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The Billionaires Contracted Affection

The Billionaires Contracted Affection



In a world where hardships and power collide, Cordelia Woods, a young artist finds herself on the verge of despair. Desperate to save her sick brother's life, she turns to her only talent, selling her dear paintings, in the process of trying to gather the money needed for her brother's surgery. But as destiny will have it, in a moment of danger she gets saved by a captivating unexpected Savior, rescuing her from a terrible assault at a party. Nathaniel Watson a striking billionaire who is being persuaded by his family to choose a bride unexpectedly crosses part with Cordelia Woods who he saves from a disaster . But in return asks for her hand in marriage in exchange for her brother's surgery payment. After an unexpected night of pleasure between them, Cordelia later finds out she's pregnant for Nathaniel who is rather oblivious of what had transpired between them that night. Will their alliance evolve into something beautiful? or will the weight of their opposite worlds tear them apart? In this fascinating billionaire romance, two souls from opposite worlds find comfort in the arms of each other. will they be able to overcome the hindrances that threaten to pull them apart and build a bright future filled with love, affection and trust.

Chapter 1 Beginnings

"Cordelia, did you hear?"

The voice of Leah, Cordelia Wood's best friend and pal, hollered enthusiastically over the phone.

Cordelia hadn't heard anything, as a matter of fact, she had no idea what Leah was talking about. She was on her way to deliver another painting to a very fastidious client, and all she could think about at that point was how she wanted to impress him.

"No, I didn't, Leah. What is it?" Cordelia muttered while trying to bustle her way through the busy streets of Florida. She avoided the skaters skillfully due to years of not-so-good experience with them, and pinched through multitudes of people, with her phone on her ear and her hand full of paintings.

The impatient drivers were honking their horns so loudly as she crossed the road that she wished she could smack them. She was in such a dilemma and the last thing on her mind was doing a guessing game with her best friend on the phone.

Cordelia Woods was a dark-haired, hazel-eyed, and light-skinned lady of average height, about 5'6" tall. She was a ravishing beauty and was dressed in faded denim jeans, coupled with an oversized shirt.

"Well......" Leah drawled in between giggles "My company is hosting an opening party for their newly launched project Mi Amore. A lot of affluent individuals and elites would be coming" Leah squealed happily.

Cordelia dragged her phone from her ear to muffle her scream. She couldn't help wondering why Leah would inform her about her company's welcome party.

Leah worked at the sales department of Watson's Co.operation and Co. Though a senior in college and just about 20 years old. Leah was already living her dreams. Cordelia wished her life was that simple, she never had a soft life like her best friend. No matter how she tried not to compare, she found herself envious of her.

"ok?" She questioned, confused.

"What do you mean by ok? There will be various affluent people to whom you can market your painting" Leah exclaimed.

Cordelia sighed heavily at Leah's suggestion. She wasn't interested in going to parties to market her paintings. It wasn't the right thing to do as an artist. And she also wasn't good at leading conversations and convincing people, that was Leah's area of expertise, not hers.

"I'm sorry Leah, I'm not interested" She bit her lips at her words, she wasn't sure how her friend would take it.

"Urg Common! Not this again" Leah whined.

"I don't just.....You won't understand. Thank you very much for the offer but i gotta go now.

She said as she opened the door to the office where she was making her delivery.

"OK bye" As she clicked the end button on her phone, she heard the sadness in Leah's voice. She hated being that person who would continuously disappoint her friend, but she wasn't going to accept something she didn't fancy.

She proceeded to meet her client for the day and watched as he frowned his face at her painting. Her heartbeat accelerated at the expression, she couldn't take another rejection from the man.

When he looked up and smiled so brightly at her, she let out a heavy breath she didn't know she had been holding. That was the third time she was repainting the picture for him in the same week, she had promised herself to throw the board in his face if he refused it again that day.

Cordelia counted her money as she made her way out of the office. Her lips slightly parted to form a smirk, she had made enough money for the day, it was time to pay off some of her debts and visit her brother in the hospital.

Just as she hailed a taxi, her phone shrilled to life in her pocket. She groaned at whoever the caller was, before picking it up.

"Miss Woods?" she heard the familiar voice of her brother's doctor fill her ears.

As soon as her head processed who it was, her hands grew sweaty in anxiousness. It was either bad news or good news. She hoped it was the latter.

"Yes," She mumbled, playing with the helm of her shirt nervously.

"This is concerning your brother's health, Mr Jaden Woods" The old man bellowed.

Her brother, Jaden had a chronic heart disease. It was a hole in his heart and had been in and out of hospital since his birth. Recently, she had rushed him to the hospital when he cried of chest pain late in the night. He was admitted on arrival.

She found it strange that his doctor would call her out of the blues. She didn't want to be negative but she couldn't help it. It had to be bad news. She wondered if her brother was ok.

"I'm listening," Cordelia said in reply. While getting into the cab that had parked in front of her.

