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Trapped in a Marriage

Trapped in a Marriage



Money cannot buy love, but it sure can make marriages possible. It may not be genuine and warm, but for a woman hanging by a thread, what else is there to choose? Gabrielle Angelique–blonde woman, golden eyes, and pale skin. Though beautiful and extremely irresistible, she is an orphan who is under the care of her stepmother who is already dying. In order to make her life longer, she decided to cut hers short by marrying Randall Maximillian, the wealthiest person to have ever existed. Will Gabrielle be able to handle that kind of marriage? A union bound by money and crimes–is she going to regret it?

Chapter 1 Papers can only hold so much

The sun beamed brilliantly today, casting a warm glow over everything in its path. The birds sang their hearts out, filling the air with a symphony of cheerful melodies for those who were barely making it alive.

As Gabrielle sat at the table, a spoonful of soggy cereal lay abandoned before her. Despite feeling a wave of revulsion, she couldn't bring herself to be upset. Her bank balance was perilously close to zero.

The chilly morning air wrapped around her delicate arms, a poignant reminder of her scant meals over the past day.

"Have you remembered to take your medicine?" She whispered as she hurriedly helped her stepmother to sit on her bed. Her stepmother was sick and bedridden, needing her care and attention.

After the devastating loss of her mother, Gabrielle's world was completely upended when her widowed father sought comfort in the arms of another woman named Laura, whom he eventually married. Gabrielle struggled to come to terms with the idea of her cherished family being torn apart by this new relationship. She was deeply hurt; it hindered her whole being.

Just as she began to come to terms with her father's new relationship, tragedy struck again. With her father's passing, Gabrielle was left with no option but to live the life that Laura was leading.

To her, she’s the unluckiest person to have ever existed. Having to aid a woman she’s not even blood-related with and working her ass off to provide for both their needs.

As she took in the gravity of the situation, fatigue crept into her eyes. The lack of sleep and potential dehydration weighed heavily on her. She's tired, more than her senses can take.

It pained her to see her stepmother looking pale and frail, unable to stand the sight of her in such a condition. Her eyes grew tired when she realized the weight of the situation, she was currently in. No sleep and is potentially dehydrated, she can't stand seeing her stepmother pale and weak.

“You have to get it together, mom.” She sniffed, not knowing how she could pass by a day without shedding a single tear. “I cannot afford to lose another parent again.”

Silence enveloped every side of the room. The only thing that was creating noise was the droplets of water coming straight out of their rusty roof.

“Hahaha!” Wild laughs rang in Gabrielle’s ears. It is not uplifting, rather, it makes her feel uneasy.

“And I cannot leave you behind either.” Gabrielle felt a pang of sting in her throbbing heart while she stared at her stepmother's empty, half-sane, and dull stare. She kept on fidgeting on the linen of her shirt while biting her tongue so as not to cry.

Her trembling voice couldn’t get out. “Yeah… and I will leave now.” It was an excuse so as not to see herself broken down.

She turned her back to her stepmother and did not say a word. However, she was taken aback when she grabbed her wrist and made her knees weak.

“Thank you…” It’s almost as if it was said to make her stay.

She just nodded. It would be best not to throw another glance or else, it’ll be hard.

Gabrielle dashed out of their door and took a long sigh before proceeding out. Countless thoughts filled her tiny brain, those that she knew she could not fight with.

Her footsteps became heavy as she entered each door in hopes of finding a new job.

Sighing loud enough, she clutched her bag. “This is better than not trying…” She calmly comforted herself. Carrying multiple resumes to submit in each stall she can see will always be engraved in her being, she is desperate.

“Uhmm, good morning?” The door chimed up as she entered. A frowning, potentially tired old woman was the first person she saw. Her sharp eyes took her to the edge, and she felt the need to stop talking.

She looked at her from head to toe, judging her whole being. Gabrielle felt like there was a lump in her throat and she could no longer talk. She is out of breath just thinking of how things will go.

“What is it to you?” It was the deepest and most irritated voice she had ever heard. There is a noticeable hatred in the tone and it’s making her feel uneasy. “Unless you came here to eat, then I would most especially welcome you to your seat.”

It was only that time that she realized she had come to the restaurant at the most unfortunate time. During peak hours, people rush to eat. No wonder her stomach started rumbling when she smelled the sweet scent of the braised pork ribs being served on the table parallel to her stand.

“Hey!” The old woman snapped at her, bringing her back to reality. “What do you need? I’m busy.”

“I need a job.” She straightforwardly, with no thoughts, spoke. ‘My mother’s health is declining rapidly and I need to secure a job that pays me well. Please, I need to work.” Gabrielle’s voice seeks empathy from the woman in front of her.

There was a loud silence shared. “We do not have a vacancy right now.”

The old woman attempted to leave, but she grabbed her hands. “Please! I know you’re a mother too. I want my mom to live longer… and this job might just be the only turning point of my life.” She tightened her grasp on the woman’s hands as she continued to plead for help. She had never been that desperate her whole life.

Gabrielle couldn’t care less about the attention she is getting. Even if the circumstances she is currently in are making her feel inferior, she could not give it a thought.

“Please…” tears started to accumulate in the sides of her eyes. Her cheeks turned red from embarrassment and she was trembling; not from fear, but because of hunger.

She didn't release her grip; it seemed like she was holding on to her last hope. It was at that moment that the elderly woman surrendered, casting a remorseful and guilty glance.

“Alright, fine.” She finally gave up. “Can you serve?”

“Yes!” She gladly accepted the job, with no more objections. “When do I start?”

“Now.” her employer, a savior, instructed her. She followed her to the kitchen, wore the same apron as everyone was wearing, and started working.

“Do not slack off or else, I will fire you immediately.” The old woman rolled her eyes, frustrated by the decision she made out of pity.

Gabrielle could only be thankful that the world spared her a job to start with.

“Thank you… thank you so much.” She kept on repeating the words, looking like a beggar.

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