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The Billionaire's Secret Obsession

The Billionaire's Secret Obsession



What happens when the person you had a one-night stand with on an uninhibited island turns out to be your boss's fiancé? Eva never thought she would meet the handsome stranger who made her forget about the chaos that was her life for an hour... or five. Deep down, she knew there was something else there, something she felt aside from the growing attraction she tried to keep in check. But she tried to ignore those feelings, especially when said stranger was her boss's fiancé. Damon Adler, CEO and heir to Adler's Corporation, was intrigued by Eva the moment he set his eyes on her. He knew she was his when she came waltzing back into his life weeks later. Even when he knew she was hiding something, even when she turned his advances down countless times, it only made his attraction towards her become stronger. And he would stop at nothing to make her his. But it seemed somebody else wanted Eva, dead or alive. Someone from the past she was running away from. Someone who made her never forget to drop the steel walls around her heart.

Chapter 1 The Crash


I was sure I did something bad in my past life to have such bad luck.

"Please, ensure you remain in your seats with your seat belts on. We are experiencing turbulence."

I closed my eyes, my insides melting from the terror about to happen. Men and women panicked while the children wailed. It was a scene you could only see in the movies. My stomach churned as a tremor went through the entire plane. One idiot had the guts to not wear his seat belt. Even though our chances of survival were very slim, it seemed he didn't want to cling onto that hope. The plane swerved in the storm, and I cursed again. Lightning decorated the dark, heavy clouds like a horror movie scene as I looked out the window.

"Oh Jesus! Buddha! Allah!" The scrawny man beside me held his hands in prayer, his hair stuck to his skin as beads of sweat ran down his face.

"Please be calm and remain in your seats and ensure you have your seat belts on."

Stench of vomit filled the air as the middle-aged lady that sat across the aisle beside us spilled her guts on the floor of the plane. The equally middle-aged man beside her tried to calm her down, wrapping his hand around hers. The rumbling of the thunder and screams of the other passengers masked what I assumed to be his soothing words as he rubbed his other hand on her back. There was no way we were going to survive this.

The plane swerved again, this time, with a force that removed a part of the left side of the plane, just by where the middle-aged couple sat. Their screams did nothing as they were wrenched out, together with their seats, the force of the wind pushing them out of the hole.

If the horror of our situation hadn't registered with anyone, it did now. I didn't think it was possible, but the screams in the plane got louder, especially as the luggages started dropping.

I closed my eyes, allowing my life to flash before me.

My mind drifted to my dead parents. Maybe I was finally going to join them. It scrolled through the years of abuse I endured from the man I had married. The one I was running away from. The one who wanted me dead.


Imagine escaping death only to walk right into one. I let out a bitter laugh, my eyes filling with tears. The irony.

"We're going down," the voice crackled through the speakers. "I repeat, we're going down."

The plane moved in a downward spiral, at an uncontrollable speed that made me clench my teeth. A scream let loose from my mouth, joining the other yells and screams that filled the plane. My blood pumped in my ears as I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable crash.

The light almost blinded my eyes, and I squinted, trying to filter the intensity of the sun rays. Was I alive or dead? Forcing my eyes wide open, the familiar interior of the plane registered with me. I looked around frantically; the man beside me was unconscious. Reaching out to him, I felt for his breath or any sign he could still be alive. Of course not, not when the sharp edge of the upper part of the plane that was removed pierced his side.

The smell of copper was thick in the air as an ever-flowing amount of blood gushed from the opening. A tremble ran through my body, my breath quickened, and my temple throbbed. The only sound I could hear was that of electricity cackling. I unclasped my seat belt and found a way to get past my neighbor. My body, the heaviest it had ever been. The plane had landed on land, and judging from the silence, we weren't where people lived. The entire top of the plane was ripped away, luggage and people were scattered all over the floor.

"Hello?" My voice was cracked from my earlier screaming. Silence responded back to me. I desperately hoped someone was alive. I tried to get to other people, moving over seats and checking for any signs of life. I let out a choked sob when I realized they were all dead. My heart tightened as if a palm was wrapped around it, and I tasted salt as some of my tears escaped into my mouth.

The wires in a corner crackled, and I froze. I needed to leave before the plane caught on fire. Using the seats, I propelled myself upward, my aching body screaming in protest. The wind blew in my face as I situated myself on the top part of the plane that wasn't ripped away. I took in the ocean the plane had narrowly missed, the blazing sun rays bouncing off its surface. My feet finally touched the earth, and I dragged myself to the other side of the plane.

Just in the distance, at the end of the beach, the coconut trees danced, and the birds chirped happily as if welcoming me. There wasn't a single soul on the beach. My heart dropped.

I took in a breath as I tried to calm myself. I had no freaking idea where I was, and from the looks of it, it seemed no one lived on the island or help would have arrived already. I just had to hope help would arrive soon.

I was thirsty. I remembered glancing through one of my dad's survival books and saw that if one were to ever get stuck on an uninhabited island, water should be the first priority. The first option I had was to wander off the beach in search of fresh water, the second was to go back into the plane, and Lord, was I terrified of both options. I made a decision to hold off my thirst for an hour in hopes the plane didn't go up in flames.

Then I heard it, whistling; it came from behind me and I turned. A man strolled onto the beach, his tanned body was covered in a short-sleeved white shirt that exposed the upper part of his muscled chest. His dark hair glinted in the sun and fell on his eyes. He held up a bunch of sticks on his shoulder and stopped when he noticed me. His stance immediately turned defensive, but it didn't take long for him to realize I was among the plane's passengers.

He moved closer, his gait careful. When he got within a seven-foot radius, my breath hitched. He looked to be in his late twenties and was the most attractive man I'd ever seen in my life. I couldn't remove my gaze from his hazel eyes, which made me heated as they glanced down my body, bringing my thirst a notch higher. His chiseled face was adorned with rosy lips that sent my mind to the gutter, making me almost forget about my situation, our situation. The veins on his arms popped as they held the woods he carried, his muscles glistening in the sun.

Without any warning, he dropped the woods on the ground beside him and...removed his shirt. I gulped.

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