomorrow.”

Sighing exasperatedly, I took my hands off the keyboard and stretched.

As soon as I resumed typing, my phone started ringing.

It was my mother. I've been expecting her call since this morning. My birthday is tomorrow, and we were supposed to be making preparations to celebrate at home.

I answered the call and dropped the phone on the desk while typing away on the keyboard. “Hi, Mom!” I said.

“Hello Hazel, how are you?” She responded through the phone.

“I'm fine mom, I'm just busy with work,” I said and sighed.

“I can tell you are so stressed out right now. I'd advise you to take it easy on yourself.” Her voice was coated with concern.

“I can't, Mom, I have a deadline to meet. I'm even thinking of working till dawn.”

“This is the only way I can ever meet up with the deadline.”

“Sleep at the office? Again? You promised not to–”

“I know Mom, I promised–but this would be the last time I would work overnight.” I cut in, not convinced by my own words.

My mother worries too much about me, which isn't good for her health. She has been thinking too much lately, and I fear her pressure might rise again.

“All right, just this–” My mother's statement was cut short by a scream.

A sudden, jarring sound shattered the tranquility.

My heart leaped into my throat, and a chill ran down my spine as if warning me of impending doom.

Panic gripped me. My mind racing with terrifying possibilities.

With trembling hands, I held onto the phone. Fearing the news that would follow, I prayed it shouldn't be as bad as I dared to imagine.

“Mom! Mom?” I screamed through the phone, alerting the attention of my colleagues.

“Hazel, what's wrong? Are you all right?” Susan, one of my colleagues asked, while the others stared at me with a quizzical look.

“My mom, I think she got involved in an accident.” I panicked.

I can't afford to lose my mother. She's the only parent figure I have left.

Tears began to stream down my cheeks as Susan tried to calm me down.

“Hello Ms, please come to Diamond General Hospital. Your mother was just hit by a car.” A male voice spoke from my mother's phone.

Without hesitation, I stormed out of the office, totally forgetting about my task and the deadline altogether.

Fortunately, the hospital wasn't far from my place of work. It didn't take up to ten minutes before I arrived there.

I watched with dread as the ambulance screeched to a halt outside.

As the doors swung open, my eyes locked onto the stretcher being hurriedly wheeled in.

There, lying pale and fragile, was my mother. Her face twisted in pain and covered in blood.

As they whisked her away to the emergency room, I followed closely behind.

Three hours later, the doctor finally came out. “Doctor, how is my mother?” I asked, rushing towards him.

"I'm sorry to say this, but your mother is in a bad state right now.” He started. “She is paralyzed from her neck downwards, and if operated immediately, she has an eighty percent chance of a full recovery."

“As the days go by, her chances will decrease.” He added.

The doctor's words felt like a physical blow, knocking the breath from my lungs. I could feel the color drain from my face as the gravity of his words sank in.

“How much is the treatment?” I asked.

“Do you have insurance?” He asked.

“No, I wish we did.”

“It would cost you $50,000 without insurance.”

My heart shattered at his words. Where am I supposed to get such an amount of money?

“Is there any way you can treat her so I can pay in installments?” I begged.

“I'm sorry Ms, we don't accept installments,” He said politely.

“Can I see her then?”

“She is in a coma right now, but you can go ahead and see her.” He said, and I rushed into the emergency room.

I looked at my mother, her face pale and weak. “Mom!” I called, tears trickling down my cheek.

There was no response, just her unconscious body lying completely still on the hospital bed.

I grabbed her hand, pressing her palm against my cheek. “Please don't do this to me, please wake up Mom,” I said, sobbing subconsciously.

Staying here won't solve anything. I need to find a way to pay for her treatment.

As I exited the hospital, the only person that came to my mind was my boss.

I prayed desperately that he would agree to help me.

I wish my brother Brandon wasn't so sickly. I wish he was just a normal kid. It wouldn't have been so hard for me to get that money for my mother's treatment.

I wish I had a father. I wish he didn't die before I was born. He would have been of great help.

I ran into the company building, hoping to meet my boss inside.

“Good afternoon, sir!” I greeted him as soon as I entered his office.

“Hazel, where have you been?” His voice sounded harsh.

“I'm sorry, sir. My mother was knocked down by a car, that's why I left. The doctor said if I don't–”

“That is none of my business.” He yelled. “How dare you leave the document behind? Aren't you aware the client will be coming tomorrow morning?”

“I'm sorry, sir but I had to leave, my mother is–”

“You are fired!” He yelled.


“Sir please, I have no one to turn to.” I pleaded with him, tears streaming uncontrollably from my eyes.

“Leave my office this instant.” He stated, “Before I call the security guards to drag you out.”

How am I supposed to go about this? I have no one else–Wait! My boyfriend.

Aiden can help me. Yes, he can, he is my boyfriend.

I ran out of the office immediately. My vision was blurred by the tears that threatened to roll down my cheeks.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the conversation ahead. My mother's health was deteriorating rapidly, and I needed his help.

With desperation gnawing at my insides, I hurried towards his apartment.

My mind was consumed with worry for my mother and the hope that he would offer some support in our time of need.

But as I reached his building and pushed open the door, the sight before me stole the air from my lungs.

Shock and disbelief washed over me in waves as I stood frozen in the doorway. Unable to tear my eyes away from the scene before me.

There he was, tangled in an embrace with another woman. Their lips locked in a betrayal that shattered my world into a million irreparable pieces.

Every ounce of trust I had placed in him crumbled to dust in an instant. Replaced by a searing pain that threatened to consume me whole.

The realization hit me like a punch to the gut: not only had he been unfaithful, but he had also shattered my hopes of finding solace in my time of need.

“Aiden!” I yelled his name.

I stared at his face, hoping to catch a glimpse of remorse in his eyes. But he wasn't; he continued with what he was doing.

This was a low blow for me. I've hit rock bottom.

I wanted to leave, but I couldn't. My mother's health was dwindling by the minute.

“I need your help. My mother is in a coma,” I said, my fist clenching by my side.

“What do you expect me to do? Give you my money?” He started. “Why is your family always sick? Don't you think they are cursed?”

How dare he say something like this to me? Each word he said felt like a dagger piercing through my heart.

“Aiden, please–”

“Get out!” He cut me off.

Anger surged through me, and the urge to punch his face grew stronger.

I wish I had a father. Things wouldn't have been hard like this.

How dare he shatter my heart like this? Why didn't I see him as the condescending bastard he was?

My boyfriend and boss have refused to help. Who should I run to?

Without saying a word, I turned my back on him and left.

Arriving at the emergency room, I sat next to my mother, who was still unconscious. It hurt me so much to see her this way. While I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize I had fallen asleep.

“Hazel,” I heard my mother's weak voice call.

As I woke up to the sound of her voice, I realized it was midnight already. I saw my mother's eyes staring back at mine as I woke up.

“Mom,” I called, hugging her gently.

As if she was about to say something important, she said, “Listen.”

“I can't take it to my grave,” sighing exasperatedly.

What is she saying? Why is she sounding like this? My body began to tremble, fearing that this might be her last word.

“Y-You have a father.”

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