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The Koran

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 11468    |    Released on: 06/12/2017



der how many generations we have destroyed before them? We had established them in the earth in a manner wherein we have not established you;q we sent the heaven to rain abundantly upon them, and we gave them rivers which flowed under their feet: yet we destroyed them in their sins, and raised up other generations after them. Although we had caused to descend unto thee a book written on paper, and they had handled it with their hands, the unbelievers had surely said, This is no other than manifest sorcery. They said, Unless an angel be sent down unto him, we will not believe. But if we had sent down an angel, verily the matter had ben decreed,r and they should not have been borne with, by having

That is, they shall be convinced of the truth which they have made a jest of, when they see the punishment which they shall suffer for so doing, both in this world and the next; or when they shall see the glorious success of Mohammedism. q i.e., We had blessed them with greater power and length of prosperity than we have granted you, O men of Mecca.1 Mohammed seems here to mean the ancient and potent tribes of Ad and Tham?d, &c.2 r That is to sa

See the Prelim. Dis

wing. Say, What thing is the strongest in bearing testimony?u Say, GOD; he is witness between me and you. And this Koran was revealed unto me, that I should admonish you thereby, and also those unto whom it shall reach. Do ye really profess that there are other gods together with GOD? Say, I do not profess this. Say, Verily he is one GOD; and I am guiltless of what ye associate with him. 20 They unto whom we have given the scripture know our apostle, even as they know their own children;x but they who destroy their own souls will not believe. Who is more unjust than he who inventeth a lie against GOD,y or chargeth his signs with imposture? Surely, the unjust shall not prosper. And on the day of resurrection we will assemble them all; then will we say unto those w

thou art the apostle of GOD?2 x See chapter 2, p. 16. y Saying the angels are the daughters of GOD, and intercessors for us with him, &c.3 z i.e., Your idols and false gods. a That is, their imaginary deities prove to be nothing, and disappear like vain phantoms and chimeras. b The persons here

em, Jallalo'ddin. 3

ore their LORD!d He shall say unto them, Is not this in truth come to pass? They shall answer, Yea, by our LORD. God shall say, Taste therefore the punishment due unto you, for that ye have disbelieved. They are lost who reject as a falsehood the meeting of GOD in the next life, until the houre cometh suddenly upon them. Then will they say, Alas! for that we have behaved ourselves negligently in our lifetime; and they shall carry their burdens on their backs;f will it not be evil which they shall be loaden with? This present life is no other than a play and a vain amusement; but surely the future mansion shall be better for those who fear God: will they not therefore understand? Now we know that what they speak grieveth thee: yet they do not accuse

ice; so that he shall cry out, GOD defend me from thee, what art thou? I never saw anything more detestable! To which the figure will answer, Why dost thou wonder at my ugliness? I am thy evil works;1 thou didst ride upon me while thou wast in the world; but now will I ride upon thee, and thou shalt carry me. and immediately it shall get upon him; and whatever he shall meet shall terrify him, and say, Hail, thou enemy of God, thou art he who was meant by (these words of the Koran), and they shall carry their burdens, &c.2 g That is, it is not thou but GOD whom

n v. 25, &c. 7

aradise Lost, bk

3, p. 48. 3 Al

the hour of the resurrection come upon you, will ye call upon any other than GOD, if ye speak truth? yea, him shall ye call upon, and he shall free you from that which ye shall ask him to deliver you from, if he pleaseth; and ye shall forget that which ye associated with him.o We have already sent messengers unto sundry nations before thee, and we afflicted them with trouble and adversity that they might humble themselves: yet when the affliction which we sent came upon them, they did not humble themselves; but their hearts became hardened, and Satan prepared for them that which they committed. And when they had forgotten that concerning which they had been admonished, we opened unto them the gates of all things;p until, while they were rejoicing for that which had been

gs which come to pass in this world, as well the most minute as the more momentous, are exactly registered.6 n For, according to the Mohammedan belief, the irrational animals will also be restored to life at the resurrection, that they may be brought to judgment, and have vengeance taken on them for the injuries they did one another while in this world.7 o That is, ye shall then forsake your false gods, when ye shall be effectually convinced that GOD alone is able to deliver you from eternal punishment. But others rather

