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The Koran

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 14425    |    Released on: 06/12/2017



not their substance, by adding it to your own substance; for this is a great sin. And if ye fear that ye shall not act with equity towards orphans of the female sex, take in marriage of such other women as please you, two, or three, or four, and not more.u But if ye fear that ye cannot act equitably towards so many, marry one only, or the slaves which ye shall have acquired.x Th

hey should wrong the female orphans under their care, either by marrying them against their inclinations, ought, by reason of their having already several wives, they should rather choose to marry other women, to avoid all occasion of sin.2 Others say that when this passage was revealed, many of the Arabians, fearing trouble and temptation, refused to take upon them the charge of orphans, and yet multiplied wives to a great excess, and used them ill; or, as others write, gave themselves up to fornication; which occasioned this passage. And according to the

Idem 3 Idem,

be little, or whether it be much; a determinate part is due to them. And when they who are of kin are present at the dividing of what is left, and also the orphans, and the poor; distribute unto them some part thereof; and if the estate be too small, at least speak comfortably unto them. 10 And let those fear to abuse orphans, who if they leave behind them a weak offspring, are solicitous for them; let them therefore fear GOD, and speak that which is convenient.d Surely they who devour the possessions of orphans unjustly shall swallow down nothing but fire into their bellies, and shall broil in raging flames. GOD hath thus commanded you concerning your children. A male shall have

suffered not women or children to have any part of their husband's or father's inheritance, on pretence that they only should inherit who were able to go to war.2 d viz., Either to comfort the children, or to assure the dying father they shall be justly dealt by.3 e This is the general rule to be followed in the distribution of the estate of the deceased, as may be observed in the following cases.4 f Or if there be two and no more, they will have the same share. g And the remaining third part, or the remaining moiety of the estate, which is not here expressly disposed of, if the deceased leaves behind him no son, nor a father, goes to the public trea

elim. Disc. Sect. VI. 5 Selden, de Success

equal sharers in a third part, after payment of the legacies which shall be bequeathed, and the debts, without prejudice to the heirs. This is an ordinance from GOD: and GOD is knowing and gracious. These are the statutes of GOD. And whoso obeyeth GOD and his apostle, God shall lead him into gardens wherein rivers flow, they shall continue therein forever; and this shall be great happiness. But whoso disobeyeth GOD, and his apostle, and transgresseth his statutes, God shall cast him into hell fire; he shall remain therein forever, and he shall suffer a shameful punishment. If any of your women be guilty of whoredom,m produce four witnesses from among you against them, and if they bear w

ng the punishment ordained in its stead by the Sonna, according to which the maidens are to be scourged with a hundred stripes, and to be banished for a full year; and the married women to be stoned.2 o The commentators are not agreed whether the text speaks of fornication or sodomy. Al Zamakhshari, and from him, al Beidawi, supposes the former is here meant: but Jallalo'ddin is of opinion that the crime intended in this passage must be committed between two men, and not between a man and a woman; not only because the pronouns are in the masculine gender, but because both are ordered to suffer the same slight punishment, and are both allowed t

. 3 Jallalo'ddin, Yahya, Abul Kasem Habatallah, a

covenant? Marry not women whom your fathers have had to wife; (except what is already past:) for this is uncleanness, and an abomination, and an evil way. Ye are forbidden to marry your mothers, and your daughters, and your sisters, and your aunts both on the father's and on the mother's side, and your brothers' daughters, and your sisters' daughters, and your mothers who have given you suck, and your foster-sisters, and your wives' mothers, and your daughters-in-law which are under your tuition, born of your wives unto whom ye have gone in, (but if ye have not gone in unto them, it shall be no sin in you to marry them, ) and the wives of your sons who proceed out of your loins; an

e say these words are directed to husbands who used to imprison their wives without any just cause, and out of covetousness, merely to make them relinquish their dower or their inheritance.2 s Such as disobedience, ill behaviour, immodesty, and the like.3 t That is, by divorcing one, and marrying another. u i.e., Ever so large a dower. x See chapter 2, p. 25. y The same was also prohibited by the Levitical law.4 z According to this passage it is not lawful to marry a free woman that is already married,

