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In love with my Husband's Brother

In love with my Husband's Brother

Wemzy writes


"We can't be doing this, I'm married please" "I'll be damned if I let you go again, Maureen" Tears rolled down my eyes as I held on to him tightly ________ Maureen George was young woman abandoned by her father while she was young. She swore to make her life on her own without begging for his help but what if in order to get her trust fund she needed to get married? Maureen hated the thought of marriage but after being forced into one due to her trust fund she found out the man she really married wasn't truly what he seemed to be What will Maureen do when she finds out that her past was coming back in another form which she never expected? Read to find out what happens

Chapter 1 The unexpected arrangement

I stepped off the plane, feeling the warm Florida sunshine on her face after a year of Texas dust. I couldn't wait to see her grandmother, Maria, and give her a big hug. As i made her way to the arrivals gate, i spotted My grandmother beaming with a smile, her silver hair shining like a halo.

"Abuela!" I exclaimed, rushing into My grandmother open arms.

"I've missed you so much, m'ija!" I replied, holding her tight. "I'm home at last!"

I inhaled the familiar scent of M'ija perfume and felt a sense of comfort wash over me. I had missed my grandmother dearly, and it felt amazing to be back in her embrace.

As we pulled back, I took in My grandmother's smile and sparkling eyes. "You look just the same, Abuela! I've missed your cooking and your stories."

My grandmother chuckled, patting my cheek. "And I've missed my little helper in the kitchen. Come, let's get your bags and head home. I've made your favorite arroz con pollo for dinner."

My stomach growled in anticipation as i followed her to the baggage claim. I felt grateful to be back in Florida, surrounded by the love and warmth of my grandmother's presence.

After a warm dinner and a relaxing evening, I was lounging on the couch, feeling the fatigue of my journey slowly fade away. My grandmother sat beside me, stroking my hair with a gentle touch.

"Maureen, m'ija, I'm so glad you're home," she said, her eyes shining with love. "I've missed you so much."

I smiled, feeling grateful for her grandmother's warmth. "I've missed you too, Abuela. It's great to be back."

Her expression turned thoughtful, and she paused for a moment before speaking. "Maureen, I want to introduce you to someone special. His name is Atlas, and...well, I think you'll really like him."

My curiosity piqued, I sat up straighter. "Who is he, Abuela? A family friend?"

Her smile grew wider. "Someone very special, m'ija. Someone I think could be very important in your life."

My mind raced with questions, but before i could ask any, she continued.

"He's waiting for us in the living room. Let's go meet him, okay?"

My heart skipped a beat as i hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to expect. But her encouraging smile put me at ease, and i nodded, following my grandmother into the unknown.

As we entered the living room, My eyes scanned the space, searching for this mysterious person. And then, i saw him - a tall, handsome man with piercing blue eyes, brown hair and a charming smile. He stood by the window, his gaze fixed on me, and i felt a sudden flutter in my chest.

"Maureen, this is Atlas," Abuela said, her voice beaming with pride. "He's...a friend of the family."

My eyes narrowed slightly, sensing there was more to the story. But before i could ask any questions, Atlas strode forward, his long strides eating up the distance between us.

"Maureen, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," he said, his deep voice warm and smooth. "Your grandmother has told me so much about you."

My instincts prickled, unsure of what to make of this sudden introduction. But Atlas's warm smile and gentle handshake put me at ease, and i found myself relaxing in his presence.

"Likewise," i replied, my voice a little softer than i intended.

As we chatted, i couldn't help but notice the way Atlas looked at me- with a quiet intensity that made her feel seen and understood.

But what did Abuela have planned? And who was this man, really?

As we continued to chat, My politeness masked my growing unease. I couldn't help but feel like Atlas was scrutinizing me, his piercing blue eyes probing for something i wasn't sure i wanted to reveal.

"So, Atlas, what brings you here?" I asked, trying to sound friendly but maintain a safe distance.

"Your grandmother and I have been friends for a while," Atlas replied, his smile never wavering. "She's told me a lot about you, and I wanted to meet the young woman she's so proud of."

My eyes flicked to Abuela, who was watching the exchange with an encouraging smile. My instincts told me that there was more to this meeting than a simple introduction.

"That's...nice," I said, my tone neutral. "I'm glad to meet you too, Atlas."

As the conversation continued, I found myself growing increasingly uncomfortable. Atlas's questions felt like gentle probing, and i couldn't shake the feeling that he was sizing me up for some unknown purpose.

"Abuela, I think I'll go unpack my bags now," i said, standing up abruptly. "It's been a long day."

Abuelas face fell slightly, but she nodded understandingly. "Of course, m'ija. I'll show Atlas out."

As i escaped to my room, i couldn't help but wonder what my grandmother had planned, and why i felt like i was being pushed into something i didn't want.

As soon as I closed my bedroom door behind me, I let out a deep sigh and began to unpack my bags with a sense of relief. I couldn't shake off the feeling that Atlas was somehow connected to my grandmother's plans for my future, and i didn't like it one bit.

Just as i was putting away my clothes, i heard a soft knock on my door. I opened it to find abuela standing in the hallway, a gentle smile on her face.

"Maureen, m'ija, can we talk for a moment?" Maria asked, her eyes sparkling with a hint of determination.

I hesitated for a moment before nodding and stepping aside to let her in. I had a feeling i wasn't going to like this conversation.

"Abuela, what's going on?" I asked, her voice firm but polite. "Who is Atlas, really? And why did you want me to meet him?"

She sat down on the bed, her expression serious. "Atlas is a good man, Maureen. He's someone I trust, and I think he could be very important in your life."

