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The Koran

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 5419    |    Released on: 06/12/2017



his throne, to take on himself the government of all things. There is no intercessor, but by his permission.x This is GOD, your LORD; therefore serve him. Will ye not consider? Unto him shall ye all return according to the certain promise of GOD; for he produceth a creature, and then causeth it to return again; that he may reward those who believe and do that which is right, with equity. But as for the unbelievers, they shall drink boiling water, and they shall suffer

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t when we deliver him from his affliction, he continueth his former course of life, as though he had not called upon us to defend him against the evil which had befallen him. Thus was that which the transgressors committed prepared for them. We have formerly destroyed the generations who were before you, O men of Mecca, when they had acted unjustly, and our apostles had come unto them with evident miracles and they would not believe. Thus do we reward the wicked people. Afterwards did we cause you to succeed them in the earth; that we might see how ye would act. When our evident signs are recited unto them, they who hope not to meet us at the resurrection, say, Bring a different Koran from this; or make some change therein. Answer, It is not fit for me, that I should change it at my pleasure: I follow that only which is revealed unto me. Verily I fear if I should be disobedient unto my LORD,

r exercised himself in composing verses or orations whereby he might acquire the art of rhetoric, or elegance of speech.2 A flagrant proof, says al Beidawi, that this book could be taught him by none but God. b See the Prelim. Disc. Sect. I. p. 12, &c. c viz., That he hath equals or companions either in heaven or on earth; since he acknowledgeth none. d

Abulfeda, Vit. Moh. c. 7. 2

they call upon GOD, exhibiting the pure religion unto him,g and saying, Verily if thou deliver us from this peril, we will be of those who give thanks. But when he hath delivered them, behold, they behave themselves insolently in the earth, without justice. O men, verily the violence which ye commit against your own souls, is for the enjoyment of this present life only; afterwards unto us shall ye return, and we will declare unto you that which ye have done. Verily the likeness of this present life is no other than as water, which we send down from heaven, and wherewith the productions of the earth are mixed, of which men eat, and cattle also, until the earth receive its vesture, and be adorned with various plants: the inhabitants thereof imagine that they have power over the same; but our command cometh

guardian angels. g That is, applying themselves to GOD only, and neglecting their idols; their fears directing them in such an extremity to ask help of him only who could give it. h viz., Paradise. i For their reward will vastly exceed the merit of their good works.

4 See the Pre

xcept error? How therefore are ye turned aside from the truth? Thus is the word of thy LORD verified upon them who do wickedly; that they believe not. Say, Is there any of your companions who produceth a creature, and then causeth it to return unto himself? Say, GOD produceth a creature, and then causeth it to return unto himself. How therefore are ye turned aside from his worship? Say, Is there any of your companions who directeth unto the truth. Say, GOD directeth unto the truth. Whether is he, therefore, who directeth unto the truth, more worthy to be followed; or he who directeth not, unless he be directed? What aileth you therefore, that ye judge as ye do? And the greater part of them follow an uncertain opinion only; but a mere opinion attaineth not unto any truth. Verily GOD knoweth that which they do. This Koran could not have been composed by any except GOD; but it is a confirmation of that which was revealed before it, and an e

ad of interceding for them, as they hoped. Some suppose the angels, who were also objects of the worship of the pagan Arabs, are particularly intended in this place. o Some copies instead of tablu, read tatiu , i.e., shall follow, or meditate upon. p See chapter 2, p. 11, note r. q i.e., There are some of them who are inwar

Al Be

od, if ye speak truth? 50 Answer, I am able neither to procure advantage unto myself, nor to avert mischief from me, but as GOD pleaseth. Unto every nation is a fixed term decreed; when their term therefore is expired, they shall not have respite for an hour, neither shall their punishment be anticipated. Say, Tell me, if the punishment of GOD overtake you by night, or by day, what part thereof will the ungodly wish to be hastened? When it falleth on you, do ye then believe it? Now do ye believe, and wish it far from you, when as ye formerly desired it should be hastened? Then shall it be said unto the wicked, Taste the punishment of eternity; would ye receive other than the reward of that which ye have wrought? They will desire to know of thee, whether this be true. Answer, Yea, by my LORD, it is certainly true; neither shall ye weaken God's power so

use of them. t Either in the world or in the grave. u As if it were but a little while since they parted. But this will happen during the first moments only of the resurrection; for afterwards the terror of the day will disturb and take from them all knowledge of one another.3 x By delivering the prophet and those who believed on him, and destroyi