. 3 Idem. 4 Levit. x

but if ye abstain from marrying slaves, it will be better for you; GOD is gracious and merciful. GOD is willing to declare these things unto you, and to direct you according to the ordinances of those who have gone before you,e and to be merciful unto you. GOD is knowing and wise. GOD desireth to be gracious unto you; but they who follow their lusts,f desire that ye should turn aside from the truth with great deviation. GOD is minded to make his religion light unto you: for man was created weak.g O true believers, consume not your wealth among yourselves in vanity;h unless there be merchandising among you by mutual consent: neither slay

appetites.6 h That is, employ it not in things prohibited by GOD; such as usury, extortion, rapine, gaming, and the like.7 i Literally, slay not your souls; i.e., says Jallalo'ddin, by committing mortal sins, or such crimes as will destroy them. Others, however, are of opinion that self-murder, which the gentile Indians did, and still do, often practise in honour of their idols, or else the taking away the life of any true believer, is hereby forbidden.8 k See Wisdom xvi. 14, in the Vulgate. l These sins al Beidawi, from a tradition of Mohammed, reckons to be seven (equaling in number the sins called deadly by Christians), that is to say, idolatry, murder, falsely accusing modest women of adultery, wasting the substance of orphans, taking of usury, desertion in a religious expedition, and disobedience

. 4 Jallalo'dd

6 Idem, Jallalo

See before, c.


m into separate apartments,r and chastise them.s But if they shall be obedient unto you, seek not an occasion of quarrel against them: for GOD is high and great. And if ye fear a breach between the husband and wife, send a judget out of his family, and a judge out of her family: if they shall desire a reconciliation, GOD will cause them to agree; for GOD is knowing and wise. 40 Serve GOD, and associate no creature with him; and show kindness unto parents, and relations, and orphans, and the poor, and your neighbor who is of kin to you,u and also your neighbor who is a stranger, and to your familiar companion, and the traveller, and the captives whom your right hands shall possess; for GOD loveth not the

oys the dignities in church and state, goes to war in defence of GOD'S true religion, and claims a double share of their deceased ancestors' estates.4 q Both to preserve their husband's substance from loss or waste, and themselves from all degrees of immodesty.5 r That is, banish them from your bed. s By this passage the Mohammedans are in plain terms allowed to beat their wives, in case of stubborn disobedience; but not in a violent or dangerous manner.6 t i.e., Let the magistrate first send two arbitrators or mediators, one on each side, to compose the

4 Idem. 5 Idem, Ja

take fine clean sand and rub your faces and your hands therewith;c for GOD is merciful and inclined to forgive. Hast thou not observed those unto whom part of the scriptured was delivered? they sell error, and desire that ye may wander from the right way; but GOD well knoweth your enemies. GOD is a sufficient patron; and GOD is a sufficient helper. Of the Jews there are some who pervert words from their places;e and say, We have heard, and have disobeyed; and do thou hear without understanding our meaning,f and look upon us:g perplexing with their tongues, and reviling the true religion. But if they had said, We have heard, and do obey; and do thou hear, and reg

in reciting a passage of the Koran; whereupon to prevent the danger of any such indecency for the future, this passage was revealed.2 c See the Prelim. Disc. Sect. IV. d Meaning the Jews, and particularly their Rabbins. e That is (according to the commentators), who change the true sense of the Pentateuch by dislocating passages, or by wresting the words according to their own fancies and lusts.3 But Mohammed seems chiefly to intend here the Jews bantering of him in their addresses, by making use of equivocal words, seeming to bear a good sense in Arabic, but spoken by them in derision according to their acceptation

3 Idem, Jallalo'ddin. 4 See before, c. 2, p

they have a part of the kingdom,q since even then they would not bestow the smallest matterr on men? Do they envy other men that which GOD of his bounty hath given them?s We formerly gave unto the family of Abraham a book of revelations and wisdom; and we gave them a great kingdom.t There is of them who believeth on him;u and there is of them who turneth aside from him: but the raging fire of hell is a sufficient punishment. Verily those who disbelieve our signs, we will surely cast to be broiled in hell fire; so often as their skins shall be well burned, we will give t

n from heaven, as well as Mohammed, and their doctrines and worship approached much nearer to what he taught, than the religion of their tribe; wherefore, said they, if you would satisfy us that you are sincere in the matter, do as we do, and worship our gods. Which proposal, if the story be true, these Jews complied with, out of their inveterate hatred to Mohammed.1 q For the Jews gave out that they should be restored to their ancient power and grandeur;2 depending, it is to be presumed, on the victorious Messiah whom they expected. r The original word properly signifies a small dent on the back of a date-stone, and is commonly used to express a thing of little or no value. s viz., The spiritual gifts of prophecy, and divine revelations; and the temporal blessings of victory and success, bestowed on Mohammed and his fol

t. 9 See before, p. 40, note m. 1 Al Beidawi. 2 Idem. 3 Idem. 4 See Pridea

shall befall them, for that which their hands have sent before them? Then will they come unto thee, and swear by GOD, saying, If we intended any other than to do good, and to reconcile the parties.a GOD knoweth what is in the hearts of these men; therefore let them alone, and admonish them, and speak unto them a word which may affect their souls. We have not sent any apostle, but that he might be obeyed by the permission of GOD: but if they, after they have injured their own souls,b come unto thee, and ask pardon of GOD, and the apostle ask pardon for them, they shall surely find GOD easy to be reconciled and merciful. And by thy LORD they will not perfectly believe, until they make thee judge of their controversies; and shall not afte

came to him, the Jew told him that Mohammed had already decided the affair in his favour, but that the other would not submit to his determination; and the Mohammedan confessing this to be true, Omar bid them stay a little, and fetching his sword, struck off the obstinate Moslem's head, saying aloud, This is the reward of him who refuseth to submit to the judgment of God and his apostle. And from this action Omar had the surname of al Far?k, which alludes both to his separating that knave's head from his body, and to his distinguishing

p. 688, and Ockley's Hist. of the Sarac. v. I, p. 365. 2

of GOD, whether he be slain, or be victorious,h we will surely give him a great reward. And what ails you, that ye fight not for GOD'S true religion, and in defence of the weak among men, women, and children,i who say, O LORD, bring us forth from this city, whose inhabitants are wicked; grant us from before thee a protector, and grant us from before thee a defender.k They who believe fight for the religion of GOD; but they who believe not fight for the religion of Tagh?t.l Fight therefore against the friends of Satan, for the stratagem of Satan is weak. Hast thou not observed those unto whom it was said, Withhold your hands from war, and be constant at prayers, and pay the legal alms?m But when w

heir lives and fortunes in defence of the faith. h For no man ought to quit the field till he either fall a martyr or gain some advantage for the cause.2 i viz., Those believers who stayed behind at Mecca, being detained there either forcibly by the idolaters, or for want of means to fly for refuge to Medina. Al Beidawi observes that children are mentioned here to show the inhumanity of the Koreish, who persecuted even that tender age. k This petition, the commentators say, was heard. For GOD afforded several of them an opportunity and means of escaping, and deli

dawi. 2 Id

ions. When any news cometh unto them, either of security or fear, they immediately divulge it; but if they told it to the apostle and to those who are in authority among them, such of them would understand the truth of the matter, as inform themselves thereof from the apostle and his chiefs. And if the favor of GOD and his mercy had not been upon you, ye had followed the devil, except a few of you.r Fight therefore for the religion of GOD, and oblige not any to what is difficult,s except thyself; however excite the faithful to war, perhaps GOD will restrain the courage of the unbelievers; for GOD is stronger than they, and more able to punish. He who intercedeth between men with a good intercess

