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Abandoned and pregnant, Emily is blindsided when Ethan, the man she trusted, denies her and the child growing inside her. Alone and with nowhere to turn, she's forced to walk away, vowing never to look back. But as Emily's world unravels, secrets and betrayal threaten to pull her under. Will she find the strength to rebuild her life, or will the shadows of her past haunt her forever? A gripping story of love, deceit, and the fight for survival.

Chapter 1 Unexpected encounter

Emily Wilson's shift at The Hideaway bar was ending, the evening sun casting a warm glow over the bustling streets of California. She poured the last round of drinks, exchanging smiles with regulars. The familiar rhythm of the bar provided a comforting escape from her troubled past.

As she wiped down the counter, the door swung open, and Ethan Thompson walked in. His piercing blue eyes scanned the room, locking onto Emily. Time froze. The air seemed to vibrate with his presence.

"Welcome to The Hideaway," Emily said, her voice barely above a whisper. She fumbled with the towel, her hands suddenly clumsy.

Ethan's gaze lingered, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Whiskey, neat," he ordered, his deep voice sending shivers down Emily's spine.

As she poured his drink, their fingers touched, sparking a jolt of electricity. Emily's heart skipped a beat.

"You're new here," Ethan stated, his eyes never leaving hers.

Emily nodded, her hair falling in loose waves around her face. "Started a few weeks ago."

The air was charged with tension as Ethan sipped his whiskey, his eyes never straying far from Emily. She felt exposed, yet drawn to him.

"Mind if I join you?" Ethan asked, nodding toward the empty stool beside him.

Emily hesitated, unsure if she was ready for the intensity that radiated from him. But her body seemed to move of its own accord. She slid onto the stool beside him.

"Emily," she said, extending her hand.

"Ethan," he replied, his handshake firm.

Conversation flowed effortlessly, laughter and stories shared. Ethan's charisma drew Emily in, making her feel seen, heard. They talked about everything and nothing, their words weaving a spell around them.

As the night wore on, the bar emptied, and Emily's colleagues called out goodbyes. The music softened, and the lights dimmed.

"Want to join me for dinner?" Ethan asked, his eyes sparkling.

Emily's stomach fluttered. "I'm not really dressed for dinner."

Ethan's gaze swept over her, lingering on her curves. "You look perfect."

Dinner turned into a stroll through the city, the cool night air filled with promise. Ethan's hand brushed against Emily's, sending shivers down her spine.

They walked in comfortable silence, the city lights twinkling around them. Emily felt a sense of belonging, as if she'd found a missing piece.

As they turned onto Emily's street, Ethan's pace slowed.

"Thanks for tonight," Emily said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ethan's eyes locked onto hers, burning with intensity. "I'm not ready for it to end."

Emily's heart skipped a beat.

"Want to come in?" Emily asked, her voice barely audible.

Ethan's response was a kiss that left her breathless.

The night blurred into passion, their bodies entwined. Emily had never felt this way before.

As dawn broke, Ethan's eyes locked onto hers.

"I'll call you tomorrow," he promised.

Emily smiled, believing him.

Little did she know, tomorrow would bring heartbreak.

A week had passed since that unforgettable night. Emily's phone remained silent, Ethan's promised call never coming. She tried calling him, but her calls went straight to voicemail.

Doubts crept in, and Emily's optimism began to wane. Had she misread the connection they shared?

Determined to understand, Emily decided to visit Ethan's company. Perhaps he was busy with work, and that's why he hadn't called.

She stood outside the sleek, glass tower of Thompson Companies, her heart racing. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside.

The receptionist's polished smile greeted her. "Welcome to Thompson Companies. How can I assist you?"

"I'm here to see Ethan Thompson," Emily said, trying to sound confident.

The receptionist's expression faltered. "Do you have an appointment?"

Emily hesitated. "No, but I need to speak with him."

After a brief phone call, the receptionist's expression turned sympathetic. "I'm afraid Mr. Thompson is unavailable. You can leave a message, and his assistant will get back to you."

Emily's heart sank. This wasn't the reception she'd expected.

As she turned to leave, a voice called out from behind.

"Emily Wilson?"

Emily turned to face a impeccably dressed woman.

"I'm Ethan's assistant, Rachel. What brings you here today?" Rachel asked, her tone polite but guarded.

Emily's determination resurfaced. "I need to speak with Ethan. It's personal."

Rachel's expression turned skeptical. "I'll pass on your message. However, Mr. Thompson is extremely busy. I wouldn't expect a prompt response."

Emily sensed a dismissal, her frustration growing.

"Is Ethan avoiding me?" Emily asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Rachel's composure faltered for a moment before she regained her poise. "I'm not at liberty to discuss Mr. Thompson's personal affairs."

Emily's heart sank. Something was amiss.

With a heavy heart, Emily left Thompson Companies, questions swirling in her mind.

Why was Ethan ignoring her?

Had she been just a one-night stand?

The uncertainty gnawed at her, Emily's doubts growing with each passing step.

Emily couldn't shake off the feeling of rejection. Days turned into weeks, and Ethan's silence remained deafening.

Determined to confront him, Emily discovered Ethan would attend the annual Black-Tie Charity Gala. She bought a ticket, her resolve firm.

The evening of the gala, Emily's nerves fluttered. She slipped on her elegant gown, her hair styled to perfection.

As she entered the grand ballroom, Emily scanned the crowd for Ethan. Her eyes locked onto his tall figure, resplendent in a tailored tuxedo.

With newfound confidence, Emily navigated the sea of guests, her eyes fixed on Ethan.

"Ethan Thompson," Emily said, her voice clear and firm.

Ethan turned, his eyes narrowing as he took in Emily's determined expression.

"Emily," Ethan replied, his tone guarded.

"Why haven't you called?" Emily demanded, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ethan's expression turned cold. "I've been busy."

Emily's eyes flashed. "Busy? You promised to call."

Ethan shrugged. "I changed my mind."

The casual dismissal stung. Emily's anger boiled over.

"You used me," Emily accused, her voice trembling.

Ethan's eyes flickered, but his expression remained impassive. "We had a good time, Emily. Don't make more of it."

Emily's heart shattered. She'd given herself to him, trusting him.

"You're cruel," Emily whispered, tears welling up.

Ethan's gaze drifted away, dismissing her.

Vivian Black, a stunning socialite, appeared at Ethan's side.

"Ethan, darling," Vivian purred, her eyes flashing with malice toward Emily.

Ethan's attention shifted to Vivian, his expression softening.

Emily realized she'd been blinded by her feelings. Ethan wasn't the man she thought he was.

With dignity, Emily turned and walked away, leaving Ethan and Vivian to their pretentious world.

Emily's tears dried as she left the gala, her determination renewed. She wouldn't let Ethan dismiss her without a confrontation.

The next morning, Emily stood outside Ethan's office, her heart racing. She took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

Ethan's assistant, Rachel, looked up from her desk. "Can I help you?"

"I need to speak with Ethan," Emily said, her voice firm.

Rachel hesitated before nodding. "Let me check."

A moment later, Rachel ushered Emily into Ethan's office.

Ethan sat behind his massive desk, his expression unreadable.

"What do you want, Emily?" Ethan asked, his tone curt.

Emily's hands trembled as she pulled out a pregnancy test from her purse. "I'm pregnant."

Ethan's expression changed from indifference to shock.

"That's impossible," Ethan said, his voice cold.

Emily's anger flared. "You were the only one I slept with."

Ethan scoffed. "You expect me to believe that?"

Emily's eyes stung. "I'm telling you the truth."

Ethan's face twisted in disgust. "Get rid of it."

Emily's heart shattered. "How can you be so heartless?"

Ethan stood, his eyes flashing. "This is your problem, not mine."

Emily's voice trembled. "You're the father."

Ethan's denial cut deep. "I'm not responsible for your mistakes."

Tears streamed down Emily's face as Ethan's words sliced through her.

"Get out," Ethan growled, pointing toward the door.

Emily stumbled backward, her world crumbling.

As she turned to leave, Ethan's parting words pierced her soul.

"You're just another gold-digger."

Emily's vision blurred as she fled Ethan's office.

The streets blurred together as Emily walked, tears streaming down her face.

Lost in grief, Emily didn't notice the car speeding toward her.

A scream echoed through the air as Emily was struck.

Everything went blank

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Other books by Teesha

Raped by a billionaire

Raped by a billionaire



Male lead    Lucy greg the only child of Mr Greg grey the most richest man in New York  Lucy is not only billionaire but also a demi gold  ,he is handsome  ,he has all quality  you are looking for in a man he has blue eye,pink lips ,brown hair he is all girl dream   But  he is arrogant ,cold and not friendly at all even to young children he didn't believe in love due to what his mother did to his father which cause his father's death   since then he see women as robot ,he believes that robot are heartless just women and they are suppose to be  treated like it he despise his mother more than anything he care about one thing  that is his" Reputation "     Meet Francisco watson ,the only person who understands and can tolerate lucy he is the only friend lucy has , he is the opposite of lucy he is also handsome but he is friendly and caring they are also rich but not compare with lucy family     Meet our female lead ,Alicia roseley ,she is  come from a poor background she lost her Parents at young age she has been living with the help of her granny    she is very beautiful with a well define curve ,she is average tall with round and pink lips she is jovial ,caring and love her granny a lot she do many part time job to support her granny    she has nothing to offer ,but her smile alone   can make you fall over heel she has the best smile ever ,but behind that smile no one can know that she going through a lot ....     what happened when Alicia was raped which lead to a force marriage !         what happen when this two friends become enemy ?   

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