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The Camp Fire Girls' Larks and Pranks


Word Count: 3251    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

itself was an accident and the manner of its bestowing is cherished in the chronicles of the Winnebagos as one of the group's best jokes. Just about the time Katherine

ny speeches and told such outrageous yarns about her life in the West that Nyoda said jestingly: "Your name ought to be Iagoo, the Marvellous Story Teller." And the others began calling her Iagoo in fun.

from the solemnity of the occasion, mu

ame stuck, and Katherine was known to the Winnebago Circle as Iagoonah to the end of the chapter, although they did con

ore activities and adventures than they had ever dreamed of before. It was Katherine who started the Philanthropic Id

r elbow on the shelf, "I don't believe we're doing all we ought. We're having a royal good time among ourselves

es for the Shimky's when their house burned down, and we gave a benefit performance to pay little Jane Gol

Don't you call that doing something for other people? We haven't meant to

omething. We haven't done anything. It's easy enough to pack a basket and hand it to someone, and collect a lot of old clothes from people who are anxious to get rid

hunting through the dish for a piece of fudge t

" And she launched into such an eloquent plea in behalf of the poor overburdened washerwomen who had to neglect their babies while they went to work that the girls wiped thei

e do it?" asked Hinpoha, all on f

to the Settlement and see what's to be done. We'll make a survey,

o find out for themselves what needed a helping hand. She could not go with them to the Se

in narrow quarters. The Settlement had its own churches, stores, schools, theaters, dance halls and amusement gardens, and looked more like an old world city than a section of a great American Metropolis, with its queer houses and signs in every language but English. The girls wandered up and down the narrow dirty streets, filled

were lounging on the steps, on the two benches and against the fence. "What do you

uge iron frying-pan full of pancakes. She passed it around and

osing of the dishwashing problem. I'll store up that idea for use the next time it's my turn to cook s

re foreigners. Those men are boarders. Every family has some. Let's go into that big house over th

The hall door stood open and they went in. There were more than a dozen doors leading from the hall on the

hat they were quarreling. Before long they were shaking fists in front of each other's noses and shouting at the tops of their voices. Doors everywhere flew open and the hall was soon filled with excited women who took sides with one or the other and shook fists at each other while the girls huddled under the stairway, expecting to be set upon and beaten. The quarrel was waxing more violent, when the gi

to do," suggested Katherine, when the rest inquired what they should do next. So

their errand, "come down here next Saturday morning and help take care of the childre

y we each take one home for the day?" begged Kathe

ng of their work. "I thought it best that we each take one home and take care of it by oursel

, Gladys, Hinpoha and Sahwah, presented themselves at the Neighborhood Mission an

f the Open Door. "Oh, girls, you never saw such a dirty baby as the one

any worse than the one

isfied air, "and put all new clothes on him, and

ise. "He had a little fur tail of some kind tied around his neck on a string.

ne of those on,

ine," sai

erms on it," continued Katherine.

I," said

," echoed

ey had done pretty good work that day in cleaning up the dirty b

t on the walk by half a dozen excited women with handkerchiefs on their heads, who f

Hinpoha in terror to Katherine, struggling to pull

inly trying to understand the gibberish that was being utter

m the group of women outside there arose a voice in broken English, demanding angrily: "Where is the charm that hung on the neck of my Stefan? The charm to keep away the fever and the sore

ean?" asked Hinp

take a thing off the babies except some dirty old rabbits' tails that

necks on Easter Sunday! Now Stefan will get the fever and the sore eyes and the teeth will not come through!" And she beat her breast in despair. Then her anger blazed forth again and she fell to berating the girls in her own langu

tearfully, as the shaken Winnebagos hastened homeward. "I hate fo

herine optimistically; "we'll le

here," said Sahwah. "Doesn'

hat became of him? We certainly had fun with him,

ine. "That one over there is balking, too. Doesn't the fellow that's trying to driv

h in amazement, and t

ey heard it he wheeled around, facing the music, pricked up his ears, uttered a squeal of raptur

Sandhelo," cried Sahwah, exci

s head off, shouting abuse at him in a foreign tongue. The little boy, frightened at the uproar, ran away, taking his music with

g to stop him!" cried Hinpoha,

either did not understand, or did not care, for he paid not the slightest heed to her words. "Stop it, stop it, I say!" she commanded,

d grinned derisively. "W

ered a long shrill whistle which the girls recognized as the call of the Sandwiches, and the next minute the other boys came running up the side street, Bottomless Pitt, Monkey, Dan, Peter and

the little animal's head and t

re's part of his red, white and blue

he girls and boys, pressing clos

man angrily. "I raise him

m very long you would know how to make him go. It seems to m

red the man. "I know how to mak

m go," said S

rge the donkey for

d on a doorstep and bribed him with a few pennies to let her take the horn. Then, walking along ahead of Sandhelo she played a half dozen lively

ast doubt vanished when he came up alongside of Sahwah and

ain, looking the man in the eye,

him to you for five dollar," he

ly, but he was evidently thinking all the while that a donkey that only went when he heard music was not such a good bargain after all, even if he did get it by the simple and inexpensive method of f

of the Open Door. "If it hadn't been for that fuss about the babies we wouldn't have been on the street in time to see Sandhelo. And if we hadn't wanted to he

the others ag

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