dols, and acknowledged but one GOD, before the mission of Mohammed.3 s It is said this passage was revealed when the Mohammedans refused to follow their prophet to the lesser expedition of Bedr, so that he was obliged to set out with no more than seventy.4 Some copies vary in this place, and instead of la tokallafo, in the second person singular, read la nokallafo, in the first person plural, We do not oblige, &c. The meaning being, that the prophet only was under an indispensable necessity of obeying GOD'S commands, however difficult, but others might choose, though at their peril. t i.e., To maintain the right of a beli

p. 311. 2 See the Prelim. Disc. Sect. II

enter into confidence with you, and at the same time to preserve a confidence with their own people:a so often as they return to sedition, they shall be subverted therein; and if they depart not from you, and offer you peace, and restrain their hands from warring against you, take them and kill them wheresoever ye find them; over these have we granted you a manifest power. It is not lawful for a believer to kill a believer, unless it happen by mistake;b and whoso killeth a believer by mistake, the penalty shall be the freeing of a believer from slavery, and a fine to be paid to the family of the deceased,c unless they remit it as alms: and if the slain person be of a people at enmity with you, and be a true believer, the penalty shall be the freeing of a believer;d but if he be of a people in confederacy with you,

design. This passage was revealed to decide the case of Ayash Ebn Abi Rab?a, the brother, by the mother's side, of Abu Jahl, who meeting Hareth Ebn Zeid on the road, and not knowing that he had embraced Mohammedism, slew him.4 c Which fine is to be distributed according to the laws of inheritances given in the beginning of this chapter.5 d And no fine shall be paid, because in such case his relations, being infidels and at open war with the Moslems, have no right to inherit what he leaves. e That is, unless he repent. Others, however, understand not here an eternity of damnation (for it is the general doctrine of the Mohammedans that none who profess that faith

lalo'ddin. 2 Al

m. 5


ercy; for GOD is indulgent and merciful. Moreover unto those whom the angels put to death, having injured their own souls,k the angels said, Of what religion were ye? they answered, We were weak in the earth.l The angels replied, Was not GOD'S earth wide enough, that ye might fly therein to a place of refuge?m Therefore their habitation shall be hell; and an evil journey shall it be thither: 100 except the weak among men, and women, and children, who were not able to find means, and were not directed in the way; these peradventure GOD will pa

e words to the text.2 k These were certain inhabitants of Mecca, who held with the hare and ran with the hounds, for though they embraced Mohammedism, yet they would not leave that city to join the prophet, as the rest of the Moslems did, but on the contrary went out with the idolaters, and were therefore slain with them at the battle of Bedr.3 l Being unable to fly, and compelled to follow the infidels to war. m As th

awi. 3 Idem

unbelieving people, though ye suffer some inconvenience; for they also shall suffer as ye suffer, and ye hope for a reward from GOD which they cannot hope for; and GOD is knowing and wise.r We have sent down unto thee the book of the Koran with truth, that thou mayest judge between men through that wisdom which GOD showeth thee therein; and be not an advocate for the fraudulent;s but ask pardon of GOD for thy wrong intention, since GOD is indulgent and merciful. Dispute not for those who deceive one another, for GOD loveth not him who is a deceiver or unjust.t Such conceal themselves from men, but they conceal not themselves from GOD; for he is with them when they imagine by night a saying which pleaseth him not,u and GOD comprehendeth what they do. Behold, ye are they who have disputed for them in this present life; but who shall dispute with GOD for them on the day of resurrection, or who will become their patron? 110 yet he who do

the track of the meal, which had run out through a hole in the bag, to the Jew's house, and there seized it, accusing him of the theft; but he producing witnesses of his own religion that he had it of Tima, the sons of Dhafar came to Mohammed and desired him to defend his companion's reputation, and condemn the Jew; which he having some thoughts of doing, this passage was revealed, reprehending him for his rash intention, and commanding him to judge not according to his own prejudice and opinion, but according to the

