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The Koran

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 11824    |    Released on: 06/12/2017



hey hindered you from entering the sacred temple,i provoke you to transgress, by taking revenge on them in the sacred months. Assist one another according to justice and piety, but assist not one another in injustice and malice: therefore fear GOD; for GOD is severe in punishing. Ye are forbidden to eat that which dieth of itself, and blood, and swine's flesh, and that on which the name of any besides GOD hath been invocated;k and that which hath been strangled, or killed by a blow, or by a fall, or by the horns of another beast, and that which hath been eaten by a wild beast,l except what

f which they used to hang garlands, green boughs, or some other ornament, that it may be distinguished as a thing sacred.2 i In the expedition of Al Hodeibiya.3 k For the idolatrous Arabs used, in killing any animal for food, to consecrate it, as it were, to their idols, by saying, In the name of Allat, or al Uzza.4 l Or by a creature trained up to hunting.5 m That is, unless ye come up time enough to find life in the animal, and to cut its throat. n The word also signifies certain stones, which the pagan Arabs used to set up near the

he Prelim. Disc. Sect. II. 4 See c. 2, p. 18. 5 Al Beidawi. 6 Idem. 7

tely with them, neither committing fornication, nor taking them for concubines. Whoever shall renounce the faith, his work shall be vain, and in the next life he shall be of those who perish. O true believers, when ye prepare yourselves to pray, wash your faces, and your hands unto the elbows; and rub your heads, and your feet unto the ankles; and if ye be polluted by having lain with a woman, wash yourselves all over. But if ye be sick, or on a journey, or any of you cometh from the privy, or if ye have touched women, and ye find no water, take fine clean sand, and rub your faces and your hands therewith; GOD would not put a difficulty upon you; but he desireth to purify you, and to complete his favor upon you, that ye may give thanks. 10 Remember the favor of GOD towards you, and his covenant which he hath m

t taken that opportunity of attacking them, and therefore waited till the hour of evening prayer, intending to fall upon them then: but GOD defeated their design, by revealing the verse of fear. Another relates, that the prophet going to the tribe of Koreidha (who were Jews) to levy a fine for the blood of two Moslems, who had been killed by mistake, by Amru Ebn Ommeya al Dimri, they desired him to sit down and eat with them, and they would pay the fine; Mohammed complying with their request, while he was sitting, they laid a design against his life, one Amru Ebn Jahash undertaking to throw a millstone upon him; but GOD withheld his hand, and Gabriel immediatel

d the Prelim. Disc. Sect. II. 1

onished; and thou wilt not cease to discover deceitful practices among them, except a few of them. But forgive them,c and pardon them, for GOD loveth the beneficent. And from those who say, We are Christians, we have received their covenant; but they have forgotten part of what they were admonished; wherefore we have raised up enmity and hatred among them, till the day of resurrection; and GOD will then surely declare unto them what they have been doing. O ye who have received the scriptures, now is our apostle come unto you, to make manifest unto you many things which ye concealed in the scriptures;d and to pass overe many things. Now is

e land of Canaan, sent the captains as spies to get information of the state of the country, enjoining them secresy; but they being terrified at the prodigious size and strength of the inhabitants, disheartened the people by publicly telling them what they had seen, except only Caleb the son of Yufanna (Jephunneh) and Joshua the son of Nun.4 b By co

5. 4 Al Beidawi.

i. 6 See c


r come unto you; for GOD is almighty. Call to mind when Moses said unto his people, O my people, remember the favor of GOD towards you, since he hath appointed prophets among you, and constituted you kings,g and bestowed on you what he hath given to no other nation in the world.h O my people, enter the holy land, which GOD hath decreed you, and turn not your backs, lest ye be subverted and perish. They answered, O Moses, verily there are a gigantic people in the land;i and we will by no means enter it, until they depart thence; but if they depart thence, then will we enter therein. And two menk of those who feared GOD, unto whom GOD had been gracious, sa

having made them kings or masters of themselves, by delivering them from the Egyptian bondage. h Having divided the Red Sea for you, and guided you by a cloud, and fed you with quails and manna, &c.1 i The largest of these giants, the commentators say, was Og, the son of Anak; concerning whose enormous stature, his escaping the Flood, and the manner of his being slain by Moses, the

