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The Memoirs of a White Elephant

The Memoirs of a White Elephant



Word Count: 1737    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ht my race to perform many laborious tasks, you have not been in the habit of sending us to school, and an elephant capable of reading and writing is a phenomenon so rare as to seem

eral languages; Siamese, Hind

such extraordinary sounds as set my teachers laughing, and terrified my companion elephants, if th

th us), when chance enabled me to learn letters, and eventu

berty, was bordered on one side by a wall of bricks enameled in blue and green. It was quite a high w

ing to some tall tamarind trees, which ca

ad been taken, my toilet made, and my breakfast finished, my guardians, or rather my servants, were at liberty to sleep, or to go abou

would be followed by a silence, and then by a monotonous chanting. It was a class

ildren with red caps romped and played, when the Master was not there. As soon as he

astened a white Tablet, on whi

rimaces-exploding suddenly with laughter for which no cause was apparent.... Punishments rained! Tears succeeded laughter! And I, who felt myself somewhat the cause of th

but who knows?-I m

hins, I gave an extreme attention to the lessons-sometimes making s

ce the letters of the Alphabet, one after a

spite of my endeavors I could not recall the form or the sound of a

pid. He had stood for some minutes with his head hanging down, his finger in his m

he pencil gently, with the tip of my trunk, from the hand of the little dunce (so

t could only be manifested by pr

leaned, and effaced the "E" which I had drawn. Then, in smaller characte

face, crying out, "A Miracle" and

atisfaction by moving backw

, and, after saluting me most humbly, went away. A few moments later I saw my Mahout advancing towards m

ft her couch, and, kneeling on a cushion, was examining the Tab

itors, also looking on-sever

me she ran to me,

avata, did you really do it?" I replied

d my sweet Mistress, wh

hook his head, with

said he, "I should have to see it wi

to efface

choolmaster, removin

al Soul which inhabits the body of this E

or. They came and unrolled before me a long scroll of

ce, put a morsel of glass in front of

f the company, I clasped the pencil firmly with the tip of my trunk, and slowly

aid the Princess, "I knew that y

aned her cheek against my rough skin. I felt her tears falling upo

an, who seemed much excited, and continually let fall

he most learned men in England?" inquired the Prince

er recovered

e dedicated the Celtic Spoils" And Elien mentions an elephant who was able to write entire phrases, and even talk. I was formerly unable to credit these statements

d to my person, and entrusted with the responsibility of teachi

ask with reverence, and with

loved me, and my skin at last floated about my bones, like a mantle that is too large. But when they

and above all not to omit my meals, which had often hap

to write the beloved name of my Princess! It is true it was in

ress, and with the greatest ease. So much so, that my Professor was not considered to be suffici

I should become proficient in writing, wonderful revelations would be made by me, conc

the Story of my Life, portions of whic

in which I had written it, into all the languages o

the minds of authors whose works were not so

e rest of the world was of no account to me; for all t

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