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The Missing Prince


Word Count: 3224    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


an enormous quantity of flowers and feathers on it. She had little black corkscrew curls hanging down on either side of her face, and was leading a little boy of

de a curtsey, while the little boy l

," announced the woman, "and His Little Royal

and offering it to the woman, while the Busybody Extraordinary fussed about and placed another chair b

eed to tell you," said Mrs. Martha Matilda

s Royal Highness the Crown Prince alive and we

sir," replied Mrs. Martha Ma

claimed everybo

sly, and drew the little Prince closer to h

s the Princess of Limesia, have both been rendered

Lord High Adjudicator, while the rest of the

n his travels about five years ago, he came to Limesia, and seeing our dear Princess, at once fell in love with he

" exclaimed the Lord High Ad

and be crowned King. But before they started, he, and the Princess went to the King of Limesia to beg his forgiveness. Instead of forgiving them, though, he flew into a fearful passion, and summoning Ohah, the Magician, he ordered him to cast a spell upon both of them so that they might gradually become invisible


wful successor to my father's throne.-' Those were his very words, gentlemen, and soon after his head disappeared entirely, so that he was unable to speak. The poor dear Princess disappeared too, a bit at a time, and although for a day or two we could understand them a little by the signs which they made,, they eventually became so indistinct that we could scarcely see them at all. The dear Princess's left foot was the last thing to go, and that remained visible for some days after the rest of her body had disappeared. People used to come from miles, I assure you, gentlemen, to see her Royal Highness's f

old King knew about the little Prince (which fortunately he does not) he would have caused him to have been made invisible too. Now there's one thing I should like to beg of you, gentlemen, and that is that you will allow me to co

ary story," said the Lord High Adjudicator.

Mrs. Martha Matilda Nimpky, handing hi

Lord High Adjudicator; "and now that I look more closely at the little

nly; and everybody else got up and joined in the cry, "Long li

l the shouting, but he was a brave little fello

ll those mans mak

at down again; and then the Lord High Adjudicator, af

thy manner in obeying His Invisible Highness' wishes so. carefully, and we shall be very glad indeed if you will accept the post of Grand Perpetual Nur

Kitchen Poker in Waiting foolishly started singing, "For

cept 'the position!" said Mrs. Martha M

alace and to make preparations for His Royal Highness' Coronation to-

e little fellow caught sight of Boy, who had been sitting with One-and-Nine


y, Nurse?" ask

on't know," said

with me," demanded His Royal High

haps another day the little boy will be allowed to play w

now, Nurse dear," pers

ou had better let the boy accompany you to the Palace. When His Royal Highness

e Hall, and outside Boy could hear shouts of "Long live the King! Long live the King!" For the news of the little Prince's arrival had travelled quickly, and the people were all del

One-and-Nine were led in another direction to a suite of rooms overlooking a beautiful garden. Here they were served with a bountiful supper by a Footman, who had been set apart to wait upon them only. His name, Boy

had cleared away the supper things, Boy no

g the matter?" he

ne sadly, "that she will never con


Royal Nurse," said One-and-

allen in love with her, surely?" said

lared the Wooden Soldier


t's that?"

, smot," exclai

ed-"Martha Matilda Nimpky. How lovelyish! Do y

d Boy. "Perhaps she will when she knows you better," h

sked One-and-Nine anxiously, "or an Ode," he suggested, brig

an Ode is," admitted Boy; "but I sup

people send when they are in love. I've Oded

you say?"

of what you most admire in her, and take that as your subject. The last ti

s red, the V

have such

he kind I m

and open w

she was much flatterated

in," to their great surprise His Absolute Nothingness the Public Rhymester entered. He was we


oet again. I assure you I am not really half as bad as they tried to make out at the Committee Meeting this morning. The fact of the matter was I had just received a great shock, and it had dri

don't know that we can do much for you, but I will certainl

s large as a small table-cloth, into his pocket. "And if I can ever do anything for you, write you a Valentine, you know, or your Epitaph, I shall be only t

e asked abruptly of

ated he vaguely

d be greatly obligated if you would kindly write one for me. I intentionized writing it myself,

oet, you know, gets very little praise from any one nowadays, especially a Minor one, such as I am. Why, a Grand Old Statesm

Nine bashfully, blushing up t

Public Rhymester smili

Such delightfulish fascinationizing curls-six on each side, you know-and they woggle when she shakes her h

hat susceptible creatures they are, to be sure, always in love with some fair one or other! B

a Nimpky," replied

?" exclaimed the Publi

Soldier nod

ing Nurse to the little King, she is sure to have immense influence over him, and so will be one of the most important people in the kingdom. Oh, she's sure to have no end of suitors

ng down in his book, and occasionally clutching his hair and rolling his eyes about violently. Once Boy sneezed, and the Public Rhymester glared at him fiercely and then told him that he had entirely driven

S. M.

tha most


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heights w

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ay Cake is

things tas

ave seen

r joys h

beauty's va

ed my wo

hee, dear

than ot

not one amon

such cork

little cork

on eith

when you sha

you be

abrupteous?" inquired One-an


the question so suddenly that you quite take the lady by storm-and that line comparin

name at the bottom of it?" asked One

name at first; it will make it a little mysterious, you know, and ladies like that sort of thing, I am told. But now I must be off. Good-night. You won't forget to do the best you can for me to-morrow, wi

red, the vi

e nice, and

omas for short), to deliver, and then, after saying good-night to Boy

trange things which had been happening; and then he fol

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