cor. p. 231, &c. D'Herbel. Bibl. Orien

.q But his soul suffered him to slay his brother, and he slew him;r wherefore he became of the number of those who perish. And GOD sent a raven, which scratched the earth, to show him how he should hide the shame of his brother,s and he said, Woe is me! am I unable to be like this raven, that I may hide my brother's shame? and he became one of those who repent. Wherefore we commanded the children of Israel, that he who slayeth a soul, without having slain a soul, or committed wickedness in the earth,t shall be as if he had slain all mankind:u but he who saveth a soul alive, shall be as if he had saved the live

e of in a visible manner, by causing fire to descend from heaven and consume it, without touching that of Cain.4 p To enhance Abel's patience, al Beidawi tells us, that he was the stronger of the two, and could easily have prevailed against his brother. q The conversation between the two brothers is related somewhat to the same purpose in the Jerusalem Targum and that of Jonathan ben Uzziel. r Some say he knocked out his brains with a stone;5 and pretend that as Cain was considering which way he should effect the murder, the devil appeared to him in a human shape, and showed him how to do it, by crushing the head of a bird between two stones.6 s i.e., His dead corpse. For Cain, having committed this fratricide, became exceedingly troubled in his mind, and carried the dead body about on his shoulders for a considerable time, not knowing where to conceal it, till it stank horridly; and then God taught him to bury it by the example of a raven, who

Beidawi. 4 Idem, Jallalo'ddin. 5 Vide Eutych. ubi supra. 6 Vide D'Herbelot, ubi sup. 7 Jallalo'dd

punishment appointed by GOD; and GOD is mighty and wise. But whoever shall repent after his iniquity, and amend, verily GOD will be turned unto him,z for GOD is inclined to forgive, and merciful. Dost thou not know that the kingdom of heaven and earth is GOD'S? He punisheth whom he pleaseth, and he pardoneth whom he pleaseth; for GOD is almighty. O apostle, let not them grieve thee, who hasten to infidelity,a either of those who say, We believe, with their mouths, but whose hearts believe not;b or of the Jews, who hearken to a lie, and hearken to other people;c who come unto thee: they pervert the words of the law from their true pla

ords are capable of two senses; and may either mean that they attended to the lies and forgeries of their Rabbins, neglecting the remonstrances of Mohammed; or else, that they came to hear Mohammed as spies only, that they might report what he said to their companions, and represent him as a liar.1 d See chapter 4, p. 59, note e. e That is, if what Mohammed tells you agrees with scripture, as corrupted and dislocated by us, then you may accept it as the word of GOD; but if not, reject it. These words, it is said, relate to the sentence pronounced by that prophet on an adulterer and an adulteress,2 both persons of some figure among the Jews. For they, it seems, though they referred the matter to Mohammed, yet directed the persons who carried the criminals before him, that if he ordered them to be scourged, and to have their faces blackened (by way of ignominy), they should a

l Beidawi. 5 Ide

3, p. 3

wi. 4 Ide

ose, and ear for ear, and tooth for tooth; and that wounds should also be punished by retaliation:n but whoever should remit it as alms, it should be accepted as an atonement for him. And whoso judgeth not according to what GOD hath revealed, they are unjust. 50 We also caused Jesus the son of Mary to follow the footsteps of the prophets, confirming the law which was sent down before him; and we gave him the gospel, containing direction and light; confirming also the law which was given before it, and a direction and admonition unto those who fear God: that they who have received the gospel might judge according to what GOD hath revealed therein: and whoso judgeth not according to what GOD hath revealed, they are tran

ng several points which had been stifled or corrupted therein, and requiring a rigorous execution of the precepts in both, which had been too remissly observed, or rather neglected, by the latter professors of those religions. i That is, notwithstanding their outward submission, they will not abide by thy sentence, though conformable to the law, if it contradict their own false and loose decisions. k As