. Disc. Sect. IV. 7 See i

ongeth not unto thee to pass any judgment on them,t nor doth it belong unto them to pass any judgment on thee: therefore if thou drive them away, thou wilt become one of the unjust. Thus have we proved some part of them by other part, that they may say, Are these the people among us unto whom GOD hath been gracious?u Doth not GOD most truly know those who are thankful? And when they who believe in our signs shall come unto thee, say, Peace be upon you. Your LORD hath prescribed unto himself mercy; so whoever among you worketh evil through ignorance, and afterwards repenteth and amendeth; unto him will he surely be gracious and merciful. Thus have we distinctly propounded our s

city, bidding them go to Mohammed; which they did, and offered to embrace his religion; but he made some difficulty to receive them, suspecting their motive to be necessity, and not real conviction;1 whereupon this passage was revealed. t i.e., Rashly to decide whether their intentions be sincere or not; since thou canst not know their heart, and their faith may possibly be more firm than that of those who would persuade thee to discard them. u That is to s

din. 2 Al Beidawi

him? he is the most quick in taking an account.c Say, Who delivereth you from the darknessd of the land, and of the sea, when ye call upon him humbly and in private, saying, Verily if thou deliver use from these dangers, we will surely be thankful? Say, GOD delivereth you from them, and from every grief of mind; yet afterwards ye give him companions.f Say, He is able to send on you a punishment from above you,g or from under your feet,h or to engage you in dissension, and to make some of you taste the violence of others. Observe how variously we show forth our signs, that peradventure they may understand. This people hath accused the revelation which thou hast brought of falsehood, although it be the truth. Say, I am not a guardian over you: every prophecy hath its fixed time of accomplishment; and he will hereafter know it. When thou seest those who are

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relim. Disc

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. Disc. Sec. IV.

Idem, Jal

creatures; and it is also commanded us, saying, Observe the stated times of prayer, and fear him; for it is he before whom ye shall be assembled. It is he who hath created the heavens and the earth in truth; and whenever he saith unto a thing, Be, it is. His word is the truth; and his will be the kingdom on the day whereon the trumpet shall be sounded:k he knoweth whatever is secret, and whatever is public; he is the wise,

as it still does,) it was therefore given by them and the Chaldeans to that planet,4 which partaking, as was supposed, of a fiery nature, was acknowledged by the Chaldeans and Assyrians as a god or planetary deity, whom in old times they worshipped under the form of a pillar: whence Azer became a name among the nobility, who esteemed it honourable to be denominated from their gods,5 and is found in the composition of several Babylonish names. For these reasons a learned author supposes Azer to have been the heathen name of Terah, and that the other was given him on his conversion.6 Al Beidawi confirms this conjecture, saying that Azer was the name of the idol which he worshipped. It may be observed that Abraham's father is also called Zarah in the Talmud and Athar by Eusebius. m That Azer, or Terah, was an idolater is all

am Pharhang Jehang-hiri, apud Hyde de Rel. Vet. Persar. p. 68. 4 Hyde, ibid. p. 63. 5 Idem, ibid. p. 64. 6 Idem, ibid. p. 62. 7 Josh. xxiv. 2, 14.

directed me, and I fear not that which ye associate with him, unless that my LORD willeth a thing; for my LORD comprehendeth all things by his knowledge:p will ye not therefore consider? And how should I fear that which ye associate with God, since ye fear not to have associated with GOD that concerning which he hath sent down unto you no authority? which therefore of the two parties is the more safe, if ye understand aright? They who believe, and clothe not their faith with injustice,q they shall enjoy security, and they are rightly directed. And this is our argum

avenly bodies,7 he is introduced examining their nature and properties, to see whether they had a right to the worship which was paid them or not; and the first which he observed was the planet Venus, or, as others will have it, Jupiter.8 This method of Abraham's attaining to the knowledge of the supreme Creator of all things, is conformable to what Josephus writes, viz.: That he drew his notions from the changes which he had observed in the earth and the sea, and in the sun and the moon, and the rest of the celestial bodies; concluding that they were subject to the command of a superior power, to whom alone all honour and thanks are due.9 The story itself is certainly taken from the Talmud.10 Some of the commentators, however, suppose this reasoning of Abraham with himself was not the first means of his conversion, but that he used it only by way of argument to convince the idolaters among wh

Yad Hazz. ubi sup. 4 Vide D'Herbel. Bibl. Orient. Art. Abraham. 5 Maimon. ubi sup. R. Abr. Zacuth in Sefer Juchasin, Shalshel. hakkab, &c. 6 Vide Hyde, ubi sup. p. 60, 61, et Hotting. Smegma Orient

aching the Koran; it is no other than an admonition unto all creatures. They make not a due estimation of GOD,a when they say, GOD hath not sent down unto man anything at all:b Say, Who sent down the book which Moses brought, a light and a direction unto men; which ye transcribe on papers, whereof ye publish some part, and great part whereof ye conceal? and ye have been taught by Mohammed what ye knew not, neither your fathers. Say, GOD sent it down: then leave them to amuse themselves with their vain discourse. This book which we have sent down is blessed; confirming that which was revealed before it; and is delivered unto thee that thou mayest preach it unto the metr

