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The Camp Fire Girls' Larks and Pranks


Word Count: 2031    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

have been the state of the weather outside when the new month arrived, the Winnebago barometer registered a tempest in a teapot. It was Katherine who was res

although she was still very conservative in her friendships. She was most friendly toward Gladys and Hinpoha, the two girls who came from the best family. She was not particularly drawn to merry, tomboyish Sahwah, because she was not musical, although they got along. Thus also it was with Medmangi and Nakwisi. But from the first Katherin

failing good nature which made her a boon companion any hour out of the twenty-four whatever the weather might be. Not bei

re. She even asked, actually asked, to be shown how to make "slumgullion"-she who a few months before had scornfully maintained that cooking was for servants and no

ver here," said Sahwah. "Then some of the re

esh from a bath and rivalling in purity a field of virgin snow. This was Fifi, Veronica's French poodle, who had come to her as a Christmas gift, and whose pedigree was considerably longer than he was. Fifi did not share his young mistress's ideas as to the unfitness of the peasantry for association with the

re lonesome with all your folks gone and want some improvin' company, like us. A g

Katherine did not mind mud in the least and stepped cheerfully into the puddles. Fifi did likewise. By the time they arriv

to go to the Dog Show tonight. Katie spent all morning washing and combing him. How did he ever get out? She must have left the door ope

ust give him a nice bath and carry him home and everything will be all right. Go on da

was the same as camel's hair; camel's hair was wool; and therefore, according to the most familiar problem in the whole geometry, Fifi was all wool and needed Wool Soap. Now the mud through which Fifi and Katherine had come was the yellow clayey kind that sticketh closer

s always come out yellow if you wash them in just soap," she said triumpha

so she calmly set about making it. Katherine took chemistry and knew that iodine, applied to starch, will turn it blue. There was iodine in the house and there was starch. The pucker vanished from her brow. A far-sighted person would have foreseen other results from the mixture beside the chemical action of the iodine on the starch. But Katherine was not a far-sighted person. She was a genius. It is said that geniuses, entirely absorbed in one idea, often forget the most commonplace fact altogether. Thus it was that Katherine, filled with the idea that starch turns blue when mixed with iodine, forgot the origin

the head of the famous Salmonkey. His hair was pasted flat to his sides in long, stringy waves, giving him a queer, corrugated effect. His head was a dirty, yellowish white, for, in keeping his eyes out of the blue bath, Katherine had held his whole head out; and

ica, when informed that this was actually

efully, "and there wasn't any bluing, so I made some with iodine and starch. I th

e. They were simply helpless, and laughed until they sank limply on each other's

ightning, in such a passion as they had never seen any girl display. Holding her translated pet in her arms, she stamped he

. I wish I had never met you, and from this day I am no more a Camp Fire Girl! I am through with you!

ture of penance. She and Nyoda talked it over a long time, and Nyoda made her see how a habit of doing things without thinking of the consequen

hat Fifi is not hurt, I think you may go over and present your sincere apologies and m

er come back into the ranks of the Winnebagos. Then did Katherine go to Nyoda and offer to resign from the group

e whole thing isn't worth such heroic measures,

from his bluing. Veronica declared that Katherine was low class, and not fit for her to associate with. And she wouldn't forgive the others for laughing. S

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