1 I

the Jews or Christians for your friends; they are friends the one to the other; but whoso among you taketh them for his friends, he is surely one of them: verily GOD directeth not unjust people. Thou shalt see those in whose hearts there is an infirmity, to hasten unto them, saying, We fear lest some adversity befall us;s but it is easy for GOD to give victory, or a command from him,t that they may repent of that which they concealed in their minds. And they who believe will say, Are these the men who have sworn by GOD, with a

detect and punish the hypocrites. u These words may be spoken by the Mohammedans either to one another or to the Jews, since these hypocrites had given their oaths to both.2 x This is one of those accidents which, it is pretended, were foretold by the Koran long before they came to pass. For in the latter days of Mohammed, and after his death, considerable numbers of the Arabs quitted his religion, and returned to Paganism, Judaism, or Christianity. Al Beidawi reckons them up in the following order. 1. Three companies of Banu Modlaj, seduced by Dhu'lhamar al Aswad al Ansi, who set up for a prophet in Yaman, and grew very powerful there.3 2. Banu Honeifa, who followed the famous false prophet Moseilama.4 3. Banu Asad, who acknowledged Toleiha Ebn Khowailed, another Banu Asad, who acknowledged Toleiha Ebn Khowailed, another pretender to divine revelation,5 for their prophet. All these fell off in Mohammed's lifetime. The following, except only the last, apostatized in the reign of Abu Becr. 4. Certain of the tribe of Fezarah, headed by Oyeyma Ebn Hosein. 5. Some of the tribe of Ghatfan, whose leader was Korrah Ebn Sal

sc. Sect. VIII. 4 See ibid. 5 See Ibid. 6 See ibid. 7 See ib

in GOD, and that revelation which hath been sent down unto us, and that which was formerly sent down, and for that the greater part of you are transgressors? Say, Shall I denounce unto you a worse thing than this, as to the reward which ye are to expect with GOD? He whom GOD hath cursed, and with whom he hath been angry, having changed some of them into apes and swine,a and who worship Tagh?t,b they are in the worse condition, and err more widely from the straightness of the path. When they came unto you, they said, We believe: yet they entered into your company with infidelity, and went forth from you with the same; but GOD well knew what they concealed. Thou shalt see many of them hastening unto iniquity and malice, and to eat things forbidden;

sabbath;2 and the latter those who believed not in the miracle of the table which was let down from heaven to Jesus.3 Some, however, imagine that the Jews of Ailah only are meant in this place, pretending that the young men among them were metamorphosed into apes, and the old men into swine.4 b See chap. 2, p. 28. c See before, p. 73. d That is, he is become niggardly and close-fisted. These were the words of Phineas Ebn Az?ra (another indecent expression of whom, almost to the same purpose, is mentioned elsewhere)5 when the Jews were much impoverished by a dearth, which the commentators will have to be a judgment on them for their rejecting of Mohammed; and the other Jews who heard him, instead of reproving him, expr

d of this chapter 4 Al Beidawi. 5 Cap. 3, p. 51.

st not in effect publish any part thereof;i and GOD will defend thee against wicked men;k for GOD directeth not the unbelieving people. Say, O ye who have received the scriptures, ye are not grounded on anything, until ye observe the law and the gospel and that which hath been sent down unto you from your LORD. That which hath been sent down unto thee from thy LORD will surely increase the transgression and infidelity of many of them: but be not thou solicitous for the unbelieving people. Verily they who believe, and those who Judaize, and the Sabians, and the Christians, whoever of

ng of any part, renders the system of religion which GOD has thought fit to publish to mankind by thy ministry lame and imperfect.1 k Until this verse was revealed, Mohammed entertained a guard of armed men for his security, but on his recei

wi, Jallalo'd

turn aside from the truth. 80 Say unto them, Will ye worship, besides GOD, that which can cause you neither harm nor profit? GOD is he who heareth and seeth. Say, O ye who have received the scriptures, exceed not the just bounds in your religion,r by speaking beside the truth; neither follow the desires of people who have heretofore erred, and who have seduced many, and have gone astray from the straight path.s Those among the children of Israel who believe not were cursed by the tongue of David, and of Jesus the son of Mary.t This befell them because they were rebellious and transgressed: they forbade not one another the wickedness which they committed; and woe unto them for what they committed. Thou shalt see many of them take for their friends those who believe not. Woe unto them for what their souls have sent before them,u for that GOD is incensed against t