d his revelations were delivered,3 if we except only the Decalogue, GOD having left to the inspired penmen not only the labour of writing, but the liberty, in a great measure at least, of putting the truths into their own words and manner of expression. c Falsely pretending to have received revelations from him, as did Moselama, al Aswad al Ansi, and others. d As did Abda'llah Ebn Saad Ebn Abi Sarah, who for some time was the prophet's amanuensis, and when these words were dictated to him as revealed, viz., We created man of a purer kind of clay, &c.,4 cried out, by way of admiration, Blessed be GOD the best Creator! and

0, &c. 4 Kor. c. 23. 5 Al Beidawi. 6 See the Prelim. Dis

nd. It is he who hath produced you from one soul; and hath provided for you a sure receptacle and a repository.m We have clearly shown forth our signs, unto people who are wise. It is he who sendeth down water from heaven, and we have thereby produced the springing buds of all things, and have thereout produced the green thing, from which we produce the grain growing in rows, and palm-trees from whose branches proceed clusters of dates hanging close together; and gardens of grapes, and olives, and pomegranates, both like and unlike to one another. Look on their fruits, when they bear fruit, and their growing to maturity. Verily herein are signs, unto people who believe. 100 Yet they have set up the geniin as partners with GOD, although he created them: and they have falsely attributed unto him sons and daughters,o without knowledge. Praise be unto him; and far be that from him

intermediate species usually called genii. Some of the commentators therefore, in this place, understand the angels, whom the pagan Arabs worshipped; and others the devils, either because they became their servants by adoring idols at their instigation, or else because, according to the Magian system, they looked on the devil as a sort of creator, making him the author and principle of all evil, and GOD the author of good only.2 o See the Prelim. Discour

dawi. 2 Id

unto them, and we had gathered together before them all things in one view;t they would not have believed, unless GOD had so pleased: but the greater part of them know it not. Thus have we appointed unto every prophet an enemy; the devils of men, and of genii: who privately suggest the one to the other specious discourses to deceive; but if thy LORD pleased, they would not have done it. Therefore leave them, and that which they have falsely imagined; and let the hearts of those be inclined thereto, who believe not in the life to come; and let them please themselves therein, and let them gain that which they are gaining. Shall I seek after any other judge besides GOD to judge between us? It is he who hath sent down unto you the book of the Koran distinguishing between good and evil; and they to whom we gave the scripture know that it is sent down from thy LORD, with truth. Be no

ohammed should either show them an angel descending from heaven in their sight, or raise their dead fathers, that they might discourse with them, or prevail on GOD and his angels to appear to them in a body. u Some interpret this of the immutability of GOD'S decree, and the certainty of his threats and promises; others, of his particular promise to preserve the Koran from any such alterations or c

1 See the Prelim. Disc

,b that they may act deceitfully therein; but they shall act deceitfully against their own souls only; and they know it not. And when a signc cometh unto them, they say, We will by no means believe until a revelation be brought unto us, like unto that which hath been delivered unto the messengers of GOD.d GOD best knoweth whom he will appoint for his messenger.e Vileness in the sight of GOD shall fall upon those who deal wickedly, and a grievous punishment, for that they have dealt deceitfully. And whomsoever GOD shall please to direct, he will open his breast to receive the faith of Islam: but whomsoever he shall please to lead into error, he will render his breast straight and narrow, as though he were climbing up to heaven.f Thus doth GOD inflict a terr

or riches, but for their spiritual qualifications; making choice of such of his servants as he pleases, and who he knows will execute their commissions faithfully. f Or had undertaken the most impossible thing in the world. In like manner shall the heart of such a man be incapable of receiving the truth. g That is, of devils.1 h In tempting and seducing them to sin. i The advantage which men received from the evil spirits, was their raising and satisfying their lusts and appetites; and that which the latter received in return, was the obedience paid them by the

3 Jallalo'ddin. 4 Al Beidawi. 5 See

of that which they shall do; for thy LORD is not regardless of that which they do, and thy LORD is self-sufficient and endued with mercy. If he pleaseth he can destroy you, and cause such as he pleaseth to succeed you, in like manner as he produced you from the posterity of other people. Verily that which is threatened you, shall surely come to pass; neither shall ye cause it to fail. Say unto those of Mecca, O my people, act according to your power; verily I will act according to my duty:o and hereafter shall ye know whose will be the reward of paradise. The ungodly shall not prosper. Those of Mecca set apart unto GOD a portion of t

proceed in your rebellion against GOD and your malice towards me, and be confirmed in your infidelity; but I will persevere to bear your insults with patience, and to publish those revelations which GOD has commanded me.1 p i.e., Our idols. In which sense this word is to be taken through the whole passage. q As to this custom of the pagan Arabs, see the Prelim. Disc. Sect. I. p. 13. To what is there said we may add, that the share set apart for GOD was employed chiefly in relieving the poor and stran

