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The Missing Prince

The Missing Prince



Word Count: 2042    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


ite at the beginning, he had, in his thoughts, to go right back to yesterday, when he had been sent to bed in the middle of the day, so that he might be rested for his long night journey to Scarborough with his Uncle. Then aft

s which Boy had never before seen at night time, and when at last King's Cross Station was reached, they h

s the train got further and further away from the town, the lights became fewer and fewer,

they had hot coffee and sandwiches. Then when the train started again Boy's Uncle had pointed out to him the square towers of York Minster showing clearly against the green and gold sky of early morning; and then Boy had gone to sleep again and did not wake up till they reached Scarborough, where a carriage was wa

, the quay and the little lighthouse, and a lot of ships, while out at sea was a whole fleet of brown sailed fishing-smacks coming in with their sp

er of ladies and gentlemen were having breakfast Boy had been far too excited to eat much, particularly as his Uncle had promised him a pony ride at eleven. So as soon as breakfast was over he had stood by the window watching

ne could be small enough to walk about in them. Then he had heard some one singing, and his Uncle had taken him to where a large crowd was gathered around some curiously dressed people in white costumes with big black buttons and with big frills around their necks and at their wrists; they wore black skull caps with white conical caps over these. They were called, so Boy found out, the Pierrot Troupe, and one of them was singing about a little Tin Soldier who was in love with a beautiful Doll with eyes that opened and shut with a wire, but who would not have anything to s

then after tea Boy had been taken to the Spa to hear the band play; and now after all these wonderful treats he

is some one sitting in it playing upon a banjo! Why, it's Pierrot! and the Moon is coming nearer and nearer till B

closer came the Moon, till presently Pierrot stepped on to the window-sill and, push

ities in connection with the little Tin Soldier's marriage with t


he delight of receiving such a novel invitation. He hastily opened

at the wedding festivities celebrating the marriage between their da


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re, Scar

se tell me, sir, what R.S.V.P. means? I

ing a toy wedding, they are obliged by toy etiquette to ask all the articles on the same shelf as the bride and bridegroom, and so

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im he very wisely shuts himself up in a room by himself till it's all over, so you need not be


rtable on one of the little cushioned seats which stretched from one side of the Moon to the other. They had only floated a very little way down the street, however, when the Moon began to descend and then stopped, just at the t

ing too?" asked

people will wonder what has become of us. Goodbye!" and get

steps, though," he thought, "and see who is there;" and he had got half way down when he suddenly stopped in dismay. Why, he was growing shorter! There

alarmed. Why, if he went on at that rate th

, sonny?" said a t

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e to speak when spoken to, even although he could not see the speaker

t into Sand Castle the ridiculous size that you are at present? You will keep on getting smaller and smalle

ear! What a tiny mite I shall be, to be sur

" said the voice. "Why, I am t

en," remarked Boy. "I should think it isn't ve


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the point

ext. Well, I certainly felt the point if I didn't see it," he continued, rubbing his arm and hurr

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