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725 Days With My Alpha Stepbrothers

725 Days With My Alpha Stepbrothers

Steph Benjamin


"There are five of them. Anytime I see them, my heart beats so fast, and I clasp my legs together because of the sensation I'm feeling down there. Their names are Tyler, Alexander, Nicholas, and the twins, Aiden and Caden. They are my stepbrothers, and I know it's wrong to feel this way, but I can't help it but want them all." ******* Stephanie, a twenty-year-old girl with high sexual drive and no knowledge about the existence of werewolves, has to leave her town, ex-boyfriend and friends behind and move into the mansion of her mother's new rich husband. There, she meets his stepsons-not just stepsons but five hot and sexy stepsons-who are now her stepbrothers, and she would be living with them in the big mansion. To make matters worse, her new stepfather announced that he would be on a vacation with her mother for 725 days. How would Stephanie survive in the big mansion for 725 days with these hot men, especially when she doesn't know that they are her mates?

Chapter 1 Dear Moon,

Stephanie's POV:

"My darling, love is like a transaction. No matter what, don't allow yourself to be cheated in this transaction. If you're being cheated, then you're losing. Be it good sex, money, connection, power, attention, or care, you ought to be gaining something. If you're not gaining anything from the other party, simply walk away because it's not love. If you don't walk away, you will be abandoned by the end of the day. Time is wasted, and you're left with nothing but emptiness and pain. Don't allow anyone to waste your time. True love doesn't exist."

That is my mother's definition of love.

I don't believe her because how could she possibly know so much about love when she is always changing men like clothes? I'm not like my mother. Love is being happy when your partner is happy. Love is a sacrifice. I believe in true love, and my boyfriend Caleb is proof that true love exists. Speaking of Caleb, he is supposed to be at my home today for his tutorial, and it's 8 p.m., yet he is not here.

I dial his number, but it is not reachable. We have a test tomorrow, and he isn't good at the course. I know he would end up asking me to help him during the test, but I want him to learn. I want him to pass on his own because that's the only way he would be happy with himself. I dial his number the second time, but it says it is switched off this time around.

I stand in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection. I'm wearing an ash tracksuit, and my hair is packed into a ponytail. I love being simple. As long as Caleb never complains about my dress sense, I'm good to go. I put on my eyeglasses and saunter out of my room with my school bag.

"Where are you going?" My mom's voice stops me on track. I turn and see her coming out of the kitchen with a glass of wine in her hands.

"You're back? You said the trip would last for five days," I say to her.

"Plans changed," her face lights up.

I know that smile. The smile I dread so much. I call it the smile before the wreck. Whenever she smiles like this, she is up to something, and I won't like it. The last time I saw this smile was two years ago, when she announced to me that we would be moving in to live with her boyfriend. My life has always been about moving from place to place, and I hated it. It was as if I had no control over my life.

I never made any friends because of the constant moving, but it has been different since we moved into this town. I made friends, and I also have a boyfriend now. I'm now a sophomore at the best university in town. Everything is going well for me. My mom had promised me that we wouldn't move again. She said that we belonged in this town. It's been two years since our stay here and I'm trusting her words again, only for that smile of hers to be back on her face again. Just the thought of her saying something that would wreck my life spoiled my mood.

"I have......

"Good news?" I cut in, and her mouth curled into a wow.

It's confirmed that she is about to wreck my life again because when she wants to, the first sign is that smile, and the second sign is the phrase. "I have good news," which is always bad news to me, then boom, she puts my life in turmoil.

"How did you know what I was about to say?" She asks.

"Because I know you that much," I say to her. "I need to be somewhere,"

"Don't tell me you're going to meet that boy," she says to me, and I nod, smiling sheepishly just to annoy her.

She frowns."Believe me when I tell you that that boy is up to no good. I know his type. He is clearly using you. He will only break your heart."

"I love Caleb, and your opinion about him doesn't matter, " I say to her.

"I don't want you to get hurt. You're still young. You don't know a single thing about love," she says to me.

"I don't need the opinion of someone who hasn't loved someone genuinely. I will be on my way now," I say to her.

"Whatever, make sure you're back on time. Like I said, I have good news, and it's urgent." I hear her shout as I walk through the door.

I clench my fists. If this is about moving again, I won't listen to her this time around. I'm no longer the little girl she pushes around like she wants. I'm twenty now, and I have a say in my life. If she wants to move again, she should move alone. I'm not leaving this town, ever.

It didn't take long before I reached Caleb's house. As I reach the door, distant music reaches my ears. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on inside his house. Not dwelling too much on it, I raise my hand and knock, and the door swings open, revealing a chaotic, vibrant party in full swing. My eyes widen in disbelief as I take in the wild scene before me. Girls were wearing only bras and parties, walking around and dancing like it's the norm.

"Look who we have here. What is a bookish nerd doing at a party? Shouldn't you be at home reading?" I was brought out of my shock by Ethan's voice. He is Caleb's best friend.

"Caleb, did you invite this nerd?" His voice is loud as he stares at me with sleepy eyes. He is obviously drunk. "Of course, he won't hear me. The music is loud. I will go and switch it off." he adds.

"Where is Caleb?" I ask, trying to control the anger that was brooding inside me.

"I don't know either. He must be somewhere in the midst of the...

I walk past him immediately without waiting for him to finish his last sentence.

Nobody seems to notice me because they were lost at the party. I scan the room, searching for him, and then my heart sinks as I find him.