11, note r. x Having not that high conceit of themselves, as the Jews have; but being humble and well disposed to receive the truth; qualities, says al Beidawi, which are to be commended even in infidels. y The persons directly intended in this passage were, either Ashama, king of Ethiopia, and several bishops and priests, who, being assembled for that purpose, heard Jaafar Ebn Abi Taleb, who fled to that country in the first flight,3 read the 29th and 30th, and afterwards the 18th and 19th chapters of the Koran; on hea

4 Al Beidawi, al Thalabi. Vide Abulfed. Vit. Moham. p. 25, &c. Marracc. Prodr. a

m ye believe. GOD will not punish you for an inconsiderate word in your oaths;a but he will punish you for what ye solemnly swear with deliberation. And the expiation of such an oath shall be the feeding of ten poor men with such moderate food as ye feed your own families withal; or to clothe them;b or to free the neck of a true believer from captivity: but he who shall not find wherewith to perform one of these three things shall fast three days.c This is the expiation of your oaths, when ye swear inadvertently. Therefore keep your oaths. Thus GOD declareth unto you his signs, that ye may give thanks. O true believers, surely wine, and lots,d and images,e and divining arrows,f are an ab

ribing. c That is, three days together, says Abu Han?fa. But this is not observed in practice, being neither explicitly commanded in the Koran, nor ordered in the Sonna.2 d That is, all inebriating liquors, and games of chance. See the Prelim. Disc. Sect. V. and chap. 2, p. 23. e Al Beidawi and some other commentators expound this of idols; but others, with more probability, of the carved pieces or men, with which the pagan Arabs played at chess, being little figures of men, elephants, horses, and dromedaries; and this is supposed to be the

2 Al Beidawi. 3 Vide Prelim

instead thereof shall fast, that he may taste the heinousness of his deed. GOD hath forgiven what is past, but whoever returneth to transgress, GOD will take vengeance on him; for GOD is mighty and able to avenge. It is lawful for you to fish in the sea,m and to eat what ye shall catch, as a provision for you and for those who travel; but it is unlawful for you to hunt by land, while ye are performing the rights of pilgrimage;n therefore fear GOD, before whom ye shall be assembled at the last day. GOD hath appointed the Caaba, the holy house, an establishment for mankind

animals.2 l That is, he shall bring an offering to the temple of Mecca, to be slain there and distributed among the poor, of some domestic or tame animal, equal in value to what he shall have killed; as a sheep, for example, in lieu of an antelope, a pigeon for a partridge, &c. And of this value two prudent persons were to be judges. If the offender was not able to do this, he was to give a certain quantity of food to one or more poor men; or, if he could not afford that, to fast a proportionable number of days.3 m This, says Jallalo'ddin, is to be understood of fish that live altogether in the sea, and not of those that live in the sea and on land both, as crabs, &c. The Turks, who are Hanifites, n

in. 2 See the Pre

din, al Bei

m Disc. Sect. V

ed, That religion which we found our fathers to follow is sufficient for us. What, though their fathers knew nothing and were not rightly directed? O true believers, take care of your souls! He who erreth shall not hurt you, while ye are rightly directed:x unto GOD shall ye all return, and he will tell you that which ye have done. O true believers, let witnesses be taken between you, when death approaches any of you, at the time of making the testament; let there be two witnesses, just men, from among you;y or two others of a different tribe or faith from yourselves,z if ye be journeying in the earth, and the accident of death befall you. Ye shall shut them both

not be able to perform it; therefore give me no trouble as to things wherein I give you none: whereupon this passage was revealed. u These were the names given by the pagan Arabs to certain camels or sheep which were turned loose to feed, and exempted from common services, in some particular cases; having their ears slit, or some other mark, that they might be known; and this they did in honour of their gods.1 Which superstitions are here declared to be no ordinances of God, but the inventions of foolish men. x This was revealed when the infidels reproached those who embraced Mohammedism and renounced their old idolatry, that by so doing they arraigned the wisdom of their forefathers.2 y That is, of your ki

