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The Victories of Love

Chapter 4 FROM FREDERICK. No.4

Word Count: 558    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

sombre ve

scure condi

o shore agai

he sprinkling


e ships woul

cumb Park th

reckless, i

gecumb's fir

t foibles, o

nes do thems

veering o

e may noug

of the air

peace, in c

y daily ta

ousand time

my secret s

one like

y down his

self seem t

so much ne

place, blis


nge waif that

flaming n

ck, through bo

ing memory

ar Mother

grief of h

once, befor

shower of g

! But this w

h, is so f

d trampings

y ship, to

s no more h

the life I l

first I wen

the horror

ask'd to

wept, of d

with bursting

er little,


still rega

that encha

of innocen

y without

k gun-deck's

d inevit

light duties

reverence, la

f puritie

oever mos

passion t

ehold is

fect of lif

, I shall g

Cousin ye

to hope for

d cast those

s hope! For l

ut hope's

ove, it is

side the o

u speak trut

st, or lose

n some short m

h other th

bright and v

held but whil

fe's dull, s

ne nerves o


e debt be

, I, forewa

r all in w

ve's best i

him to w

hat God wil

e, fashion'

cies of pu

death, my lo

oes my hear

press t

tions. Leav

me love's w

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