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Sara, a Princess


Word Count: 2294    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e and tranquil for March, and the fish fairly asking to be taken. In fact, it was all "too lucky," as old Captain Sennett of the

sastrous as the former had been fortunate. There was a week of the "dirtiest" kind of weather,-head-winds, fogs, and treacher

l previous performances, seemed lashing itself into a very climax of rage. Smutty rags of clouds flew across the ominous horizon, and spi

n added straw, which might prove the last in this straining wrestle with wind

Reuben anxiously, as a momentary pause in th

" was the solemn ans

, as a wave washed over the deck, smashing everything breakable into kindling-wood, and almost drowning the two, whom

s. There were hours of just such experiences; and Reuben's st

moment, especially upon these fishing smacks and schooners, which carry such sm

start. They followed the direction of his horrified gaze, and saw a danger which paralyzed the stoutest nerve. Just ahead was a "gray-back,"-sailor parlance for a wave which is

losed his eyes and clung with the gri

to imagine, and then-a broad, wreck-strewn expanse, amid which those few poor atoms of hu

ose climaxes in which nature seems to delight; and, having done its worst, the wi

when bits of wreckage, into which they sailed, soon told the pitiful story. Towards noon two bodies were found, that of the captain a

y of the remaining vessels, having been almost disabled by the fu

learn to look almost with contempt upon death and disaster. Many a poor fellow with a broken limb must go days,

dreading his task as he had never dreaded any physical danger in his life,

f suffocation and tightness about her throat an

them, and bounded on, waving his cap in welcome. But, still in dead silence

hough his would not meet their gaze; while Morton rolled great frightened orbs from one to the other,

in desperation, "why

ade a hopeless gest

huskily, "don't give wa

fted her hands as if to ward off a blow, but her

-the Nautilus went to pieces, l

Morton, putting hi

Molly, running to the


uried her face in her hands. Morton burst out crying; and Molly, with a puzzled look around, joined in

w doubly orphaned they were? This was a grief before which the loss of their. stepmother seemed as nothing. They had loved their big, kind, good-natured

kiss your old dad! Did you miss

ol, and broke into such a passion of grief, that Jasper,

woman, with a wrinkled vi

disposition o' Providence, to be sure!" by which she doubtless meant a dispensation, though

cottages; for all the drowned men had lived in Killamet, and were well known, whi

to impress that idea upon them with a decisive sniff; for, being a next-door neighbor, she na

ke some caged creature, contenting herself with telling the children "they could mourn for their poor pa jest as well with less noise,"

d in; "I don't know's I ever hearn tell of a harrowin'er! Four orphans, with no pa

child, whose laughter and dimpl

back and forth, back and forth, every groan seeming wrenched

that comes almost w

y!" and, managing at length to coax him away, she took him to more cheerful surroundings, where he was soon quite as happy

e grief, the women stood about,

won't be no funeral to make ready fur, an' the sermon won't be till a Sunday. I've gin the house a hasty tech to red it up; an' ef the Armatts an' the Simcotes (them o' his fu

than true fishwives' hospitality; and the group had gathered in a knot to discuss in low

ituality in Miss Prue's visage became a sort of shrewd good-humor in that

firm and gentle, bringing comfort to the half-crazed girl. She did not say much of anything, only kissed her and wept w

one pitying look, t

r to-day? Perhaps your own bairnies will help to comfort them! And, Betty Pulcher, their clothes will need some fixing, no doubt, for Sunday. You're just the one to manage that; and get Mandy Marsh a

d little more chance of excitement here, they soon separated, not rea

de to close the gate after the

er! m


" as her son came around one of the

y, mother," tremulous

d. She's lots better now. Graciou

er! I felt as if I'd stabbed her to the heart.

regular chill, I declare. Go home, and tell Hannah to fix you up

she's coming out

and do what I tell you this minute; now hustle!" and Jasper, k

y the sea where, with his body thrown flat on the rocks, and his face buried in his hands, he

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