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The Mafia's Personal Stripper

The Mafia's Personal Stripper

Steph Benjamin


Aliyah White is a stripper whose life changed totally when Liam Thompson, a big figure in the country, gave her an offer which she couldn't turn down.

Chapter 1 001

It was busy as always in the Mars Strip Club, which was a very popular strip club in Italy. In the VIP section of the club, the music in the background was slow and soothing to the ears. The only people that can be found in this section are prestigious men from all over the country.

On one side of the section sat a young, handsome man clad in a blue tuxedo suit. The expression on his face showed that he was in a very bad mood, and none of his men dared to be near him during this time; they were just guarding him from afar. His name is Liam Thompson, a billionaire business tycoon, and CEO of Thomp Company, which was popular in construction during the day while he was a mafia don at night.

Meanwhile, in a closed room, many young girls were being dressed up as they were getting ready to strip for the men. These were young girls of 20 years who were trained specially for this day, which was known as Pick Your Virgin Day. It was done once every year, and many prestigious sex-starved men didn't fail to come. There were murmurs and cheers from the men as the first stripper introduced herself on the stage while moving her body in a seductive way.The cheers became louder when she held the pole and began to strip.

Aliyah's POV:

My heart was beating very fast as I heard the murmurings of the men behind the curtain where I was standing, which separated me from them. My name is Aliyah White. I was abducted by a human trafficking syndicate when I was 10 years old. They trained young girls on how to satisfy men with their bodies, and when they were up to age, they would showcase us to the sex-starved men, who would pay a huge amount of money to have us for the night. Many of the girls here were abused.

The only people exempt from this abuse are the virgins, because they believe that virgins are huge money, but my case is different. I don't know how my life will end after tonight because I heard that after tonight, when the girl's virginity has been taken away, we will be open to abuse, especially if you are not making money for the syndicate. Some girls would end up lucky today if a rich man decided to own her and take her away from here, while others would only be used as sex toys and dumped in the end.

My only wish is that a kind man will be benevolent enough to take me away from this hell hole. This is not the kind of life I want for myself.

"Red," I heard my name, and I turned to see Madam Ginevra glaring at me. Red is the name given to me by the syndicate.

"Yes, madam," I answered. She was the woman in charge of training the girls, and she was so strict. "You are up next; make sure you don't mess things up,"she warned, and my heart skipped a beat.

"Am I understood?" she yelled, and I jolted. "I understand, ma," I replied to her before turning to face the big red curtain.

"Madam, one of the men called her as he approached us. "What happened?" Madam Ginevra asked. "There is a case of another murder, " the man whispered in her ears, but I heard them clearly.

Madam Ginevra frowned. "Who died this time around?" she asked.

"Tommaso Ricci," he replied, and the frown on her face broadened.

"He was found stabbed multiple times," the man added.

"Enough. We will discuss this later. I don't want anything to ruin this occasion today. We have to make more money through the girls today," she said to him.

"Do your best tonight," she said to me before walking away. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I held them in as I didn't want to ruin my makeup. I won't mess up tonight. I need to do well so I can capture a man's heart. That's the only way I can leave this place for good. Closing my eyes, I inhaled and exhaled before opening them once again.

The big red curtain opened, and the bright strobe light from the club flashed in my eyes. I could hear the cheers of the crowd as soon as I was revealed. I walked up to the stage in slow steps. I placed my hands on my waist and turned my body as my backside faced the viewers.The cheers became louder. I was taught the art of seduction for 10 years, so I knew how to play my role well. I knew what to do to make men go insane.

"I'm known as Red, and I..." The applause and cheers from the crowd didn't allow me to finish up with my introduction. I wasn't surprised that I was getting this kind of reaction from the men. I was a very beautiful girl, and I would say that I'm the favorite of the syndicate that abducted me.

The song "Dance for You" by Beyonce started playing. Before I could proceed to the pole,"Hundred thousand dollars," I heard someone shout. I smiled before unzipping my coat slowly. I flung the coat to the other end of the stage. I was clad only in my sexy red lingerie.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars," another man shouted.

The bidding was getting intense as no man wanted to let go of me, and I proceeded to do the pole dancing as they kept on bidding. I was wiggling my body on the pole when my gaze caught a good-looking man seated alone on the couch. He looked troubled, and I couldn't take my eyes off him as I admired him. The interesting part is that he looked uninterested in whatever was going on; he didn't care as he invested his time in drinking the liquor before him.

Saying he was handsome was an understatement. He had dark, long hair that stopped at his shoulders. His pointed nose and prominent cheekbones sat above a strong jawline. His best feature was his almond-shaped sea rover blue eyes, which made me feel like I would drown in them just by staring at them. His eyes contrasted exceptionally well with his light-toned face.

I felt the need to talk to this handsome stranger. I wanted him to be the one to save me from this hellhole; no one else but him. At least he was not acting like these horny men who were bidding to have me for the night. I climbed down the stage as I walked towards him in a seductive movement.I stopped when I was close enough to him; his cologne wafted through my nostrils.

I closed my eyes as I inhaled his scent, which was heavenly. Once I opened my eyes, his sea-rover blue eyes were staring curiously into my hazel eyes. His look made me nervous; his face was void of emotion; he didn't say anything to me, but I needed no one to tell me that he wanted to know why I was in his presence.

I let out a breath to help calm my nerves. I shouldn't be scared. All the men in this room came here so they could be satisfied sexually, and he is no exception. I will make him interested in me. I took his glass and gulped down the contents before keeping it back on the table. I moved closer to him, making sure I rubbed my bosom on his chest. "I want you," I whispered in his ears. To my surprise, he made me sit on his lap while he held my hair. "Why don't you give me a lap dance? " he said to me in the most intoxicating voice I have ever heard.

I was right; he was not different from every other man here.

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