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The Bungalow Boys North of Fifty-Three

The Bungalow Boys North of Fifty-Three



Word Count: 1292    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ered slopes that shot up steeply from either side of its wide, flat floor; nor had any stirred f

g Pan Range, had dashed and sometimes raged along its shoaly course, was ice-fast. Occasionally

There was no twittering of birds nor were there traces of any larger animals than field mice and small rodents. In the snow, as if it had

f blue smoke could be seen sagging and wavering almost

stern was a big cylindrical paddle-wheel to drive her over the shallows and shoals. For the rest she was homely in the extreme. In fact, she might not in

able waters of Alaska, although she was smaller than most such steamers. Red curtains hung in the windows of this queer-looking spe

cot of the White North, the famous totem pole that the Scotch youth had purchased as a good-luck bringer w

p and carried skates. However depressing the Alaskan winter might have been to many of our readers, it was plain that these healthy, happy lads were enjoying themselve

re. All were laughing and talking at a great rate, their spirits bubbling over under the stimulus of the keen air a

ch youth, as he felt his feet slide from under him

unger of the Dacre brothers, when he felt himse

acre, who was in advance. He had half turned at the

me to exclaim, when it was

by Sandy, so he in turn shot

ry gangway. They fetched up in a snow pile at the bottom, a fact

" puffed Tom, scrambling to his feet and

er on the Yukon!" chimed in Jack, half angrily. "What's th

d Sandy, feeling himself all over as if to asc

the lucky one

pursued Jack, as Sandy rubbed his nose affectionately. The organ in questio

aved my beauty?" chuckled Sandy glee

all right!" cried Jack, and h

him. He dashed off, and at a safe dis

nd then he and Tom Dacre sat down at the foot of th

sk to perceive Sandy makin

andy, hopping about nimbly and executing

Jack, and with a shout and a whoop he was off after the other lad. The s

pleasantly in the sharp air. Their

'steenth time, eluded his grasp and swung dashingly off, skimming the ice

led Sandy tauntingly

he gave a fancy exhibition of figure-making, and at its conclusion skimmed off

when I catch you! Just you see if

steam. He turned his head to show his perfect command of the fine

rst, Jack! I

out!" ro

kimming at full speed over the ice near the Yukon Rover's hull

rely a skimming over the hole chopped early that day to g

ing aside. The last they saw of Sandy MacTavish was two


be drowned," yelled Jac

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