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The Camp Fire Girls' Larks and Pranks


Word Count: 3159    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

would make such a beautiful clown, besides being fine for a sideshow-but before they knew it the Winnebagos and the Sandwich Club were hard

course of exercises strenuous enough to reduce a hippopotamus to an antelope in three weeks, but at the end of that time

n the cart. And then, if he happened to pass anything unusual in the street he had a way of sitting back on his haunches and holding up his front feet and looking at them. As he invariably sat down unexpectedly, the cart would go on and bump into him and the shock would throw the driver from her seat, besides making a great mess of the harness. Several times he had done this in the middle of a busy crossing and held up traffic in both directions, while motormen fumed and policemen threatened, and Sahwah (it usually was Sahwah,

hat such an ability to draw a crowd was worth money, and

an ideal place for the ring. Seating arrangement

tand," said the Captain, wh

t. "The audience will have to stand through the pe

nd the circus sit down. Like the picture of the bride standing w

nts them out," said the Captain. "He lets people hav

s a charitable enter

make money so we can buy the new apparatus for the gym, whi

' attic, they had found six horsehair covered chairs furnished with excellent china castors, which caused the chairs to roll with enchanting speed. Sahwah now thought of the chairs and conceived the brilliant idea of harnessing a Sandwich to each one, seat a Winnebago in the chair, and r

r and can't take part in the show," sighed Hi

d she lost no time getting the girls to ask the boys whose names they had drawn in that secret ballot upstairs to be their steeds in the race. Slim's face lighted up with such a delighted smile when Hinpoha apparently chose him for her own that her heart smote her when she thought how this choice had been thrust upon her. Slim was already beginning to learn the bitter truth that no

n the program w

the King of Spain. Was banished to Siberia; escaped and swam to

n a special song feature

, the bare

mule. As intelligent as t

fattest man on earth.

tic, Inja

imples the

at never attemped

ymnast, in the sensa

her Great




erful tickets to be sold at five cents apiece, which Gladys declare

ropping into the Lodge, where Nyoda sat stitching tog

Slim," laughed Nyoda. "Grac

lo. You know the boys built him a tiny red cart with two big wheels, and when he sat down in it, it tilted way over backward and the shafts stuck up in the air and pulled poor little Sandhelo right up of

the hind leg of the Kangarooster, you know. By th

are on the 'Cam' part of the Camelk. That remind

ladys. "Dear me, who's scre

's leisure to climb up to the top of the window with a spray of bittersweet to see how it would look, and in descending had caught her skirt on the hook and lost her fo

first words she gasped as they restored her to

ou ever would get an

ith spirit "Who thought up the C

nd tell us your i

ws in it after the show. Everybody'll be cold sitting around.

re a genius. I yield the palm to you without a struggle. You have a 'head in your mind,' as absent-minded old Fuzzytop used to say. There's

u, Sahwah dear? I have so many details to look after now that I simply cannot be responsible for another thing, or

id he won't do for a Better Baby. He's smashed three perambulators and a high chair and we can't ge

e best features. We'll drape cheesecloth around him for a dress and he can play on a quilt on

s are going to be wished on him? I'm afraid his

al, but it wasn't. They spring that over at our school, too. Slim isn't doing any more than the rest of

ickets going?"

nounced the Captain with pride.

andhelo. I rode him through the streets and sold nearly fifty tickets to the children

e'll never get to that jubilation spread we're going to have

nce and we'll get done

her arms above her head. "I never knew circ

o means


ed Sa

ies' tonight and see 'If I We

for the Salmonkey and a frontispiece for the Camelk, make four banners, rehearse the living statuary, make a bonnet f

to have a test in Latin tomorrow and I have to cram t

" murmured Hinpoha. "What a

indow. "Captain is hanging by his eyebrow to the top of a pole and B

eye, as she leaned ov



o mix some p

h cheerily. "You'll soon

school was out. The wood in the fireplace had burned down to lovely glowing embers, and she laid the toaster on top of them to act as a rest for the frying-pan. The Captain, tying ropes into the branches of the big tree just outside of the window, looked in and admired the scene. Hinpoha, with her marvellous red curls

fell into a pile of cheesecloth lying on the floor at the far side of the room, and it blazed up instantly, the flames enveloping the sleeping Hinpoha. It took less than a moment for the Captain to spring down from the tree, run into the barn and up the ladder. But it was too late for him to do anything. In the twinkling of an eye

e I, though

for love

eside her with face pale as ashes. The dreadful sight he had seen from

o cool and do everything so q

e have an open fire, to prevent serious accidents. Having the cheesecloth go up at the same time rather complicated matters, but I got it into the fireplace withou

faint by that time, and have had to be doused with smelling salts," he told the Sandwiches

n, as he saw Sahwah looking ruefully at her bla

, turning them down so he coul

isted the Captain. "H

aid Sahwah. "It's in that bottle lab

the oil and proceeded to bandage the scorched

worked so hard on all burned up?" she said, as he wound the bandages unde

if you hadn't snatched that burning rag off her and covered her with a rug I'd hate to think what would have happened. I tell you it's great to

a critical eye, "there is an emergency before us right now. Suppose you stop talking a

o see if she were making fun of him, and then fell to w

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