. 90. 3 Idem. 4 Jall

no change in the words of GOD. This shall be great felicity. Let not their discoursec grieve thee; for all might belongeth unto GOD: he both heareth and knoweth. Is not whoever dwelleth in heaven and on earth subject unto GOD? What therefore do they follow, who invoke idols, besides GOD? They follow nothing but a vain opinion; and they only utter lies. It is he who hath ordained the night for you, that ye may take your rest therein, and the clear day for labor: verily herein are signs unto people who hearken. They say, GOD hath begotten children; GOD forbid! He is self-sufficient. Unto him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth: ye have no demonstrative proof of this. Do ye speak of GOD that which ye know not? 70 Say, Verily they who imagine a lie concerning GOD shall not prosper. They may enjoy a provision in this world; but afterwards unto us shall they return, and we will then cause them to taste a grievous punishment, for that they were unbelievers. Rehearse unto them the history of Noah:d when he said unt

pter 6, p

ter 4, p.

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pter 7, p

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am, Lot, and Shoaib, t

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n. And when they had cast down their rods and cords, Moses said unto them, The enchantment which ye have performed shall GOD surely render vain; for GOD prospereth not the work of the wicked doers, and GOD will verify the truth of his words, although the wicked be adverse thereto. And there believed not any on Moses, except a generation of his people,h for fear of Pharaoh and of his princes, lest he should afflict them. And Pharaoh was lifted up with pride in the earth, and was surely one of the transgressors. And Moses said, O my people, if ye believe in GOD, put your trust in him, if ye be resigned to his will. They answered, We put our trust in GOD: O LORD, suffer us not to be afflicted by unjust p

re al Zamakhshari supposes that the Israelites are here ordered to dispose their oratories in such a manner that, when they prayed, their faces might be turned towards Mecca; which he imagines was the Kebla of Moses, as it is that of the Mohammedans. The former commentator adds that Pharaoh had forbidden the Israelites to pray to GOD; for which reason they were obliged to perform that duty privately in their houses. k As magnificent apparel, chariot

idawi. 2 J

knowledge had come unto them;p verily thy LORD will judge between them on the day of resurrection, concerning that wherein they disagreed. If thou art in a doubt concerning any part of that which we have sent down unto thee,q ask them who have read the book of the law before thee. Now hath the truth come unto thee from thy LORD; be not therefore one of those who doubt; neither be thou one of those who charge the signs of GOD with falsehood, lest thou become one of those who perish. Verily those against whom the word of thy LORD is decreed, shall not believe, although there come unto them every kind of miracle, until they see the grievous punishment prepared for them. And if it were not so, some city, among the many which have been destroyed,

been revealed, and published by Moses. q That is, concerning the truth of the histories which are here related. The commentators doubt whether the person here spoken to be Mohammed himself or his auditor. r viz., The inhabitants of Ninive, which stood on or near the place where al Mawsel now stands. This people having corrupted themselves with idolatry, Jonas the son of Mattai (or Amittai, which the Mohammedans suppose to be the name of his mother), an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, was sent by God to preach to and reclaim them. When he first began to exhort them to repentance, instead of hearkening to him, they used him very ill, so that he was obliged to le

h iii. 4. 2 Al Beidawi, Jallalo'

you to die: and I am commanded to be one of the true believers. And it was said unto me, Set thy face towards the true religion, and be orthodox; and by no means be one of those who attribute companions unto God; neither invoke, besides GOD, that which can neither profit thee nor hurt thee: for if thou do, thou wilt then certainly become one of the unjust. If GOD afflict thee with hurt, there is none who can relieve thee from it, except he; and if he willeth thee any good, there is non