Idem, Jallalo'ddi



their children foolishly,a without knowledge;b and have forbidden that which GOD hath given them for food, devising a lie against GOD. They have erred, and were not rightly directed. He it is who produceth gardens of vines, both those which are supported on trails of wood, and those which are not supported,c and palm-trees, and the corn affording various food, and olives, and pomegranates, alike and unlike unto one another. Eat of their fruit, when they bear fruit, and pay the due thereof on the day whereon ye shall gather it;d but be not profuse,e for GOD loveth not those who are too profuse. And God hath given you some cattle fit for bearing of burdens, and some fit for slaughter only. Eat of what GOD hath given y

rpret the words, Trees or plants which are planted by the labour of man, and those which grow naturally in the deserts and on mountains. d That is, give alms thereof to the poor. And these alms, as al Beidawi observes, were what they used to give before the Zacat, or legal alms, was instituted, which was done after Mohammed had retired from Mecca, where this verse was revealed. Yet some are of another opinion, and for this very reason will have the verse to have been revealed at Medina. e i.e., Give not so much thereof in alms as to leave your o

. 5, p. 86, and Pr

em. See Prelim. Dis

. p.

ity shall not be averted from wicked people. The idolaters will say, If GOD had pleased, we had not been guilty of idolatry, neither our fathers; and pretend that we have not forbidden them anything. Thus did they who were before them accuse the prophets of imposture, until they tasted our severe punishment. Say, Is there with you any certain knowledge of what ye allege, that ye may produce it unto us? Ye follow only a false imagination; and ye utter only lies. 150 Say, therefore, Unto GOD belongeth the most evident demonstration; for if he had pleased, he had directed you all. Say, Produce your witnesses, who can bear testimony that GOD hath forbidden this. But if they bear testimony of this, do not thou bear testimony with them, nor do thou follow the desires of those who accuse our signs of falsehood, and who believe not in the life to come, and equalize idols with their LORD. Sa

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. vii. 23,

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, Jallalo'ddin.

ave been better directed than they.r And now hath a manifest declaration come unto you from your LORD, and a direction and mercy: and who is more unjust than he who deviseth lies against the signs of GOD, and turneth aside from them? We will reward those who turn aside from our signs with a grievous punishment, because they have turned aside. Do they wait for any other than that the angels should come unto them, to part their souls from their bodies; or that thy LORD should come to punish them; or that some of the signs of thy LORD should come to pass, showing the day of judgment to be at hand?s On the day whereon some of thy LORD'S signs shall come to pass, its faith shall not profit a soul which believed not before, or wrought not good in its faith.t Say, Wait ye for t

signs will precede the last day, viz., the smoke, the beast of the earth, an eclipse in the east, another in the west, and a third in the peninsula of Arabia, the appearance of anti-Christ, the sun's rising in the west, the eruption of Gog and Magog, the descent of Jesus on earth, and fire which shall break forth from Aden.1 t For faith in the next life will be of no advantage to those who have not believed in this; no

lim. Disc. Sect. IV. p.

r.y Moreover unto your LORD shall ye return; and he shall declare unto you that concerning which ye now dispute. It is he who hath appointed you to succeed your predecessors in the earth, and hath rais


