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Sara, a Princess


Word Count: 3544    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

all her duties, to read with the children at least one hour of

ly learned, and dig new treasures from them; while the books from Miss Prue's, nearl

ad always been fond of long walks, and in these her keen eyes,

n of weed and mollusk that it cast ashore, the formation and colors of the cliffs, the different shades and granulati

ad managed to nail together, was rapidly filling with the oddest and prettiest of her findings. She managed, also,

they could not be absolutely miserab

y small happening; and had besides that self-respecting pride which dislikes to thrust its misfortunes on a careless world. But perhaps more than all, a certain loyalty to the

liation except in case of actual necessity. So long as a potato or herring was left in store, she would wait fo

ot, and wondering what she should do when they were gone, the door was flung ope

nd drabbled, and Sara looke

t shoot it

Then he paddled out and began feeding along the beach. So I 'honked' to him, and he answered, and I kept on, and he came closer. I'd first broken off this piece of rock to bring home and show you that bit of crystal

e group, snapping her fingers and smacking her lips, as she cried, "Won't we have a d

er with a deprecating glance. No one knew better than she how delightful this ch

I have only a few pennies left, and I was wondering what we should do for milk for baby. Now, if we can all be unself

l the brightness died out of it, whil

bitterly. "We'd have had plenty of mo


tone, and Molly choked back

dn't! We all know he never meant to do such mischief. Look at his innocent little f

one look,

t," he stammered; "only

ndby of us all till father comes home. I'll bake the potatoes to-day, you

ive me the goose," he said resolutely; "I'll take it to Mrs. Norris

down her round face to a doleful length, and draw

d away to

my love

will dec

r, Mary

se a last fond shake in farewell. So it was with laughter and goo

e, which was to help them through many hard times, while it had

d him well, its opportune arrival saving her the great mortification of giving her friends

on a bench before his cabin, and at the minute gazing down the long barrel of a

n Killamet, unless he is

and have a seat," sweeping together the empty gun-shells, bits of

nse of pleasure the money for baby's milk

two o' brants; jest ha

ant to

want to

You! H

this morning

ye get y

t have

boys shouldn'

it from behind some rocks, and t

! purty good! Goin' to he

ld it to Mr

What'd sh

s gun, while Morton waited, watching a long, plume-like line of smoke along the distant horizon, which

ly kin ye

e, if yo

our ter-morrer mornin', an

't any gun,

and bending forward impressively, "with these fellers what mangles their game. I s'pose it's plain that the A'mighty made wild fowl to be shot, but the man what breaks their wings and leaves 'em

nd from off the sea tempering the downpour of the sun on white cliff and sa

d, while just rounding Rocky Point was a trim little yacht

, if when he was a big man he would sail his own craft,-th

three people in the yacht,-a little round man with big spectacles at the rudder, a taller one, young and trim-looking in his touri

my boy!" from the younger man, and a brilliant smile from the lady, which covered him with blushes and confu

ve now a thought; it may be this boy could to us tell of som

Morton, who sa

eps store in her front window, and has rooms up-stairs that she doe

with a large portfolio, which he had taken

ome for the wild gee

and aunt; can you make yourselves contented with your geological and artistic prowls to-morrow,

to this-What's her name?-you mentioned, and telling me, as we go al

a half-dollar into the boy's ha

e; for a sudden memory of the cruel needs at home made him almos

o, and slid he silver piece back i

e than he had yet used. "I shall be

Uncle Adam Standish, he'

way towards the village,

the wing every time, a

nd find the best blinds

e must be

ht be,-"if he'll only let you go w

ouldn't he? I expect to

n lau

for money; all he notices is how a man handles his gun. If you

ake tell me in what manner I must handle

dled with

If you'd see some o' the fools that come down here to shoot you'd be particular too, I

man laughe

f calling your relative names; that was sim

tone; "but he isn't any relation

wise Adam, and only in a fright for fear I won't hold my wea

ers, he said proudly, "I can tell you something better than that. I'm going gunning with Adam to-morr

end was a primitive bay-window, through which could be seen half a dozen jars of barber-pole candy hobnobbing sociably with boxes of tobacco, bags of beans, kits of

r could have expected better than

hooks the nicest rugs in Killamet,-all big flowers

et your rival! You paint flowers, and she,-just hear the alarming word,-she 'hooks' them! Cats

some way either he or Miss Zeba, or perhaps Killamet in general, was

ba is a nice woman, I can tell you that; she's just as good as gold, sir! and I suppose if folks

t his hand. "This is the second time I've had to ask your pardon; will you make up, and be

n a close, strong pressure which pleased him, though he could

now, what is tha

a Osterha

remember it if I could onc

e of the bell above the door, as Morton opened it; and the

child, but had the wan, drawn, yet sweet-looking face of a middle-aged woman, while between her shoulders she bore that flesh

s off, and the young man's voice

sturbing you, but is

time courtesy, directed with much precision, so as t

or two; do you ever take i

folk, like you," with a smiling little

ward and took up the word

ess, and we are most easy to

d to suit; we can put up with a few inconvenien

windows-that a bargain was quickly consummated; and having planned with Miss

eal! Will you conduct me to this Diogenes of a gunner, and have him tell

oking for you. He never goes a-nigh the post-office, because he says he hates a c

him entirely by surprise, th

n Olmstead, if y

laddie; I like it, and

e a fine man some d

s eyes

s the good God started me with a sound brain and a

risedly. "And who may this wise and e

challenged. "Yes, sir, she is wise and good. She'

our unusually good English, I su

t how to acknowledge it, and his friend, perhaps to relieve him, asked kindly, "


ere girl, and yet talks like a wi

shines on the waves in it, and her eyes are big and brown, and can drag a lie right out of you, sir; but w

ung man in a musing tone, then, as Morton

itting on his bench smoking, and he

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