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1 Chapter 1 No.12 Chapter 2 No.23 Chapter 3 No.34 Chapter 4 No.45 Chapter 5 No.56 Chapter 6 No.67 Chapter 7 No.78 Chapter 8 No.89 Chapter 9 No.910 Chapter 10 No.1011 Chapter 11 No.1112 Chapter 12 No.1213 Chapter 13 No.1314 Chapter 14 No.1415 Chapter 15 No.1516 Chapter 16 No.1617 Chapter 17 No.1718 Chapter 18 No.1819 Chapter 19 No.1920 Chapter 20 No.2021 Chapter 21 No.2122 Chapter 22 No.2223 Chapter 23 de Peregr. Meccana, p. 15, &c.24 Chapter 24 ENTITLED, THE TRUE BELIEVERS; REVEALED AT MECCA.25 Chapter 25 No.2526 Chapter 26 No.2627 Chapter 27 ENTITLED, AL FORKAN; REVEALED AT MECCA.28 Chapter 28 No.2829 Chapter 29 No.2930 Chapter 30 No.3031 Chapter 31 No.3132 Chapter 32 No.3233 Chapter 33 No.3334 Chapter 34 No.3435 Chapter 35 No.3536 Chapter 36 No.3637 Chapter 37 No.3738 Chapter 38 No.3839 Chapter 39 ENTITLED, Y. S.; REVEALED AT MECCA.40 Chapter 40 ENTITLED, THOSE WHO RANK THEMSELVES IN ORDER; REVEALED AT MECCA.41 Chapter 41 ENTITLED, S.; REVEALED AT MECCA.42 Chapter 42 No.4243 Chapter 43 No.4344 Chapter 44 No.4445 Chapter 45 No.4546 Chapter 46 No.4647 Chapter 47 No.4748 Chapter 48 No.4849 Chapter 49 No.4950 Chapter 50 No.5051 Chapter 51 ENTITLED, THE VICTORY; REVEALED AT MEDINA.52 Chapter 52 ENTITLED, THE INNER APARTMENTS; REVEALED AT MEDINA.53 Chapter 53 ENTITLED, K; REVEALED AT MECCA.54 Chapter 54 ENTITLED, THE DISPERSING; REVEALED AT MECCA.55 Chapter 55 ENTITLED, THE MOUNTAIN; REVEALED AT MECCA.56 Chapter 56 ENTITLED, THE STAR; REVEALED AT MECCA.57 Chapter 57 ENTITLED, THE MOON; REVEALED AT MECCA.58 Chapter 58 No.5859 Chapter 59 ENTITLED, THE INEVITABLE; REVEALED AT MECCA.60 Chapter 60 No.6061 Chapter 61 No.6162 Chapter 62 No.6263 Chapter 63 No.6364 Chapter 64 No.6465 Chapter 65 ENTITLED, THE ASSEMBLY; REVEALED AT MEDINA.66 Chapter 66 ENTITLED, THE HYPOCRITES; REVEALED AT MEDINA.67 Chapter 67 No.6768 Chapter 68 ENTITLED, DIVORCE; REVEALED AT MEDINA.69 Chapter 69 ENTITLED, PROHIBITION; REVEALED AT MEDINA.70 Chapter 70 No.7071 Chapter 71 ENTITLED, THE PEN; REVEALED AT MECCA.72 Chapter 72 ENTITLED, THE INFALLIBLE; REVEALED AT MECCA.73 Chapter 73 ENTITLED, THE STEPS; REVEALED AT MECCA.74 Chapter 74 ENTITLED, NOAH; REVEALED AT MECCA.75 Chapter 75 ENTITLED, THE GENII; REVEALED AT MECCA.76 Chapter 76 No.7677 Chapter 77 ENTITLED, THE COVERED; REVEALED AT MECCA.78 Chapter 78 ENTITLED, THE RESURRECTION; REVEALED AT MECCA.79 Chapter 79 No.7980 Chapter 80 ENTITLED, THOSE WHICH ARE SENT; REVEALED AT MECCA.81 Chapter 81 ENTITLED, THE NEWS; REVEALED AT MECCA.82 Chapter 82 ENTITLED, THOSE WHO TEAR FORTH; REVEALED AT MECCA.83 Chapter 83 ENTITLED, HE FROWNED; REVEALED AT MECCA.84 Chapter 84 ENTITLED, THE FOLDING UP; REVEALED AT MECCA.85 Chapter 85 ENTITLED, THE CLEAVING IN SUNDER; REVEALED AT MECCA.86 Chapter 86 ENTITLED, THOSE WHO GIVE SHORT MEASURE OR WEIGHT; REVEALED AT MECCA.87 Chapter 87 No.8788 Chapter 88 ENTITLED, THE CELESTIAL SIGNS; REVEALED AT MECCA.89 Chapter 89 ENTITLED, THE STAR WHICH APPEARED BY NIGHT; REVEALED AT MECCA.90 Chapter 90 No.9091 Chapter 91 No.9192 Chapter 92 No.9293 Chapter 93 ENTITLED, THE TERRITORY; REVEALED AT MECCA.94 Chapter 94 ENTITLED, THE SUN; REVEALED AT MECCA.95 Chapter 95 ENTITLED, THE NIGHT; REVEALED AT MECCA.96 Chapter 96 ENTITLED, THE BRIGHTNESS; REVEALED AT MECCA.97 Chapter 97 ENTITLED, HAVE WE NOT OPENED; REVEALED AT MECCA98 Chapter 98 ENTITLED, THE FIG; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED.99 Chapter 99 No.99100 Chapter 100 ENTITLED, AL KADR; WHERE IT WAS REVEALED IS DISPUTED.