52. 2 Al Beidawi. 3 Id

will seduce them, and will insinuate vain desires into them, and I will command them and they shall cut off the ears of cattle;c and I will command them and they shall change GOD'S creature.d But whoever taketh Satan for his patron, besides GOD,e shall surely perish with a manifest destruction. He maketh them promises, and insinuateth into them vain desires; yet Satan maketh them only deceitful promises. 120 The receptacle of these shall be hell, they shall find no refuge from it. But they who believe, and do good works, we will surely lead them into gardens, through which rivers flow, they shall continue therein forever, according to the true promise of GOD; and who is more true t

he like. e i.e., By leaving the service of GOD, and doing the works of the devil. f That is, the promises of GOD are not to be gained by acting after your own fancies, nor yet after the fancies of the Jews or Christians, but by obeying the commands of GOD. This passage, they say, was revealed on a dispute which arose between those of the three religions, each preferring his own, and condemning the others. Some, however, suppose the persons here spoken to in the second person were not the Mohammedans, but the idolaters.1 g Therefore the Mohammedans usually call that patriarch, as the scripture also does, Khal?l Allah, the Friend of God, and simply al Khal?l; and they tell the following story: That Abraham in a time of dearth sent to a friend of his in Egypt for a supply of corn; but the friend denied him, saying in his excuse, that though there was a famine in their country also, yet had

urse, Sect. I. 1 Al Bei

lined to covetousness:n but if ye be kind towards women, and fear to wrong them, GOD is well acquainted with what ye do. Ye can by no means carry yourselves equally between women in all respects, although ye study to do it; therefore turn not from a wife with all manner of aversion,o nor leave her like one in suspense:p if ye agree, and fear to abuse your wives, GOD is gracious and merciful; but if they separate, GOD will satisfy them both of his abundance;q for GOD is extensive and wise, 130 and unto GOD belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth. We have already command

ey were beautiful or rich; or else not suffering them to marry at all, that they might keep what belonged to them.3 l That is, male children of tender years, to whom the Arabs, in the time of paganism, used to allow no share in the distribution of their parents' estate.4 m By the wife's remitting part of her dower or other dues. n So that the woman, on the one side, is unwilling to part with any of her right; and the husband, on the other, cares not to retain one he has no affection for; or, if he should retain her, she can scarce expect he will use her in all res

Herbel. Bibl. Orient

ned, vol. i. p. 1

54, note c. 1 Al


that disbelieved, and increased in infidelity,u GOD will by no means forgive them, nor direct them into the right way. Declare unto the ungodlyx that they shall suffer a painful punishment. They who take the unbelievers for their protectors, besides the faithful, do they seek for power with them? since all power belongeth unto GOD. And he hath already revealed unto you, in the book of the Koran,y the following passage-When ye shall hear the signs of GOD, they shall not be believed, but they shall be laughed to scorn. Therefore sit not with them who believe not, until they engage in different discourse; for if ye do ye will certainly become like unto them. GOD will surely gather the ungodly and the unbelievers together in hell. 140 They who wait to observe what befalleth you, if victory be granted you fr

eved in Moses, and afterwards fell into idolatry by worshiping the golden calf; and though they repented of that, yet in after ages rejected the prophets who were sent to them, and particularly Jesus, the son of Mary, and now filled up the measure of their unbelief by rejecting of Mohammed.5 x Mohammed here means those who hypocritically pretended to believe in him but really did not, and by their treachery di

Idem. 1 Idem.

nd say, We believe in some of the prophets and reject others of them, and seek to take a middle way in this matter; 150 these are really unbelievers: and we have prepared for the unbelievers an ignominious punishment. But they who believe in GOD and his apostles, and make no distinction between any of them, unto those will we surely give their reward; and GOD is gracious and merciful. They who have received the scripturesf will demand of thee, that thou cause a book to descend unto them from heaven: they formerly asked of Moses a greater thing than this: for they said, Show us GOD visibly.g Wherefore a storm of fire from heaven destroyed them, because of their iniquity. Then they took the calf for their God,h after that evident proofs of the divine unity had