In the midst of the party, Caleb is seated on the couch, and a girl I recognized as Precious is sitting on his lap, caressing his bare chest as they kiss each other. I feel a stinging pain in my heart as I find it hard to breathe. I trusted him. How could he do this to me? Tears well up in my eyes, blurring my vision as I struggle to comprehend the scene unfolding before me. The pain is suffocating, threatening to consume me whole.

I tried to say something, but no word came out of my mouth. I can't confront him now. I turn to walk away, but his voice stops me on track.


I clench my fists before turning to face him. Precious is still on his lap, her gaze fixed on me.

"Did you invite this nerd?" She questions. I don't like her tone.

"Hell no," Caleb replies. "What are you doing here?" He inquires, staring at me with a frown etched on his face.

"Seriously, are you asking me that?" I'm in total disbelief as I stare at him.

"I'm supposed to teach you today, and I came here to look for you only to find you in the middle of this party you hosted yourself cheating on me with...

"Cheating on you?" Caleb cut in. "Girl, you were clearly dating me in your head. Precious is my only girlfriend."

He actually told me Precious was just his friend.


"What did you think,huh? You think I would date someone like you because you're obsessed with me. You're not my type, not sorry," he says, breaking my heart even more.

"I'm not your type, but you defiled me. I now see the reason you wanted to keep our relationship private. You're an asshole."

Everyone is gathered, staring at me. The music isn't playing anymore, and there is the utmost silence.

"Babe, what does she mean by that? You told me that you were only using her for our grades." Precious says to him.

"Our grades?" I muttered in my head.

So the assignments and projects I have been helping Caleb with are for him and his real girlfriend. Shock is an understatement for what I'm feeling right now.

"I see what you're trying to do here. You're trying to cause a scene at my party. Well, I will help you do that," he says, standing up from the couch.

"Well, everyone, this girl has been crushing on me. She is obsessed with me. Behind the face of this nerd is a b*tch. She sends me nudes that are not sexy without me asking. Girl, I would rather pay your mom and sleep with her than sleep with you. At least your mom is a sexy bitch."

"Whoah!" The crowd choruses.

I land a heavy slap on his cheeks, and he stares at me in shock. Even though I don't see eye to eye with my mother on certain things, I love her, and nobody has the right to disrespect her. Not even Caleb.

"Your brain is as small as your dick. That's why you're bad at books."

"Whoah," The crowd roars again.

"That's savage,go girl!" I hear a voice in the crowd.

"Go girl,go girl!" Others join but I ignore them. I'm not here for a game of dozen.

Caleb's face is red with embarrassment, but I cared less.

"Good riddance," I say as I walk away, wiping my tears with my handkerchief. He didn't deserve my tears.

My mother was right all along. She said Caleb would break my heart, and he did. I have seen the reason why my mother doesn't believe in love. Caleb was using me all along. I was the one who lost in this transaction. It hurts so much.


"You're back early," my mom says to me, but I don't say a word. I just stood there, staring into space. "What happened?" She asks.

"What's the good news about?" I ask.

"What is wrong? Answer me," she insists.

"Say the good news now or forever hold your tongue," I say to her, and she sighs.

"Remember, Mr. Salvador?" She asks, and I nod.

Mr. Salvador is the man she hooked up with for the last three months. I don't think it worked out between them again because she never talked about him again.

"We're married," she announces, and my eyebrows furrow.


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Everything happened so fast. I myself was shocked. He proposed during the trip, and the next thing I saw myself in court signing documents, and before I knew it, we're married."

"Interesting story, mom. You never cease to amaze me." My tone is sarcastic. "So?"

"He asked us to move in with him in Moonsdale. He wants us to be family, my dear. He is such a good man. Isn't he? Don't worry about your education; everything is sorted out. Your transfer to Salvador International University is being processed. You would be studying at the best university in the country. I'm so happy." She replies.

My eyebrow furrows in confusion."Mum, how is that possible? Do you know how hard it is to get admitted to SIU?"

"You thought I was joking when I was telling you how wealthy Mr. Salvador is. The university is actually one of the properties he owns. That's why it's easy for you to enter because we are family now," she replies.

"Salvador?" I muttered, connecting the two together, and it dawned on me.

"Omg! Mum, how did you do it?"

"Story for another day; go and pack; we will be leaving tomorrow, " she says.

On a normal occasion, I would have issues with her, but now I'm more than happy to leave this town. At least I won't see Caleb's face anymore.

"Okay, mum"

"You're not angry?" She says.

"I think I'm beginning to see life from your perspective. Besides, who in her right mind would give up the opportunity to study at SIU? You have forgotten how ambitious I am," I say to her. "Goodnight,"

After packing the necessary things I need, I take a shower, change into my nightwear, and lay on my bed, grabbing my phone, which is on the side table.

"Hey!" Caleb's message pops up on my phone, and I frown.

"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have come to the party."

"Are you ignoring me?"

"I didn't read anything at all. I can't afford to fail. My dad will kill me if I do. You have to help me with the test tomorrow. I will make it up to you. I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight,"

"Shameless bastard," I cursed under my breath after reading his messages.

I drop my phone on my bed as I stare through the window at the full moon, which looks like it is staring back at me.

"Dear Moon, I hope Moonsdale town will be our last bus stop." I muttered in my head before closing my eyes, allowing sleep to take over.

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725 Days With My Alpha Stepbrothers

Chapter 1 Dear Moon,
