Commercialized Prostitution in New York City
rely be strictly characterized as either preventive, reformative or correctional. Almost all the agencies in question do both a preventive and a reformative work, though, in the main, t
girls' departments of the Catholic Protectorate, the Juvenile Asylum, and other organizations maintain homes for the young. There are, moreover, numerous settlements with a hold on the young through kindergartens, clubs, and friendly services, doing a quiet but constantly effective preventive work; independent girls' clubs, thirty special ones in New York, providing opportunities for friendship, recreation and training; some societies, such as the Girls' Friendly, offering attractions to girls who have few advantages in their homes. The work of the Committee on Amusements and Vacation Resources of Working Girls has been active in the difficult dance hall problem, previously shown to be an important factor in the
rds of women; seventeen hundred women are accommodated in them. Their economic value has long been realized; their moral and social importance is beginning to be apprec
n of Sex Hygiene and the Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, operating through meetings, lectures and printed matter; the American Vigilance Association, which, originally organized to secure legislation and law enfo
ations of commercialized sexual vice in New York. It endeavors to secure more vigorous and effective action by all departments of state and city government having power to
agues, fourteen of which leagues have been started. Their main purpose is to secure the help of girls in protecting other girls. They endeavor to raise the tone of conversation in places where girls assemble and work. Lectures on sex hygiene are given, wholesome recreation is encouraged, and higher ideals of life c
e smaller homes, of which there are at least six in New York, deal more personally with the individual girl. Their capacity ranges from 25 to 75. Of this type is the Free Home for Young Girls, managed by an incorporated association of church women. The inmates, mostly sent by guardians and friends, are from eleven to seventeen years of age. A real home life is maintained. Most of the girls attend the public schools. All are taught sewing, simple cooking, laundry work, and housework. They remain two or three years and are sent out to friends or to situations with approved surroundings. In Brooklyn the Training School and Home for Young Girls cares for and trains girls by a method similar to that of the F
e voluntarily to the home. Twenty-seven can be accommodated and the home is usually full. Of the 64 received in 1912, fifty were Protestants, 12 Roman Catholics, and 2
their facilities are very limited in consequence of the meager resources. Usually from three to eight girls occupy a room when, as a matter of principle, each girl should be given he
practice, as illustrated by institutions, it is rather hazy. These institutions and homes
lized class. There are also larger establishments, which receive both girls committed by the court and girls who enter voluntarily. Among the former
sent out to maternity hospitals or to friends. There were 80 girls in the home in 1911, most of them under twenty years of age. For twenty-nine years this home has been conducted under the management of an assoc
irls at a time, most of them for the space of two years. Instruction in school branches and in housework and home-making is given. Girls come through p
Friendless Women. All of these receive wayward women of all kinds, and the House of the Good Shepherd and the House of Mercy receive little girls from dangerous
sh to reform. The work is of a temporary nature in that inmates do not as a rule remain in the home over three w
atholic. The girls are divided into classes according to their condition and purpose of entering the institution. Some look forward to giving their lives to religious service; others are to be trained for us
will, others by commitment. The department for women is entirely separate from that for young girls, which, conducted as the work of St. Agnes Guild, is referred to above. The women are given pract
arily into the home for six months or more. Suitable school and practical training is given, physical and recreational wants are met, moral influences are exerted, and w
are directed by relatives, friends and charitable workers. St. Faith's Home, though smallest in capacity and in total numbers cared for during the year, is representative in respect to the policy pursued. From 15 to 17 can be accommodated, and 39 girls were cared for in 1912, twenty-four of whom were received during that year. Mothers with their children are kept for two years in most cases. They are taught all
for Hebrew girls. It emphasizes industrial training and personal work. It cares for 25 women and
ndeavors to fit women for work. It cared for 204 cases in the year 1911-12. Forty were mothers with infants, 61 were girls becoming mothers, 14 girls were convalescing
e Chinatown Settlement, the Rescue Mission in Doyers Street, and of the Salvation Army. These organizations are in
ertainments, religious teaching, and practical training. It brings to the home an average of 75 different g
es, clubs, and classes. Two thousand, seven hundred and
ts in meetings, now accomplishes more by personal influence of workers. The girls are of all nationalities, their average age, 25. So far as possible, the different classes are separated in the home. Of 115 inmates in one year 60 were betrayal cases, 19 were cases of prostitution, and 27 girls were under serious temptation. Capable girls are tr
than any others are Waverly House and the Florence Crittenton Home. The leaders in these homes are in close relat
d not a reformatory. Most of the girls are young, the largest group between sixteen and eighteen. With the exception of the court witnesses, girls are placed in such permanent institutions or positions as will meet their needs. Personal attention and careful study are most prominent in this house. Classes in the useful arts, English, and music are
probationers, girls released on suspended sentences, witnesses in white slave cases, and women discharged by the courts; a few come from cafés and from the streets. During an entire year, 501 girls passed through the home, some staying but a few hours, others remaining for the year. They range in age from fourteen to twenty-five y
f organiz
to insti
ainst w
managed by the National F
elp may here be presented. As stated above, the sphere of these societies is largely that of clearing houses. They study carefully the girls who come to
for on leaving institutions, and 103 were in institutions. Two hundred and six of these girls were connected with the Episcopal Church. Twelve other religious bodies were represented, while a small number of the girls had no religious affiliations. All cases are referred, where possible, to the churches with which they are or were connected. The work of this society is largely personal. Besides locating girls in homes and institutions, e
n follows and cases are placed under the direct supervision of a skilled neurologist and psychologist. Careful records of all facts are kept. The discovery of physical and mental weakness, often after prolonged study, leads to a definite course
rrection is also accomplished in the case of those committed to the House of the Good Shepherd, the House of Mercy, and the Magdalen Benevolent Society Home. The State Farm for Women, to be situat
st, Second, Third and Ninth Judicial District, i. e., Greater New York, Long Island and the tier of counties on each side of the Hudson River as far north as Albany. Over 80 percent of its inmates come from Greater New York. A woman o
It has at the present time a capacity for 340 inmates, with a population of 505; the expenditure for maintenance last year was $4.06 per week per capita. It is built o
cattle, pigs and other live stock, is performed by the inmates, with the exception of the plowing. Much out-door work of a constructive character is carried on, both for its physical effects and for mental and moral results. In this constructive work is included a milk house, silo, stairways and s
aroled at any time, if in the judgment of the Board of Managers, such action is considered to be for their best interest. Parole offic
chool is very good, the chief need being for more room. The cottage system used accommodates 385 girls, in separate sleeping rooms. It is, however, necessary to use other buildings a
s to be treated. Humiliation and loss of self-respect are avoided, if possible. The living conditions and training seem excellent. The girls do the cottage work, changes being so arranged as to give all a thorough experience in housework. School sessions of fifteen hours weekly in the morning and eight weekly in the afternoon prevail. The morning session is the book school, the afternoon the industrial school. Cooking, plain sewing, dressmaking, physical culture, gardening, and vocal music are carefully taught. Religious instruction is given by repre
months. About 50 percent of these, as shown by the fingerprint process, are repeaters, each of whom had been arrested from two to eight times. The life in the Workhouse is generally conceded to be not only useless but actually harmful. The Chief Magistrate of the city has stated in print the following: "The
s, were strictly related to prostitution. Through the Children's Court of the city, of the 120 cases charged with tendency to moral depravity and convicted in the year 1912, sixty-two were committed to institutions and 5
rd girls, in so far as they are described in the text; though numerous,
t Capacity
ear Sou
rt Ex
ion and reformation 25
and reformation 75 177 City grant, c
rls Prevention and reformation 27 85 Inv
on of first cases. Training 24 8
tion and reformation 500 880 Coun
ation 110 183 Investments, city gran
y Reformation 106 237 City grants,
ion and training 60 88 Inve
care 26 209 Contributions
mation and training 50 115 Sewin
d reformation 25 56 Con
lement Care and reformati
ssion Reformation 36 9
rmation 20 140 P
er and reformation 17
enders 25 60 (plus 45 infants) S
eformation 13 13 (plus 13 infants)
and reformation 100 865 City grants,
and training 21 67 City
are and prevention 30 53 In
g Girls Care and prevention 30 94
for Girls Correction and reform
Correction and reformation
s Num
ngs Di
em Nu
ouses 14
ts 578
Rooms 11
105 1
1007 16
r of Differe
s Invest
and concert hal
es allied with pro
es used by prost
399 1
s Num
nted Inmate
n Total Inc
and Es
uses 1686
s 2294 2
d Rooms
s 583
rs Maids C
elephone Rent
$104 $40 $160 $120
32 80 40 160 10
8 78 34 140 60
8 148 40 200 40
5 88 47 148 82
60 76 32 120 .
6 116 32 140 100
48 88 40 140 12
. 80 40 120 .
92 78 34 200 84
. 52 32 48 .
. 56 40 60 .
28 80 36 120 72
72 112 48 180 6
72 60 44 140 10
08 100 48 120 60
28 80 40 120 120
60 64 48 200 .
120 60 32 140 .
64 48 32 48 8
28 54 40 140 60
28 120 44 180 10
60 44 . 180 72
2 96 36 80 160
8 120 36 180 60
0 52 40 100 80
0 76 40 160 120
60 56 48 140 .
60 88 40 140 80
80 80 36 120 80
2434 1139 4124 2010 7
42 14807 53612 26130 89
Maids Li
l b
y Telephon
t. $36 $ . $60
h St. 32 . 6
h St. 64 . 7
St. 64 10 80
St. 64 . 60
h St. 44 . 5
h St. 52 . 6
St. 44 230 1
h St. 60 . 6
h St. 32 . 4
$492 240 650
396 3120 8450 11
keepers Maids
er P
y Telephon
$112 $40 $200 $88 $
2 104 48 250 100
40 96 44 240 80
6 144 44 200 80
0 128 40 200 80
44 88 44 240 .
00 88 40 240 .
0 112 48 240 80
4 872 348 1810 508
336 4524 23530 6604 32
reets in Manh
Feb. 24th 482
ar. 24th 492 1
pr. 24th 490 1
ay 24th 883 11
ne 24th 1203 1
uly 24th 696 7
ept. 1st 1048
Oct. 1st 451
ov. 1st 738 3
ov. 15th 276
793 1596 3
treet walkers counted, o
alkers who solicited investigat
eports on streets, about
ER 15th, 1912, ACCORDI
24 Fe
24 Ma
24 Ap
24 M
24 Ju
24 Ju
1 Se
1 O
1 N
s Per
. 7 3 .
. 7 2 .
. . . .
3 1 1 .
. . . .
. . . .
. . 2 . .
4 . 3 . .
4 . 1 . 1
. . 1 4 .
4 26 14 8 1
. . 1 4 .
. . . 1 .
6 4 16 15 4
1 32 11 12 2
28 13 15 14
64 69 51 28 4
21 2 3 .
38 59 37 7 1
4 12 11 11 .
5 4 4 . 2
. . . .
10 11 20 5
3 1 1 . .
. . . 1 .
5 9 5 9 5
3 . . . .
. 1 3 . .
2 2 2 . 2
259 244 201 69 1
y of a police captain to report to the poli
of the Penal Law with reference to
rk Charter regarding concert saloons, dives and other plac
or Tax Laws and ordinances relatin
be kept, used, or occupied for purposes of prostitution, assignation, or other immoral purpose, he must give notice
e captain will obtain warrants for and cause the arrest of such owner, lessee or o
nder their command who fails to discover a serious breach of the peace occurring on his post
, prevent soliciting from windows, doors or on streets, and arrest all persons found so doing, also carefully observe all other places of a suspicious natur
Avenue-a one
oned at the corner of Sixth Avenue and 29th Street. He counted 14 inmates and bought a pint bottle of be
ported as running about a year. Names of
, X 27, was an inma
8, and Violet, X 29, were
prietors are X 30, and X
ressed in the regular parlor house costume and all claimed to possess medical certificates. Tony, X 8, is said to be connected with this house, and reaps th
Avenue-a one
ace, is a power in the Tenderloin. One of his wom
mates. Some of the inmates' names are Daisy, Ro
ator counted 14 inmates. The madame was st
use told the investigator that Dr. X 35
X 36 was an inm
37 was an inma
8 and X 39 were in
h Street-a one
to 10.45 P. M. The investigat
14 inmates. The Madame is X 42. The names of some of th
he physician for
proprietor of th
here on this date claims tha
h Street-a one
9.30 P. M. The investig
gator counted 12 inmates and estimated
nvestigator counted 14 inmates.
P. M. The investigato
sold the madame, X 51, a dress he claimed to have stolen from a departm
roprietor. X 43 is the physician. The investigator estimat
rl of X 54 is the assistant
h Street-a one
ates. The house is kept by X 17 in partnership with X 34. The names
, keeper of this place
ted 20 inmates. Eight pimps were present. The names
he investigator c
or together with X 34. The house physician on this date is X 43. X 60 is a man said to be connected with this p
some of the inmates on this d
his house and has a country-wide reputat
the madame, is in p
s of two inmates on thi
estigator counted 12 i
h Street-a one
he investigator counted 6 inmates an
proprietors of this pl
es. Liquor is sold in this house on the quiet. The names of some
ounted 10 inmates. X 49 is said to own a part int
nd estimated 17. Cigarettes sold but no liquors. The names of so
ed 19 inmates. Bessie acted as madame. X 69 and X
mates and estimated 15. The proprietors are X 72 and X 73
ates on this date are Marcelle, Grace, Dollie and Fannie. The place was formerly owned by X 72, X
ie says she turns her earn
f three inmates on this da
h Street-a one
oprietors of this place
0 P. M. The investigat
solicited to go here by a lighthouse, X 79. The proprietors are X 68 and X 69. The
nessed X 69 in conversation with a
16 inmates. The physician of this place i
was given a card to this place. X 69
e by a woman on Seventh Avenue near 28th Street. He saw anothe
this date are X 81, X 82 and X 83. The name of the owner
t Street-a one
given cards to above address. She said she had 5 or 6 girls there and she invited him to follow her
ates, and was told there were 12 working here. The investi
12. The madame'
" to enter this house. She had been stopping other men. The investigator counted 6 inmates. Mam
on Sixth Avenue take four different men to this address within an hour,
the madame is X 86. The pr
madame, conducts this house o
and procurer, works for X 34 at this add
just come from this house. An inmate had shown one of the men her card
closed, probably on the instructions of
on this date is X 91. The name of the owner of this
h Street-a one
he name of the madame is Rosie; proprietor, X 94. The names of s
tigator was taken to this place by X
his brother, X 94, ar
ate is X 97. The name of the owner of this pro
h Street-a one
tigator saw men go in and out of this p
M. The investigator saw fi
ted 8. The madame's name is Rosie. The proprietor of the place is X 100. The
est 40th
of X 44, has practised prostitu
mates. The proprietors are X 44 and X 103, who a
d-$2 for an ordinary round, and $5 for a quart of champagne. The name of the madame is X 105. The names of some of the inmates on
o enter a rear room for immoral purposes. The woman who conducts this stube is X 127, this being the name of the woman mentioned in
milies are 7 boys under 16 and 14 girls under 16. Five single young
at X 129, East 6th Street. The stube is in the basement and the proprietress said she would send out for a young gi
ys and 20 girls all under 16 years of age. Seven single
named X 132, and X 130 says she does not pay any attention to what goes on in the tenement so long as t
e regular season. She has been w
urposes. One of these women said that they each paid $5 per week to the janitor for the privilege of using their rooms in th
st 40th Street. The children from Public School No. X 137, a short distance away, were playing along the street on their way home. The colored girls were particularly insistent and talked in loud
if the hallway were used. On March 4, 1912, a colored girl entered the hallway with a white man. The conditions in t
rooms and the landlord had told X 138 that they could bring men into the house if they desired. A man by the name of Louis has tried several times to induce X 138 to enter a house of prostitution. "This man," said the girl, "is a swell dresser and wears diamon
om she spoke. The hour was 5 P. M. As he entered the hallway a boy about 11 or 12 years of age asked him whom he wanted to see. "Mrs. X 140 has been out and so h
, is 15 years of age. On February 24, 1912, about 1 A. M., investigator saw a young man talking to X 142 in the rear of the flat. X 118 said X 142 is attending a business school, but different young men who are customers declare that she works in a candy factory. One day a business man who h
d uses X 118 flat in which to meet two steady customers at stated i
the tenants, a Mrs. X 145, told an investigator that on several occasions the police have been called into the house to stop
were investigated at different times in order to
. Bro
old the investigator she "answers c
e, told the investigator she "r
that "this place is owned by a colored woman; X 149-a, wh
have white girls conducting the resorts while they, the owners, keep in the background. One apartment, 3rd floor, inside, is operate
nvestigator counted 2 inmates. Price $5. Girls get half. Drinks $5. Inmates wear gowns and claim to have heal
stitute, told the investiga
stigator she "meets many a good man through this
he investigator she "makes many a dollar r
est 27th
igator reports this former house of p
and went to her apartment one flight up, east. Counted two inmates. Price of place $1. Names of inma
est 28th
mises for purposes of prostitution. Investigator was solicited by one, Jennie, to enter premises. Price of woma
rom other
. M. for a weekly consideration. A procurer by the name of X 163 living on the pre
. Flat house for
derly house, prostitution alleged, no basis. July 2, 1
est 28th
tigator reports prostit
by two French women on street near the stoop of premises to enter this house. Price of women $1.
rom other
French flats. Almost on every
nuary 8, 1910. Disorderly house, sec
9. Disorderly house, prost
es in a flat one flight up, and a woman named X 166, also a prostitute, lives on t
est 29th
ront of this address to come to their rooms. Counted five women soliciting. Price o
rom other
partments occupi
est 29th
amilies and eight children in this building, mostl
rom other
ome apartments occu
10: Disorderly house. Fourth floor, front, we
est 29th
this house and keeps girls. She lately moved from X 1
lies, mostly colored, living here. Saw two suspicious women on first fl
rom other
ry 8, 1910. Disorderly house, bas
rderly house, basement, east side, fro
Disorderly house. Prostitution al
est 29th
8, lives at this address and uses
ted on street by colored women to go to apart
rom other
, 1911. Disorderly house, prostitutio
rderly house, second floor, front, we
ly house, rear, second floor, east. X 1
est 29th
is a maid in the house of prostitution at X 183, is a prostitute and has had a white man living with her for several months. Investiga
ies (Italian and colored) in this tenement. Suspici
ilding mostly occupied by colored peop
rom other
1910. Disorderly house, third floo
ember 9, 1911. Disorderly house, pros
, prostitution alleged, second floo
est 30th
P. M. Investigator saw
reported three families livi
s some of the rooms evidently used b
rom other
1, 1912.
est 37th
d. He was solicited on 37th Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues
second floor of this building by two colored prostitute
s of this house and on street in front. Thieves and pimps hang out on corne
rom other
iness at all hours of the day and night wi
ed prostitutes. Saw them soliciting from
Investigator solicited to go
1912. 9.20 P. M. Investigator counted 6 street walkers in vicinity of this hotel. He wa
oitering in the vicinity of this hotel. He was solicited by o
icinity of this hotel. He was solicited by one on the corner of Sixth Avenue and -- Street to enter
All approached men. He was solicited on the corner of Sixth Avenue and -- Street by a prostitute to enter this ho
men whom he believed to be prostitutes enter the hotel with men. It is said on goo
nity of this hotel on Sixth Avenue. All approached men. He was solicited by
h Avenue in the vicinity of this hotel. All approached men. He was
in the vicinity of this hotel. All of these women approached men. He was solici
ue, in the vicinity of this hotel. All approached men. One of the women soli
ue in the vicinity of this hotel. All approached men. He was solicited to
venue in the vicinity of this hotel. All approached men. He was solicited
f this hotel. All of these women approached men. He was solicited by one within 100 feet of a
enue in the vicinity of this hotel. All approached men. He was solicite
. All approached men. He was solicited by one of these women at the corner of Sixth Avenue and -- Street t
re among those who use this
1912, Le
912, Chri
1912, Ro
1912, Bec
1912, Ann
1912, Ro
, 1912, A
, 1912, B
1912, Gus
rom other
X 224, X 225 and X 2
8, X 225 and X 229.
r under the address --
1, 1912.
is place is a noted
est 35th
premises by a prostitute at the corner of Broadway and -- Street. Price of room $1. He also saw four couples enter here
s solicited by a street walker on Broadway be
el sentenced to two months' imprisonment. It is
d to be cadets near premises. Hotel said to be r
en. He was solicited by one at the corner of Seventh Avenue and -- Street to enter premises. Price of woman $3. Price of room
ide of -- Street towards Broadway. Two stopped men. Investigator
r approached men. Investigator was solicited by one on the street near the hotel to enter premises. Price of woman $2, room $2. Inve
between -- and -- Streets. All accosted men. He was solicited by one, in sight o
between -- and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by three of the
ween -- and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by one at the corner of
solicited by one on the southwest corner of -- Street and Broadway to enter premises. Price of woman $2, price of room $2. The n
Streets. All approached men. He was solicited at the corner of Seventh Avenue and -- Street to ente
ween -- and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by one at the corner of
etween -- and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by one at the corne
between -- and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by one at the cor
men. He was solicited by one at the corner of Seventh Avenue and -- Street to enter premises. Price of woman $3, price of
ween -- and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by one at the corner of
- and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited at the corner of Seventh Avenue and -
th and 40th Streets. All approached men. The investigator was solicited twice, once within s
and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited at the corner of Seventh Avenue and -- S
nd -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by one at the corner of Seventh Avenue and
nue near -- Street to enter premises. Price of woman $2, price of room $2. The follo
1912, An
1912, Sa
912, Loui
1912, Ma
rom other
. Notorious ass
est 28th
P. M. Investigator sol
ted at the corner of Sixth Avenue and -- Street to en
d by street walker on Sixth Avenue near -- Street to e
ited by a prostitute on 28th Street to enter th
asked clerk price of room for himself
. Investigator solicited by
alker on Broadway between 31st and 32nd Streets to enter premise
this hotel. All approached men. He was solicited by one of the prostitutes at the e
orner of Sixth Avenue and -- Street in the vicinity of this hotel. He was
y of this hotel. He was solicited by one on the west side of Sixth Avenue betwe
cinity of this hotel. Three approached men. Investigator was solicited by one on Sixth A
- Streets in the vicinity of this hotel. All approached men. He was solicited by one at the co
een -- and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by one at the corner o
een -- and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by one at the corner of
ographs in the toilet room of this ho
nd -- Streets, in the vicinity of this hotel. All approached men. He was solicited by one a
d -- Streets in the vicinity of this hotel. All approached men. He was solicited by one at th
ets in the vicinity of this hotel. All approached men. He was solicited by one within sight of an offi
e between -- and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by one at t
s. Six of these women approached men. Investigator was solicited by one of them at the corner of Sixth
ets in the vicinity of this hotel. All approached men. He was solicited by one within sight of an offi
d -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by one at the corner of Sixth Avenue and
een -- and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by one at the corner of
and -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited at the corner of Sixth Avenue and --
nd -- Streets. All approached men. He was solicited by one at the corner of Sixth Avenue and
among those who frequent thi
1912, La
1912, Mam
1912, Ma
, 1912, K
, 1912, A
, 1912, B
1912, Mrs
1912, Gus
rom other
X 245. License issued in the name of X 245-a. One
rderly house; proprietor X 245, license iss
. A notorious a
utes here were especially vulgar and obscene. A waiter in this place, named X 277, knew the prostitutes by name and encouraged the men to sit at the
tions prevailed with variations. One prostitute who was intoxicated exp
of saloon at X 279, West 42nd Street. The waiters appear
o to a saloon at X 280, Seventh Avenue. When they reached this place the pimps talked to several prostitutes. One of these girls was called May. While the young man sat at the table with one of these women, she attempted to steal a $2 bill from one of his pockets. When he remonstrated one of the pimps called to his five companions and said, "Come on, fellows, let's go through him." When th
281, a waiter in this resort, who lives at X 282, Second Avenue, stated that the boss, Joe
y George X 290. A chain on the door. The dances were vulgar and obscene. Carrie X 291 solicited a man to go to a furnishe
men and 16 white and colored prostitutes at the tables. A negro n
4 A. M. Same con
.30 A. M. Same co
saloon. X 850, living at -- West 96th Street said that madames send to this rear room for girls. Following are some of the girls who s
al girls solicited investigator to go to the X 860 hotel at -- Sixth
in this rear room. Two women from this saloon soli
ed women, among them being E
escorted women. One of
ay X 866 solicitin
M. Nine unescorted wo
e of these was Lottie X 850, who said she ha
n unescorted women. One o
was again in this rear room with
een unescorted women. On
these by the name of May X 870 said that she ha
nteen unescorted women was Lott
unescorted women. One o
d women. Four left the saloon with
50 was again in this saloon
mie X 873 said, "I have my steady friends come here-the
orted women. One of these was L
ous r
this place have
ther here to solicit trade, withou
escorted women in the rear room. Waiters assist girls in finding customers. One of
unescorted women in rear room. Many s
scorted women sat at separate tables. One pr
ng at -- East 13th Street, wa
ne of these was Annie X 880, known as
rostitutes were seen in this
X 888 was solicitin
ese, Emma X 884, said that she meets some good
886 was engaged in solic
unescorted women. One
e unescorted women. One
unescorted women. One
Mary X 889 was ag
ous r
room. Women enter without escort
proprietor of this pla
tigator to come to their tables. A number of these girls have been seen soliciting on Broadway. During the evening 7 couples lef
er of unescorted w
ous r
ist, alleged disorderly. Prop
r three men who sell liquor without a license at 5 cents per glass. One of the customers in the pl
e at X 303, Second Avenue. A pimp named X 304, frequents this pl
women when they are arrested. Rosie sells these women dresses, hats, kimonos, feathers, and hair goods, either for cash or on the instalment plan. One of the methods used by X 306 to draw trade is to allow messages and mail for prostitutes a
s as stuss, poker, and "klobiosh." These pimps receive at this place telephone messages from their women on the streets or in vice resorts, and make arrangements in con
his woman in England, Russia, South Africa, Dallas, Texas, and Seattle,
, and now has her in a house of prostitution in
316-b, sends his women out to
as another girl named Ida, whom he broke into the business of prostitution. When she was in Philadelphia she is sa
ne week she sent X 435 $150. Formerly she was with him in P
as sent his woman to So
e, Ida, to South Af
7-a, is now in Providence, Rhode I
once took her to Philadelphia; when the houses there were b
South Africa, Philadelphia and St Louis. He has a house in Ph
o the western cities of this country. One of his women at
has sent his woman Minnie to Alaska three times, and it is said that each ti
West 25th Street, sent his girls to all the cities of the west
d with several of his women all over th
of prostitution on Perc
on in Paterson, New Jersey. X 443 an
e, Brooklyn, has sent his women to Omaha, Philadelphia and St. Louis. Lena,
South Africa, and at present is interested in X
6, West 36th Street, has been in South Africa, wi
n, X 87, to Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, and other cities of the west. H
f prostitution at X 78, West 27th Street, had a woman named
y. Since then they have been in Seattle, San Francisco, and other western cities. In going from one city
exas. The immigration authorities arrested her and are at this writing sti
Denver, Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania. At
reet, has been in houses of prostit
is girl there. She is now in New York C
en to houses of prostitution in New Orleans, Fort W
has left with his wo
with his brother, X 424, alias X 424-a, had his wife in a
nver, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and other western cities. She was in Denver four
ky to Philadelphia. It is now supposed that s
en he took a married woman to that city. X 454 h
rom whence she has returned. He is t
of age, 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighs about 135 pounds, dark hair, wa
s in Panama and he expects her back soon. He has had her in ho
sent to Brazil. She return
te. He sent three women
ern cities to work in houses of
s of prostitution in Chicago, and ha
s of the west three or four times. X 453-
te, Montana, about five weeks ago, from wh
to Panama five years
houses of prostitution in
in houses in Boston, Phi
men in houses in Phi
tion, sent his woman Ida to Tacoma, Washington. For a prot
ent Pa
f Prostitu
ts, 12
es in Ten
ice Commi
es in Tene
ons in
s in Amuseme
e of Fou
ional W
s, 13, 1
tharine B
t Attor
ion Bo
rs, The,
t Houses,
Dollar Hous
derly, 33 etc
enevolent Ass
mbers of, A
ors' Repor
tion, Per
ement Ho
ses, Revocat
n Vice Re
es, 9
Places, 59;
rvey Comm
r Houses,
s, 4, etc.;
s, 6
ater to Vice,
, Reports of Pol
Regulations, 13
rofessional in
101, 102, 1
y of paren
tions, 102, 103
ering life, 103
cupations, 105
ual offense, 106
tering life
time in bu
Bedford Ref
the Police and
c Par
tion Wo
orderly, 53;
men, 85; Ap
n Chicago, Re
y at Bedford Hil
ods, Buye
iciting, 65;
ers, Receip
sorts in, 24; Appe
nt recor
in Sha
in New York City H
s in Parlor
e Parl
the following pages are all situated in Manhattan, this being the onl
re is no implication as to conditions before or after those dates. Where a statement under any other
e Chap
e Chap
ok. The persons, places, and exhibits mentioned or referred to in the text are invariably definite and concrete. A complete register of them has been made, each item being lettered and numbered. The
onal samples,
ral business cards belonging to
] X
X 4
ng his present
s and results,
hem X 189, X
5, X 486, X 487, X 488, and X 489. As a rule the men do not own their cabs, but hire them by the day or night from
] X
75) West 111th Street. A waiter in a disorderly saloon at (X 476) Seventh Avenue endeavored to persuade a man in the rear room to go to a house on the second f
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
s gambler, which shortly resulted in a change of atti
] X
] X
] X
] X
uses, Appendix IX; also Appendi
ding apart
12, X 11
] X
etter is on file. The woman's na
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
der is referred to Appendix X
] X
] X
] X
A. H. Kellogg C
ate established by the Raines Law at the time of its passage. The rate
The Committee o
] X
] X
periods established the notorious character of the places. Corrobora
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
X 2
] X
] X
X 2
X 2
l summary of vice res
izing the Socia
cles under the title of "The Saloon in New York," published i
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
trations see Appendix XII
] X
] X
] X
] X
gestions. Finally she yields to an invitation to visit a furnished room and the word quickly passes a
X 298
s, see Appendix XIII-"Additio
atements respecting street-condi
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
en by Cl
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
the X 3
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
catering to prostitution, see Appendix I
is a place where women
] X
] X
X 86
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
X 25
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
see Appendix XIV, "Additi
] X
] X
] X
6-a, X 386, X 38
X 386,
, X 163, X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
t by Mada
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
By X
X 418,
] X
d be broken into the business in some private pl
ails, see Appendix III, "
ee Chap
nality of Women," page 29, being Vol. XV of Report on Cond
any of these girls have had such brief periods of domestic employment that they cannot fairly be reckoned in the servant class. They describe themselves as
by the findings of a private investiga
X 33 a
] X
] X
Chicago, Report of the Chica
yracuse, N. Y., Report of the M
] X
] X
] X
] X
111, X 5
To X
X 47-a
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
X 46
X 46
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
he 30 resorts later referred to unde
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
nvolved in all the above transacti
nvolved were X 72,
nd places are X 407
nd places: X 41
] X
ets one-half, th
enses by the charge made for board-a charg
of the table, shops occupy the fi
nt of certain expenses,
unt of certain expenses
certain expenses, similarly ob
made pursuant to charter provi
igate the police department, which fact explains why the period does not coinc
194 cases, the cause of complaint was removed, and in 8 cases no action was neces
X 387-a, X
] X
X 598, X 599, X 6
X 60
ved are: X 34, X 108, X 608, X 609
X 44, X 502, X 659, X 415, X 416, X 414, X
] X
] X
] X
] X
X 66
] X
] X
672, X 6
] X
] X
] X
] X
r of the inspectio
] X
] X
street walkers and others repeatedly prosecuted their busin
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
X 556,
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
13-a, 44, 705, 41
502, X 5
33, X 11
] X
At X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
indexed in our r
Street, owners
treet, owners
eet, owners X 418
th Street,
reet, owners X
th Street,
Avenue, o
rs X 542, X 705, and X
Street, owners
h Street, o
th Street,
] X
] X
X 633 were concerned
] X
] X
] X
] X
] X
ed from the report made by the
de of 610 girls in 7 other New York city and state in
See Pa
ee Page
ibald McNeil, of the Research Laborator
sitive and the complement fixation test for gonorrh?a was negative, but as a rule antibodies against the gonococcus do not appear in the blood during the acute stage of the disease, so it may
anti-sheep h?molytic system with inactive sera was used with the alcoholic extract guinea pig heart for an antigen
in sets of twelve, each s
istories and the laboratory results were no
the combined results of the tests made a
n the present study were girls who were before co
rk Tribune A
ork City, 2
7 cards, no
sued by U. S. Census Bureau (
See pa
lations of the Police De
bid., p
bid., p
bid., p
s been correct
ormation, inconsistencies in spelling and hyp