iminary Discou

2, p. 3

who demanded of Moham

ee a book of revelations d

one written in a celestia

s of


an addition to what M

he mountain with him, an

saw the GOD


id. p. 6



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or that, Jallalo'ddin

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ng her of f

e the Kor. c. 19, and that viru

out many from the way of GOD, and have taken usury, which was forbidden them by the law, and devoured men's substance vainly: we have prepared for such of them as are unbelievers a painful punishment. 160 But those among them who are well grounded in knowledge,t and the faithful, who believe in that which hath been sent down unto thee, and that which hath been sent down unto the prophets before thee, and who observe the stated times of prayer, and give alms, and believe in GOD and the last day unto these will we give a great reward. Verily we have revealed our will unto thee, as we have revealed it unto Noah and the prophets who succeeded him; and as we revealed it unto Abraham, and Ismael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and unto Jesus, and

f those religions is ready to breathe his last, and sees the angel of death before him, he shall then believe in that prophet as he ought, though his faith will not then be of any avail. According to a tradition of Hejaj, when a Jew is expiring, the angels will strike him on the back and face, and say to him, O thou enemy of GOD, Jesus was sent as a prophet unto thee, and thou didst not believe on him; to which he will answer, I now believe him to be the servant of GOD; and to a dying Christian they will say, Jesus was sent as a prophet unto thee, and thou hast imagined him to be GOD, or the son of GOD; whereupon he will believe him to be the s

Zamakhshari, and al Beidawi. See the Preli

ar this; it will be better for you. GOD is but one GOD. Far be it from him that he should have a son! unto him belongeth whatever is in heaven and on earth; and GOD is a sufficient protector. 170 Christ doth not proudly disdain to be a servant unto GOD; neither the angels who approach near to his presence: and whoso disdaineth his service, and is puffed up with pride, God will gather them all to himself, on the last day. Unto those who believe, and do that which is right, he shall give their rewards, and shall superabundantly add unto them of his liberality: but those who are disdainful and proud, he will punish with a grievous punishment; and they shall not find any to protect or to help them, besides GOD. O men, now is an evident proof come unto you from your LORD, and we have

nce extinct.3 The passage, however, is equally levelled against the Holy Trinity, according to the doctrine of the orthodox Christians, who, as al Beidawi acknowledges, believe the divine nature to consist of three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; by the Father understanding GOD'S essence; by the Son

acin. p. 227. Eutych. p. 120. See the Prelim. Disc.

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1 Chapter 1 No.12 Chapter 2 No.23 Chapter 3 No.34 Chapter 4 No.45 Chapter 5 No.56 Chapter 6 No.67 Chapter 7 No.78 Chapter 8 No.89 Chapter 9 No.910 Chapter 10 No.1011 Chapter 11 No.1112 Chapter 12 No.1213 Chapter 13 No.1314 Chapter 14 No.1415 Chapter 15 No.1516 Chapter 16 No.1617 Chapter 17 No.1718 Chapter 18 No.1819 Chapter 19 No.1920 Chapter 20 No.2021 Chapter 21 No.2122 Chapter 22 No.2223 Chapter 23 de Peregr. Meccana, p. 15, &c.24 Chapter 24 ENTITLED, THE TRUE BELIEVERS; REVEALED AT MECCA.25 Chapter 25 No.2526 Chapter 26 No.2627 Chapter 27 ENTITLED, AL FORKAN; REVEALED AT MECCA.28 Chapter 28 No.2829 Chapter 29 No.2930 Chapter 30 No.3031 Chapter 31 No.3132 Chapter 32 No.3233 Chapter 33 No.3334 Chapter 34 No.3435 Chapter 35 No.3536 Chapter 36 No.3637 Chapter 37 No.3738 Chapter 38 No.3839 Chapter 39 ENTITLED, Y. S.; REVEALED AT MECCA.40 Chapter 40 ENTITLED, THOSE WHO RANK THEMSELVES IN ORDER; REVEALED AT MECCA.41 Chapter 41 ENTITLED, S.; REVEALED AT MECCA.42 Chapter 42 No.4243 Chapter 43 No.4344 Chapter 44 No.4445 Chapter 45 No.4546 Chapter 46 No.4647 Chapter 47 No.4748 Chapter 48 No.4849 Chapter 49 No.4950 Chapter 50 No.5051 Chapter 51 ENTITLED, THE VICTORY; REVEALED AT MEDINA.52 Chapter 52 ENTITLED, THE INNER APARTMENTS; REVEALED AT MEDINA.53 Chapter 53 ENTITLED, K; REVEALED AT MECCA.54 Chapter 54 ENTITLED, THE DISPERSING; REVEALED AT MECCA.55 Chapter 55 ENTITLED, THE MOUNTAIN; REVEALED AT MECCA.56 Chapter 56 ENTITLED, THE STAR; REVEALED AT MECCA.57 Chapter 57 ENTITLED, THE MOON; REVEALED AT MECCA.58 Chapter 58 No.5859 Chapter 59 ENTITLED, THE INEVITABLE; REVEALED AT MECCA.60 Chapter 60 No.6061 Chapter 61 No.6162 Chapter 62 No.6263 Chapter 63 No.6364 Chapter 64 No.6465 Chapter 65 ENTITLED, THE ASSEMBLY; REVEALED AT MEDINA.66 Chapter 66 ENTITLED, THE HYPOCRITES; REVEALED AT MEDINA.67 Chapter 67 No.6768 Chapter 68 ENTITLED, DIVORCE; REVEALED AT MEDINA.69 Chapter 69 ENTITLED, PROHIBITION; REVEALED AT MEDINA.70 Chapter 70 No.7071 Chapter 71 ENTITLED, THE PEN; REVEALED AT MECCA.72 Chapter 72 ENTITLED, THE INFALLIBLE; REVEALED AT MECCA.73 Chapter 73 ENTITLED, THE STEPS; REVEALED AT MECCA.74 Chapter 74 ENTITLED, NOAH; REVEALED AT MECCA.75 Chapter 75 ENTITLED, THE GENII; REVEALED AT MECCA.76 Chapter 76 No.7677 Chapter 77 ENTITLED, THE COVERED; REVEALED AT MECCA.78 Chapter 78 ENTITLED, THE RESURRECTION; REVEALED AT MECCA.79 Chapter 79 No.7980 Chapter 80 ENTITLED, THOSE WHICH ARE SENT; REVEALED AT MECCA.81 Chapter 81 ENTITLED, THE NEWS; REVEALED AT MECCA.82 Chapter 82 ENTITLED, THOSE WHO TEAR FORTH; REVEALED AT MECCA.83 Chapter 83 ENTITLED, HE FROWNED; REVEALED AT MECCA.84 Chapter 84 ENTITLED, THE FOLDING UP; REVEALED AT MECCA.85 Chapter 85 ENTITLED, THE CLEAVING IN SUNDER; REVEALED AT MECCA.86 Chapter 86 ENTITLED, THOSE WHO GIVE SHORT MEASURE OR WEIGHT; REVEALED AT MECCA.87 Chapter 87 No.8788 Chapter 88 ENTITLED, THE CELESTIAL SIGNS; REVEALED AT MECCA.89 Chapter 89 ENTITLED, THE STAR WHICH APPEARED BY NIGHT; REVEALED AT MECCA.90 Chapter 90 No.9091 Chapter 91 No.9192 Chapter 92 No.9293 Chapter 93 ENTITLED, THE TERRITORY; REVEALED AT MECCA.94 Chapter 94 ENTITLED, THE SUN; REVEALED AT MECCA.95 Chapter 95 ENTITLED, THE NIGHT; REVEALED AT MECCA.96 Chapter 96 ENTITLED, THE BRIGHTNESS; REVEALED AT MECCA.97 Chapter 97 ENTITLED, HAVE WE NOT OPENED; REVEALED AT MECCA98 Chapter 98 ENTITLED, THE FIG; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED.99 Chapter 99 No.99100 Chapter 100 ENTITLED, AL KADR; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED.