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Teesha's Books(4)

Raped by a billionaire

Raped by a billionaire

Male lead    Lucy greg the only child of Mr Greg grey the most richest man in New York  Lucy is not only billionaire but also a demi gold  ,he is handsome  ,he has all quality  you are looking for in a man he has blue eye,pink lips ,brown hair he is all girl dream   But  he is arrogant ,cold and not friendly at all even to young children he didn't believe in love due to what his mother did to his father which cause his father's death   since then he see women as robot ,he believes that robot are heartless just women and they are suppose to be  treated like it he despise his mother more than anything he care about one thing  that is his" Reputation "     Meet Francisco watson ,the only person who understands and can tolerate lucy he is the only friend lucy has , he is the opposite of lucy he is also handsome but he is friendly and caring they are also rich but not compare with lucy family     Meet our female lead ,Alicia roseley ,she is  come from a poor background she lost her Parents at young age she has been living with the help of her granny    she is very beautiful with a well define curve ,she is average tall with round and pink lips she is jovial ,caring and love her granny a lot she do many part time job to support her granny    she has nothing to offer ,but her smile alone   can make you fall over heel she has the best smile ever ,but behind that smile no one can know that she going through a lot ....     what happened when Alicia was raped which lead to a force marriage !         what happen when this two friends become enemy ?