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 Mr billionaire's contract wife

Mr billionaire's contract wife

Gullay Lisa


Arnold , harmony and rose has been friends since kindergarten then during high school, harmony and Arnold started dating, rose was being heartbroken cus she liked Arnold for a long time. She then cut ties with them after a horrible incident happened and Arnold swore not to have anything to do with her again Many years past and Arnold is a grown man and the CEO of his father's company while harmony became a well known actress while rose was nowhere to be found. Then Arnold's dad suddenly decides to partner with the no 1 booming company ( the Park's empire) In the world to further his son's business but a prize has to be paid with the expense of Arnold getting married to the chairman of the park's empire daughter who miraculously turned out to be Rose. Will Arnold choose his Father's business over harmony or the other way round His long time girlfriend or his soon to be contract wife .

Chapter 1 After the Party

California, Malibu

* At hermes residence everywhere was bubbling with music cus today the school's beauty queen: harmony is coming of age and a party was held at her place

*At her bedroom

one of her close friends , helina walks in and hugs her

"Happy sweet sixteenth birthday baby girl"🎉

Harmony smiles cutely " thanks honey pie , so where's my present" 🎁

Lina brings it out " taada"

Harmony gasps in surprise " my gosh the latest Android tab I've been dying for , awwn thanks sweetie" she kisses her cheek

Lina laughs "no problem, ur boyfriend arnold and rose are not here yet? " She asks looking around

Harmony expression changes" yeah I don't know what's delaying them"

Lina pinches her cheek "don't worry , they will be here soon, c'mon let's have fun at the party". She drags harmony up and they leave

Few minutes later rose and Arnold rushes in their position was like 😄 him holding rose hands and literally dragging her into the hall

"Calm down Arnold , u're gonna cut my heels if you keep on dragging me like dat" rose snaps glaring at him

"I wonder why I decided to pick you up " he replied his cold gaze on her "let's go meet harmony I'm sure she's upset with us"

Rose rolls her eyes tiredly and mutters under her breath " my legs hurt like hell"😩

*After the party*

Rose collapses on the couch in harmony's room obviously tired "gosh dat was one huge party men"

Lina stretches on the bed " you can say dat again, gosh where's harmony ?"

"She's with her boyfriend" rose said with no expression on her face😐

"Ohh , to bad for single girls like us " she said and rose scoffs

" I actually don't care" rose says yawning😴

Lina sits up " but really how are you coping with it"

" Come again"🤨

Lina smiles sheepishly "c'mon rosie stop playing naive"

Rose raises her eyebrows still confused

"I know you like Arnold and it is no ordinary like" she said

Rose sighs "is it dat obvious"

Lina rolls her eyes " of cus it is"🤨

Rose sighs as she closes her eyes and memories flood in

*Flash back (4yrs ago)

Rose gasps as her back hits the wall , she stares at the men dat cornered her fearfully " wat do you want" she asks shaking slightly

One of them smiles , showing his yellow teeth " nothin' little birdie but u're the billionaire's daughter Mr park right".

She nods moving back as the men steps closer , now she's regretting sneaking out in the middle of the night

" Ur father will surely pay us a huge amount of money for you " he said and grabs her neck

" Boss can we taste her" one of his men asks " gosh she's fuckin' pretty"

" Oh really wat are you going to gain from rapping her" a voice from the back said coldly

" huh "they all look back to find a boy about her age or one year older than her

The men burst out laughing " oh boy wat gave you the authority to challenge us , while am being nice you better run!"

The boy looks at rose and smirked cus her legs were shaking , the man grip round her neck and she started gasping for breath

" I said run boy or you will die next " the man said getting angry

" The boy scoffs and whistled long and slow , the men looked at each other confused then suddenly five huge German shepherds came from nowhere and attacked the men

" Ahhh " the men screamed , some even tried to run away but the dogs caught up with them and started bitting them all over

Rose legs gave out and she fell to the floor in shock, the boy pulls her up and leads her out of there

" T--thanks " she said stammering and looks at him , her breathing stopped , gosh he was super cute, huge chocolate brown eyes , thin pink lips and full long dark hair

"Can you stop staring " the boy said snapping her out of her daydream or should I say night dream

"Keep out of trouble" he said

"Wait" she holds him before he could leave


She bites her lips "can I know the name of my saviour"

He studies her for a minute " Arnold" he said and leaves

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