"I am so sorry to tell you this over the phone, but your brother's condition seems to be worsening day by day. Although We can't say for sure how bad his condition is right now, all I can tell you is that there hasn't been any progress since he has been admitted" The doctor explained.

Cordelia's heart ached in pain at the news, her brother was the only family she had left. They had spent a lot on his health, she really couldn't lose him now. One thing Cordelia feared most was being alone in this world, the only thing keeping her sane was his presence. She loved her brother too much.

"I really don't know what to say, doctor.

I'm on my way to the hospital right now. I'm hoping to see you there so we will talk better" she responded to him and heard the beep that indicated the end of the call.

Her mind reeled with different thoughts, the loudest being how she could raise money for his health. As she racked her brain for any means necessary, then an idea popped into her head.

She shouldn't be compromising her belief for anything at all. Except this time was different, her brother's health was a priority compared to whatever rule she might have made for herself. This time, she was putting him first.

"Hey, Leah. Do you still have a space for me at your party?" She asked her friend as soon as she picked up the call.

"Of course! I really can't wait for you to come" Leah squealed on the other end of the phone, excited that Cordelia had changed her mind. She was beginning to sulk at her refusal, the party was the perfect opportunity for Cordelia to meet richer clients.


"What about this?" Leah asked Cordelia, who was browsing through the selection of clothes at the store.

They were at the mall, shopping for clothes for Watson Co.operation and Co's party. Cordelia didn't think it was necessary to spend money on clothes for the party but Leah was adamant, she had offered to pay for the clothes due to Cordelia's financial crises.

Leah knew how important the party was for Cordelia. If she ever wanted to be taken seriously by opulent personalities, she needed to be well-dressed for it. She was aware of what Cordelia was going through with her brother, and the best way out of it was for her to land a very big contract at the party.

Cordelia scrunched up her face at the dress in Leah's hands, it was too revealing.

"No" She voiced her displeasure.

"Not again Cordelia, you've been rejecting all the clothes I've been showing you" Leah groaned, rolling her eyes at her friend's modesty.

"That's because we have two different tastes" Cordelia retorted as she deviated to another section of the store to scan through.

As she wondered absentmindedly to her destination, She suddenly bumped into a hard chest.

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"You think you can just leave without a trace after what happened that night?" His hands pinned her arms above her head, his piercing blue eyes boring into hers. "W-what do you mean?" she stuttered, his scent reminding her of that night-the night that had changed her life completely. "What do I mean? Are you seriously asking me that, woman? If your brain can't recall how we burned together on that bed, how about I remind you right here?" His face was dangerously close as he growled into her ear. Her eyes widened. He meant it. Every single word. He was the king of the entertainment world, after all. "Let me go," she demanded stubbornly, her voice barely audible. He let out a low, dark chuckle that sent a chill down her spine. "Let you go? Oh, I'll let you go, Tatiana. But not until you understand the consequences of crossing paths with me." ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ In the world of the entertainment industry, we see constant change and creativity. Trends come and go, as do collaborations between artists and producers. This world can make anyone wish to be a part of it-it is said to be inspiring and enjoyable... Meanwhile, that's only on the surface. The same world is filled with deceit, betrayal, fake love, ruthless competition, toxic fans who could ruin you, suicide, and dissatisfaction... This world is mostly dominated by men. How can a woman, hurt by this world, face it-especially when she had a night and her life tangled with the king of them all?

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The Billionaires Contracted Affection

Chapter 1 Beginnings



Chapter 2 A party gone wrong



Chapter 3 Knight In Shining Armor



Chapter 4 A ray of hope ....or not



Chapter 5 Billonaire proposal



Chapter 6 The uninvited guest



Chapter 7 A proposition too good



Chapter 8 Burning desire



Chapter 9 A Deal Made



Chapter 10 A Sister's Relief



Chapter 11 Too Good To Be True



Chapter 12 Trapped With A Familiar Face



Chapter 13 The Pitiful wife



Chapter 14 Jaden..



Chapter 15 The News



Chapter 16 Too sudden



Chapter 17 Mum!



Chapter 18 Meeting The Parents



Chapter 19 Did He Pay You



Chapter 20 Louise Watson



Chapter 21 Jaden is awake!.



Chapter 22 We Shouldn't Be Doing This..šŸ”ž



Chapter 23 An Idea To Tear Them Apart



Chapter 24 Strange Stranger



Chapter 25 Wedding Gift



Chapter 26 We Meet Again!.



Chapter 27 Jealousy In The Air



Chapter 28 Wedding Bells



Chapter 29 I am not your mother



Chapter 30 Cordelia And Nathaniel



Chapter 31 Lilian



Chapter 32 The Scandal



Chapter 33 The Game Plan



Chapter 34 Leverage



Chapter 35 The Perfect Picture



Chapter 36 What The Hell Are You Doing Here!!



Chapter 37 Could It Be



Chapter 38 The Secret Affair
