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The Camp Fire Girls' Larks and Pranks


Word Count: 2540    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

de the "lofty loft" of the Winnebagos the fire shone brightly on the hearth and the rafters rang with merriment. Sahwah had a new hobby,

in its last agony

isturbed, drawing a long shivering wail from th

ished Hinpoha. "Who's getting supper

Nyoda. "The combination of blonde and brun

pattern and moved toward the "kitchen end" of the Lodge. "Come on, Veron

s an expression of surprise; almost amazement. "What, I

and thought how this new problem must be met. "It's the fault of her training," she told herself, "and she really isn't a snob at heart. She'll be all right when she has been with the girls awhile and watched them. It won't do to insist on her doing the things she considers beneath her. She must be made to want to do them

nes had been reduced to crumbs. "I have been doing some important researc

ing about?" asked

ng title of 'The Sandwich Club,' who implored us to let them come and play with us in our Lodge and be lodgers-kind

ich 'Slim' would be found

in spite of the informality of the request, I humbly recommend that the aforesaid braves be allowed to lodge in the bottom half of our Lodge at any and all times they

hout of "Ayes," follo

to take possession?"

lied Nyoda. "It being Saturday, I suppose they will be

f a Sandwich Club look li

irls listened intently. From the lower floor of the barn

rn," said Hinpoha in

ng shoved aside. "It's a burglar!" said Sahwah, and Nakwisi gav

the opening, Nyoda went to the top of the ladder and called down, "Who's there?" There was no answer but another thump. "We have a gun,"

stigate," said Nyoda. "

rls, clinging to her, "somethi

e the curtain and flashed her bug light on the floor below. Nothing was visible within the radius of the light, but over in the

hastening down the ladder. "Bri

of the stall. He was kicking out with his hind feet against the partition wall and it was this sound that had frightened the girls above. At Sahwah's shout the others came hu

fastened together in some manner. Nyoda turned the lantern around so the light fell directly on him and then they saw what the matter was. A length of barbed wire had become tangled around his front

t to get that wire off the poor animal's leg. Medman

h other and all drew back. All but Veronica. She came forward quietly and took the rope which the others were

he neat performance. The girls' liking for her, which had suffered a sudden chill at the cooking episode, warmed agai

she washed the wounds with an antiseptic solution from the First Aid Cabinet upstairs and bound them up with clean bandages. Then Veronica took the rope from the donkey's hind legs and he struggled to his feet, plainly delighted to find his front legs

use is bare and dark and cold, whose house is cold, this is his own,'" she quoted dramatically. "We certainly have succeeded

dly belongs to somebody-very likely some children's pet-and I think we had better keep him right here in the barn until we find the owner. The boys will have to postpone their taking possession in favor of the other donkey if his presence interferes wi

but there is a box of excelsior and we can spread that out and cover it with a blanke

him," said Nyoda, "so if they are comin

that moment a number of dark figures appeared in th

ally, advancing with extended hand. "We were just tal

the rain!) "and saw your light now you've left the windows uncovered, and thought we'd just step in and inquire our f

re wasn't a dissenting vote in the jury box. We--" but the remainder of her sentence was drowned in an

ory, and all that?"

yourselves. So," she added demurely, "if you're still minded to 'know us better,' as you flatte

orarily to another don-another fellow," she said mischievously, turning the light of th

swered politely, "th

lance at the girls behind her, who were stuffing their h

d the boys wit

aptain politely, trying to make con

ered Nyoda. "He's here tonigh

is high thin voice. In the dim light of the lantern the bandages on the donkey's front legs looked like a pair of trousers. Then the girls, after their laugh was out, explained about the visitor who had come to them from

f him, but the weeks slipped by and no amount of ad

ds thrilling to me," said Sahwah. "Think of all the fun we'll have with him

e name him?"

was the spirit of Wohelo that led him to u

inquired the Captain. "We take care

he chapter. His sore legs became very stiff until they were healed and he hobbled painfully when he walked at all, which was very seldom.

dozen notes when Sandhelo jerked up his head, pulling the bridle out of Medmangi's hands, and rose up on his hind legs. Then he walked on his hind legs over to a box, climbed up on it

he came from. He was with that dog and pony show that was in town a few weeks ago. He must have strayed from the show and got left behind

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