sc. Sect. V 2 Al Bei

d towards thy mother; when I strengthened thee with the holy spirit,e that thou shouldest speak unto men in the cradle, and when thou wast grown up;f 110 and when I taught thee the scripture, and wisdom and the law, and the gospel: and when thou didst create of clay as it were the figure of a bird, by my permission, and didst breathe thereon, and it became a bird, by my permission, and thou didst heal one blind from his birth, and the leper, by my permission;g and when thou didst bring forth the dead from their graves by my permissi

he rest to the deceased's relations, who, finding the list of Bodeil's writing, demanded the vessel of silver of them, but they denied it; and the affair being brought before Mohammed, these words, viz., O true believers, take witnesses, &c., were revealed, and he ordered them to be sworn at the pulpit in the mosque, just as afternoon prayer was over, and on their making oath that they knew nothing of the plate demanded, dismissed them. But afterwards, the vessel being found in their hands, the Sahmites, suspecting it was Bodeil's, charged them with it, and they confessed it was his, but insisted that they had bought it of him, and that they had not produced it because they

Al Be

wherewith I will not punish any other creature. And when GOD shall say unto Jesus, at the last day, O Jesus son of Mary, hast thou said unto men, Take me and my mother for two gods, beside GOD? He shall answer, Praise be unto thee! it is not for me to say that which I ought not; if I had said so, thou wouldest surely have known it: thou knowest what is in me, but I know not what is in thee; for thou art the knower of secrets. I have not spoken to them any other than what thou didst command me; namely, Worship GOD, my LORD and your LORD: and I was a witness of their actions while I staid among th

gar at its tail, and round it all sorts of herbs, except leeks, and five loaves of bread, on one of which there were olives, on the second honey, on the third butter, on the fourth cheese, and on the fifth dried flesh. They add that Jesus, at the request of the apostles, showed them another miracle, by restoring the fish to life, and causing its scales and fins to return to it, at which the standers-by being affrighted, he caused it to become as it was before; that 1,300 men and women, all afflicted with bodily infirmities or poverty, ate of these provisions, and were satisfied, the fish remaining whole as it was at first; that then the table flew up to heaven in the sight of all; and every one who had partaken of this food were delivered from their infirmities and misfortunes; and that it continued to descend for forty days together at dinner-time, and stood on the ground till the sun declined, and was then taken up into the clouds. Some of the Mohammedan writers are of opinion that th

e Marracc. in Alc. p. 238

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1 Chapter 1 No.12 Chapter 2 No.23 Chapter 3 No.34 Chapter 4 No.45 Chapter 5 No.56 Chapter 6 No.67 Chapter 7 No.78 Chapter 8 No.89 Chapter 9 No.910 Chapter 10 No.1011 Chapter 11 No.1112 Chapter 12 No.1213 Chapter 13 No.1314 Chapter 14 No.1415 Chapter 15 No.1516 Chapter 16 No.1617 Chapter 17 No.1718 Chapter 18 No.1819 Chapter 19 No.1920 Chapter 20 No.2021 Chapter 21 No.2122 Chapter 22 No.2223 Chapter 23 de Peregr. Meccana, p. 15, &c.24 Chapter 24 ENTITLED, THE TRUE BELIEVERS; REVEALED AT MECCA.25 Chapter 25 No.2526 Chapter 26 No.2627 Chapter 27 ENTITLED, AL FORKAN; REVEALED AT MECCA.28 Chapter 28 No.2829 Chapter 29 No.2930 Chapter 30 No.3031 Chapter 31 No.3132 Chapter 32 No.3233 Chapter 33 No.3334 Chapter 34 No.3435 Chapter 35 No.3536 Chapter 36 No.3637 Chapter 37 No.3738 Chapter 38 No.3839 Chapter 39 ENTITLED, Y. S.; REVEALED AT MECCA.40 Chapter 40 ENTITLED, THOSE WHO RANK THEMSELVES IN ORDER; REVEALED AT MECCA.41 Chapter 41 ENTITLED, S.; REVEALED AT MECCA.42 Chapter 42 No.4243 Chapter 43 No.4344 Chapter 44 No.4445 Chapter 45 No.4546 Chapter 46 No.4647 Chapter 47 No.4748 Chapter 48 No.4849 Chapter 49 No.4950 Chapter 50 No.5051 Chapter 51 ENTITLED, THE VICTORY; REVEALED AT MEDINA.52 Chapter 52 ENTITLED, THE INNER APARTMENTS; REVEALED AT MEDINA.53 Chapter 53 ENTITLED, K; REVEALED AT MECCA.54 Chapter 54 ENTITLED, THE DISPERSING; REVEALED AT MECCA.55 Chapter 55 ENTITLED, THE MOUNTAIN; REVEALED AT MECCA.56 Chapter 56 ENTITLED, THE STAR; REVEALED AT MECCA.57 Chapter 57 ENTITLED, THE MOON; REVEALED AT MECCA.58 Chapter 58 No.5859 Chapter 59 ENTITLED, THE INEVITABLE; REVEALED AT MECCA.60 Chapter 60 No.6061 Chapter 61 No.6162 Chapter 62 No.6263 Chapter 63 No.6364 Chapter 64 No.6465 Chapter 65 ENTITLED, THE ASSEMBLY; REVEALED AT MEDINA.66 Chapter 66 ENTITLED, THE HYPOCRITES; REVEALED AT MEDINA.67 Chapter 67 No.6768 Chapter 68 ENTITLED, DIVORCE; REVEALED AT MEDINA.69 Chapter 69 ENTITLED, PROHIBITION; REVEALED AT MEDINA.70 Chapter 70 No.7071 Chapter 71 ENTITLED, THE PEN; REVEALED AT MECCA.72 Chapter 72 ENTITLED, THE INFALLIBLE; REVEALED AT MECCA.73 Chapter 73 ENTITLED, THE STEPS; REVEALED AT MECCA.74 Chapter 74 ENTITLED, NOAH; REVEALED AT MECCA.75 Chapter 75 ENTITLED, THE GENII; REVEALED AT MECCA.76 Chapter 76 No.7677 Chapter 77 ENTITLED, THE COVERED; REVEALED AT MECCA.78 Chapter 78 ENTITLED, THE RESURRECTION; REVEALED AT MECCA.79 Chapter 79 No.7980 Chapter 80 ENTITLED, THOSE WHICH ARE SENT; REVEALED AT MECCA.81 Chapter 81 ENTITLED, THE NEWS; REVEALED AT MECCA.82 Chapter 82 ENTITLED, THOSE WHO TEAR FORTH; REVEALED AT MECCA.83 Chapter 83 ENTITLED, HE FROWNED; REVEALED AT MECCA.84 Chapter 84 ENTITLED, THE FOLDING UP; REVEALED AT MECCA.85 Chapter 85 ENTITLED, THE CLEAVING IN SUNDER; REVEALED AT MECCA.86 Chapter 86 ENTITLED, THOSE WHO GIVE SHORT MEASURE OR WEIGHT; REVEALED AT MECCA.87 Chapter 87 No.8788 Chapter 88 ENTITLED, THE CELESTIAL SIGNS; REVEALED AT MECCA.89 Chapter 89 ENTITLED, THE STAR WHICH APPEARED BY NIGHT; REVEALED AT MECCA.90 Chapter 90 No.9091 Chapter 91 No.9192 Chapter 92 No.9293 Chapter 93 ENTITLED, THE TERRITORY; REVEALED AT MECCA.94 Chapter 94 ENTITLED, THE SUN; REVEALED AT MECCA.95 Chapter 95 ENTITLED, THE NIGHT; REVEALED AT MECCA.96 Chapter 96 ENTITLED, THE BRIGHTNESS; REVEALED AT MECCA.97 Chapter 97 ENTITLED, HAVE WE NOT OPENED; REVEALED AT MECCA98 Chapter 98 ENTITLED, THE FIG; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED.99 Chapter 99 No.99100 Chapter 100 ENTITLED, AL KADR; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED.