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The Missing Prince


Word Count: 2376    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


announcement, and the Lord High Adjudica

ou want?" he sta

High Adjudicator, have I not?" replied Ohah. "I scarcely recognis

rd High Adjudicator, hastily his bib, which was somew

nd man's buff for the sake of coolness too, eh? I should have tho

y; "he would have a parliament of children, and so we were obliged to

rather foolish to have a King so youn

the Lord High Adjudicator; "but what are we to do?

difficulty if you wished," said the Magic

?" asked the Lord

he Prince and Princess, and then you could go

e right, surely," said t

anage very well with a King like this, and if there was no legal successor to the

invisible?" asked the Lord H

h; "it's rather a pleasant

o remain in that state?" inqu

tmanteau is found

ator; "why, that will never be found, you know; we

to make your Crown Prince and his bride visible again; but in the meantime you had bet

it?" asked the Lord High

rtiser General. "I can see that we shall have rather a hard time of it if H

least," inte

hy we shouldn'

all I perform the operation?" s

lied the Advertiser General. "Wha

but Boy, who had been listening eagerly to all that had been going on, made up his mind that he would do what he could to prevent it, so call

im in her own apartments, and listene

at horrible King of Limesia; who directly he has got rid of this poor little fellow will co

med after thinking for a moment, "Professor Crab, of course. You could go and stay at his house with

ou go by the Submarine Navigation Company's Steamers, you know, and I will get One-and-Ni

quired Mrs. Martha Matilda Nimpky, blushing ba

e delighted, I am sure, to act as your es

Matilda Nimpky, giggling and shakin

said Boy; "you go and prepare His Majest

te, and after one or two inquiries found themselves at the Quay. Fortunately there was a boat starting soon, and so they were off, and Boy was back again to the Palace before any one ha


to see me for?" he thought as he

came in, "and it will be good practice for me for my important work

oy, greatly alarmed, "I'm q

or other, for I want to have some practice. What do you say to being a hen?" and the Magician s

feet he found claws there instead, and feathers on his body; in fact, he was completely transformed. He tried to scream, but "tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk-ka-r-a-a-ka" was the result and Ohah was holding his sides with laughter while Boy ran and flew f


r short) hearing the noise rushed into the room, and made m

" "tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk ka-ra-a-a-ka" as loudly as he could till presently Ohah (who had been laughing the whole time) made some further passes with

ost his balance and fell off his uncomfortable perch. He felt greatly relieved when Ohah transformed C?|sar Maximilian Augustus Claudius Smith (called Thomas for short) back to himself again, and as soon as he had done so Boy flew down on to the floor; and it was as well that he did, for with a wave of h

und that he was himself once more, "that's very

"It's as simple as A.B.

urself into things

ould you like to see

d be terribly frightened if you were

aid Ohah, "I'l

that?" c

Ohah. "Now watch," and he waved his wand about h

ed scraps of paper, which Boy picked up and tried to fit together, for there was something written on the back of them; at last he


for he must have been a most dangerous person to have about. I

o this day they have a habit of saying about anything

y decided that in the present unsettled state of public opinion it would be safer to wait a little while and see what happened; because if the Lord High Adjudicat

oyal Nurse were missing, and the Lord High Adjudicator and t

himself; and it was at once decided that Ohah must have made the little King invisible rather soo

d the Lord High Adjudicator when they had all settled do

st, if you like," suggested the Kitc

ut I am quite sure that you could not possibly select anybody nearly so suitable

and there's an end of the matter. I will go and have some posters printed and stuck about all over the town, and we'll so

on't think you will stand much chance if I put

uggested the Busybody Extraordinary; "let's

urse," was the cry; "

eneral was instructed to have it printed and posted on al


ty-first, has mysteriously disappeared a




vote. Polling papers can be had of the Town Clerk and must be filled up a



gh Adju

the meeting broke up, and every one hurri

e, and even animals, discussing the matter, and on opening his window when he reached his apartments he






window and

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