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A Maid and a Million Men

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 4362    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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love nor money. We talked over the situation and every other remark of his had to do with how much he wanted to see Vyvy "just once more." Well, I got sick of hearing

nt, and then he added, rather huffil

change clothes; you take Esky and go home, and I'll come in here and make myself at home until you get back. What's wrong with that? You said you

ke me seriously. "I'd as l

it was expecting travel orders? And you wouldn't want to throw up a chance to go ov

ction. "What about your hair? You don't suppose anyone would be foolish enough to th

hair cut boy fashion," I told him. "Can get it don

was a slower thinker than I and it took hi

our absence, is there? I mean, anything that I co

and answered a rather dumb "No-I guess not.

Then it's all set

ching for straws of argument for support, "Aunt Elino

yway, it'll grow out again. I can have typho

mething to say. "There's an awful gang in that headquarters barracks-swearing all the time, smoking and c

and it, I guess I can for a couple of days anyway. Besides, I think it will be kinda

ould like to see Vyvy, and


making the b

o-hour pass to leave the camp. It was while he was getting this that I had my first worry. And I didn't know just how to ask about it, either, since it's o

as you use your head a

t out exactly what I meant. "How about those 'insp

d to know. Which convinced m

kind of physical exam eve

arter as they had just had one of those intimate inspections two days before. I was very much relieved-and the idea is rather funny, at that, when you stop to think of it: just imagine me standing in lin

ght be aroused. I went in, and I admit that I felt rather foolish for a moment. But there was only one barber there and he was an Italian that could only u

ned with my hands just how I wanted it cut, so it would resemble Leon's as much as possible. Leon

oat combine to offset the odd effect of the haircut. Just as we were getting out of the car, an

voice sounding as if I had

an and a girl-and then saw two men come out? If there happened to

as if someone would appear at any moment to divine our purpose, and Leon finally

d change to two men all at once, and particularly a soldier and a girl to begin with. We couldn't go anywhere where there would

irst to change into his civies. When he returned, I took his clothes and came back a few minutes later with my dress, undies, shoes, hat and coat, in the suit case which I had used to bring down his clothes. We l

"forms" and papers are kept, and what each was for. That took about half an hour, and just as we were

do to a Sergeant Major. I started to salute but for once Leon thought fas

ed him, he said, in a very friendly tone of voice, "Sorry as he

with a grin of thanks, "Oh-that's all right, Sergeant. Guess I'll live through it." I stopped and looked at Leon

before the other could realize what was going on. Then h

drive me home, not knowing that I couldn't get away. The sergeant-major said "Sorry" again a

d-by to Esky, told Leon not to fail to get back by to-morrow evening, and waved after them as they rolled away toward Wakeham. Esky

Private Canwick, U.S.A. By the time I got to the man who took my pass, I was stepping along like a regular so

Headquarters and stopped at the Y.M.C.A. Hut, where I purchased some of the stationery for a souvenir of this unusual adventure. I enjoyed my tour of inspection immensely and took real delight

d, fanciful tales of heroism by knights in deceiving armor, and of fair ladies who entertained paramours behind mysterious masks. Joan of Arc slept with an army, but she was known as a girl by all her soldier comrades. They say that there was a fighting outfit composed of Russian women and known as The Battalion of Death, but these soldiers were known as women also. There have been any number of modern stories and plays with plots depending upon the use of masks, veils, dis

t and very unusual thing for a girl to be in the United States Army without anyone knowing about it. In this particular case, of course, there wasn't any real danger; but the situation remained very intriguing. On the face of it, my position was far more perilous than that of a woman soldier who is known as a woman-

e door; they offered a matter-of-fact greeting and I returned their perfunctory hellos with a smile and a nod. I wasn't quite sure of my voice. But no one

happen to cause my discovery, the newspapers would make a front-page story of it. The "yellow sheets" would pay almost any price for my story of the affair, giving all the lurid details of what I heard and did during these two days of soldiering. I could visualize the headlines, in big black letters, carrying to all part

"Canwick!" And I rolled out with a start to stare dumbly at a soldier who appeared to be no higher nor lower than myself. He didn't wait for me to say anything, just rattled out his message and disappeared. He sai

there was nothing to do but report to Colonel Davison-the which I proceeded to do, and came into his presence with my heart in my throat and my knees feeling rather unstable. It was lucky that I knew where the headq

e praised you so much that now I have to p

I exclaimed,

o, so you and I must part. You've worked yourself into an enviable place, and I'm sure you

r than nothing at all and when he asked me that question, I was still

ideal man for my work.... But then I wouldn't want to hold you back on that a

at once?" I inquired, hopin

fied the General. It seems now that the special clerk will not be able to go overseas with the organization and General Backett has taken my word for the fact that you can fill the bill. So you report t

s sorry to leave him. I mean, it seemed a shame t

before or not, but since introductions don't count for much in the army anyway, I decided to act very stiff and formal and see which way the wind bloweth. So I waltzed in and told the orderly what I wanted and who I was and who sent me,

asked, in a tone that m

the moment I noticed how big and awkward he see

lood poisoning and I must leave before he can get out of the hospital. I've tried a dozen clerks, but none have satisfied me a

ut I managed to say, "

ime take dictation and help in compiling reports. None of that will come now, of course, but will probably come sometime after we arrive in France. For the time being there are merely

sfer papers-get your personnel officer to see to that. Also get your equipment and replace everything tha

" might be. I started to think the thing out, but then I remembered that everyone always said that a private wasn't supposed to t

me and told me he'd have the transfer fixed up at once. I asked him what I should do next and he laughed and told me to pack up my junk and have it ready to move to the Divisional Headquarters bar

lonels are always nice about anything a General wants-and he told me not to bother about his records, that he would get

old letter with the form FROM: TO: SUBJECT: on it, which just saved me from addressing the first letter to "My dear Secretary of War." There was another million of blank forms to be filled out and half the things I didn't know beans about, but he was awfully nice about ever

he way this General man talked, they were leaving that night, and I'd have to see Leon for l

neral. Whew-if it were me, I'd rather be a real soldier, th

t seem like such a grand experience just now. And I hoped he was enjoying her party; if all this w

he other end of the barracks, not to mention certain problems of nature which had to be solved at the expense of distinct concessions on the part of a maiden's modesty. But then, I can remember these things, if I think hard enough. I certainly had never experience

htest provocation. For safety's sake I turned in but you can rest assured that I didn't remove as much of my clothes as the m

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