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1 Chapter 1 No.12 Chapter 2 No.23 Chapter 3 No.34 Chapter 4 No.45 Chapter 5 No.56 Chapter 6 No.67 Chapter 7 No.78 Chapter 8 No.89 Chapter 9 No.910 Chapter 10 No.1011 Chapter 11 No.1112 Chapter 12 No.1213 Chapter 13 No.1314 Chapter 14 No.1415 Chapter 15 No.1516 Chapter 16 No.1617 Chapter 17 No.1718 Chapter 18 No.1819 Chapter 19 No.1920 Chapter 20 No.2021 Chapter 21 No.2122 Chapter 22 No.2223 Chapter 23 de Peregr. Meccana, p. 15, &c.24 Chapter 24 ENTITLED, THE TRUE BELIEVERS; REVEALED AT MECCA.25 Chapter 25 No.2526 Chapter 26 No.2627 Chapter 27 ENTITLED, AL FORKAN; REVEALED AT MECCA.28 Chapter 28 No.2829 Chapter 29 No.2930 Chapter 30 No.3031 Chapter 31 No.3132 Chapter 32 No.3233 Chapter 33 No.3334 Chapter 34 No.3435 Chapter 35 No.3536 Chapter 36 No.3637 Chapter 37 No.3738 Chapter 38 No.3839 Chapter 39 ENTITLED, Y. S.; REVEALED AT MECCA.40 Chapter 40 ENTITLED, THOSE WHO RANK THEMSELVES IN ORDER; REVEALED AT MECCA.41 Chapter 41 ENTITLED, S.; REVEALED AT MECCA.42 Chapter 42 No.4243 Chapter 43 No.4344 Chapter 44 No.4445 Chapter 45 No.4546 Chapter 46 No.4647 Chapter 47 No.4748 Chapter 48 No.4849 Chapter 49 No.4950 Chapter 50 No.5051 Chapter 51 ENTITLED, THE VICTORY; REVEALED AT MEDINA.52 Chapter 52 ENTITLED, THE INNER APARTMENTS; REVEALED AT MEDINA.53 Chapter 53 ENTITLED, K; REVEALED AT MECCA.54 Chapter 54 ENTITLED, THE DISPERSING; REVEALED AT MECCA.55 Chapter 55 ENTITLED, THE MOUNTAIN; REVEALED AT MECCA.56 Chapter 56 ENTITLED, THE STAR; REVEALED AT MECCA.57 Chapter 57 ENTITLED, THE MOON; REVEALED AT MECCA.58 Chapter 58 No.5859 Chapter 59 ENTITLED, THE INEVITABLE; REVEALED AT MECCA.60 Chapter 60 No.6061 Chapter 61 No.6162 Chapter 62 No.6263 Chapter 63 No.6364 Chapter 64 No.6465 Chapter 65 ENTITLED, THE ASSEMBLY; REVEALED AT MEDINA.66 Chapter 66 ENTITLED, THE HYPOCRITES; REVEALED AT MEDINA.67 Chapter 67 No.6768 Chapter 68 ENTITLED, DIVORCE; REVEALED AT MEDINA.69 Chapter 69 ENTITLED, PROHIBITION; REVEALED AT MEDINA.70 Chapter 70 No.7071 Chapter 71 ENTITLED, THE PEN; REVEALED AT MECCA.72 Chapter 72 ENTITLED, THE INFALLIBLE; REVEALED AT MECCA.73 Chapter 73 ENTITLED, THE STEPS; REVEALED AT MECCA.74 Chapter 74 ENTITLED, NOAH; REVEALED AT MECCA.75 Chapter 75 ENTITLED, THE GENII; REVEALED AT MECCA.76 Chapter 76 No.7677 Chapter 77 ENTITLED, THE COVERED; REVEALED AT MECCA.78 Chapter 78 ENTITLED, THE RESURRECTION; REVEALED AT MECCA.79 Chapter 79 No.7980 Chapter 80 ENTITLED, THOSE WHICH ARE SENT; REVEALED AT MECCA.81 Chapter 81 ENTITLED, THE NEWS; REVEALED AT MECCA.82 Chapter 82 ENTITLED, THOSE WHO TEAR FORTH; REVEALED AT MECCA.83 Chapter 83 ENTITLED, HE FROWNED; REVEALED AT MECCA.84 Chapter 84 ENTITLED, THE FOLDING UP; REVEALED AT MECCA.85 Chapter 85 ENTITLED, THE CLEAVING IN SUNDER; REVEALED AT MECCA.86 Chapter 86 ENTITLED, THOSE WHO GIVE SHORT MEASURE OR WEIGHT; REVEALED AT MECCA.87 Chapter 87 No.8788 Chapter 88 ENTITLED, THE CELESTIAL SIGNS; REVEALED AT MECCA.89 Chapter 89 ENTITLED, THE STAR WHICH APPEARED BY NIGHT; REVEALED AT MECCA.90 Chapter 90 No.9091 Chapter 91 No.9192 Chapter 92 No.9293 Chapter 93 ENTITLED, THE TERRITORY; REVEALED AT MECCA.94 Chapter 94 ENTITLED, THE SUN; REVEALED AT MECCA.95 Chapter 95 ENTITLED, THE NIGHT; REVEALED AT MECCA.96 Chapter 96 ENTITLED, THE BRIGHTNESS; REVEALED AT MECCA.97 Chapter 97 ENTITLED, HAVE WE NOT OPENED; REVEALED AT MECCA98 Chapter 98 ENTITLED, THE FIG; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED.99 Chapter 99 No.99100 Chapter 100 ENTITLED, AL KADR; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED.