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Sara, a Princess


Word Count: 3098    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

you can call smoking a very dirty and ill-smelling pipe an occupat

settin's jest as cheap as standin' raound here," indicating t

, and Morton lost no tim

g with us in the morni

eturned his gaze with frank, s

asked the old sp

le," mo

me turkeys?" c

s, as well as prairie-chi

e sass, naow? I git so full o' the

ent, and I generally te

d have had some good hu

now anything about your

n' after an

pleased the old man,

aal, I guess we kin fix it. Mort, here, an' me, we was goin' out airly in the mornin'. Ef you kin turn out in time, ye mo

ughed the other. "I'll be on hand

ay. Remember, four sharp,

didn't put me through the manual of arms, after all. I feel almost defrauded of my j

times he won't look at these fancy fellers that come down from the city, no matter how much th

ave you any objections to taking a look at it, to see if it is safe? Oh, and by the way, there's a basketful o

s lids, not to show too strongly the joy in his eyes, for

her, au revoir. I'll see you in the morning," and t

e kitchen, joy beaming from his countenanc

ed, "have you

ou; but how late you

ner to match the biggest kind of

e Molly fairly howled with delight, and even Sara's eyes shone happily; for, unless you have lived for a week on salt herring an

Norris, did you?" Sara asked in a

is another kind of game, and while we're eating, I'll tell you the whole story," which h

ing bereft of both escorts, started

e cliff; and we now formally introduce her as Madame Grandet, wife of Professor Leon Alphonse Grandet,

nting of flowers in water colors, and, as she always sketched from nature, she ha

, and one picture that she came upon held her spell bound for a moment. This was a small, poor cottage, painted only by the sun and rain, before which, on a tiny square of green, a baby

slightly flushed cheek thick and long, while the brows were as daintily perfect as if laid on with a camel's hair brush; the nose was straight and delicate; the mouth, now set with deep tho

liar tint, neither blond nor brunette, which is usually found with hair of that coppery hue, and the whol

whispered the on-looke

f a baby! I must mak

arm, and held it towards the little one, who had now

ck at sister, oblivious in the door-way, then o

ut reached up his dimpled, dirty little hands (he had been m

who raised her large eyes, now dreamy with far-away thou

nod; "I would not deesturb you, but the babee, he e

rising and coming forward, with her book in her hand. "Won't

most warm! May I not here sit on

get one. "There, this will be more comforta

appearance-it is nature's own way." She cut a tiny hole through the thick rind with her pearl-handled penknife,

erfectly simple, yet with an air of taste and style even her unaccustomed eyes could note. How delica

om any she had ever seen before-perhaps the first o

adame was inwardly amused, as well as pleased, yet not at all

, my dear young lady, may

'Testimony of the R

lady's turn to look un

for you have

s own plans and workings? I can never see a cliff that I don't begin to wonder how it was formed, and what secrets it may contai

ut with his hammer tapping, tapping, at every bit o

do not know enough, o

ew inside, if you wo

tood before the well- filled shelves we have be

re bits. Ah, what a beautiful pink rubellite! I have not seen ever

ought me, and in this neighborhood too; I've ne

r English word how to say-but he eats and sleeps and dreams over dose minerals, and he would almost forget of me, the wife whom he adores, for one fine new piece of

come home too often with no hat, or perhaps even his coat that is left behind; but t

d, her eyes dancing

month ago? Does he wear gla

! You have th

the meeting on the cliff, to

d finally burst out, as Sara told of

t Glendenning" (she pro

s he not one handso

the party my brother told me of yesterday? I did not think then it was the two gent

t my brave Robare to the rout! And he is thy brother,

, ma'am, and I am a

me Madame Grandet now, though

how p

an something good also?" "I have read somewhere that it means 'a princess,'" blushing more than before; "but that is hardly the meaning my name should have," giving a

n Reuben Olmstead, a good and h

It is a great society which does extend over the whole world of Christians, and each one of the members does take her pledge to do some good each day, for th

thoughts and noble deeds, enrolled in the royal order of the Saviour of men! Su

and finally she drew a long breath, looking up with such humility,

one; teac

is orange, now broke through the rind of his yellow globe of sweets, to find noth

s sticky face and hands, then brought him in her arms to the doorstep again, w

uddenly struck the latter, and she asked

I was little; and poor baby Ned's followed her a f

sent by Captain Smalley. But, you see, his smack may not have sighted the Nautilus at all. It seems as if f

n language, then in English, "But what is it you speak,-th

r fleets used scarcely ever to get by all in safety; for when a man is hurrying home to his own fireside on a stormy Saturday night, he is not as careful as he should be. So now our boats stay out through the season, and when

no doubt! But do you live here

I spoke of; he has gone gunning with Uncle Adam Standish, and the young

! His air do say, 'Behold the Am

iled an

sometimes to manage for so many; but will you not pleas

est society and gentlest treatment the world over; describing its growth by tens, its circles within circles, its active benevolences and astonishin

first gave rise to the grand idea; and when she finally made her adieus, it was to leave Sara in a happy

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