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A divided heart

A divided heart



Blurb: Blinded by love, Grace Ashley married the most eligible bachelor in A city David Williams, who only married her to avenge his first love who was also her best friend Monica Samuel. Whereas Grace left her career and family for the marriage. When Grace got to know about this, She was shocked and she tried to change his mind about her, but she was simply not enough for him. Mysteriously, Monica reappeared in their lives, trying to break their union. This later happened, but David had mixed feelings for her, but when he realized it was too late. Will David protect their love or will he let her go forever? Characterization Grace Ashley (FL): A strong-willed and resilient doctor, who has faced numerous challenges in life but remains cheerful. She has chestnut eyes, a curvy figure, and a long jet-black hair. Grace married David because she was blinded by love, but to her dismay, David hated her because he thought she used unscrupulous means to kill his first love. David Williams (ML): A powerful billionaire, with a reputation for being tough. he has an imposing figure with broad shoulders and a sharp jawline, he has blue eyes that could pierce into anyone’s soul, and he also has a demeanor that makes him seem unapproachable. He married Grace to avenge his first love whom he thought was murdered by Grace. Monica Samuel: A young and beautiful girl, she can be regarded as a white swan due to her innocent features, she possesses a demeanor that makes her look pitiful. Unfortunately, she was a wolf in sheep’s clothing who wanted to kill her best friend, Grace, because she saw her as a threat to the union of her and David. But along the line, her plan backfires.

Chapter 1 Marriage equals torture

Walking down the aisle hand in hand with her dad, Grace knew that there was no going back, she lifted her head up at the altar and met the gaze of the man whom she loved the most David Williams, meeting up gaze and silently admirinhis sapphire eyes, well comebed hair, sharp jaw, and nose which made him look like a masterpiece, firm and thin lips which formed a cold smirk, the man whom she gave up her family and career for and at that moment, she felt that it was all worth it. “From now henceforth David is my future” she thought and giggled lightly”.

She looked at her mother, father, and colleagues one last time before they climbed the altar, and a layer of tears formed in her eyes as she mounted the altar. Grace reached out her hands to David and realized that his hands were cold, and then the priest started reciting the wedding vows. “ Do you take Grace Ashley as your lawful wedded wife?” said the priest “Yes sir” David answered. “ Do you take David Williams as your lawful wedded husband?” said the priest “Yes sir “ Grace answered. At that point, the words she uttered on the altar will completely alter her life, but she still answered no matter what. The priest said “ I pronounce you husband and wife” he held their hands together and Grace could sense the subtle changes in rejection toward their contact, she trembled in fear and shame, having a trance of what their future was going to be like, she immediately shook that strange thought away and muttered under her breath “ I have a lifetime to change his opinions about me” she naively thought. But Grace was oblivious to the fact that David heard what she said and said it internally “Dream on little girl” with a malicious smile on his face. All these did not go unnoticed by Grace’s best friend Caroline, she couldn't help but shudder at the thought that her friend Grace would spend the rest of her life with this scary man, but she always respected her best friend’s decision. “You may kiss the bride,” said the priest, this was one of the best moments of Grace’s life, it felt like a dream come true, but only if she knew what the future had in store for her. She felt David’s thin lips on hers, the most insincere kiss she had ever experienced in her whole life, it seemed like the man was trying to bite off her skin instead of making her feel pleasure. But she had to endure all this because they were in public, in front of her family and his family who opposed their marriage, it seemed like the whole world felt that they were an unsuitable match except from her, his approval to her request shocked the whole of A city, because David was known as a tough and ruthless businessman, who had never been seen with a girl except Monica. It was even said that after Monica’s accident, David grieved for a whole year and never touched any other woman, some even said that he had switched his preference to men after the accident. Grace looked at the rings and the letters engraved in them. It was M&D, Monica, and David, it was the ring he planned to give Monica before the accident, Graced lips slightly trembled with fear, he had only treated her as a substitute, she shook the thought off her head. Thinking that he would give her an explanation when they got home. When they got out of the church, they were embraced by the flashing of cameras and the incessant noise made by the journalists asking all sorts of questions. Grace was saved only by the intervention of the bodyguards and police, then all the guests headed to the reception hall so as to continue the celebration of the union. But unexpectedly, David received a phone call and swiftly left Grace all alone in the reception hall by herself. Shortly after she started hearing other aristocrats gossiping “I heard that David married her out of spite……… hmmm, I heard it was to avenge his first love, Monica…. Giggle……that serves her right for being a third party……. Shameless vixen,” Grace heard all these, her face was as red as pepper, and she clenched her fists so tight that, her fingers digged dip into her palm. she trembled in fear and embarrassment. Soon she went to see her parents and colleagues off to their hometown. Her eyes were so red, “don't worry too much, I will make sure I come to see you regularly” said her elder brother, “ yes me to Didi, and if that scumbag bullies you tell me okay, I will order my men to kick his ass” said Caroline her best friend, Grace smiled not of joy but of sadness that she was going to leave these amazing people, but it was too late to turn back! She hugged her family one last time and saw them off to their plane. “My daughter makes sure you eat well, when next I come back I must see your bulging cheeks and a baby bump too”. The statement made Grace blush in embarrassment. “ Okay Mum, I love you all” said Grace. Before their plane took off. Large drops of tears dropped from her face at this point, she couldn't help but sigh and also hope for a good future in this city for her. Turning back, she was led into the car by one of the bodyguard.

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