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Sara, a Princess


Word Count: 3419    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

t, sensitive face. She had no idea what a picture she made, nor how fair she appeared in the eyes of the young man in the doorway; for her thoughts were full of chagrin at what

and adornment, and that to-night the struggle she had been through made her expression so lovely, she had never been

u, Mr. Glendenning; are

, and just ran down for a day or two, bef

d to lay the baby down, then, coming back, took a seat


"Miss Zeba told me. You

ld not

an outburst from the other side of the room, w

o, Morton Olmstead.

hat is it?" she

seven and six are twelve

Sara obliviously, when

o, Molly? Perhaps that w

tant, then broke into a giggle, as she caught the full force

endenning. I wish I were! You spoke of

been East nearly six months on busin

d a little sigh, which perhaps encouraged him to go on, th

to make a call on some of the good peop

ll you, if I ever get away I

" muttered her brother in return. "A girl

face at him, and the two by the fire c

o leave here now, though I haven't much of an idea where we

uestions, but dared not; instead, he

tep without consulting my aunt. If I had known-all, I would have brought her with me, but here is her lates

to care, and if you are sur

! Why, aren't you both

sters? I know you will n


"when she says she is going to send

ghing, half-angry, "I think i

nning," whined the child. "Last night, 'cause you was lone

lushed like a rose at this, "I did have something in my pocket; however, as

her feet in

only when Sara wants me to sit up, like last

wn over a neighboring chair. Molly grasped it, managing to get out a hurried "Thank you," under Sara's eyes; pulled at the string, whirled around a few times in search for a knife

d, dancing up and down, "they'r

man laughe

them as well as Miss Zeba's striped lemon and horehound sticks

was now burying her little white teeth in its soft lusciousness. "Oh, ho

aid gravely, with a

e, "but there isn't much to it; you can't chomp it li

nplace for you to thoroughly relish these French sweeties, and I'm glad of it! Now, don't eat too m

. I suppose some

t to your m

his minute, 'cause she'll certainly make me," and the two finally disappeared, Molly

ed back

oon be beginning to assert himself, and Molly, who is enough to keep a whole

ir difference, which for a time she had for


t; I see how hard that will be, with th

ng him, while he g

turned ag

on? Put it to Morton that you need his protection

ng man would have been aghast; but, accustomed as she

can find you a small flat, where you could keep house in a cosey way. Then there are things

to go out into that wider life she had

e to pay for such

bly from eighteen to thirty dollars, although I am more familiar with

as the yearly rental, thought i

y, I could teach perhap

ait till he's

the baby?" he as

leave him?"

idn't your stepmothe

eople with whom he would b

ected of her, and that, freed from him, she might make a far easier start in life. Instead, he merely nodded his head understandingly, and kept silence, feeling that here was a nature not t

light here after half-past nine," he remarked lig

t thought one of her greatest charms. "And, if you think I may trouble her, I will write what t

alously. "My aunt may not be so old a fr

sherman's daughter like me?" They had risen, and he had shaken himself into his fur-trimmed great-coat; now he turne

r he added more carelessly, "Do you think it so queer? But you forget you are a princess!" laughing lightly. "Well, good-night;


is long legs stretched towards the blaze, and his chin dropped meditatively on his breast, while she, at the other end of

aid at last, "this is the

ht, took his hands from his pockets,

a nice way to spend it

's un

l History building; I cannot its name reme

ld you about my tri

have been? I have thought so, though

Adam has sold my yacht, an

with drafts, or notes of po

but listen. I called o


lost at sea, and she is caring f

to trouble, as the sparks do fly upw

thousand or two at most; they seemed comfortable, though you know

s grow, as her soul grows, for it is from the

ttle Priscilla touch which is so quaintly charming?" Then he told of Morton's revolt

ave help; not only advice,

are!" sharply. "Of w

ling tone; then, tossing back his head suddenly, "But this is different, of

fisher-lass, who would not be dependent, even in its thought; leave Sara to

rushed it against his lips, then, flushing hotly, rose from his chair,

Bougival clock on the mantel ticked merrily, and madame

almost tw


a clear ten

at least three


ourself are my n

m aw

I a right to

y which may pass away. Go back to your busy Chicago, my Robare, and work hard,

I, a

anner he said this, and his aunt broke

ill you now obey your

ill; but you wil

," bending carele

strode up to her

a man, and I love this fish

is face was white with feeling. Down went the worsted-

the best that earth and heaven can give to you; and you-you do push

e, you admi

but you must of the others take thought to

each her,

rgue with a man so enamoured? Go thy Western way; obey me, and I wi

rway, "if I don't hear, I shall immediately find that business compels an Eastern trip." A

ve been dearer, for he was bound to her by all the traditions and ties of a lifetime. His mother, pretty Nadine Grandet, had been her earliest friend, and they had lived side by side, in a little village on the Ouise, until she was wooed and won by the American artist, Robert Glendenning, who had been attracted to that neighborhood by his studies, and the fame of Sevigne, whom he worshipped afar. He f

t, who was wonderfully like his dead mother, her heart went out to him; and from that tim

le sum to his son. This the young man decided to invest in Chicago, and chose architecture for a profession, two wise moves, as subsequent events proved. As for his

le under his aunt's protection, before some new flitting should put too great a distance between them. This devoted aunt was re

ry, for the faith that was in her; but to see her boy suffer perhaps a ruined life because of one mistake in early manhood, terrified her, and she wa

s one thing; Sara as her neph

his children,-those of waiting and trusting. So, after a half- hour's sile

Robert returned, after completing the preparations for his journey, he would never have dreamed that she had a

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