My eyes narrowed. "What do you mean, Abuela? You're not trying to set me up with him, are you?"

Her face turned red, and she avoided My gaze. "Well, m'ija, I...I just want what's best for you. And I think Atlas could be a good match for you."

My heart sank instantly. I had been afraid of this. My grandmother had always been traditional, and i knew she had been hoping for a more...conventional life for her granddaughter.

"Abuela, no," I said firmly. "I won't do it. I won't marry someone just because you think it's a good idea."

Her face fell, but her could see the determination in her eyes. This wasn't the end of the conversation, not by a long shot.

Then her face hardened, her eyes flashing with determination. "Maureen, you're being stubborn and foolish. Atlas is a good man, and he can provide for you in ways you can't even imagine."

Suddenly anger flared within me, my voice rising. "I don't want to be provided for, Abuela! I want to make my own decisions, my own choices. And I'm not ready to get married!"

Her expression turned cold, her voice stern. "You're being ridiculous, Maureen. You're 25 years old, it's time to settle down and start a family."

My voice cracked with emotion. "You don't understand, Abuela! You never have! And I'm not going to let you dictate my life like you did with Mom!"

Abuelas' face reddened, her voice rising. "How dare you! I did what I thought was best for your mother, and I'm doing what I think is best for you! You're just being stubborn and ungrateful!"

My eyes suddenly blazed with tears. "I'm not being stubborn, Abuela, I'm being honest! And you're not listening to me!"

I stormed out of the room, my anger and frustration boiling over. I didn't even bother to grab my purse or my phone, i just needed to get out of the house, away from my grandmother's suffocating expectations.

I slammed the front door behind me, feeling a small satisfaction at the loud noise. I took a deep breath of the fresh air, trying to calm down my racing thoughts.

As i walked down the street, i didn't know where i was going, i just knew i needed to get away. I walked a few blocks away, my feet carrying me towards the town center.

Eventually, i found herself at the local park, sitting on a bench, trying to collect my thoughts. I took a few deep breaths, feeling the anger and frustration slowly seep out of me.

As I sat there, I realized i needed to take a stand, needed to assert my independence and make my own decisions. I couldn't let my grandmother control my life anymore, but before that i needed something to take my mind of the all drama as soon as possible and the only thing was to get drunk, so i picked up her phone and dialed my friends number.

I pulled out her phone and dialed a familiar number. My friend, Rachel, answered on the first ring.

"Hey, girl! What's up?" Rachel asked, her voice cheerful.

"Hey, Rach. I need a favor. Can we meet up at the bar tonight? I need to get out of the house and get my mind off some drama," i said, my voice still tense from the argument.

"Of course, sweetie! What happened? Your grandmother again?" Rachel asked, her tone sympathetic.

"Yeah. She's just...ugh. I'll tell you all about it when I see you. Can you meet me at O'Malley's at 8?" I asked, grateful for my friend's understanding.

"Absolutely! I'll be there with bells on. Or at least, with a pitcher of margaritas. See you soon!" Rachel said, her laughter a welcome respite from Maureen's frustration.

I smiled, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. I knew that with Rachel by her side, i could face whatever my grandmother threw my way.

I arrived at O'Malley's, looking forward to a night of venting and laughing with Rachel. I took a seat at the bar, ordering a margarita and checking my phone for what felt like the hundredth time.

But as the minutes ticked by, Rachel was nowhere to be found. I tried calling and texting, but my friend wasn't responding. I felt a pang of disappointment and frustration - i had been counting on Rachel to help me forget my argument with me grandmother.

The bartender, a friendly woman named Sue, noticed My gloomy expression. "Hey, hon, everything okay? You look like you lost your last friend," she said, her voice sympathetic.

I sighed, shaking her head. "I was supposed to meet my friend here, but she's not showing up. And I really needed to talk to her tonight."

Sue nodded understandingly. "Well, I'm here to listen if you need someone to talk to. And I'll make sure your drinks are extra strong tonight."

I smiled, appreciating Sue's kindness. But as the night wore on, i couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment and abandonment. I had been looking forward to Rachel's support and companionship all day, and now i was left alone, nursing a drink and my wounded pride.

I decided to ditch her disappointment and dive headfirst into a night of revelry. I ordered another margarita, and then another, letting the tequila wash away my frustration and anger.

As the night wore on, I found myself dancing on the bar, laughing and singing along to the music. I was surrounded by strangers, but they all seemed to share my desire to let loose and have a good time.

Sue, the bartender, kept the drinks coming, and i kept dancing, my worries and cares melting away with each passing minute. I was determined to party away the night, to forget about my argument with my grandmother and Rachel's no-show.

As the night wore on, My memories grew fuzzy, but i remembered laughing, dancing, and having the time of my life. I was living in the moment, free from the weight of my responsibilities and expectations.

As I danced on the bar, a handsome stranger caught my eye. Nicolas was his name, and he had a charming smile and piercing blue eyes. He was drawn to my carefree spirit and infectious laughter.

"Hey, you're quite the dancer!" Nicolas shouted over the music, his eyes locked on mine.

"Thanks! I'm just letting loose!" I replied, my voice slurred from the drinks.

Nicolas joined me on the bar, and we danced together, our bodies swaying to the music. We ordered shots and laughed, our chemistry growing with each passing minute.

"Come on, let's get out of here!" Nicolas suggested, his arm around my waist.

"Where are we going?" I asked, my words barely coherent.

"Back to your place. You said It's just a block away. We can keep the party going," Nicolas said, his eyes gleaming with a knowing glint.

I agreed, my judgment clouded by the alcohol.

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